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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Diablo Tyrael - Archangel of Justice

    Diablo Tyrael - Archangel of Justice

    Tyrael - Archangel of Justice

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    What does a post "Reaper of Souls" Sanctuary look like?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    In Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls, there was a world-wide assault by Malthael with his angel followers and soul crucibles, and, for a brief moment, the altered black soulstone made it's way to sanctuary, ripping the demonic essence out of many men women and children, killing them. Although Malthael called the stone back to Pandemonium and consumed its power as a last-ditch effort to defeat the nephalem, he still ended up losing in the end. However, despite the nephalem's victory, Malthael did meet some success as everything WAS going according to plan; the soulstone still went to Sanctuary and took the lives of many people while it was on Sanctuary for it's few minutes of fame. The question is HOW many people died from Malthael's genocide? Even before the stone was delivered unto Sanctuary, many people were still slaughtered by Malthael's followers and undone by his soul crucibles. Thousands, maybe even millions of people died. Sanctuary looks almost barren in Diablo 4, as if it's just barely alive, so I speculate that the world is still recovering from Malthael's attack and Sanctuary won't be quite the same in Diablo 4. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Dr_Edward_McKickass
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    They are hiring for D4 at blizzard

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Diablo 2 - 1000 Thresh socket Runs The Sequel Plugy

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    PS4 cursed peat

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Hey everyone I'm a necromancer playing season on PS4 Looking for help with the cursed chest conquest.

    submitted by /u/Th3P1nkF1st
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    When it comes to combat and a easy to understand skill system then diablo 3 is the best action RPG.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Okay so i have stopped playing so many games because the systems in the game are just way way to hard to understand and if you wanna know how it works you have to watch hours of youtube videos.

    there are 2 action games i stopped playing recently because playing them and using the skill system almost gave me a headache those games are Warframe and path of exile. And yes i know learning a new skill system or game mechanic can be really fun and rewarding but if i have to watch hour long youtube videos just to know the basics then i wont even bother.

    That is why i like diablo 3 so much sure its a very simple game but that is why i like it. It is by far my favorite action RPG i am going to try grim dawn and torchlight maybe those games are also good.

    Although i dont play seasons i almost only do singel player stuff and when im done leveling my wizard i will move on to another game. But leveling all the characters and playing the game story mode and adventure mode have been really fun and i can see why diablo 3 combat are so polished compared to path of exile which feels like a bad version of diablo 2.

    Also bonus questions are seasons worth trying?

    submitted by /u/RiskOfRains
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    [EU] [PC] Looking for people to play with!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Challenge Rift mapping

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Valor Sader, am I missing something?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hey all. I just got my Crusader fully geared/cubed etc. Some ancients. I have a really hard time doing even Grifts 80+ while on my WD I've done 110 with relatively few problems.

    I'm super squishy and my damage is also quite lacking. I have all the correct gear pieces, they're not optimal all of them but surely 80 should not be a problem?

    Am I playing it wrong? I have no idea and about to give up and go back to my WD.

    submitted by /u/GarbagemanGG
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    Diablo 2: Armor Runeword Bases?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Can someone explain which bases are good for armor runewords? I've been looking around online and understand strength requirements. But how does a superior dusk shroud with 15 ED compare to an e bugged one? Is e-bugged always better? Is also better to socket an eth base rather than find it already socketed, that way it can get the e-bugged defense? Please help lmao.

    submitted by /u/Evil-Red
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    Best guess when does next season start?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    E.g. "Not for at least a week", "Probably in July" etc. Any level of specificity appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ProceduralDad
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - 06/01/20

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to week 153 of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Diablo 2: Hammerdin be Light Sorc (with infinity)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Thoughts on which is better, also which is more easily obtained. Since light sorc need an infinity but hammerdin needs enigma.

    submitted by /u/Evil-Red
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    Setting up a Reset Team for june 5th, wanna join? :3

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Heywo, at the time of posting we're 2 in the team
    edit: now 7 out of 8

    - soso (rather not be tp sorc but could do it if no one else)

    - not specified yet

    - probably light sorc

    - trap sin

    - blizz sorc tp (if useast)

    - fire/cold sorc (which will also reroll amazon)

    - blizz sorc (which will also reroll druid)


    probably europe but could be useast, could be uswest, probably sc but could be hc, not decided yet :3
    edit: most likely gonna be useast
    1 more slot on that roster (but still open for rotating rosters / multi parties coming forward)
    a bo or pal would be really nice but if you have something that could fit nicely too its fine as well

    if interested feel free to post in here on reddit or discord over the #diablo-reset-team channel:


    submitted by /u/KaylaSu_
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    Good barb builds?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    Im paragon 328 and I struggle with grater rift level 45ish and Im new to these type of games diablo is the first I've played so I'm not great at making good builds any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/1_The_Zucc_1
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    A mountain with a throne and view: In middle of PvP zone

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    A mountain with a throne and view: In middle of PvP zone


    Following upon this conversation: I believe that the game should be non-standardized, and the PvP zone should be right smack in the middle of the world with diplomatic passage ways for safely crossing/shopping/trading all the while observing the gladiatorial games, make bets, buy potions, heal, offer bounty for vengeance. In this passageway the view should be able to change and you should be able to see farther the brawling. Once you step into the PvP zone its the jungle/playground.

    You should be able to taunt and see the enemy's face...

    Cry injustice= Dont PvP, stick to your PvE slogan. No standard gear BS I hate that Shh.

    Here you can ally, hostile all, unhostile all, etc...

    There could also be a segregated area, on the other side of the passage way, where solo/melee duels are more likely to happen, with names like "melee area", we could implement rules and banners that could be broken but it would not be "under the proper etiquette" of PvP, and then there could be bounties setup to bring the Bad mannered people to justice. Killing a melee char that is minding his own business and dueling other melee is not cool. There is always some very elite and well behaved people with taste to ensure that proper etiquette is kept amongst the savage, the batman beach patrol people. Apply banners, apply freedom, but let people organize themselves a system surrounding this central bazaar.

    The closer and closer you get to the throne, the more powerful the PvPers.

    There is absolutely nothing to gain in being the "king", nobody sees anything, you get zero bonus or whatever.

    All you get, is a special pose where your character sits, and a view. You can also get murdered on the throne and die there.

    There should be however, the potential for large wars, as in more than 8 people engaging in battle.

    submitted by /u/inventeur_
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    How to farm the same level?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    When I clear an area. The enemies don't repawn. So, how do I grind?

    submitted by /u/SneakyFire448
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    Aren't we going to talk about the leak?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT


    Yeah, the game seems pretty much done, I just wish we could get it around this summer.

    submitted by /u/Elbananaso
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    How cool it would be if diablo had at least some authentic medieval music instead of an epic orchestra?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    Diablo 3 was intended to be much Darker - The Art of Review

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:40 AM PDT

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