• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 31, 2020

    Diablo Cain's Journal (incl. Premiere 1080p60 Remastered Cinematics) [ENG Subs]

    Diablo Cain's Journal (incl. Premiere 1080p60 Remastered Cinematics) [ENG Subs]

    Cain's Journal (incl. Premiere 1080p60 Remastered Cinematics) [ENG Subs]

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Good evening, ladies and gents, diablo fans, lore lovers and deckard cain admirers! Today is a great day for all of you! From the heart of Sanctuary, I bring you the special remastered version for all Diablo's 2 cinematics @1080p60 alongside with the Deckard Cain's Journal, a complete remake made by me and my hands.

    But whom am I? My name is Ólverius Ironfist, but friends call me Óli, I am a loremaster (storyteller) and a minstrel (music composer) with a strange long time passion for all Diablo related games and mods, particularly I love very much the 'Brotherhood of the Horadrim' (i have a huge respect for Deckard Cain) and the 'Knights of the Zakarum (paladin/ crusader order).

    You need to remember only one thing: I am here for you, even if i am not a very talkative person, I create things for you and for the next videos i have a plenty of ideas, about creating lore sessions including all diablo's aspects, npcs, locations, landscapes, monsters etc, unique for youtube or completely different.

    So if you like my video and the work behind of it, help me to spread righteousness, peace and joy over the world of Sanctuary, by pressing 'thumb up' button if you like my idea, and 'subscribe' button if you love my creation, it will help me alot to continue.

    Thank you and enjoy: https://youtu.be/cCMulPRoROU

    submitted by /u/olverius420067
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    Craft to mastery:an idea for "easy to learn diffcult to master"

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:05 PM PDT

    Craft to mastery:an idea for "easy to learn diffcult to master"


    I think many of us can agree when the first Diablo 4 's Demo come out. we are all exicted and a bit terrified. The mainly reason of this is because item design. for me ,It is because of this reason.

    • attack/deffense system

    they remove the tradional STR/DEX/INT system. this is no only take away the atmosphere of an rpg. it lead to the "green arrow good. red arrow bad"situation.

    the main reason behind this change is that D2/D3 stats system failed so bad and didn't help this philosophy. I can accept this since it isn't even a beta and the team introduced a new system to fill this hole( Angelic Power, Demonic Power, Ancestral Power, )

    • item affix

    another thing that bug me is the total number of affix on one item. as far as i know . that only have 4-5 affix on one item. I always hate this design philosophy on Diablo3/any other moderen arpg. I understand that is becuase the Dev don't want people feel to diffcult to understand. but I really enjoy I cand get overwhelemed by D2's item. there are so much different affix on one item. it took me time to learn it and also feel rewarded.since the Dev said that they will increase the total number on item. I will hold my opinins on this topic.

    also I was so excited to see the old "+XXrank on XX skill" is back. D3 have similar affix "+XX% damage on XX skill" but it is a failure. that is becuse skill rank can give you more option than damage. it may give you more projectile/pet/effect range. etc. Diablo 3 have so much boring affix. +crt damage +Crt% +attack speed. almost every class need those affix and it is not fun.

    My suggestion

    In my opinins . The dev are so obsessed to the idea"easy to learn" in D3. they forget the other half. I agree it need to be more accesable for the new player and he is my solution.

    more affix over time- I divide itemlevel into 4 cap.(1-10,11-20.21-30.31-40) . the maxium number of first cap should be 4, and next would be 5,6,7(may be more). slowly introduce the depth to the player.

    affix type-Affix need to be sort out to two different type.

    A. always useful-+X HP +X Crt damage +X Crt +X engry etc.almost every class need thiskind of affix.

    B. benfint in some build- +pet damage/+X skill/+melee damage/+ magic damage etc.

    this kind of affix will only help some build. for example I didn't need any pet damgein my ww BB build. but it will be useful to my Pet Durid build.

    introudce complexity over item level. low level item should focus to the affix that alwaysuseful. High level item should be focus on type B affix.

    for example:


    Crused affix- this is my final suggestion. that isn't a Crazy idea to ARPG . but i think this is a new thing to diablo ( unless they did it on diablo 1).

    the idea behind Crused affix is a reward for the hardcord player that understand the system so deep.

    a Crused affix combine by two part. buff and debuff. here is some example

    +your pet deal damage when your HP above 60%

    -your hp reduce by 20%

    Crused affis give huge bonus but also give huge debuff. it only appear on end game item.

    it can also purify by some npc.

    I look forward for what you guy think! please tell me your opinins!

    submitted by /u/krishi352
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    Diablo 2: thoughts on best act 2 merc weapon base for runewords and why?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    I've heard a few but if I'm thinking right, than wouldn't very fast attack speed be the most important if you're using an Andy helm? That way he gets health back more?

    submitted by /u/Evil-Red
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    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    I'm playing warrior (lv17). Playing in caves atm. So far I've run into hoards of enemies. And what I dif was scatter them and kill them one by one. It seems when you hit enemy there's no way to completely avoid their attack. So I whacked my weapon at them took damage and used potions. But now in caves potions are making me go bankrupt and those. Is this really how this game is supposed to be played or am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/SneakyFire448
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    Cant download diablo 2

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    i cant download diablo 2 its not popping up on the downloads page in blizzard

    submitted by /u/dashingtapper
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    Barbarian abilities in diablo 3

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Which do you think are the best abilities for the barbarian in Diablo 3?

    submitted by /u/Awanasgana91
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    Do you remember Cursed Realms? Use part of it as better Season Theme.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    PTR Patch 2.2 - Cursed Realms - see at datamined info:


    And everybody forgot.

    Edit (some of the unused item passives)

    Unique_Ring_502_x1 - Transform into something angelic or demonic.

    Unique_Ring_503_x1 - You absorb an attribute from the pack you are fighting.

    Unique_Ring_581_x1 - Chance on hit to blast your enemy with Lightning, dealing 100% weapon damage as Lightning and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each enemy hit has their attack speed and movement speed reduced by 30% for 3 seconds. Jumps up to 5 targets.

    Unique_Ring_583_x1 - Double the damage of Poison elemental effects.

    Unique_Ring_605_x1 - Arcane Torrent instantly lays mines on the ground.

    Unique_Ring_625_x1 - Ancient Spear now pulls you to the first enemy hit. This effect replaces rune effects that pull enemies. (LOL!)

    Unique_Ring_637_x1 - The world map is always revealed.

    Unique_Ring_640_x1 - Completing an event grants a special reward.

    Unique_Ring_641_x1 - Chance on being hit to summon a protective pylon.

    Unique_Ring_654_x1 - Knockbacks will knockup enemies instead.

    Unique_Ring_659_x1 - Marked for Death causes all rockets to lock in on that enemy.

    Unique_Ring_678_x1 - Your projectiles move faster.

    Unique_Ring_714_x1 - Chance to proc a demonic spell.

    Unique_Ring_758_x1 - Whirlwind reflects all projectiles back at the attacker.

    Unique_Ring_760_x1 - Gain the effect of all Armors.

    Unique_Ring_904_x1 - Seismic Slam is cast in all directions.

    Unique_Ring_910_x1 - A bolt of damage strikes an enemy every second for 100% weapon damage while Akarat's Champion is active.

    submitted by /u/motylo
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    Sarah McLachlan - Black (Diablo III - Reaper Of Souls Edition)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    PTR ??

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    i just enjoy for first time PTR but i don't see community nobody playing ,even my list with friends disappeared , only solo in PTR ?

    submitted by /u/cipri71
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    Lord of Terror

    Posted: 30 May 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Concepts for future seasonal themes

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    So I just had an idea while in the shower for a lengthy post regarding the future of Diablo 3 seasons.
    Here it is :
    After checking the preliminary patch notes, I started thinking about what could come in the near to far future. In my opinion, every new season should be an opportunity, a chance to play the game differently, either by engaging with the environment in a new/unique way of making the enemies of Sanctuary come out of their scripted closets.
    Last season didn't do this. It just allowed good build to become even better. No beating the bush here. Next one will offer something new(ish), with the timed weather effects. That's nice and all, but looking past S21 and into S22 we need to think more about how to enrich the player experience, either by more world interactions, social interactions, or both. And the place where all of this could very well happen is of course Adventure Mode. Right now, at the start of each new season, there's a short period of playing until you reach max level, followed by the endless cycle of doing rifts for greater rift keys, and doing greater rifts for paragon and loot. That's about it. It shouldn't be that way, there's a whole open world available for the Nefilim to explore, but no incentive to do so. Bounties only get done when the season journey asked for them, or when a certain item/crafting material needs to be farmed, after which they're all but forgotten. And the keywardens. Goblin hunting doesn't count.
    What I believe is that the mob filled areas of Sanctuary deserve a little love, and one of the ways to achieve just this is to bring back, a form of the charms from Diablo 2. As a droppable item, that only drops in adventure mode from certain types of bosses, or certain types of encounters, similar in structure to a bounty, but more like a world event. Random ones, that couldn't be farmed via rerolling maps as in the case of certain bounties. Ones that spawn and start at random intervals of time while you or your group are simply playing in adventure mode.
    Hear me out. You'd get a random event. At 100% completion, you'd get a 'sigil', the Di3 equivalent of a Diablo 2 charm, which will give you a nice passive. Something in the line of every minute, freeze all enemies in a set radius around you for 5 seconds, or something like that, an effect that changes the way you play the game. First, you have these random events that incentivize you to play adventure mode, not only grind Rifts and GRs. You'd have a limit of how many sigils could be carried at one time, depending on their effects, and of course, some would synergize with others and also your build. Some might favor solo play, while others, group play. That's the short of it, now for a few examples of events...
    For act I, variations of the Leoric and Butcher encounter can be made into randomly generated fights, each one of them being boosted by other specific mobs to make the fight more challenging. Bonus objectives can be implemented, and a guaranteed ancient legendary drop to offer even more reason for giving them a chance. Act 2 would feature sandworm attacks and other desert related activities, 3 will see the return of the siege breaker, just like it was showcased in the D3 gameplay trailer from 2010 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q17FDfU7-ds ). I have a decent-sized relevant comment over there too. An example for act 4 would be a variation of the Iskatu fight, making use of the ghost mobs and can flood you if you're not careful. And for 5, blood pools. So many things you could do with blood pools. And wolfs to.
    One might say that you could take any mob from the game and create something interesting and engaging. If nothing else, this little showcasing of ideas might serve as a source of inspiration for Diablo 4 or any future projects that might see the light of day. Someday.

    Thanks for sticking around, have a great one.

    submitted by /u/knolty
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    Diablo 2 remake/remaster controller support

    Posted: 31 May 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    what do you think ? yes or no ?

    submitted by /u/CyckiZpolska
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