• Breaking News

    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Diablo Do I roll off the Armor or Resistances from these gloves?

    Diablo Do I roll off the Armor or Resistances from these gloves?

    Do I roll off the Armor or Resistances from these gloves?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:00 AM PDT


    is 'increasing dmg against elites' pushing the Frality execute range ?

    So if i have 30% more dmg against elites and frality with 18% execute would it go up to 23,5% ?

    submitted by /u/derloraxx to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    Weekly Question/Gear Thread - Week 13, 2020

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    Ask simple questions and/or get gear help in this thread!

    If you are asking for help with gear, either include a d3planner link, your battle.net profile, or screenshots of the items you want to compare.

    Creating your own thread is still acceptable but we advice you to try here atleast!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Going for an electric wizard (while listening to Electric Wizard), any recommendations?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I'll post my current loadout and skills in a bit when I fire up diablo but I have a rank 30+ wreath of lightning and I can do T7.

    What loadouts work best for you?

    submitted by /u/dudewiththebling to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I tried playing last night, tried again today... super laggy. I get there's a lot more people home playing now. I'm just wondering if others are getting the lag?

    submitted by /u/StableGenius72 to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    skills selection in WB SB meta run

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I found that some WD SB use Grasp of the Dead and Sacrifice instead of BBV and Piranhas.

    What are the difference in two active skills options ?

    submitted by /u/takayo72 to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    WoL survivability

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:41 AM PDT


    I'm a newbie to monk, just tried it this season. Really like WoL build, especially it's speed. However, I have some survivability issues at GR 80 and higher. Almost everything kills me in one shot, even green goo is stupidly dangerous. Am i doing something wrong, do i miss some essential gear ?


    submitted by /u/Xevus to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Captain Crimson's Trimmings Question

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    So I am seeing a lot of recommendations to change out the pants for the WW build. I'm curious. why the pants and not the boots?

    submitted by /u/E3newsfiend to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Unhallowed Essence

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Is it still possible to get the Unhallowed Essence set in season 20? i keep getting random parts from the Marauder set and natalya set but i've gotten nothing from Unhallowed. Any tips much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Yukieater to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    [Week 13] Items/Specs mega thread!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Weekly sticky. Post your questions on items, gearing, specs and other small things here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Suggestions for lazy AoV build on PS4?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    Hi folks,

    I recently picked the game up after quite a while and started season 20 as a Necromancer but now switched to the good old Sader. Last time I played Crusader must have been Season 13...

    I really like the AoV set playstyle and reached GR85 and T16 quickly.

    Now I am looking for similar builds that are a bit more „lazy" or chill, meaning less dependent on spamming skills and also less dependent on setting FoH in the correct places (sometimes hard to hit exactly where I want it to because I'm on PS4 and miss my mouse...).

    I have seen some suggestions using Ivory Tower to auto-proc FoH by blocking but I don't understand yet how exactly the build works. Can somebody explain it to me or link a guide that is updated for season20?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/QrnH to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    GR117 LoD Hydra - Lack of dps, asking for advice

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Hi all, i'm a LoD Hydra wizard trying to finish a GR117 and i'm here to ask for an advice from you guys. I feel like i lack dps, 1037 para, 3 caldesann 100. Do i need to aim for hydra breakpoint at this moment? I'm far from 2.03 and my T&T are at 47% (also not good rolls, int vit chc ias (no luck in finding a int chd chc ias). Using herbgbrash instead of witching cause i feel i don't manage my resources perfectly (also at GRG i find myself dying cause i consume all mana denying obviously the aquila buff). Also, does int from caldesann affect my dps in a large way right now, or i better wait for a perfect T&T + ias cap to caldesann all the equip?(my deathwish is rolled 268, low, may this is one possibly issue?)

    And another question for the vyr chant gameplay, at start of grift you enter immediately in archon or you try to have the 20 canthodo stacks without the archon stacks? (causing you to die from literally everything at grift 115+)? Feel like i lack lot of dps here to push.

    Link to my d3planner wiz, i appreciate if some of you can tell whats wrong with both!

    LoD Hydra


    Vyr archon

    *wait for refresh

    Sorry for all the questions and for my bad english!


    submitted by /u/Gian86 to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    As a zNec what is the next Best step to improve gear?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Help is much appreciated! Thanks reddit. I also appreciate some general zNec tips per dm or right here as I am still fairly new to all this.


    submitted by /u/Kaori_Ftw to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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