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    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    Diablo Do you think there will be a Diablo II Remastered?

    Diablo Do you think there will be a Diablo II Remastered?

    Do you think there will be a Diablo II Remastered?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    This poll will be active for 7 days.

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    submitted by /u/iBleeedorange
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    All the games with all the fixins.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    My Blind Diablo II Experience Day 2 Part 2

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Day 2 Part 2:

    Making a quick stop to the blacksmith to repair my gear, especially my sword that was almost broken, as well as various other tasks, such as finding the waypoint to Cold Plains thanks to u/hansdieterkarl, I head back through the town portal to resume my journey to Tristram. My initial entry into the Dark Wood was a rather short lived one, as I bit off a bit more than I could chew, as many enemies surrounded me and killed me before I could do anything to get out of there. Fortunately getting back to my body wasn't much of a hassle and I was able to retrieve my stuff as well as defeat the enemies surrounding my body.

    Venturing around the Dark Wood, slay many enemies, mainly carvers though as it seems they prefer to attack in large numbers. I, also, managed to find the waypoint for Dark Wood, so now I don't need to use a town portal to get back. With nothing much left to do in the Dark Wood, I continue into the Black Marsh. Upon entering I encounter two special returned enemies, one that dropped a rare Scimitar and one that dropped a rare skull cap. Continuing along the path and crossing a bridge all the while slaying enemies left and right, I come across a side path that leads a cave entrance to the Hole. Just to check whether or not that's where I need to go, I continue on the main path to see where it leads.

    The main path leads to the Tamoe Highland, of which I seem to be rather unprepared to take on at my current level, level 8, and equipment so after healing up, I back track to find the waypoint Black Marsh and then I go to check out the cave entrance in the Black Marsh. While I was exploring the first floor of the cave it didn't take me long to realize that I should have explored Dark Wood more before continuing to Black Marsh, so I finish exploring the first level of the Hole first before I left the cave and return to Dark Wood.

    Not sure how I missed the tree on the automap, but I find the Tree of Inifuss and obtain the scroll needed for the quest. So after wasting about an hour exploring areas that I didn't need to yet, I return to camp to give the scroll to Akara.

    Upon receiving the scroll, Akara translates the contents and tells me to go to the Cairn Stones in Stony Field and touch them in the order written to open a portal to Tristram.

    Before performing the task to open the portal to Tristram, I explore Stony Field a bit more in search of it's waypoint. During my search, I discover a moldy tome. It's contents speak of a countess who was buried alive in her tower. Some of her fortune seems to have been buried with her along with the inhumane deeds she had conducted. After going a long distance to find the waypoint, I return to the stones to open the portal. After touching the stones in a clockwise order, starting from the raindrop symbol, I open the portal to Tristram, knowing fully well of the dangers that lie ahead.

    Upon entering the fallen town of Tristram, I encounter familiar face. Griswold, the former blacksmith of Tristram, seems to have met an unfortunate demise and was risen as a cursed undead. I was forced to put him down as there was no saving him. Taking the loot he dropped, I continue my search for Deckard Cain, wondering if the old man would still be alive after all this time.

    Nearing the fountain in the town square, I find Cain, alive and well, locked up in a cage suspended of the ground. After, clearing out the enemies in the immediate area, I help Cain out of the cage. After I help him out he, states his name and leaves, telling me to leave quickly as well, so I do just that and return to camp.

    Finding Cain at the camp, he thanks me for saving him and offers to identify items at no cost. He, then, tells me about the events that occurred after the hero had slain Diablo, how he started to show behavioral changes and how all of a sudden he left and demon attacked Tristram shortly after. Cain believes that the Dark Wanderer is the hero of Tristram and that he fears that, if Diablo has taken over him, Diablo may be even stronger than before and that I will have to stop him before it's too late.

    I spoke with Akara shortly afterwards and she thanks me for saving Cain. I, then meet with Charsi, who seems to have a quest for me. She tells me that she had left her enchanted smithing hammer, the Horadric Malus, at the monastery when they fled, and that if I retrieve it for her, she will be able to strengthen my equipment with it's magic.

    Seeing how late it has gotten, I choose to rest, so that I am fully ready to continue onwards once I awake.

    Post-session level:

    Zuldylm Level: 10

    End of Day 2:

    I'm going to leave it here. Man I didn't mean to waste so much time venturing into the Black Marsh and the Tamoe Highland, I should have realized sooner that the difficulty had started to reach a point that it became tough to handle at my level. I'll do my best to actually read the quest info properly from now on so I don't wander to far off track. My next session will probably be on Saturday because I have business to take care of tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be able to play.

    submitted by /u/jmfindorff
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    Torment levels should not be included in D4

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    They need to get rid of torment levels entirely. Difficulty should be tied to content, not some monster hit points slider on the game menu. If you can't beat a certain monster, you should be forced to farm earlier areas until you can. There is nothing more boring for an end game than an infinite, slow, braindead progression through artificial difficulty settings. I honestly can't think of a lazier way to pad out end game "content" than blatant artificial difficulty scaling.

    submitted by /u/LukeSkycocker69
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    Through the Fire and Flames 2: The Fire and Flamining - Clip of liloddynuff - Twitch Clips

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Evil Has Returned

    Posted: 14 May 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    If Through the Fire and Flames had the same rainbow in Diablo 3

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    "One ring to rule them all..."

    Posted: 14 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    My Blind Diablo 2 Experience Day 2 Part 1

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I'm splitting today into at least two parts so I don't have to make one very long part at the end of the day, seeing as I still have a ways till I reach the end of Act I. (Just realized I put 2 instead of II for Diablo II unlike the first post, oh well can't change it now.)

    Day 2 Part 1:

    After resting up, I get ready to set off to the Monastery burial grounds. Taking the path from the camp and going west at the intersection (Might be wrong direction wise), I encounter some enemies, nothing too severe, but I gained 1 level from it, which I put points into strength and vitality and I'm going to save the skill point I got for a bit. Along the way, I encountered Flavie, who warns me of the evils that corrupted the monastery.

    I, now, enter the Cold Plains as I get closer to the monastery. The demons here appear to be a bit stronger than the fallen, undead and quills that I encountered in the Blood Moor, but they are not too much to handle. Along the path, I reach an intersection going north and south. I, first, take the south path, which leads to a cave. I, then head back and go north, which I come across two paths, one continuing north and one going west, the west path appears to lead to an area that I would probably want to explore later and the north path leads to the Burial Grounds. After a quick return to the camp, I venture into the Burial Grounds, where I'm tasked to find Blood Raven.

    I explore the Burial Grounds a bit, coming across an open tomb, leading to the crypt, of which I leave for later as I continue exploring. Then, I find her. Blood Raven, having been corrupted by Andariel, starts the attack with her small legion of zombies and skeletons. Finding the zombies and skeletons to be a bit troublesome as they surround me, I find an opening pull away and recuperate. I start to make her forces dwindle as I slay zombies and skeletons one by one. Once they no longer are a threat to me, I charge at Blood Raven, as she tries to keep her distance with her bow. Getting taking some blows, she continues to run as she attempts to attack me with her bow. Continuing my charge, I manage to back her into a corner. Seeing as I can no longer try to reason with her, I land the finishing blow. Upon her death, I see her chained soul leave her body, no longer controlled by Andariel. After saying my appologies for having to kill her and retrieving the small shield and gold that she dropped, I return to the camp.

    Upon my return, I report to Kashya with the news of Blood Raven's defeat. She expresses slight disbelief, but quickly accepts it as the truth as says that she is relieved that Blood Raven will no longer be controlled by Andariel. Having earned her respect, she allows me to hire some of her best warriors as a reward of my feat.

    Afterwards, I speak with Akara again. She worries that the evil we are dealing with my be much worse than they had feared. She, then, requests that I go to Tristram, where this had all started, and find Deckard Cain, hoping that he is still alive after all this.

    After stocking up on potions and making sure my gear is all set, I leave the camp, headed for Tristram. Following me was Aliza, one of Kashya's fellow rogues. She seems strong enough to take care of her self so I don't worry that she would slow me down, also it seems experience from enemies she kills goes to me anyways, so in the end I'm still rewarded for everything even though she's putting in the work, which seems unfair, but what can you do.

    Going the same way that I did to get to the Burial Grounds, I take the west path instead of the north one. Along the way, I find a hidden stash of something, not exactly sure what it gave me as nothing dropped on the ground and I don't think I got any gold, so whatever. A bit afterwards, I enter the Stony Field (Quick question. About those checkpoints, are those found in "dungeons", such as the cave in the Cold Plains, or are they found in the overworld? I'm asking because I haven't found one yet and I was just curious.)

    Near the entrance, I come across the Cairn Stones, which are guarded by Foul Crows, Carvers and an enemy named Rakanishu, who dropped a rare Large Axe and a rare Spiked Club. A ways further down the path, we found an enemy encampment of which attacked us almost immediately. Enemys came swarming down left and right, I attacked the oncoming horde, slaying them one by one. Further ahead I fought a special demon archer who dropped a rare short sword. After the battle was over, I had found out my companion Aliza had been slain. I wasn't able to protect her since I had too many enemies attacking me to do so.

    R.I.P. Aliza

    You were a fine warrior, even if it was short lived

    After shortly mourning the death of a companion I barely knew, I made a quick trip back to the camp using a town portal to clear up my inventory before continuing on my journey and make sure my gear is in good shape. After identifying the short sword that archer dropped, it turned out to be better than the Superior hand axe I was wielding before and was called the Sharp Short Sword of Worth. After making sure I've done what I need, I returned to the Stony Field and continued on my quest to Tristram.

    Continuing on the path through the Stony Field, I come across the Underground Passage, which is said to lead to the Dark Wood. I explore to the Passage, which was much bigger than I expected. Many creatures and demons scoured the the passage. After awhile, my inventory became full so I made a portal to town to fix that. After awhile of searching, I find the exit leading to the Dark Wood, I also found the stairs to the second level, but I decide to hold of on exploring there. After ensuring I have fully explored the first level of the passage, finding two rings, I make one last trip back to camp to make sure my inventory isn't entirely full as well as making sure my equipment is in good shape before heading to the Dark Wood, of which I assume will lead me to Tristram.

    End of Day 2 Part 1:

    The second part will probably come later on today. But, for now I'll post this part. Also, if I were to close save and quit, will open town portals be closed when I return? I'm going to leave the game open just in case and take a bit of a break since I played about 3 hours straight. Also, I am still curious about those checkpoints, as I still have not encountered one for Stony Field. I thought I would have encountered one by now, but I guess not, unless I missed it, which is possible. If anything, I'll probably google for answers, since I'm probably not going to encounter spoilers for that. Anyway I am definitely liking the game so far. Also thanks for the tips on the previous post, I found them to be rather helpful.

    submitted by /u/jmfindorff
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    Diablo 2 apparent developers Vicarious Visions also working on Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 Remaster

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    In the description for the announcement trailer here it states:

    "Activision has announced Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2, a remake/remaster from Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy developer Vicarious Visions. Compiling the first two THPS games, remade with new graphics but that classic gameplay, the new game will be released on September 4, 2020, for PS4, Xbox One, and PC."

    So this would mean Diablo 2 developers would have also been working on this huge remaster project at the same time. They have 218 employees according to this google search so maybe this is possible? I have to say though, to be working on two such huge remasters would seem like a lot, even for a team of 218. This makes me doubt the Diablo 2 remaster, as much as I want it to be real :(

    What do you guys think? Anyone with more game studio experience can speculate on this being more possible?

    submitted by /u/drifterdusty
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    OMG PRIMAL ANCIENT! WEE-... oh, wait...

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Is diablo 2 online actually good?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I was thinking of buying d2 but i was wondering if it is actually worth it.I want to play both single player and multi player.I dont know if the on-line part is good though.

    submitted by /u/Mpanaras
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    Blade fury glitch. I'm amazed I still find new exploits in this old gem :)

    Posted: 14 May 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    New member looking for what to do!

    Posted: 14 May 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I picked up Diablo 3 a while back and its been in my backlog forever. Finally getting to it and it's very overwhelming. Should a new player worry about making a seasonal character or just a normal character for now? I made a seasonal Witch Doctor and I'm enjoying what there is so far, but I don't know if it'll come back to bite me later on.

    submitted by /u/zurenea
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    Diablo II + Porting Kit

    Posted: 14 May 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys,
    When I run Porting Kit or P....Y can I close porting kit after the game is opened?


    submitted by /u/FabHello
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    Diablo 3 Unable to join friends invite on Nintendo switch

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Does anyone know the solution to joining a friends game on the Nintendo switch?

    My friend and I for some reason keep getting this error message when inviting each other, or trying to join the other's party.

    "There was a problem joining the game"

    We are able to join quick match with random people. Even had the same Random person join both our games when the Barb left my game and randomly joined my friend's game. (we had a good laugh at that)

    I tried to randomly join his game threw quick match but ended up in a solo game.

    We both tried rebooting our Nintendo switches (only worked once)

    We tried switching from friendly only to public game

    Has someone found a fix for this issue?

    submitted by /u/Dao32
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    What do I do with extra set items & legendaries?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I recently started playing a lot and now I have a lot of extra set items & legendary items and I was wondering what to do with them. Should I just get rid of them or keep them? The problem is that my stash is full Thanks

    submitted by /u/LordBollito
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    Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - 05/14/20

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to week 361 of Thursday Help Desk.

    This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

    Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

    If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

    Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

    If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    UK Diablo Store? Can someone confirm this is legit.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Barb : How does rage build up

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    So I started season 20, I play D3 since start more or less and the last 10 seasons at least to slayer.

    Since all my guild has left some time ago, I now have to play alone and I started a new barb, going for the easy WW barb with rend. But my rage does not go up. I have to build it up with a resource generator and then WW until I'm out. Sure, some things are still missing from the build, but I don't see any item that causes rage to rise. I remember and previous seasons I WWed forever :)


    using that build template but switched the ancient spear for now to bash for resource gen

    submitted by /u/MyRealName46
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    Diablo 2 D2SE/plugy - auto gold pick up?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Hi guysy, im running d2 via D2SE mod manager with added plugy, i basically click D2SE.exe, configure graphics options and click 1.13c vanilla lod with added plugy.

    How can I add auto gold plugin to that? I`ve found some online but i have no idea how to make it work in D2SE, any help?

    submitted by /u/zakszirak
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    Diablo 2 Virgin run, (New player blind gameplay)

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    D3 primals. Whats your strategy?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I have a buddy who unlocks primals minimum 4-5 times a week. Last primal i got was a week ago. Where should i be looking? I'm currently stuck on gr112..

    submitted by /u/makomarty
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