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    Diablo How to get all Unconventional Transmog cosmetics -Diablo III

    Diablo How to get all Unconventional Transmog cosmetics -Diablo III

    How to get all Unconventional Transmog cosmetics -Diablo III

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    First PTR Impressions: Big Oof

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I just finished my first PTR session earlier, mainly trying out the two new sets and the season theme. Here are some mechanics & feedback. I'll be streaming more later today, so you can just come and ask stuff or comment here and I'll do my best to cover it all. I've also been working on some videos already if you want to check what all of this looks like.


    - DH buggy and weak, Necro fun but also weak, Season theme boring as hell


    Demon Hunter (video)

    - Set is super buggy in many ways to the point of being mostly untestable

    - Momentum stacks up 2sec per cast, up to 10sec (so you do 5-6 casts at the start and then one per 2sec), you get the bonus depending on leftover duration

    - Momentum duration is displayed as a little number on your generator, not as a buff (which makes it quite hard to track)

    - Momentum doesn't always apply when you hit with a generator while you are strafing (for manual casts from weaving), only when you hit at the right frames

    - Tons of movespeed from fully stacked Momentum (160%)

    - Momentum stacks drop entirely when you change generators (Odyssey setups)

    - 4pc bonus is shooting normal Strafe projectiles and generators on top

    - 4pc bonus is missing some generator casts (some are simply missing, the numbers don't match)

    - 4pc Hungering Arrow doesn't pierce

    - 4pc Grenades don't aim towards enemies

    - 4pc attacks have no area damage or proc coefficient

    - 4pc procs no healing from Simplicity's Strength

    - Strafe damage rolls & items (Valla's Bequest) don't buff 4pc projectiles

    - In solo pushing it's extremely hard to survive (especially since you play around Pain Enhancer)

    - Very weak set even when the bugs are fixed


    - Overall design & theme of the set are amazing, but everything is broken unforatunely

    - Momentum stacks duration should be increased (maybe 4sec per cast / 20sec max) to give it a little buff and make the playstyle less clunky (a lot of people would like to see Strafe proc Momentum but I disagree, it would be too one-sided, so this is perhaps a good compromise here)

    - Momentum stacks need to proc consistently while generator-weaving

    - Momentum stacks should proc even when nothing is getting hit (this is a problem especially in group T16 when monsters around you are dead and you can't catch up)

    - Momentum stacks should stay when weaving in Entangling Shot

    - Broken 4pc needs to be fixed ASAP to really try most of the different setups

    - Damage & toughness overall both need to be massively increased to bring it into competitive territory


    Necro (video)

    - Tanky set that allows for a little customization

    - Simulacrums shoot where you point from wherever they are standing

    - Grim Scythe casts by Simulacrums give you resource

    - No area damage from your Simulacrums

    - Simulacrums like to run off and shoots from weird angles sometimes

    - Simulacrums die even when Final Service is specced, proccing both at the same time

    - Bone Spear - Teeth for T16 and Bone Spear - Shatter for pushing is probably the way to go

    - T16 setup is very good

    - Solo pushing is way behind other setups


    - Set is fun to play for both speedfarming and solo pushing

    - Final Service should proc before your Simulacrums die, not at the same time

    - Simulacrum death needs a better indicator (perhaps visual effect on your character) to make it clear you are suddenly in big danger

    - Simulacrums should stay closer to you because it's very hard to position them correctly sometimes (getting blocked by monsters etc), so your damage output feels like RNG because of their positioning

    - Overall I feel the set is a good addition to Necro, it's just way too weak

    - Damage probably needs to be buffed by 10+ tiers to make it competitive


    Season Theme (video)

    - Procs every 2min of real time

    - A few (~5) seconds before the proc, there is an audio and visual indicator of the proc

    - Timer is paused when game is paused

    - Timer continues in town or when dead

    - If you are in town or dead during the proc, it will be skipped

    - If you revive at corpse with time penalty, the timer will not be advanced like your cooldowns (you lose out on season theme procs)

    - It's full RNG which proc you get

    - It seems to scale with difficulty only

    - Some procs are very strong (snowball, meteor) but don't hit very reliably

    - The rest are very meh

    - Damage overall less impactful than season 19 theme, but it will be important for pushing regardless


    - We need a better way of tracking the timer, else we have to put a stopwatch on our second monitor to know when it's coming

    - Compared to the s19 theme this one feels very underwhelming

    - Inconsticencies with losing procs (death timer etc) need to be fixed

    - There should be some way to control what and when it's happening, perhaps through an ability (make it a 2min cooldown) or an effect that spawns and allows us to activate the effect at will (like a trigger to walk into)

    - The effects are completely useless in any speedfarming scenario because of their weakness, inconsistency and the fact that you will only see ~1 per run, that seems really boring and they won't be noticeable for the majority of the playtime

    - Oof

    submitted by /u/wudijo22
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    Is Diablo II grindy or do I just suck?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT


    I played D3 and thought it sucked, then I got into Torchlight and I heard the devs of these games were in the dev Team of D2 so I wanted to check out D2 as I love retro games. I powered through Act I and the difficulty in Act II just spiked and I die pretty often. Is this normal or is my build just bad? I don't play premade builds so it could be that I make the wrong joices. I just learned that my Barbarian has a second attack type where he actually uses both weapons faster, lol.

    submitted by /u/Direct_Rock
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    I'm not happy at all

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    New Necromancer Set: Masquerade of Burning Carnival bonus for Bone Spear it's a waste of development.

    Pestilence set give bonus to that skill already so use it on a second brand new set was wrong.

    Additional the effect over Simulacrum, I tried to make a good combination to Bone Spear and can't figure out how make it useful on greater rift.

    I had a lot of expectations like was the Witch Doctor new set, it was insane and my cousin enjoy it a lot even I played WD a bit, but my main character is Necromancer so I wait seasons for our time and received that piece of crap 🙄😡.

    Now I'll wait for builds on websites to take examples how to make it work.

    They should work with another skill like the community said: Revive, Bone Spirit or another skill but not an already used skill.

    Any suggestions to make it work it's welcome. HF and GL, cya on Sanctuary!!!

    submitted by /u/Zato83
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    Calculation into Crusader vs Frenzybarb

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I did some thinking into why the frenzybarb is so bad compared to (the updated HF Crusader) and made 2 d3Planners to compare them to each other and came up with these 2 builds:

    Barb: https://www.d3planner.com/411405504

    Cruz: https://www.d3planner.com/684278285

    The difference in DPS is still a factor 10 even after nerfing the Shield.

    The barbarian does get faster stricken stacks (If the crusader plays perfect with switching attacks 3,75, calculated this at 4 times faster) So through stricken the barbarian will do about 2.7 times the damage on average in a 2 minute fight (which might have made it a cool pushing option if this was a bit higher than the dps difference) There is also problems with WOTB uptime and it selfstuns so the 2pc bonus doesn't line up with CoE.

    What I would suggest to fix this is moving the pants to the bracers slot for the set and removing the stun from the effect given by the undisputed champion, then adding a 300% bonus to the Bastion's revered

    submitted by /u/Gekerd
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    Someone on PS4?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I lost my save from the time i used to play on ps3, now i have to start from the beginning and I'm looking for someone to play. ID tigosds

    submitted by /u/tigosd
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    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Playing warrior, what are stat caps, and breakpoints? Read a guide for regular (not hellfire) and said hit cap was like 280... But it just gives me a percent. I just wanna know how high my dex/mag need to be to decently block/hit, and learn things like reflect, healing, holy bolt, paladin type skills

    submitted by /u/SuwAlx
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    Next-Gen Diablo 4?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I was wondering if you guys think Diablo 4 will come to both current gen and next gen, or, given the timing of the announcement and the release of next gen at the end of this year, if they will release it for next-gen only?

    submitted by /u/jwakajoma
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    The Making of Diablo: $300,000 and One Year

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    Diablo is one of the most influential action-RPG ever created. Discover the journey of how Condor created the game with a budget of $300,000 and a timeline of one year.


    submitted by /u/videogameshistorian
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    New DH set and Momentum stacks

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    What is your opinion about the new DH set?

    The "decay mechanic" on Momentum stacks is really forcing you to spam your Basic attack instead of strafing. In addition, you need to hit an enemy to gain Momentum stacks so if you find yourself missing 2-3 shots, all of them are basically gone.

    My idea is to just let them stack, and have them refresh each stack. Maybe not 10 -> 20s bonus since it would make you basically strafing all the time, but 10s at 10 stacks seems fair since strafe doesnt refresh Momentum. You would have to consider skill cost too so you won't end up at 0 resources.

    I believe making Strafe to refresh Momentum stacks would be bad since it would reduce your gameplay to one button.

    The second problem is that strafe dmg reduction bonus doesn't show up nowhere on the screen. As Hardcore Player, that is so annoying since I don't know when exactly buff ends.

    Overall so far i see myself using primary fire for like 90% of the time and strafing when I am entirely sure I will not use all 10 of them. It is just not fun to play and I really want to hear your feedback too.

    submitted by /u/Kondyss
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    Thoughts on Impale DH buffs?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:35 AM PDT

    Has anyone gone deep with the impale DHs yet? Is the buff significant?

    submitted by /u/TobyNilla
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    The cursed peat run

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    I've got the cursed peat of anyone wants to join for the conquest. L1nksss#1774

    submitted by /u/LinkKillzU
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    Check out my Bolas DH build from PTR

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Is the PTR always laggy as shit?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    It's the first time i'm actually trying the PTR but good lord. Almost every action has a 1-2 second delay. Is that normal on the PTR or is it just because everybody wants to try it right now?

    submitted by /u/RedSkyNL
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    never played diablo before and would like to try it. What makes this game so cool?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    I thought that I would buy diablo2 + lod but I was wondering what makes this game so good? Is it all about grinding and killing bosses? Whats after I kill all the bosses? Never played any diablo game before.

    submitted by /u/BorsukwDziupli
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    I wish I could see a total playtime overall in D3

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    I would love to see how much Diablo 3 I've played over the years. But playtime is calculated, as far as I can tell, only a per-character basis. And I've deleted countless characters and it bums me out that I'll never be able to accurately quantify my time spent with this game. I'm fairly certain I've played this one game more than any other by a pretty wide margin.

    I'd love it if there was some way I could find out how much time since launch I've played the game. Unless I'm missing something, I suppose I'll always have to just wonder.

    Anyone else in this boat?

    submitted by /u/eifersucht12a
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    World First Diablo 2 + LoD Speed Run in Under 1 Hour

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:46 AM PDT

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