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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Diablo Time to teach the boy how to slay demons!

    Diablo Time to teach the boy how to slay demons!

    Time to teach the boy how to slay demons!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    I've released a fantasy ambient album, there's a Diablo 2 easter egg hidden on the cover

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    New to the series and want to play all of them, how and where can I buy the first yo hablo

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    Feel you want to get into these series and I have the third one on the switch but I'd rather play the first two cuz I really like these types of games


    submitted by /u/AcrobaticDonut
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    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    Rat https://www.d3planner.com/659761498 110-115 gr

    WD https://www.d3planner.com/530135032 120 solo (2mil dmg,17.6 mil tough, 1.3 recov, dont know why d3planner is wrong)

    paragon: 1500

    I did this last week and got great feed back thought id do it again. my current gear after week 2. Wd is my main pushing champ and using necro to help with gear and augs. currently at solo gr 120 for wd and rat runs 110-115 and just finished lvl 100 augs on everything, i know the rings dont have any but i have the gems just waiting to get ones with cdr. not sure if its more worth to grind some bounties out and re roll till i get good rings or just keep running rats to gather gems for my wd and hope one drops by then or just aug them now better to have the dmg now. my goal is to get 13 lvl 100 gems from rats this week and then swap to wd to get them as high as i can for augs. any recommendation on how to go about this would be great. my main question is i spent the past week running rats to get paragon what should i do this week to advance my wd in the long run, can be for either class. any tips or recommendations greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wumb_
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    Gambling TC3 items

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Is it worth gambling for TC 3 items like hand axe, short bow, etc?

    submitted by /u/stoind
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    Looking for a group/clan

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    I'm in a clan now that has a decent amount of people but none of them talk in chat and all seem to have cliques and only play with each other instead of looking for new people to play with.

    I'm super laid back as far as playing the game goes, but have pretty good knowledge and have been playing for a while. More than happy to help others but I just want some people to play with and socialize with without having to go in random pugs. Out of work at the moment due to covid-19 so lots of time to play.

    submitted by /u/rafiee
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    What am I doing wrong. This game is too easy

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I just bought Diablo 3 and started playing through the campaign. I'm completely new to the game. I'm currently level 40 somewhere in Act 2. I'm a Demon Hunter, my gear consists of legendaries and rares. This game is proofing to me that face rolling can be an actual way to play a game. I can literally stand still and defeat main bosses by just holding down the right mouse button on them.

    I'm already playing on expert and I can't go higher until I beat act 4. I'm not even half way there. Still really enjoying the story, art, characters, skills. But I'm so ridiculously over powered! I'm afraid I'm not enjoying the campaign to it's full potential. Should I be purposefully using bad gear? Is there another difficulty setting I'm overlooking? Can any of you advice me on how to balance the game better?

    submitted by /u/Tortillaish
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    Things to know about spirit barrage, mundunugu's, and the barber

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Hey hey!

    So first off, weird set.. Weird mechanics.. What's not to love? Just want to share some things I've found about it for everyone while I've been doing GR's.

    So with barber and phantasm- it appears to accumulate at 10 yards, and the explosion is 15 yards.

    If the monsters wander out of the phantasm and it detonates, from what I've seen no damage is done to them.

    If the phantasm is left there with no damage being dealt, if something wanders in it will only deal the accumulated damage it could have taken like if there was no barber once you detonate it. So no leaving them there for 9 seconds with nothing in it as a trap.

    They appear to generate damage based on how many targets are in its range- more targets equals more boom (ie if it does say 100 damage in its duration, and there's 5 people in the radius, it explodes for 500).

    Spamming them vs waiting for them does the same amount of damage. However, it's possible to cause them to detonate before their next tick, leading to a net loss in DPS. However, rush of essence is also increasing your mana regen everytime you cast it for 10s. If you're spamming it constantly, it's about 200mps and the set will multiply that by 5 and add it into the 20k damage it adds to spirit barrage damage. While it's not massive to prioritize gearing for mana regen, the mundunugu's set bonus does increase the damage based on mana regen. You want to find a balance if you do happen to use that passive- you might as well right. If you can completely ignore your mana it's not going to be out damaging the other passives and can be swapped.

    Due to the smaller enemies adding damage to the explosion, you generally don't want to just kill them off with spam while they're in the group. A good use would be pulling packs of monsters by casting phantasm on them. That'll proc the mana regen. It will also ensure manitou is attacking at the highest attack speed. Use your judgement, if you have a group waiting with 3 phantasms on them building, do something else. Don't get too hung up on pushing the mana regen high, everything else should take priority. Just do it if you can.

    The damage modifiers are factored in while the damage is accumulating, and not when you detonate. For example, oculus ring you want to stand in it as long as you can with the enemies in the phantasms. convention you want to have the phantasms building damage in cold, and then detonating it once the rotation is completely done (or not, just make sure you have them accumulating in cold, you don't have to detonate them right away). Same thing with applying locusts or haunt, you want that applied first.

    They either detonate after 10 seconds, or they detonate when the 3 pet limit goes over, so casting a 4th one.

    And this is just if you're a witch doctor in general, but please send more stash tabs I have no room: https://i.imgur.com/iopdiM6.png

    If I made a mistake or you want to add stuff in, please feel free. I've been trying to push on the leaderboard this season and am having a lot of fun with the build, but admitedly it's a bit more convoluted than other builds I've played in the past and I'd hate to think that people might be struggling with it :)

    submitted by /u/Arkontas
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    Looking for PS4 PL

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:27 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/xREVENGEx
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    Primal Gear

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Ok so I've been running GR100 for hours it feels like with no luck on primal gear. Is it a myth or just super low drop rate?

    submitted by /u/KSins27
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    Switch D3 - Problems with Loot Goblin Amiibo

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    hope im right here ^^

    I searched already a lot on the Internet but couldnt quiet find my exact problem or a solution.

    Recently my long wished Loot Goblin Amiibo arrived and i wanted to try it out (obviously :D).

    But it doesnt work at all. Every single time I get the message "Unsupported amiibo was scanned"

    When i go to the Switch setting and try to scan the amiibo it says "This is not an amiibo"

    i even tried it on the switch light and with my pro controller to make sure its not a fault on the NFC from the controller.

    Now I'm 99,9% sure this is a legit amiibo and not fake but this makes me kinda doubt it

    Any suggestions? :/

    submitted by /u/Relkaia
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    Wallpaper Diablo IV #7 Cultists (Art by Igor Sidorenko)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    ** Diablo IV #7: Cultists**


    deviantART - twitter


    All the best for u/Nevalistis for all the hard work she did for us and blizzard


    And Another Epic piece of artwork by Igor Sidorenko


    Sorry it's been a few weeks for Diablo IV wallpapers. I just needed a break in making anything wallpapers for a bit. And now with the corona virus out there I've been extra busy at the grocery store I work at now. So... Much... PANIC... BUYING... end me...


    Stay safe and hope this wallpaper gives you some enjoyment here and there. I'll be posting the next batch of By Three They Come really soon.


    Enjoy and please stay safe and do the social distancing thing. Some of us anti-socials have waited and trained our whole lives for this moment!


    hehehe - later gang!


    Artwork (C) Igor Sidorenko & Blizzard



    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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    Archon + Slow Time

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    Can anyone explains how this works, I cast the skill then cast slow time but skills are still archon and not cold as per the keynote.

    I seen on net that instead archon uses the element that has the highest %. Is this correct mean the skill information cannot be relied on?

    submitted by /u/mirdragon
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    my strafer farms DClone in less than 2:30

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Few WW barb questions

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Running WW barb with wastes. Ambos, belt for rend dmg + 2x rend(is that even "working" with ambos?) HC

    A few questions.

    Do I need crit dmg and crit chance? is it my rend or ww that stands for most dmg as I guess rend cant crit?

    Anyone have an idea of what % dmg is rend and what is ww? aka should i roll ww dmg on shoes for example?

    submitted by /u/raks0
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    [D2] Need help playing through Diablo 2 LoD Solo.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Okay. So. I've never played through Diablo 2 LoD Solo. Yet i "Play" the game twice a Year since 9 Years. I've played through normal with my Friends multiple times, and the only time i felt even remotly usefull was playing as a Necro and summoning a bunch of Skeletons as meatshields, so my friends dont get hurt so much.

    Act 1 is okay, i die maybe three time to Andariel.

    Act 2 and i have to lay down Townportals every 40-60 Seconds to escape Death. im not sure if i dont deal enough Damage, or i cant take enough, even though 60-70%of my points end up in Vit. The Act boss(Dont remember it's Name) if he as much as touches me im dead because of the slow, unless im standing next to my trusty townportal.

    Starting with Act 3 it feels more like i hurt a Singular Monster for 50% of their life before i die, so i've never passed Act3.

    When i went looking for builds/guides (something i hate looking up) i only found Endgame Builds, with no mention of the levelingphase.

    I would be grateful for advice. Any Advice at this point because i dont know what im doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/Aberlolz
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    Uhhh.... anyone have any ideas?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    So I was having trouble joining my friends game. Then eventually we got it to work... and all my characters were gone? But like it still showed progress... any ideas?

    submitted by /u/SweatyEchoMain
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    Alt accounts?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Do I need to purchase the game twice to make an alt that I can use for, say, holding legendary gems to farm on my main, or is there a way to bring up multiple windows of one account on different characters?

    submitted by /u/AeroScorch
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    Tempest Rush - Why sometimes you deal almost no damage?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Does anyone know why you sometimes hardly deal any damage with the Flurry explosion? Sometimes, i have 70 stacks, wait for Cold on my Convention and i one-shot Rift Guardians on GR90-95. Sometimes, i have 100 stacks, wait for Cold and hardly deal any damage. Is that because of a Critical Hit?

    submitted by /u/RedSkyNL
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    I have a question.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Good morning. I have a question.

    I'm on a quest to get the Paragon to at least 400. As of this moment, it's at 267. I'm stacking those greater rift keys right now. If I'm not mistaken, doing greater rifts is the best source of EXP available to me.

    With that said, my Witch Doctor is currently wearing the Arachyr set. I've seen that a few other set items have been dropping here and there. I almost have the Helltooth set completed.

    Is that Arachyr set the best thing I could have on my Witch Doctor?

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    How do people find groups? I ask in popular communities for groups and no one bites

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    I'm almost paragon 1500 and I'm a trash clearer. I post in communities and no one invites. It's getting discouraging playing solo all the time. I want to push and I can't go any higher right now alone (120 solo as a Typhon's wizard, top 30 on the leaderboard).

    Is the simple answer that wizards aren't meta and literally no one cares how strong my character is because a mediocre character of another class is better (or at least people assume that because people blindly following the meta)?

    Here's my character sheet:


    It looks like the site doesn't take into account paragon points. And it's not setup for season 20 of Kanai's Cube (I'm also using The Magistrate).

    submitted by /u/IconicIsotope
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    Rat Runs

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    This is my first season as a Necro and I just convinced a few of my friends to roll characters so that we could gear for rat runs since I hear it is a very easy way to level and gear your characters. I know for these runs you need a zbarb, znec and two skeletal mage builds based in some info I was provided but otherwise I am looking for a guide that might go over what eat individual person might do? I don't have a ton of info and I would love to get us all up to speed and geared correctly


    submitted by /u/jlbc589
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