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    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    Diablo Legacy of dreams rings vs Stone on blessed shield build

    Diablo Legacy of dreams rings vs Stone on blessed shield build

    Legacy of dreams rings vs Stone on blessed shield build

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:07 PM PST

    I've been using the legacy of dreams legendary Stone on my blessed shield build. He can do up to GR 98 BUT killing the guardian takes FOREVER and I generally die a couple times when "Superman" buff drops. It's a hybrid between icy veins and rhyker's build. Basically rhyker mentioned using a justice lantern ring as an alt and I went with that. Anyone run the numbers on if the ring set pushes higher than the dreams Stone build?

    submitted by /u/ironysteeth to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Good wizard builds/gear

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Hello just started playing this game again on console not played for years. Just wondering what builds are good, and if there is any new sets etc. My old build from memory was a fire hydra build, with the black hole ability and a set which adds a fire buff of 1000% damaged not sure what it's called. Is that still a good build, looking for some advice. I'm mainly going to be playing again with a a few mates, for fun but trying to get up as hi difficulty as we can.

    submitted by /u/The-Randy-Duck to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    UE MS gear progression help

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Want to make sure I'm on the right track for upgrades. Building S6 set for pushing but I want to get UE farming 100-105 in the 3 min range. Right now I'm doing 95 at ~2:45 consistently.


    This isn't my speed build but only real changes are perfect primal nemesis(fire/crit/dex/vit) with 90aug, and passive tactical advantage over single out.

    Right now I'm Spending shards on quivers trying to get one with Multishot dmg, and using reforges on trying to get squirts with fire/double crit (I do have one with physical/double crit but not sure if physical rune would be viable for speed 100-105s?), then work on getting better yangs... preferably with attack speed so I can drop the focus for a better one I have.

    Chest with vitality instead of armor, pants with AR instead of armor.

    Anything else I'm missing? Or anything I need to change priority wise? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/NZTEddie to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Fire wizard build with ice protection

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST

    1/28 entry At this point my character is level 56, but I have a good set up I wanted to share; Also maybe a glitch or maybe just a cool game mechanic. I'm a PlayStation 4 player.

    Set up: X: Arcane Torrent Flame Ward R2: Blizzard Apocalypse Square: Magic Weapon Conduit Triangle: Familiar Arcanot O: Ice Armor Frozen Storm R1: Archon Combustion (subject to change)

    P1: Astral Presence P2: Conflagration P3: Blur P4: (Planned) Elemental Exposure

    So my idea behind the setup was of course fire and since arcane torrent uses a lot of arcane power I needed as many assets to boost regen: square, triangle, P1. I know I was going to get hit so that's why I went with the ice shield, at least they were slowed down and if they hit me they'd freeze: time to get away or heal. The frozen storm is really for enjoyment purposes of breaking things BUT good for movement bonuses. I'm unsure about the use of R1 right now, I'm using it as a "second wind" for when I do run out of arcane power, but I am open to suggestions. My replacement for it right now would probably be diamond armor.

    A cool thing I noticed, but couldn't find anything about was that no mater what configuration I have my abilities in, if I cast arcane torrent then blizzard automatically casts with it. It's not highlighted as being used in my hot bar but is definitely falling from the sky: I'm not complaining though l!

    Would love to hear any feedback or general comments!

    submitted by /u/cicifizzle to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Does anyone know what the best location is for farming the seeker of the light set plan ?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 07:19 AM PST

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