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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Diablo Diablo 1's dungeon theme is so scary and so damn good

    Diablo Diablo 1's dungeon theme is so scary and so damn good

    Diablo 1's dungeon theme is so scary and so damn good

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    [OC] Lilith - The Daughter of Hate, Fanart by me.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    D4 Quarterly Update - Are they still moving in the wrong direction?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    I'm a bit late, but read some of the quarterly update content (the items, really), and I don't get the sense that they learned from the mistakes of D3, with items that simply boil down to simply increasing damage, and constantly chasing higher damage, and nothing else matters. Seems like the item characteristics are probably reasonable for a particular level, but after a threshold, you'll just be chasing a higher and higher damage number.

    Also, what's with cards for items?

    And decimal point for stats? Seriously? Why not just keep it simple and use whole numbers? Worries me that they're just going to use that as a variant to keep players chasing. "Oh man, 24.4% cool down reduction! Puts my 24.1% to shame! Gotta' have it!"

    I feel they are still relying on D3 as the base for item philosophy, when they should be looking at D2 as a starting point.


    edit -- Seems like the item stats are also very strange with all these conditions. Again, it just seems like they are trying to add complexity to the items to patch holes in the itemization philosophy. Damage while healthy...what the heck? Do we expect to find various kinds of distinctions going forward? Damage while X is a terrible way to add "uniqueness" to an item, and is just lazy.

    I'm sensing ego is getting in the way for the D4 team. They seem to be really against any notion of adapting positives from D2, and want to carve their own game and not build on D2 at all...

    Sure, some people don't want a D2 clone, but come on...don't be so petty.

    Nothing more than my opinion, and would love to know what others think. Maybe I'm missing something that's part of the bigger picture here.

    submitted by /u/simonmerch
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    So i wanna start playin

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I want to start playing diablo but i dont know what game to start with and to be honest i see just as much support for each one and also is it reccomended to get the extensions with any of these?

    submitted by /u/MyNameAlwaysTaken
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    So, DXVK and Diablo 3. Runs notably faster in town (100 vs 130 FPS) for me. I don't get it but I'll go with it.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    So, DXVK and Diablo 3. Runs notably faster in town (100 vs 130 FPS) for me. I don't get it but I'll go with it.

    I have a Radeon 5700 XT. Here's two images I captured of DXVK vs DX11. Ignore the frame rate counter in the bottom right in the DXVK image.



    I was only curious because I know AMD cards don't do as well as NVIDIA with DirectX 11 and are better suited to Vulkan/DX12. So, I tried it. I've tried this with other games and this result is a standout. Makes me think something's actually wrong and that frame rate reported from DXVK is wrong.

    That said, in DX11 the game feels uneven. The framerate in town in Act 2 on this exact position is pretty indicative of the difference seen in-game. Under DX11, the frame rate can drop as low as mid-50s and go as high as about 130 running a rift. Under DXVK, it barely goes under 100 and the lowest it dipped was 75. Watching CPU usage, I couldn't find any obvious differences and so I have no idea what this is doing differently, since DXVK should lower my frame rate, as it's a translation layer, meaning it does more work.

    Anyone have experience(s) with this?

    submitted by /u/domiran
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    Diablo 4: class prediction....

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    I have been stewing on this over the weekend for no good reason haha

    First, I feel the rumors that Blizzard are going to add a Demonic and Angelic class have some substance but would be a least probably outcome.

    More likely is that we will get a 2+1 outcome

    My gut feeling is that we will see the Amazon and Paladin as the two classes making a return first. They are hold archetypes that the Necromancer would struggle to for-fill unless they went down the road of a 'Dark Ranger'. Plus, the Druid is obviously going to have a 'summoner' build path where as the Holy Warrior (S&B) and Ranger archetypes or entirely lacking from Diablo 4 right now.

    However, Blizzard will know that whichever class misses out between Amazon, Paladin and Necromancer a portion of the community will be pretty pissed off. I suspect what we will likely see is some 'unexpected' but great news in that instead of five classes its actually six classes for the base game. This makes sense as it rounds out the most popular classes and will satisfy 95% of the player base.

    My predictions:

    Most likely

    • Amazon (Ranger / Assassin)
    • Paladin (S&B Holy Magic)
    • Necromancer (surprise reveal, Summoner and Dark Magic)


    • Paladin
    • Dark Ranger (Ranger and Dark Magic Summoner)

    least likely

    • Angel
    • Demon
    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    My Blind Diablo II Experience Day 11

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Day 11:

    Before I continue to Act IV, I thought I might as well complete that last quest I hadn't gotten yet. Thanks to u/funkyfritter, I now know that I was supposed to talk to Alkor, a man who I've only talked to a few times in this act. According to him a book known as Lam Esen's Tome was stolen by the Children of Zakarum and hidden away within one of the six temples in Kurast. In order to find it, I must search the temples in the Bazaar, Upper Kurast and the Kurast Causeway for it.

    Starting my search, I head to Kurast Bazaar. Once there, I enter the "Disused" Fane (Just realized I put Diffused instead in the last post). The layout of the temple doesn't seem too elaborate, so I assume it wouldn't take too long to check all six, that is if I don't find the tome before then. Unfortunately, the tome wasn't in this temple, so I continue to the next. The search took much less time than I thought as I enter the second temple in the Bazaar, the Ruined Temple, and find the tome on a pedestal, I decide to leave the other temples for later as overall the loot I found in just these two temples wasn't much to celebrate over.

    Once I had returned to the docks, I speak with Alkor and give him the tome. Upon giving him the tome, he tells me that it will tell us all about the great evils and as a reward, he gives me five free stat points which is great.

    I had been preparing for this for a while now. With my inventory stocked with healing and some mana potions as well as my armor fully repaired, I step into the portal to Hell. Surprisingly enough, I find myself in some fortress. There I find Tyrael (Also misspelled his name somehow in a previous post), who congratulates me for defeating Mephisto. According to him, this fortress known as the Pandemonium Fortress, is Heaven's last defence against the evils of Hell. Apparently, he has been forbidden from aiding me directly, as this is the start of mortal man's triumph against the forces of Hell.

    Tyrael, also, tells me about a man called Izual. Apparently, he was one of Tyrael's trusted lieutenants, but he had gone against Tyrael's orders and lead a charge against the Hellforce himself, only to get himself captured. Once captured, he became corrupted by the evil and forced to betray his men and give up the secrets of Heaven's defences. Tyrael requested that I find Izual and put an end to his suffering.

    I, then, speak with Deckard Cain, who had followed me as he has since I originally rescued him. He tells me that I must destroy Mephisto's soulstone and in order to do that I must seek the Hellforge and, after placing the stone on the forge, strike it with the hammer and by doing so, I would prevent Mephisto from manifesting in this world ever again.

    Once I had everything situated, I take my first steps into the depths of Hell. First thing I figure out is that Venom Lords are not that easy to beat if you don't have good fire resistance, took me two deaths to realize that I should probably enable the resist fire aura against them and probably just leave it enabled for now since I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of demons used fire attacks. Man the first area of Hell, the Outer Steppes, goes a rather long way from the Pandemonium Fortress, I guess to make sure Act IV takes a good amount of time to complete, they made it so the areas large so it would take longer to find the next area.

    Eventually after going around the entire perimeter of the area, I find a thin pathway that leads to the Plains of Despair. Here, I'm supposed to find Izual and kill him. There do seem to be a lot of those Venom Lords and other variants here, which makes sense, and they do seem to give a good amount of experience per kill which is nice, but they can be annoying when they surround me. After a while of exploring, I finally encounter Izual and he tanks my attacks like they are nothing. Fortunately because of Zeal I can increase the amount of damage I make per second, so it's just a keep hitting and make sure I don't die kind of situation. After an agonizingly long period of mashing attack and drinking potions, I kill Izual, after which his spirit appears in front of me. He tells me how he was the one who told Diablo about the soulstones and how to corrupt them and what he needed to do in order to bring about doom to the mortal world, making it seem like he had planned to defy Tyrael from the start. Ignoring his remark about how me and the rest of the mortals are doomed, I return to the Fortress to tell Tyrael about Izual. Hearing what Izual had said, Tyrael began to realize that they had been played a fool for a long time. As a reward for killing Izual, Tyrael gives me two free skill points.

    Afterwards, I make it to the City of the Damned, where the first of the Waypoints can be located and just like the name of the city implies, it is swarming with the Damned monster. Also, I used the skill points to invest in the Holy Shock offensive aura and it is really powerful in my opinion. It seems to be very good at clearing a large group of enemies as well as tough individual enemies with it's 100+ max lightning damage added to attacks at just level one, some of which is due to my level three Resist Lightning defensive aura. Eventually I come across the stairs to the River of Flame as well as the Waypoint for the City of the Damned. Returning back to the Fortress, I do my usual routine in order to prepare for what might await me ahead.

    End of Session Stats:


    Level: 25 -> 26

    Strength: 78 -> 84

    Dexterity: 52

    Vitality: 63 -> 67

    Energy: 30

    Skill Update:

    Resist Fire Level 3 -> 4

    Learned Holy Shock 0 -> 2

    End of Day 11:

    So it seems it's going to take longer to get through Act IV than I thought. I'm hoping to get through it by next session if not the session after, which would only leave Act V remaining. Anyways I'm enjoying Act IV so far, despite the fact the devs decided to put two large areas one after another without any waypoint which makes finding a good stopping point take longer, but I won't fault them for it as it doesn't take away from the experience.

    submitted by /u/jmfindorff
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    Statue was broken, glued and repainted some parts and now I got a new display!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    It's a missed opportunity not to give weapons unique traits e.g. mace do +dmg to undeads, swords the most balanced, daggers have highest atk speed etc

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    Diablo is an RPG game and weapons are one of the most important aspects of it. I fear D4 might have forgotten its RPG roots in terms of weapon design

    Although not perfect, many D2 weapons had unique traits. Off the top of my head, this are their stats:

    Swords - Best in terms of damage to speed ratio

    Mace - Low damage, but do +50% dmg to undead

    Axe - Nothing stands out I think

    Daggers - Low damage but highest speed. Used for some classes e.g. wizard or necromancer, but not meta

    Poleaxe - Best range, tied with spears

    Spears - Best range, tied with poleaxe. Better damage if I recall right

    Javelins - Throwable

    Bow - The "default" ranged weapon

    Crossbow - Slower than bows but better damage

    It would be wonderful if D4 could introduce unique weapon traits again

    submitted by /u/Eriflee
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    How to seach for an etrance to the next level

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Any d1 players here?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Running a warrior, got that alkaline plate (don't know the name) Griswold's edge, leorics crown and some skill boosting jewelry. I got to level 11 and I'm kind of getting my shit pushed in by the lighting throwers, from their magic and from their melee. Any got any advice or tips?

    submitted by /u/Ryanpolhemus
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    CoE + Stone of Jordan or Focus + Restraint for GoD build?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT


    I'm a relatively new player to the game and I've been learning a lot from my friend. I've built several characters but I've moved to the DH now because of how powerful I've seen them to be.

    My friend and I are in disagreement about the builds we should be using, and it boils down to build logic.

    I see the top leader board runners using Focus + Restraint with CoE in the Cube, but my friend says to use CoE + Elusive Ring with Stone of Jordan in the cube.

    His logic is that Elusive Ring gives a massive shield buff, but more than that, CoE with 200% damage increase is a static 200% damage increase across all elements once it's paired with SoJ.

    I think if this damage buff was as crazy as he's saying I would be more powerful, and the logic of the text makes it seem like because CoE is rotating that it's not "static."

    Could someone confirm for me if CoE + SoJ is a static 200% damage buff at all times, or is my friend mistaken? If so, is the Focus + Restraint the better build?

    Thanks for your help/time

    submitted by /u/Metropolis9999
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    I hope your guys' time pushing isn't as fun as mine.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    First primal ever. What do I reroll?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Just got my first primal ever. Got a Pig Sticker with Arcane Damage, Strength, Life per Hit, Area Damage, Damage to Elites, and of course damage to beasts and humans

    Looking for advice on what to reroll.

    Edit: formatting, also playing a crusader using the invoker set.

    submitted by /u/TheBotaku
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    How did Tyrael survive the fall

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Dude was a human meteor, no mortal could survive that. If you watch the cinematic, he leaves a crater a good 30 or 40 metres down. How was he not turned into red mist the second he crashed into the cathedral?

    submitted by /u/codylee123
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    Potion Drop System - wich one is the best?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Potion Drop System - wich one is the best?


    I have a question for you all!

    If you have to choose, which potion drop system you prefer more?

    𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 or 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘂𝗽 𝗯𝘆 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘁?

    The potions in this case now can be stacked, not based on the belt or the inventory space!


    submitted by /u/ilenar_official
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    So are these modded items, players keep dropping them for me

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:09 PM PDT

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