• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Diablo [Diablo 4] Can we get Matt Uelmen on Diablo 4's music? If not, can the composer(s) for Diablo 4 revisit the music of Diablo 1/2?

    Diablo [Diablo 4] Can we get Matt Uelmen on Diablo 4's music? If not, can the composer(s) for Diablo 4 revisit the music of Diablo 1/2?

    [Diablo 4] Can we get Matt Uelmen on Diablo 4's music? If not, can the composer(s) for Diablo 4 revisit the music of Diablo 1/2?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:58 PM PST

    Why Fixes & Improvements are Good for D2: Resurrected

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:47 AM PST

    I've been playing Diablo 2 a long time: at least one character through Hell (from scratch, with no rushing) per year since 2000. My love for the game isn't some sort of nostalgia for my youth; I actively enjoy the iconic game for what it is. And this is why I'm telling you that holding the devs back from any quality of life changes, bug fixes, or skill upgrades is bad for the game.

    Diablo 2 was great, but it isn't perfect. Item management was a chore, with crafting components that don't stack and small inventories that necessitated frustrating muling. Some skills have been bugged for decades (e.g. Inferno/Artic Blast/Fire Traps), and others have been really underpowered for the same time (Immolation Arrow). I've lost great items to PickIt bots, because everyone shares the same drops in public games. Hell, I've lost characters on Hardcore due to people abusing scripts, hacks, and bugs to kill me with zero chance of fighting back.

    So when I say things like "hey let's add stackable runes" or "why not buff Druid summoning?" it's because I actively play the game and see this as a great opportunity to make the it even stronger in its next iteration. Because I know I'll still be playing after all the "Diablo-2-is-perfect-the-way-it-was-cuz-nostalgia" people move on to the next shiny remake. And I would be enjoying things like a fix to the mana burn bug or adding melee splash damage long after they've logged out forever.

    Keeping the community alive and thriving means new blood, not targeting a subset of a subset of old players who want things exactly the same for nostalgia reasons. New players are going to wonder why they can't stack crafting components, why some skills/items are garbage, and why they're clicking so much to manage their inventory. "Because someone had an imperfect vision 20 years ago" isn't going to keep them playing.

    Vicarious Visions already had a huge success remastering Tony Hawk for a modern audience, with both new and old fans alike giving the game rave reviews. Let's see what they can do to polish Diablo 2 instead of killing the game's future before it launches by copy and pasting mistakes from the past.

    submitted by /u/Cats_Cameras
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    Diablo II Version 1.0 Amazon Timeline - Follow my Journey!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:10 PM PST

    D2:R Missing Bone Spear particle effects.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    I saw the necro bone spear in the trailer. I think its underwhelming. Its like a really big cold bolt. Its missing that sonic boom trail particle effect as it moves that makes it so unique.

    submitted by /u/100percentfailure
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    Is anyone getting back into d2 before d2r release?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST

    Im sooooo excited for d2r that I've started to play d2 again. Do you guys think if you played a ton before d2r releases and did end game runs/grinding with the characters you liked, that you'd be burnt out by the time d2r releases?

    I started playing the game as normal (without rushes/runs) and made it to act 3 with a character i never normally played back in the day, but am not sure if i want to keep playing, so I dont ruin thr d2r release experience. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Anyone waiting to play again for release?

    submitted by /u/UncleSlim
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    Diablol 2 Ep 16 "Eyes On The Prize"

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:00 AM PST

    About Diablo IV

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:38 PM PST

    I know maybe my opinion is irrelevant or I have arm chair degree of developing games, but this is reddit and I want to share my thoughts about everything I saw at blizzcon and after that (for the second time)

    First of all I want to say that Diablo II was my first RPG at age of 9 so this game take a special place in my heart and I really want Diablo 4 to be successful game to play with my kids some day.

    To the point : Everything about D4 so far Is great, devs are really open to talk about the game, the art is great, hope the story is good. There is problems little miscommunication about itemization, but I'm sure that they with nail it. My real concern is overall feeling and expectation from the fighting in the game, I'll explain : Yesterday I was watching the Rouge gameplay video and I've watched some of the older videos too and the atmosphere was great, skills fluid, environment stunning, but I couldn't feel the satisfaction after killing those pack of enemies - they almost didn't do any damage to the characters, same with bosses ( at the last part of the Rouge gameplay they were fighting some boss and only druind took some damage and that's was all. Where wasn't dread feeling that if you make mistake you will die, where to move to regain health, how can I dodge the boss attacks. I remember fighting for the first time Andariel, boy that poison took my life I second I didn't know what to do, then I found poison cure and took her life.

    So I really want that feeling where I go to hell I know more than 5 enemies at the beginning of the first act can crush my spirit like you can crush a toothpick. I know the gaming today isn't the gaming back then, but there must a way to make it noob friendly for half of the game and then make it harder with good boss fights.

    I know these days those games are one shot ded or they cannot kill you ( and d3 and poe and some other Arpgs are the same balance later in the game) I really hope that devs will manage to bring us heart beating fight that we will remember.

    So that it, this is my only concern, just nail that feeling of satisfaction after fighting bosses and group of enemies (like Bloodborne or Darksouls) and that will be great.

    Disclaimer - sorry I'm not native speaker, you can simply down vote me or ignore me, just don't be that guy who will comment only to point that I missed some verb form or coma, thanks.

    submitted by /u/r3fl3kT0r
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    Anything I should know about D2 as a beginner?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:09 AM PST

    Hi all

    First time Reddit poster here!

    Avid player of D3 (casually I must admit, work and life gets in the way) With the announcement of D2R, is there anything a complete noob to the game should know? Or am I better off going in blind?

    submitted by /u/FrameLazy
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    Is crusader only allowed to have one law equipped even with elective mode on?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:01 PM PST

    What the title says. Maybe a dumb question.

    submitted by /u/L337CAT790
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    D2R QOL Request: In-Game Arreat Summit Guide

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Simple QOL change for D2R - and in game guide similar to Arreat Summit so that we don't have to constantly switch to the website to verify rune word bases and placements or look up horadric cube recipes constantly.

    submitted by /u/hugcub
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    diablo 3 history

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:09 PM PST

    I'm playing diablo 3: eternal collection and it seems like there are no quests anymore...

    it is strange as I can teleport directly to the boss or what they are calling bounties

    am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/gbrennon
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    Will D2 Remastered have a RMT?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:39 PM PST

    If I recall, D2 did have real money trading where people would pay money for virtual items. I don't know if that has been removed or not. Will D2 remastered be expected to have the same RMT aspect to it?

    submitted by /u/dotobird
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    Just started Diablo Belzebub for first time and need help with melee character selection

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:31 PM PST

    Returning Diablo player after 20 years! Saw the Belzebub mod and couldn't wait to jump in. I'd like to start a melee character as those were always my fav back in the day. Any suggestions between the warrior or the barbarian? I've looked at both unlockable skills from the website but still would like to hear from any of you on preference.

    Also, any suggestions on stats I should max would be great. If I remember correctly, a warrior needs a lot of dex for blocking chance and mid str requirement for damage. Is that still the same?

    submitted by /u/the-tombstone
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    D2R is going to make people realize that it has the best combat in the series

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:20 PM PST

    The threat I keep hearing over and over again is that D3 had better combat and that D2 had better everything else. I disagree with that...I think D2 even had better combat, and I feel pretty comfortable saying that people might start agreeing with me once Resurrected comes out. The graphics, bad scaling, etc make people lean away from D2, but with the updated graphics and scaling people are going to be revisit the D2 experience for the first time in a long time.

    Let me share my perspective as to why:

    Diablo 3: All enemies are essentially same and are approached in the same way. You have a bar of skills: you spam them all, they each have a cooldown (terrible mechanic) which you wait for, then you spam them all again once they recharge. You do this cadence over and over and over and over. Monsters have no immunities you have to avoid, none of then have truly unique attack patters, and you just end up mashing your skills over and over. You mow over countless enemies without any issue and basically never die.

    Diablo 2: Your skills fire off quickly and have no cooldown (few exceptions), and you fire them off individually. But watch out, there are some dolls over there that will explode and kill you if you're too close, so you Teleport away and blast them with a spell. Next, you run up on a group of enemies and a few of them off to the side are immune to your cold spells. You know you can't kill them, so you teleport close to get your merc in range and hope that he keeps them occupied while you freeze enemies below you with glacial spike while you focus your blizzard on the enemies to the right. Your merc is doing well and killing the enemies, but his health is getting low, so you need to pop out a potion to heal him before he dies and you get surrounded by cold immunes. There is real strategy considerations you have to make, and when you make the wrong...you'll get killed...fast. You have to be much more active in the way you play.

    People may disagree...but I'm calling it now: people have forgotten how good the combat in Diablo 2 is. There aren't as many flashy skills, but the combat is WAY more strategic (and it isn't even close)

    submitted by /u/BRich1990
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    D2:R QoL maps idea.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:14 PM PST

    So I'm going through single player right now, and the map that I've discovered stays discovered, which is super cool.

    In online play it would be cool, if once you've discovered that particular map, it stays discovered.

    For example you do an andy run on map spawn #1, now you make a new game to do a new andy run and now you're on map spawn #25, then you make a new game and do a run on map spawn #15, when you come across maps #1, #25, or #15 you will already have the map discoverd.

    This allows heroes to remember the maps they've "charted" and could be a cool QoL change. Halfway between "maphack" and just exploring.

    submitted by /u/SpencerInGame
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    Blizzard requires you to preorder D2R in order to post on the forums

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:55 PM PST

    So I went to the official forums in probably months and what do I see: "You must own Diablo II: Resurrected to post on this forum. "
    Well as much as I am excited about this game and I would probably still preorder it but not until it's at least a few days before launch, I think that's just dumb and scummy. Remember that the previous remaster from this company has a score of 0.6 on metacritic!

    submitted by /u/ggwn
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    Why D2R will not stop botting

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I figured with all the talk I have seen about botting, I would jump down the rabbit hole and take the knowledge I have with me to get a good picture. Here is what I found

    To start, it is helpful to know how Blizzard detects bots and other cheats, and the company accomplishes this with an anti-cheat system called Warden. Finding information on how Warden works is challenging in nature because the developers of these types of systems do not leak out how the system is designed. This is to prevent people from reverse engineering the system. What Warden does is scans your computer's RAM to see all attached processes running with whatever Blizzard game you are playing. This is effective at bot and cheat detection as they can detect third-party programs interacting directly with the game (like bots do). The Warden system on the server-side then requests the client-side Warden system to send it a segment of RAM memory to scan for malicious activity signatures (bots). Think of this as very similar to how anti-virus detects viruses; they scan for known malicious signatures except for Warden only looks at RAM processes. So how do bots circumvent Warden then? First, they can identify Warden's process to request RAM segments and just dump legitimate replies back, thus fooling the scanner. You could even theoretically over wright the client-side Warden entirely and just send back legitimate-looking requests to the Warden server when the request is made. Another somewhat easy workaround would be finding the packet stream created between the Warden client and server communications and just using packet injection to send the server an all-clear even when Warden finds malicious code (You would then just dump the client-side packets). This would work because Warden does no prevent cheating or ban accounts; it must send it server-side to look at then log.

    To sum up my brief findings, in general botting in video games is not going anywhere, and developers and botters are stuck in a cat and mouse game like the rest of the cybersecurity industry. Publicly available bots will likely be detected and cause users to be banned since many users will not understand the program enough to evade detection. Professionals, on the other hand, well, hackers do what hackers do.

    submitted by /u/WhatUp007
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    What would your first D2R build be?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:24 PM PST

    I am a long time Diablo 2 player. Me and my sister spent countless hours on the game. I'm excited to jump back in and even found my journal that documented all the builds I made.

    I wanted to ask what would be you fellow Diablo fans first builds be?

    For me it has to be my Javazon. She was both bad ass but strong as hell too. I had a lot of great game sessions with her. So far from what I seen I'm sure she'll be just as great as she was in the past.

    submitted by /u/Stasha-Starz
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    D2:R will pickit be gone running off of the new battle.net?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:39 AM PST

    One of the best parts of diablo 2 for me was being able to snag an item before someone else. It was a fun competition, EVERYONE would get a rush of adrenaline when they saw that unique appear on their screen and try to get it.

    Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

    Then I started to run into people with pickit. Pickit was a hack that would grab the item in mid air, before the item hit the ground giving no one else a chance to get the item.

    This for me was a huge game ruining experience for me.

    A solution (if the pickit can't be removed on battle nets end) would be, show a text who picked up the item in the game chat.

    "SigonSpence picked up Unique ring" "SigonSpence picked up Jah"

    This way everyone would know who was hacking and could choose to play without them, report them, uninvite them, shame them. Etc. Etc.

    What do you guys think? It doesn't entirely fix the problem if it still persists. Or maybe there are better solutions!

    submitted by /u/SpencerInGame
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    Should D2R have QoL improvements to prevent scams

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:58 AM PST

    One of the things that marred my D2 experience was how easy it was to get scammed, especially as a newer player. Off my head, here are a few

    1) DND scam

    2) Killing you. Having you equip random gear, then killing you again to make you drop your main gear

    3) Removing items from trade screen in the midst of a trade

    There surely would be a new generation of young players joining D2R. Should there be QoL improvements to prevent some of the scams? to prevent some of the scams?

    submitted by /u/Eriflee
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    Hack, Slash, Loot, Repeat! - Ultimate ARPG/Hack and Slash Discord and Community

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Hey everyone, How are you all doing?

    My name is Robin and today i would like to introduce you all to "Hack, Slash, Loot, Repeat!" my international and ever-growing Discord Server/Community with over 590+ members.

    Here you can get to know and interact with people from all around the world that share a common love: ARPGs with plenty of mobs to slay and loot to grab!

    Our Community has channels dedicated to the most popular ARPGs out there, Lesser known ones as well! Such as, Diablo 1/2/3/4, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Torchlight 1/2/3, Warhammer: Chaosbane, Warhammer Inquisitor, Chronicon, Hero Siege, Sacred 1/2, Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, Last Epoch, Hellgate: London, Victor Vran and many many many others!

    Within these channels and the Community overall you can find Useful links, Latest news, Guides, Mods and many many other cool things!

    Not only that, We also have a channel dedicated to "Looter Shooters" such as Borderlands series, Destiny series, The Division, Outriders, Warframe and many others!

    Of course we have a channel dedicated to non ARPG/Hack and slash games as well for those days when we need to take a break from the Genre.

    If you are a Game Developer and or Mod Developer there are channels for both advertising your project and for talking with other Devs and the community for feedback and ideas!

    And if you are a Content Creator on either Twitch/Youtube/Whatever we have a channel dedicated to that as well for advertising and community get togethers.

    Lately we added a new cool feature called the Campfire Stories Project, which is a server-wide incentive for people to share their personal experiences in the games covered on our channel, and in the process be rewarded with special Roles for them!

    And with that maybe future Rewards and exclusive stuff, Only the future will tell and community feedback of course!

    We have a so called "Community playthrough" every month as well, Where we choose a game for the set time period.

    Then 2 times a week people would gather for an hour up to a few hours to play the game together either in a group or solo and discuss the game as we go along.

    Chill in voice chat if so desired and just have fun together and maybe make new friends in the process!

    This is a great way to play together, Get to know each other. Also a great way to discover new games or revisit old ones!

    As you can see this is a big project, This whole Server/Community. I am truly going all in for this and the goal is to make this the best place to be in for our beloved Genre.

    I simply do this for the love of the Genre and games in question and i make 0 profit from this, And i do not want any.

    Last but not least, We also feature tons of giveaways and weekly polls and other cool rewards and events.

    And we have a Dedicated Steam and Facebook group connected to the server/community with a website and podcast in the works!

    We also have a server suggestion channel for the community to give us feedback and maybe send us cool new ideas, So why not come join and see what we are all about?

    I hope i see YOU there soon so we can talk and play together!

    Sincerely yours


    Discord link: https://discord.gg/gzYK2Uj

    submitted by /u/bobba313
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    D2:R Ultrawide resolutions

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:17 AM PST

    What is known about ultrawide resolutions, in Diablo II Resurrected such as 3840x1600 or 5120x1440 Will it be a full picture or black bars on the sides?

    submitted by /u/Sergg2017
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    What about DII - Resurrected on Mac Os?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Please someone tell me that will be available also for Mac...I just send an email to blizzard.

    submitted by /u/FabHello
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