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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Diablo [Blog] Season 20 Begins 3/13

    Diablo [Blog] Season 20 Begins 3/13

    [Blog] Season 20 Begins 3/13

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Blizzard has now bowed out of GDC 2020 over coronavirus fears

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Finished The Season Journey In Two Days!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:58 PM PST

    Ah, found an old screenshot I took... takes me back to the days of serious D3 hype!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Best Youtube Lore channel?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Howdy all!

    I am spoiled by Destiny 2 having MyNameisByf for all the in depth lore and was hoping to find something similar for the Diablo franchise. So who do you all recommend?


    submitted by /u/ArcherCC
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    They removed shoulders and belt slots??

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:55 AM PST

    seems like they won't have it in d4.

    submitted by /u/salluks
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    Books and Shows?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Are there any recommendations for a good book/show/movie to watch as a huge diablo fan?

    submitted by /u/J_Tron5
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    Feedback: "Inventory Tetris" isn't really a valid reason to only have single sized items

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:16 AM PST

    I've been playing Diablo since the original when I was 7 years old. Granted, I've played a lot of inventory tetris and it's not something I'll necessarily miss.

    Just to get this out of the way first, Grim Dawn has an "Auto-sort" feature for your inventory which does the sorting of your inventory for you so you don't have to worry about any tetris. However, let's take some time to talk about inventory management, and try to see why they want to only have single sized items.

    It's likely one of two reasons why they want to have single sized items, and a rather large inventory (slots for 36 items)

    1. More room so you can pick up every piece of loot that drops, vendor 99% of it for crafting mats every 20 minutes or so
    2. More room so you don't have to head to town often, say 1-2 hours of play time.

    Now if Reason 1 is what they're going for, this worries me a bit. It means that there will likely be loot vomit and we'll be picking everything up rather mindlessly. It'll be a little bit like D3 where you do 3 rifts, get 30 legendaries, and then go salvage all of them for mats, rinse and repeat. If it's reason 2, that's actually a pretty decent reason for the bigger inventory space.

    D1 and D2 required you to be a bit mindful about what you pickup. You likely would plan on going to town in D1/D2 after a quest is complete, or if you were completely out of potions. With the various sized items, limited inventory space, and the fact that gold value was fairly consistent with item sizes, you probably picked up about 6-10 items before going to town. If you wanted to pick up every single item that dropped and vendor it for gold, you would really ruin the game. This required you to check out different items and learn which ones are worth picking up for your character. Luckily there wasn't loot vomit really in D2 so you wouldn't have to worry about sorting through a bunch of stuff like PoE. Granted, there were some obvious QoL issues in D1/D2 like gold in D1 taking space, and D2 charms not having a separate inventory.

    There also is something glorious about picking up that big ass two handed axe and seeing it in all it's glory. The way the D4 inventory is setup right now is that even the Equipped items display are all the same size. It's one thing to have it take up the same inventory size, but your gear UI should show different sized items equipped IMO. Here the ring is the same size are your weapon. Mrllama posted an adjusted version where the equipped items do show different sizes. I think this works a little better than what was displayed in the D4 blog.

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    There will never be another ARPG as good as diablo 2

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:15 PM PST

    Diablo 2 was made by an intelligent person for himself.

    As a further example, Vannila WoW was a game made by intelligent people for themselves. (Classic is not vanilla wow)

    All future games, including diablo, will be made by intelligent people to cater to brainlets.

    So, if you like Median XL, it's lack of thematic design and shooting projectile fire golems as a level one skill, or the sorceress having HP tank talents, you're probably going to like diablo IV.

    I however, will not be able to stand it.

    As a further note - Anything that would trigger an epileptic fit, I wouldn't like, neither would anyone else that actually likes what diablo was... I don't have epilepsy, but that's a pretty accurate description.

    You can take headhunters as an example. Nothing special about PoE items really, but this one is special for players because of flashing lights and random effects - not the concept, artwork and idea behind the item.

    Games kinda suck now, too much take and not enough give. Unless you're a brainlet, then they're giving you a lot. A lot of flashing lights. Enjoy.

    submitted by /u/Burriza
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    Haven't played in years (season 6-7?), have some questions about my old items.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    I had a set of full Ancient UE for Multishot DH, but I heard that new patches don't update old items?

    Are my old items even worth it? Like, have they been updated to the current game's stats, etc? Basically do I have to re-farm all my shit again? I quit the season they introduced Primals, or shortly after, and it would be kinda sad to see all that gear as unupdated forms.

    Obviously if I'm doing the new season it doesn't matter, but at the same time I'd like to go through and just play a bit on my old characters.

    submitted by /u/Darkwoth81Dyoni
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    Gibbering gemstone

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:37 AM PST

    I tried to get the gibbering gemstone for the last 4 hours straight and didn't get it. did they take it away or something?

    submitted by /u/bn3rwaa
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    Why not having a floating inventory directly zooming onto your character and equipping it directly in the game world? Creates a fresher approach and allows for more versatile data and statistics visualizations.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Experiment/Poll: Which weapon will you take to battle?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Experiment/Poll: Which weapon will you take to battle?

    With no guidelines other than you are a Barbarian, simply choose either Weapon A or Weapon B to use in battle.

    StrawPoll: https://strawpoll.com/yhdh5e41


    I may add some specifications at some point.. but as of now I want it to be completely open.

    Feel free to post your choice here too, as well as your rationale.

    submitted by /u/Jagged187
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    You know what would increase and shake Diablo 3 playerbase and give us a good and fresh season feeling? SSF

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:42 AM PST

    I don't like playing multiplayer and it always feels like I'm super behind everyone "exploiting" multiplayer bonuses.
    I know I'm not the only one, just give us the option.

    submitted by /u/Bruce666123
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    Completing "Guardian of Sanctuary" / GR70 in <5 min doesn't register?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:08 AM PST

    Maybe I'm an idiot or something (this is the first time I've tried to complete a season journey) but I can't clear this challenge and I don't understand why.

    The text describing the challenge says:

    Guardian of Sanctuary: Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment XIII within five minutes

    And I've now cleared several GR70s with over 10 minutes remaining on the clock but the box won't check. At first I thought it failed because I started the rifts in TXVI games, but I went back and completed some more GR70s under 5 min. in a TXIII game, still nothing.

    Is there some other condition to the challenge that I'm not understanding?


    submitted by /u/ninjaburger
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    Diablo devs. Please learn from Wolcens mistakes.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Wolcen was released two weeks ago. An insane number of bugs, system design flaws, balance issues, network issues, lag issues etc is causing the game to be almost non playable for many. A lot of fixes and patches also tend to break other before not buggy mechanics.

    But the graphics are nice!

    Please realise this simple fact: Smart ARPG game designers realize that core systems are way more important than graphics.

    Nobody will care about the correct color palette for grass in moonlight, or "coherent Monster families", if it will take a year to fix every core system related bug that was there at launch.

    I truly hope D4 will be the best ARPG ever created.

    submitted by /u/drum_playing_twig
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