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    Friday, January 8, 2021

    Diablo Lost HC character during Darkening of Tristram cutscene

    Diablo Lost HC character during Darkening of Tristram cutscene

    Lost HC character during Darkening of Tristram cutscene

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:29 PM PST

    This is mostly just a warning for any other HC characters thinking about playing playing the Darkening of Tristram event - I recommend don't.

    I was playing T16 with a massively overgeared Crusader. I one-shot Diablo, which sent me straight into the cutscene, and then twenty seconds in it took me out to say I have died from a lonely skeleton that had been wailing on me the whole time in the background.

    RIP seven year-old character, I always figured I'd die due to a disconnect not this...

    submitted by /u/ZodoJats
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    Diablo 1 Mod to Highlight Items on Ground

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Hey guys I was just wondering if there is a mod out there and all it does is let you highlight items on the ground with the alt key. I know there are mods which have a lot of other features including this one but I want to play the base game just with the quality of life feature. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Brads_Gaming
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    How does Kanai's Cube work?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 03:57 PM PST

    Title. i just got the cube and have no idea what all of it means. There's like 10 different options on what to do and I have no idea which ones are beneficial and which ones to do? I heard its very important for progression so can someone explain how it is meant to be used and what to do with it such as the powers. Also, is there anyway to upgrade gear from a lower level? I built Cains set but it is around 20 levels under my current level and gear level? How would I increase this or craft it at a higher level?

    submitted by /u/KaiserWilheim
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    Progression in adventure mode?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 04:55 PM PST

    So I've finished the story mode, got my character to level 70 and started some of the season things.

    Do I progress to the higher torment levels by beating the 5 different quests in each world, get the horaidric chest and then build different armour / weapon sets?

    submitted by /u/NateGT86
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    I want to start a necromancer build, is this possible?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:10 PM PST

    I was thinking about starting/buying Diablo 3 and being a wizard, would it be possible to be a necromancer, if so what are some starter tips and how should I start out?

    submitted by /u/deeco123
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    Where is everyone on battlenet?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:21 AM PST

    Just downloaded the GoG version and was excited to get online and start up a legit sorceror character on multilayer... but I can't find anyone to play with. 😂

    Is battlenet just totally dead or am I missing a trick here? Keen for any help to find active Multiplayers. Cheers 🥂

    (If relevant, I'm living on the east coast of Australia.)

    submitted by /u/Evantagonist
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    Best thing to see in Diablo 4

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Imagine seeing reborn Malthael this time as white archangel of death, having a fight with Lilith.

    That would be my wet dream.

    submitted by /u/EL_905
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    D4 Idea "Embrace the Darkness"

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:50 AM PST

    Embrace the Darkness

    This is key, I've heard the team is using it as their mantra, but I hope they stand by it. Don't be afraid to show what Diablo 1 did in the Butchers room, the naked bodies thrown about on pikes, in very disconcerting positions. Don't be afraid to let the freak flag fly a bit. Let's see monsters hunt us from the shadows. When exploring areas, let's see panicked people running from caverns or caves screaming for help, right before they are cut down or give us the ability to save them, even if we weren't planning on going into that cave or cavern, it's now drawn our attention to it. I really hope you can embrace the darkness and make a beautiful world in the process.

    submitted by /u/ThommyGunn79
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    Diablo devs dont like their game or?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    On path of exile subreddit the employes comment on almost every post, but on all diablo forums you never see any blizzard staff, seems like they dont have any passion for their work?

    submitted by /u/Sabrinaxx95
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    D4 Ideas "Camp Fire for resting for perks/bonus's"

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:53 AM PST

    Camp Fire for resting for perks/bonus's

    This is a throwback to older style RPG's like Golden Axe and many more. Camping, where when we are on an adventure, we can set up camp, rest for a while, the camera can pan down into the camp area where our party relaxes. It will heal us, give us a buff temporarily, and perhaps reset some skills or respawn creature when you break camp. I know, this is an ARPG, it doesn't sound like it would fit, but for role-players and if mechanics are done right or we can think of other uses, it could be a cool added feature. I've always loved camping in a game, like Final Fantasy 15 or Dragon Age, we cook and shows our characters and makes for cool screenshots. Also, it would be a good way to introduce some cool special events, like goblins coming into your camp and taking your stuff or a dream state that may start a new questline. Food for thought is all this is.

    Think of it kinda like this, from discussion in Diablo4 post;

    "I think it may be good even for a quick night n day transition with a little scene showing them setting it up or quick little scene sitting around it like on the character select screen. Then we could maybe craft, repair, or junk things if need be before exiting n back into the game."

    "The time of day transition is a great idea actually. It could work as an alternative way to the "quitting & reload" process many of us do in these games just to get fresh spawns. The camp can only function in particular spaces of the map (to prevent glitching) and the passage of time yields respawns of mobs that are different for day and night cycles. There could also be a chance for your rest to be disrupted by enemy attacks, like you mentioned.

    Yeah with some clever though this could work without taking detracting from the experience."

    submitted by /u/ThommyGunn79
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    D4 Ideas "Character creator" & "Camera"

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Character creator

    I know this game is in its early stages, that's why I wanted to get these ideas out before it's too late. For character creation, I loved the demo we saw of male, female, and choosing their heads. I am not sure what you already have planned, but was thinking of basic sliders, nothing deep. Think WoW's character creator, choose the face, body size (maybe a scale slider), skin color, hair, facial hair, maybe tattoos or scars, piercings, etc. I understand we will be seeing our character from top down, but as you've shown in the demo, we will see them more crawling and climbing and such. I also have another idea below where we could see our characters more as well. But nothing too deep, but something to let us make OUR person unique.

    Camera and Character

    This was my other idea to see our character that we create more, whenever we speak to an NPC in the game, since we will be standing fairly static while listening to dialog or looking through a vendor's wares, why not Zoom and pan the camera down into a close-up of our character engaging with that NPC. Once we get out of the shop or finish the conversation, zoom the camera back out. Also, would be cool if you add a photo mode, if you do, to allow us to zoom all the way into our character to take some cool pictures with the death and destruction all around us.

    submitted by /u/ThommyGunn79
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    Help with Set Dungeons for Seasons

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 11:18 PM PST

    I only have one challenge left to get to the next tier, and it happens to be "Master a Set Dungeon." Which happens to be difficult to a casual/lapsed player such as I...running a Monk, any suggestions as to the easiest/least difficult of the choices?

    submitted by /u/TrickySnicky
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    D4 Ideas "Ring of 1000"

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:51 AM PST

    Ring of 1000

    First off, I'd like to take everyone back to Diablo 1, when I was 17, I was getting PC Gamer and they were talking about Diablo and some special lucky people were able to test the game. These people were called the "Ring of 1000." I saw it and heard about it, but at the time, didn't know how to apply. But one of my closest friends was a part of that "Ring" and I even pulled up YouTube videos of the Diablo credits to confirm and he sure was.

    My point, I know it's far easier today to share the game and send to people for testing than it was back then, but maybe having something like that again for people to sign up or meet some criteria. And NO I don't mean only YouTube influencers, but I mean players, fans, people who aren't in the limelight who want to enjoy the game and maybe let their voices be heard for once about something they feel passionate about. Maybe a "Ring of 1000" or "Ring of 10000" and they could be a part of Diablo history as the credits roll. Either Alpha testers or however you feel it could be implemented. It's a small nod to the fans who've been with this series through its best and worst times.

    submitted by /u/ThommyGunn79
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