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    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Diablo You should always take a look on corners, even if you've found the next level

    Diablo You should always take a look on corners, even if you've found the next level

    You should always take a look on corners, even if you've found the next level

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    The first white whale - caught!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    The first white whale - caught!

    Well, I guess you could make a claim for Liv Moore to be a white whale as well, but she was comparatively easy to pick up.

    Still, after 149 runs through Whimsyshire, over the course of eight days or so, a goal was achieved:

    Many unicorns died to bring me this frame...

    I posted some stats a few days ago as to how things looked after 100 runs, and said I'd come back with an update at 200 - well, 149 will have to do, though I am considering going back to Whimsyshire at some stage to increase my run count and get a better feel for some of the statistical questions out there. After all, most of the information on spawn rates, etc, seems to be quite old. Not sure how many runs I'll need to get solid data, but I assume 1k+. That's a topic for another day, though.

    Unique Enemies, by frequency

    • Super Awesome Sparkle Cake (76 runs)
    • Evil Oliver (73 runs)
    • Maisie the Daisy, Nightmarity (5 runs)
    • Midnight Sparkle (4 runs)
    • Tubbers (3 runs)
    • Creampuff (2 runs)
    • Princess Stardust, Team Unicorn, Sir William (1 run)

    There was a big swing here between EO and SASC over these extra 49 runs - SASC appeared 30 times, to EO's 19 appearances. They are now closer to in parity over the 149 runs than they were at 100, but I wonder how close they'd be after 200. Creampuff also showed up, so once Sir William appeared we'd had the whole set.

    In terms of who spawns with which of EO and SASC, I don't think we've got enough data for this to be meaningful, but it is still interesting:

    Evil Oliver Super Awesome Sparkle Cake
    Creampuff 0 2
    Maisie the Daisy 4 1
    Midnight Sparkle 3 1
    Nightmarity 3 2
    Princess Stardust 0 1
    Team Unicorn 0 1
    Tubbers 1 2
    Sir William 0 1

    Everyone has shown up alongside SASC, but we've got four gaps alongside EO. With enough runs, I don't think this would remain the case, but I'd want more data to be sure.

    In terms of an overall spawn rate for the non-boss Uniques, I saw 23 spawns on 149 runs - that's a little over 15% chance of one of those Uniques to spawn on a given run, but it currently looks like some spawns are rarer than others.

    Expected number of Champion and Elite mobs

    The previously-established pattern of two or three spawns each for Champion and Elite mobs has continued - I don't see that changing without a patch, to be honest with you. As before, the more interesting data is in whether Evil Oliver or Super Awesome Sparkle Cake influence how many of each there are.

    No. of mobs Evil Oliver Super Awesome Sparkle Cake
    Champion 2 38 42
    3 35 34
    Elite 2 35 40
    3 38 36

    I would still say that, overall, there doesn't appear to be any bias at work here. For the 30 additional times that SASC appeared, though, it felt like there was a bit of a bias in the number of Elite spawns, as that was a 20/10 split in favour of two groups of elites. It might have swung back had I reached the full 200 runs, though.

    Mobs Evil Oliver Super Awesome Sparkle Cake
    2 Champion, 2 Elite 19 22
    2 Champion, 3 Elite 19 20
    3 Champion, 2 Elite 16 19
    3 Champion, 3 Elite 17 15

    Evil Oliver seems to have a fairly even distribution of the Champion/Elite combinations - Super Awesome Sparkle Cake appears to be a little low in terms of 3/3 pairs, but I don't think it is significant yet. More data is definitely required here.

    Transmogrification Weapon Spawns

    I didn't actually get any more Spectrum or Horaldric Hamburger drops during these last 49 runs. Given I wasn't clicking on Happy Clouds - well, not on purpose, anyway - I'm not too surprised by the lack of an additional Hamburger, though I might've expected an additional Spectrum by this point.

    Cursed Chests and Pinatas

    I said at the end of the last post that I'd be looking at spawn rates for these - and in the case of the Cursed Chests, I'd guess my mind was playing tricks on me before. I'd thought I'd seen a chest in each of the first 100 runs, but that now seems unlikely. Of these last 49 runs, a Cursed Chest appeared only 25 times, while a Pinata appeared in 12 runs. Interestingly, in 9 of those 12 cases, they were both in the same map.

    That would appear to give us around a 50% chance of a Chest appearing, and a 25% chance of a Pinata appearing. We need more data to make this conclusive, though.

    Other questions

    Are there other questions which have occurred to me as I've been doing these runs? Absolutely.

    • Do Cursed Chests and Pinatas appearing affect the number of Pots of Gold on a map?
    • Does the side of an island you encounter a "boss" unique on affect the odds of which one it is?
    • Why is the background music so annoying in Whimsyshire?

    I might try to answer two of these if (or when) I revisit this data collection exercise, but for now I'm taking a break from it...

    ...in order to hunt down Rainbow Goblins for a chance at the Cosmic Wings. I'm following an approach set out by a poster called ReachTheSky three years or so ago, and I'm interested to see if the odds that were claimed for Goblin spawns hold up. I did 12 full runs before the start of the season, and I'll be returning to that quest today. 100 Goblins have already been exterminated on that question, with only one Rainbow Goblin amongst them - how many more will it take?

    submitted by /u/dysartes
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    If you like cutie pies check these blood gloves out :)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    If you like cutie pies check these blood gloves out :)

    first gloves to roll 10%CB, pretty happy with em, other than %AR and res, these arent really missing any mods are they?


    submitted by /u/itam2
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    Why do the top players on the leaderboard always take resist all on their stats?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    When looking at the percentage stats on items, Vitality and %life always seem to show more toughness, but everyone chooses to put resist all on their gear. Is this because resist all has some hidden benefit that doesn't show up on the stats, or am I just missing something?

    submitted by /u/TheRealLCSTUFF
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    Did Blizzard remove retroactive stat requirements in the latest patch? Or am I just remembering it wrong?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I haven't played the game for some time and certainly not on the last patch. And just recently I noticed something which surprised me a bit because I don't remember the game allowing this:

    I wanted to carry a Stormshield with str. req. 156. I had to equip an amulet with +30 strength (and take off Angelic Wings amulet in the process) in order to fulfill it's strength requirements. Once the Stormshield was equipped, I wanted to check my AR with and without the Angelic Wings amulet, so I proceeded to equip it and take off the +30 strength amulet. Only then I noticed that somehow Stormshield remained equipped by itself (since one of the mods on Stormshield is +30 strength). Of course once I took it off, I couldn't equip it again.

    I don't remember the game working like that. The way I remember it is that once I'd taken off the +30str amulet, the shield's background would become red, and I would no longer be able to use it, equipped or not. The game would remember the order in which you put the things on and make sure every item was equippable before it's own stats would matter. Did Blizzard do something with this particular thing in the latest patch?

    submitted by /u/Arrinao
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    Now that we got new armor sets, what stuff will come with future seasons?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Another round of new armor sets would be amazing, specially if they looked better. New weapons? Sign me in.

    submitted by /u/SheWhoHates
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    Why no WD in Diablo Immortal ?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Just watched the Chinese trailer and was wondering why they never added him. It seems like they've had more than enough time and he was one of the OG classes for Diablo 3. Anyone know the reason behind this ?

    submitted by /u/Not_MVP
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    PC Gamer Here: Will Diablo: Immortal Be The Gold Standard For Mobile And How It Could Go Terribly Bad For Blizzard

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    I'm a PC gamer and have been all my life. The only games i have ever really played on mobile have been poker games. I think blizzard(like how starcraft 1, diablo 1/2, and world of warcraft accomplished with their genre's in their times)will redefine the RPG market for mobile. Blizzard is known for high quality, fleshed out games and the vast majority of RPG games on mobile are merely just re-skinned or copy/paste cash grabs in a gaming format with shallow to no gameplay(auto-play anyone?).

    Diablo: Immortal has been in development for at least 4 years now. That's far and away more time in development than any mobile game regardless of genre. If blizzard is smart here(and i think given the backlash they will be smart about this and not go the typical pay to win mobile game route), then given the high quality of the game and given the length of development time and the fact that this is a blizzard game were talking about here(im guessing as no one has even touched the full game yet); and with the fact that this has the Diablo tag on it so it is very well known, i think that blizzard will not only redefine the RPG spectrum for quality of game but it could redefine the standard of action games across all mobile games as a whole.

    Blizzard now knows the stigma mobile games have with PC gamers, and i know that blizzard is a company and wants to make money but if blizzard is smart here(regardless the game will be high quality)then they will not put pay to win microtransactions in Diablo: Immortal. This game will be extremely polished compared to typical mobile action games and i believe will be a gold standard game, but there will be gigantic amount of backlash from blizzards fans if there is p2w mechanics in D:I. This is the only scenario i can see blizzard faltering in and in which(if they do go that route)they would taint their name and lose large swathes of long time diablo fans.

    I'm excited to see if Diablo: Immortal is a mobile game that i will actually spend time playing instead of: (Hey this game looks ok maybe it wont be garbage like the all other mobile RPG games ive installed, only to uninstall the next day. Installs the game--first thing he sees is buy 1000 gems for 100$, followed by: spend 500 gems for this piece of legendary, first on the leaderboards item--promptly uninstalls another trash, pay to win mobile game).

    Suffice to say we will most likely be seeing D:I news at gamescom and we will see whether blizzard heard us or not. There is a high price to pay if D:I goes pay to win. Blizzard...don't mess this up.

    submitted by /u/nicGeorge
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    Need help with continuing Diablo 1

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Hello everybody. A year ago I decided I wan't to start playing and finishing each Diablo game. I started with the first one. I really liked it, but because it was so interesting, I overplayed it and it got a bit boring. I decided to pause. I quit around the time when I got to the 4th world, which I think was hell. I was playing Warrior class. The game is still installed so I decided to finish it, as I don't want top leave it unfinished, since its such a good game.

    Problem is, I have no idea what I am doing, since I have forgotten literally everything about the game. Can somebody give me a quick explanation of the most basic things about Diablo 1? Especially things that I should avoid doing, and important things that are needed to progress throughout the game.

    I don't even remember whether I was identifying items before selling them.

    Also one most important question, I remember there was a monster that lowered your stats (probably health) when it hit you. Which monster was this?

    submitted by /u/Exvareon
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    Couch coop loot?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I wanted to know how is loot distributed on couch co-op. Since everyone can see all the stuff on the screen do you still have to go and manage inventory or does it do this automatically? Like one person looting but it shares it to whoever gets what specific item they should have had?

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Potions System Suggestion for Diablo 4. Am I too drunk?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Okay this is going to sound crazy but hear me out!

    What if, what if, Blizzard just got rid of potions and implemented an entirely new system similarly to what Minecraft has??

    It sounds absurd but on second thought is it?

    What if they brought back the Stamina Bar from Diablo 2 but reworked it completely. Made it function in a similar manner as the Hunger Meter in MC? Rather than lose stamina from running like in D2 you lose stamina as you take damage. As long as you have stamina you gain a decent life regeneration bonus. This would promote playing smart. The regeneration bonus alone wouldn't save your ass from face tanking shit but combined with your other defensive bonuses from items/armor/skills as long as you are only get hit periodically by actually dodging and playing smart you can regen enough life to stay alive. If you suck and keep getting hit and have shitty defensive items then you lose this bonus and will probably just die.

    There could be a whole group of affixes that influence your stamina as well which could create build diversity and stuff. You would also of course be able to build your defensives so well from items/skills that you really wouldn't even have to worry about stamina.

    submitted by /u/Defusion55
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    First time ever fully completing season journey on HC. That is all. Thank you

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Should I play the previous installments of Diablo before playing Diablo 4 (whenever it get released)?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    I've never played the Diablo series but I hear good stuff about it, so I wanted to know if Diablo 4 would make sense to me at all if I haven't played the previous games.

    Also, is there any one in particular I should try now while we wait for D4? I got an itch to try a new (fun) game so why not.

    submitted by /u/yokahu_506
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    Top 10 PC Video Games | Still Great 20+ Years Later!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Non-meta blood necro theorycraft build

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT


    I'm somewhat of a casual player, I was wondering if someone could help me with a build idea.

    It's not meta it's more for casual enjoyment.

    It's based heavily around;

    Trag'oul's set

    Lornelle's sunstone

    Shi Mizu's Haori

    And any other items that fits the below play style?

    Basically I'm trying to make a fun build that works like Trevor from summoner's war where the lower his life the tougher he gets, paired with self sustainable life leech based upon the lower his health the stronger his attacks also get

    So it's a basic seesawing of taking and giving out damage.

    submitted by /u/Conrad_noble
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    WHAT DIABLO 2 - VERSION 1.0 DID RIGHT!!! (And Wrong)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    Tips for beginner?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm new to the Diablo world, I'm completing my first season as a necromancer. I was wondering if you guys had any tips for beginners? Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/flillian
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    Survey: How similar are these games to Diablo II?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Confused about seasons etc

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Hi, I've recently started playing and I'm confused as to what a seasonal character is

    It it just another character you start from scratch to farm new gear for your main character?

    And if so do they have to be the same class because I'm currently playing as a wizard but want to try out crusader

    Should I make a seasonal wizard to get gear and just make a separate crusader?

    submitted by /u/DenverBG
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    NEW Diablo:Immortal trailer

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

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