• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 29, 2020

    Diablo Hey folks, I think I finally made a concept of a desired inventory system for D4! /s

    Diablo Hey folks, I think I finally made a concept of a desired inventory system for D4! /s

    Hey folks, I think I finally made a concept of a desired inventory system for D4! /s

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:09 AM PST

    Demon Hunter adventures in season 19

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    What is the name of the song, in Diablo 3, that kind of sounds like Tchaikovsky's Dance of Swans?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:14 PM PST

    For reference

    For the life of me I can't remember when it appears, I just remember feeling all emotional all of a sudden while murdering hordes of creeps.

    submitted by /u/Lucifer_Hirsch
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    Diablo 4 Inventory Concept v2.0

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:17 AM PST

    Diablo 4 Inventory Concept v2.0

    A couples days ago u/mrllamasc posted my d4 inv. concept :)
    Thx for that :)

    Now im done with v 2.0 :) hope you like it

    Added the details for the char and moved the level to the left, added class and character name .. next will be the item stash



    submitted by /u/BackpfeifenErna
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    Constantly using automap.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Does everyone else constantly use the automap and it doesn't even obstruct your view. Like you sort of get used to it, and see through it to the game. Then next second be able to see just the map?

    submitted by /u/The_New_Blood
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    Really hope Blizzard will make awesome music for D4 like this track

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 04:36 PM PST

    BlueTracker | Compilation of Blizzard's comments of the week

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Follow us on r/blue_tracker and @blue_tracker

    You will find all comments below

    submitted by /u/blue_trackerbot
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    Gibberish Gem possible glitch?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    So i was farming gibbering Stone or something like that (i don't really know the name of it in english) and it was taking me soo long so i saw on the internet that i might use another character in local coop as a dummy character to increase drop chance and the stone/Gem drops everytime but it only for the dummy character. Im on ps4 and im curious if that's a glitch or what? The Gem dropped literally three Times in a row for dummy character

    submitted by /u/Zima2k
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    [D3] Rare transmogs - like spectrum sword or the crab head - should carry over season to season.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Some transmogs like Wirt's leg and the conqueror pieces are available from scratch in every new season, provided you unlocked them before. However, other transmogs that are miles more difficult to get - like the spectrum sword, horadric hamburger, or the crab head - need to be re-farmed to be used each season. It'd be a great QoL change and (hopefully) not too much work to just make these available in the transmog station permanently once you've unlocked them once.

    submitted by /u/TheRybka
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    Diablo 4 WASD Movement

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:42 PM PST

    i really hope this game has the OPTION to walk with WASD.

    Thats the only reason, why POE and Diablo 3 was kind of lame to me.

    submitted by /u/Cjmd0wn
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    Not sure if this is the place for this but...

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:06 PM PST

    If people bought necromancer for d3, it should be included for free on d4.

    submitted by /u/Oof10199
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    New casual player here, question about a game breaking build?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:35 AM PST

    I bought the game for Christmas to play with my kids. I played thousands of hours of Diablos 1 & 2, and am having a blast. Anyway I built a seasonal Barb and was focusing on rend until I got a couple items with HOTA buffs.

    1x bracers of the first men, +381%

    1x gavel of judgement, + 618%

    I'm dealing 200M damage and flying through rifts, generally 1 hit killing everything. I die pretty easily though because I don't have much life or defense.

    What should I do to boost survivability in torment 5 and up?

    Tips are appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/WHARRGARBLLL
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    Diablo II: where should I start with mods?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:42 AM PST

    I have a lvl 80 necro in single player and as I'm getting closer to endgame I want to try out some mods.

    Will I be able to apply mods to a character already in progress or will I need to restart?

    I've heard of plugy but wasn't able to get it to work

    Any suggestions would be great

    submitted by /u/TYsir
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    If I max out all of the Paragons beside Strength and Vitality, can I clear out the higher Greater Rifts?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Hello. I find that if I go to any of the rifts that's in the Torment 12 difficulty, I die. I can still complete the rift in time, but I can't go through it unscathed.

    As of this post, my Paragon is at 610. My current plan is to grind up to 800. After I've done that, I'll be able to fill out most of those attributes.

    Will that help me circumvent dying?

    submitted by /u/AurulentAvenger
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    Is Couch Co-op only a Console feature or can i play Diablo 4 with a friend at home?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:24 AM PST

    They are developping feature for both pc and console, so do you think its possible to give PC players the same options as console players or will we have less feature than console players like in D3

    they did not mention it in the blog post

    submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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    Diablo should take notes from EFT

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Organizing stash space is always a pain in the ass in ARPGs. I think games of this genre can learn a lot from a game like Escape From Tarkov. What if some quest rewards or rare drops included cases? It would be amazing to have an armor case, gem pouch, or weapons case. It would reduce clutter and allow us to easily navigate to items we would potentially need. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/IFeedonKarmaa
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    Diablo II | Act I | Soundtrack Re-Visited!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 01:02 AM PST

    Am I able to transfer loot from my hardcore seasonal character’s stash to my regular soft core stash once the season ends?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Or have I just got a dead crusader set since I can't see myself playing hardcore any more

    submitted by /u/Machiavellian3
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