• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    Diablo The horrendous state of Warcraft 3 Reforged -no Diablo 2 remaster please

    Diablo The horrendous state of Warcraft 3 Reforged -no Diablo 2 remaster please

    The horrendous state of Warcraft 3 Reforged -no Diablo 2 remaster please

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Hi guys, I am sorry to bother you at all about Warcraft 3 (reforged). I just want to let you know how the current state of the game is and because it was supposed to be a Blizzard project which could not go wrong. Well it did. As you might have known, Blizzard announced that at Blizzcon 2018 they would remaster aka reforge Warcraft 3. It just released today (yesterday for USA), and it is just unbelievable what a mess it is. Of course we could see it coming because the beta was an absolute mess. So many features have been cut which they promised. And suddenly were silent about. And one of the worst things is that they just killed the classic client and make it obligatory to download the reforged client which is buggy as hell. There are way more problems with this game. I just want to say that Blizzard - at this moment does not care or can't do a proper remaster. I very eagerly wanted a Diablo 2 remaster, but considering how the WC3 remaster is going, oh no please not.

    My last thing: please don't insta pre order Diablo 4 unless there is a thorough beta.

    Edit: If you guys want to have something to read while eating your popcorn visit these subreddits:



    Really last edit: Found this meme quite accurate: https://i.redd.it/o7388ce7fpd41.png

    submitted by /u/Masternaster
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    Wudijos thoughts on blog

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 07:07 PM PST

    King Leoric and Beelzebub in Diablo

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:01 AM PST

    At Blizzcon 2019 the devs mentioned quarterly updates of D4. Did they ever give an indication on when they would give the next update?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST

    More or less the title. End of Q1 is a few months away but I don't remember them ever giving an indication on what quarterly updates meant.

    submitted by /u/EphemeralMemory
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    [FanArt] the work in progress of The Butcher sculpt I've been working on.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Need a minor tip for my Helltooth Gargantuan build

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    So here's my gear

    • Helltooth mask

    • Helltooth Mantle

    • Helltooth Gauntlets

    • Helltooth Tunic

    • Helltooth Leg Guards

    • Helltooth Greaves (6/6 set piece)

    • The Traveler's Pledge

    • The Compass Rose (2/2 set piece)

    • The Short Man's Finger

    • The Witching Hour

    • Lakumba's Ornament

    • Sacred Harvester

    • Henri's Perquisition

    Now here's where I need the help, my Kanai's cube.

    Weapon: Spite Mojo

    Armor: Mask of Jeram

    Ring: Ring of Royal Grandeur

    So I'm WEARING the full set piece, previously I was wearing the mask of Jeram, but I found an ancient Helltooth Mask so I threw that on and kanai cubed the mask of Jeram. Now there's no reason to run the Grandeur ring. What would be the best ring to run? (I have every single ring in a stash tab) or amulet too I suppose if I need to run an amulet. Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/elasso_wipe-o
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    Stay awhile and listen. First Bead Sprite Project.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Hi! Did this Lilith fanart, I'm so excited for D4 ughh

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:13 AM PST

    How much has the series changed game to game?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    I've been a fan of the first Diablo for years but never ended up beating it, I recently picked it up on PC and started playing through hellfire and was wondering just how much has the series changed over the years?

    submitted by /u/EXTSZombiemaster
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    Is it worth playing D1?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:55 AM PST

    Everyone talking about D4 while im sitting and thinking should i play this og.I like Diablo lore,and everything about it.And im also more of a fan of d2 instead of d3 so i thought about d1 for a while,but the look of the game somehow repelled me.I know the game is old and it doesnt bring any innovations whatsoever but i want to experience whole diablo universe and what it has to offer.

    submitted by /u/ivanci55
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    Is Diablo 3 like borderland?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    I was thinking about buying Diablo 3 and wondering if it was like borderlands?

    submitted by /u/Jisaiahwheeler
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    Weekly Loot Wednesday - 01/29/20

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to week 383 of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

    Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


    • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

    • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 11:37 AM PST

    Thanks for reading and commenting! I've recently started playing diablo 3 on my ps4 and I really enjoy it. I was wondering, does it cloud-save through battle net? If so, I should be able to play back and forth on my console and a macbook, right?

    submitted by /u/MishxnMishxn
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    An idea for the redesign of Pylon Powers

    Posted: 28 Jan 2020 11:54 PM PST

    I'd really like to see Pylons gone or at the very least redesigned. I know that Blizzard doesn't like to remove stuff and instead add to what is already there but too much of the end game revolves around the Pylons and the introduction of the new Flavor of Time was a real step back - remember when there was a lot of discussion on Pylons being too powerful, more specifically when everyone was fishing for a rift that spawned a Conduit Pylon near the end because they basically 1shotted any Rift Guardian? - That was thankfully changed, along with also "pacing" their spawns a little so as to spread them out a bit more.

    Unfortunately with the new Flavor of Time buff we're once again fishing for GRs with good Pylon spawns. I realize that this doesn't go for all classes as there are more powerful alternatives but Pylons shouldn't play such an important role for any class. If anything it'd probably be good if they played even less of a role than before the introduction of the revamped Flavor of Time.

    Now, since they're probably not going to remove or redesign the new Flavor of Time amulet how about giving players more control over when they'd like to use the Pylon Powers. What if we could start the rift with all the buffs available for us to use when we please instead? One could imagine an icon for each Pylon Power placed neatly somewhere out of the way in the UI and simply let us keybind and/or click them to activate. I'd probably bind them to F1-F5. Some renaming as they technically wouldn't be "Pylons" any longer might be in order. They could also have a fixed Gold cost and/or even cost a few gems, say 1 of each of the Imperial gems so that they might serve another purpose; making some use of all that excess gold and unused gems as a side effect.

    We'd see FAR less need for "fishing" and abandoning a rift early as a result.

    submitted by /u/Thryllidan
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