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    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    Diablo Diablol 2 Ep 14 'Tomb Raiders'

    Diablo Diablol 2 Ep 14 'Tomb Raiders'

    Diablol 2 Ep 14 'Tomb Raiders'

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Diablo 3 on Samsung Odyssey G9 32:9 Ultrawide

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    Diablo 3 on Samsung Odyssey G9 32:9 Ultrawide

    Absolutely amazing, just got 2 of the new 48.8" 1000R curved monitors. playing d3 ultrawide is amazing. just look at how much more you can see. the whole town!!


    submitted by /u/dcliffclank
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    A friend of mine found this for me at a yard sale for $1.00

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:07 PM PST

    Why did the Triune bring back Lilith?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Like the previous post, this is a re-post from D4 sub. There's just more people here and I want to hear more ideas people have about this.

    Like in my previous lore-related post, first I'll make sure to let you know that this is all just speculation and fun, so don't take anything seriously. This one is really less of a prediction or speculation but rather a discussion, because I'm not entirely sure what's going on and I'd like to hear your ideas and perspectives on it.

    On one of the Blizzcon 2019 panels one of the devs said that the Triune brought back Lilith and that they worship the Prime Evils and want them to return. I have some trouble understanding why they would bring back Lilith, and why the "pale man" from the trailer would help them. It seems weird because the Triune worships the Prime Evils, and Lilith isn't exactly on good terms with them, and because the "pale man" is unlikely to be with the Triune imo.

    Here's where it gets weirder for me. The pale man in the cinematic says "blessed mother, save us". Who is "us"? He can't possibly be a regular cultist due to his powers and because the only people or only thing that needs saving right now is the Sanctuary. Heaven is not involved at all, humanity and sanctuary is in ruins, and demons are rampaging across the lands, we see Duriel in sanctuary and we know the Prime Evils are coming. So clearly the sanctuary needs saving and no one else, and clearly Hell is in the position of power right now. So we know the pale man cares about saving sanctuary for whatever reason. It seems like he is not with the Triune because why would the Triune care about sanctuary, and also because they don't need to be saved since they are on the side of Hell.

    I see 2 options here. One - The pale man is Rathma, or someone else concerned with the balance, maybe one of his students or something. Balance = keeping the influance of Hell and Heaven away from sanctuary. Since Heaven has no influence on sanctuary atm, and Hell is clearly in the position of power, the balance if way off. And like our horadric friend from the gameplay trailer said "there's no one left to stand against them". Maybe Rathma or someone else concerned with the balance and sanctuary (who knows maybe Trag'Oul is involved), knows there is no one who can possibly counteract Hell's influence and thus he decides to "ally" or use the Triune to summon Lilith and then use her to fight off Hell, because we know Lilith and Hell are on bad terms.

    The 2nd option I see is that the pale man is someone else and actually is part of the Triune, but that means the Triune need saving.. which doesn't really make sense.. unless all the demons are attacking them aswell because they have no rulers. Remember - All the Evils are free now, but they were all killed, they would need some time to return. Hell might be in complete chaos right now. Maybe the Triune wants to bring back Lilith to seize control over the rampaging demons, fill the power vacuum.. the tricky part here is that they want to bring back the prime evils and she very likely doesn't.

    I personally lean to the 1st option. But my confusion comes from the combination of the Triune, Lilith, the pale man, and all the circumstances.. something seems off to me. But maybe I just got my lore wrong or something.

    Anyway, I'd love to hear your ideas. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe there's some 4D storytelling going on. In case I got my lore right - I don't think D4 team would change the lore or do anything without a good reason. Regardless of whether I got something wrong and it all actually makes sense or not - I'm excited to see where this is going.

    Edit 1: the Triune would be against Inarius.. could it be that Inarius escaped because of all the chaos in the burning hells and that's another reason they would bring her back?

    Edit 2: I know about the Rathma "leak" from the past, I didn't include it here because I wanted to only go by the lore and by what the devs shared officially. But right now I personally do think the pale man is Rathma.

    Edit 3: Ok, I saw the missing finger theory but I'm not sure if it refers to Rathma. But it's a big clue regardless.

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    PD2, never played, anyone playing it?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:37 PM PST

    I might give this a go in light of the new excitement for Diablo 2 Resurrected. Is PD2 dead or does it have players? Compared to PoD? Thanks you.

    submitted by /u/Freds_Premium
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    BlueTracker | Compilation of Blizzard's comments of the week

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Follow us on r/blue_tracker and @blue_tracker

    You will find all comments below

    submitted by /u/blue_trackerbot
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    Diablo 4 Classes

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 11:17 AM PST

    I made an older post about this, but wanted to post an updated one with some changes based more off of the lore, and trying to incorporate some new ideas. I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts and ideas!

    We know the D1 Barbarian, Monk, and Bard are not canon, but there is a chance that they could all be utilized. This list serves as a "would it be possible to include them all, and if so, how?"

    I put the D1 Rogue with the D3 Demon Hunter due to their similarities.

    Focus/Role is based on group play.

    Game - Class - Focus/Role - Class Specific Items - Geographical Location added by expansion

    D1/2/3/4 - Barbarian - Melee Bruiser/tank (Physical) - Mighty Belt, 1H/2H Mighty Weapons
    D1/2/4 - Sorceress/Sorcerer - Ranged Mage (Elemental) - 1H/2H Orb, Gauntlet
    D2/4 - Druid - Melee Summoner (Nature, Animals) - Stave, Mace, Animal Mask

    D2 - Assassin - Melee Assassin (Martial Arts, Shadow) - Throwing knives/stars, Fist Weapon, Moccasins - @ release because of Khejistan

    D3 - Witch Doctor - Ranged Summoner (Nature, Poison) - Ceremonial Knife, Mojo, Voodoo Mask - Torajan Jungle (Viz-jun)

    D2/3 - Necromancer - Mid-Ranged Summoner (Blood, Bone, Curses) - 1H/2H Scythe, Phylactery - Torajan Jungle (Teganze)

    D3 - Artificer (previously the Wizard) - Ranged Support (Arcane, Infusions) - Wand, Source, Goggles (Headgear) - Xiansai

    D2 - Amazon - Mid-range Bruiser (Physical)- Javelin, Spear, Hoplite Armor (Chest) - Skovos Isles

    D1/3 - Demon Hunter/Rogue - Ranged Assassin (Physical, Traps) Hand Crossbow, Quiver, Cloak - Dreadlands

    D1/2 - Paladin/Warrior - Melee Support (Auras, Healing, Holy) - Scepter, Shield, Relic (Necklace) - Ensteig

    D3 - Monk - Melee Bruiser (Martial Arts, Holy) - Fist Weapon, Daibo, Spirit Stone- Aranoch

    D1 - Bard - Mid-range Support (Symphonic) - 1H/2H Instrument (Weapon), Scroll (off-hand) - Khanduras

    D3 - Crusader - Melee Tank (Holy) - 1H/2H Flail, Shield - Westmarch

    NEW - Turned - Mid-range Summoner (Blood, Shadow, Demons) - Whip, Ritual Hood, Polearm
    The Turned is a Cultist-turned-"good" and no longer agrees with the cult(s) teaching. Demons can be summoned for short periods of time to distract and provide burst damage.

    - Classes are released with the location they come from based on lore.
    - Weapons listed for two classes can be used by both classes
    - Martial Arts are split into holy and shadow for Monk and Assassin, respectively.
    - Druid focuses on nature while it is alive, Witch Doctor focuses on nature after it has died.
    - Necromancers focus more on debuffs, Witch Doctors focus more on buffs
    - Each expansion could add at least two classes and two states.

    submitted by /u/ZetaGaymer
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    Imperius will be the villain in D4 at some point.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    I decided to re-post few of my posts from D4 sub here since there's just more people here and I like to hear people's ideas.

    This is all just a prediction/speculation so don't take it too seriously, I just personally believe it's very likely to happen and I only post it here for fun and to one day see if I got anything right.

    Imperius was supposed to be the main villain of D3:RoS originally. He is also the reason for everything that happened in Diablo games. In a short animation it's shown how Imperius and other archangels capture Diablo, and they explain that they could simply imprison Diablo forever and win the eternal conflict, because if they kill him he'll just be reborn. Then Diablo taunts Imperius by calling him out on how Imperius is driven by wrath and how other archangels would learn the truth about him, and then Imperius goes crazy and kills Diablo, enabling him to return and cause all the stuff we players have to deal with. So Imperius is literally stupid, and he caused most of the evil that has ever happened in Diablo games. We also know he voted for humanity to be destroyed, and he really doesn't like us.

    We know heaven's gates are closed in D4 at the moment which makes me believe that either Imperius is trying to reform heaven into his "inquisition" against humanity, and he's waiting for the perfect moment to strike and defeat all his enemies at once. And what better moment could he possibly choose than somewhere at the end of D4's main story? Humanity is already at it's weakest point but Lilith and Hell are growing stronger. There's definitely going to be some conflict between Lilith and Hell in D4's main story. I think Imperius is waiting for Lilith and Hell to weaken each other with humanity caught in between everything and then strike with his "angelic inquisition" of radical angels who believe humanity needs to be destroyed just like demons. I think it will probably happen in an expansion and not in the base game. And personally I would love to see it. I think it makes sense, and it could be an excellent expansion because we would actually have to fight angels for the first time, not those corrupted "reapers" from D3:RoS, but actual "holy" angels. I believe it would be a very different and really cool experience.

    So this is vagely what I think will happen. Now how would I like it to happen - I would like D4's main story to end on a cliffhanger with Auriel or just a random angelic messenger warning us about Imperius. Whenever the expansion would release we would learn that all this time heaven's gates were closed Imperius tried to take all the power for himself instead of sharing it with the council who recently has proven to be in favor of humanity. And from the perspective of Imperius it would make sense - from his point of view, he wanted to destroy humanity, but the council didn't listen and in the concequence Diablo became the Prime Evil and almost destroyed heaven and all the angels. The Nephalem defeated the Prime Evil and later Malthael. So Imperius by now must be even more convinced that Humanity is too dangerous to exist. (Btw he's wrong because we know that the archangel of fate saw the outcoe of the eternal conflict from the scroll of fate and we know who wins.. Hell wins. But what the scroll couldn't predict was the fate of humanity so effectively we know that if humanity wouldn't exist hell would definitely win, when humanity does exist it's unknown who will win. We're the wild card.) So at that point we would learn that this entire time there was a power struggle within heaven that later escalated into an angelic civil war. It makes sense that vast majority of angels would follow Imperius, so he would definitely win. That's when Auriel warns us and the invasion happens soon after. We would need to defent few places, some or half of the expansion would happen in Sanctuary and then whenever we start winning we would take the fight to heaven. We would basically help the "good" members of the council and the "good" angels fight Imperius, we would win and that's pretty much it. Well that's one way I can see it at least. The other idea is that in order to keep the story more down to earth, Imperius would only have a few followers, and he would send them out in secret we would later discover and ultimately fight few cool angelic bosses and kill Imperius at the end without ever "saving heaven" because I think it's good to keep the power level of our character (story-wise) in check. But that's just 2 ways of this happening I came up with right now, my main prediction/speculation is still simply that - we will kill Imperius in D4 at some point.

    I'll also use this post as an opportunity to put some other random predictions and speculations just because why not.. maybe if I get something right I'll get to brag about it one day:

    - I think Necromancer will be released but will not be one of the 5 starting classes simply because I think Blizzard will want to keep a class with summons away from the game's release when the servers are most vournable. I'm also afraid Necro won't have as many summons as some people would like because blizzard will be designing this class with server stability in mind.

    - I think the yet to be revealed 2 classes are a Paladin and some non-magickal ranged class (They keep changing it, it was the Rogue, then it was an Amazon and then it was a DH so it will be something like that, I personally think it will be a Rogue.)

    - After D4 was announced I thought we'll get it in late 2022 but then covid happened.. I will still leave my prediction at late 2022 but uh.. it might be 2023.

    Edit: - Malthael is dead, maybe also Tyrael. I think 2 new archangels will replace them and Imperius will basically "raise" them to be on his side, giving us players 2 cool angelic bosses to fight.

    Edit: - We will also fight Inarius :P

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    DH not building momentum stacks. Can someone explain why?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Hey, I picked up the game again this week and am currently using the Gears of Dreadlands Set.

    Now, when I'm normaly using my primary skill, everything is just fine and works as expected, all i have to do is click it, and I gain 4s of Momentum .

    As seen here

    But sometimes when I'm infight, it simply stops working, for no apparent reason.

    Live example

    I'm taking multiple breaks to try and refresh my stacks, but nothing is happening. Does anybody know what is causing this?

    submitted by /u/WillyWanker_69
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    The Pale Man = Rathma or Durram?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    The Pale Man = Rathma or Durram?

    And that's my 3rd and last re-post from D4. With this one I want to get as many opinions as possible because ultimately I can't decide atm.

    I was searching through many past reddit posts and other forums and I found 2 most likely possibilities. As previously this is just fun and speculation so don't take it too seriously and please share your ideas.

    1 - Rathma

    - We know that somewhere in the files of the cinematic, the pale man was literally named "Rathma". This could have been a mistake or it could be done on purpose.

    - There have been theories that Rathma lost his finger. And the pale man from the trailer is missing one of his fingers. The issue here is that I don't know if the description clearly states that this is actually Rathma.


    I think the actions of the pale man could be something Rathma would do. In one of my previous posts I expressed that I believe Lilith might be the only desperate option to counteract Hell's influence over sanctuary and that's why Rathma would bring her back. But I still think the way the pale man talks and behaves is a bit too "dark" or "evil".

    2 - Durram

    - He was an Umbaru priest who was looking for knowledge and came back "changed". The line "There is no light here. You came to the darkness for knowledge" seems like something he would say.

    - Durram was later with the Triune and as we know from D4 devs, it was the Triune that brought back Lilith in D4. Triune is something Rathma probably wouldn't ally with nor would he need them to bring her back, unlike Durram.

    - Durram definitely did lose his finger. We can find it in D3 as an item.

    - The big problem (or not?) is that Durram died. His head was pierced by an op bone spear build. The only thing I can say to this is that necromancy and coming back to life isn't really uncommon in Diablo, and the pale man did have some weird things sticking out of his forehead as well as some protective thing in the middle.

    Those 2 characters at this moment are in my opinion the most likely options. On one hand I think a lot points to Rathma, like the power level of the pale man and the "Rathma" name used in the files. But on the other, while it does make sense he would bring back Lilith in D4, it still seems a bit off for Rathma to kneel before before her. The behavior of the pale man seems to fit a bit more with Durram, he WAS actually with the Triune and the weird things on the pale man's head seem to "fit" the way Durram died last we saw him. But then again, in my previous post I explained how the pale mans line "blessed mother, save us" would fit with Rathma a bit more, tho now I think it fits with both of those characters.

    Ultimately this is where I am right now, I think the pale man is one of those 2 but which one? I'm not sure and I honestly can't decide which one I think is more likely at this moment. I'd love to hear your ideas.

    Edit 1: Was Rathma ever using shapeshifting abilities like the pale man did? If not then that's one thing that would make me think it's not him. But then again.. I'm not sure if Durram would be able to do that either. And Rathma is pretty OP so who knows, maybe he actually can do that. NotLikeThis

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    Demon hunter transmog

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:46 AM PST

    PD2 - Slammed my most GG corruption to date, in this collection !! Whats the best you guys have gotten so far?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    Diablo 2: Resurrected may use a new game engine called "Unreal"

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:11 AM PST

    The game engine of original Diablo 2 is a ver old one, and judging by informations on Vicarious Visions' Career site (https://careers.vvisions.com/), the rumored Diablo 2: Resurrected may use a new game engine called "Unreal".

    Edit: When I said "new" I don't mean the engine itself is new, but it is new to Diablo 2.

    According to its Career site, Vicarious Visions is hiring 8 positions. And 4 of them (Lighting Artist, Environment Artist, Senior Environment Artist, Visual Effects Artist) list "Experience with Unreal Engine" as an extra requirement in the descriptions.

    This might indicates that Diablo 2: Resurrected will use Unreal Engine as its game engine. But there are also other possibilities, like they're just using a game engine that has some similarity to Unreal engine rather than Unreal engine itself, or those jobs are actually for another unannounced project. That's why I said "may" in the title.

    I'm not familiar with Unreal engine, if you have knowledge of how is this engine and how does it work with ARPG, please share your thought.

    submitted by /u/Ivenend
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