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    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Diablo Tyrael tattoo by Cana Arik Tattoos

    Diablo Tyrael tattoo by Cana Arik Tattoos

    Tyrael tattoo by Cana Arik Tattoos

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    The beginning of the downfall in Diablo 3's story writing is when they revealed Tyraels face. This was representative of how one-dimensional the characters were. I hope Diablo 4 does not repeat that mistake.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:58 AM PST

    The most interesting characters in a novel, movie or game are those who have some undefined aura floating over them, those whose motivations are not obvious to full extent. This leaves room for speculation and interpretation; what could their background and goals be? Why do they act like they act? Why are they here in the first place?

    This is how the lore around Diablo 2 presented most of its' characters. Diablo 3 did away with all of that, and the start was how they revealed Tyraels face. I remember how cool Tyrael was in Diablo 2, he was a majestic and obviously benevolent being, but still there was something eerie about him, he was not a human after all, and if you can't read someone's face, then you are naturally on edge. Who even says angels are supposed to have faces (just in case they turn human) anyway, and why does it look the way it looks now? So many questions being brought up unnecessarily instead of elegantly maintaining the flavour of uncertainty.

    Subsequently in Diablo 3, all subtlety was thrown out of the window, each character had his or her reason of existence in the story explained to your face and you were repeatedly reminded of it ("You will never defeat X...", "Look Tyrael, your old lieutenant", etc.), with the exception some predictable plot "twists" (Belial, Adria, etc.).

    All the suspension is killed by detailed explanation. The best example of how you build suspense is Andariel in Diablo 2 and it was done so effectively with at the same time so little effort. You know something is there, and it is evil, but nobody can tell you exactly where it is or how it looks, but you will inevitably face it if you continue your path. It might not even be part of the bigger picture, and you could just be interfering with someone's plans who has no immediate interest in you, someone who just sees you as an intruder then. This is exactly what Andariel is. She is basically the Alien of the Diablo franchise. She looms like a shadow over all of Act I, and when you finally open the door to her lair you know you will encounter her now, but you still horrified because have no idea what she actually is. This is Diablo.

    I hope Diablo 4 has some more sophisticated writing. They can't repair what the Diablo 3 team did to Tyrael (obviously he is dead now anyway, which is the best decision they could take with him imho), but I really hope the important characters this time don't have their motivations spelt out in all detail. This kind of character writing is good for LEGO franchises, but not for Diablo.

    submitted by /u/MidnightQ_
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    Re-specialization Discussion

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST


    I'd like to start a discussion about re-specialization in D4. Should Blizzard add this and what restrictions should be there?

    In Diablo 2 (ignore patch 1.13 respec from Akara) every click you made was permanent, period. You couldn't make any mistake.On the other hand, in Diablo 3 you can respec at any time, without any limits. Just do it how many times you want to, no restrictions at all.

    In my opinion, both systems are at very opposite ends of the spectrum. One is too restrictive, other one is too casual-friendly. How it should be in Diablo 4?

    I want my choices being important. I want to think and be careful before I spend a point in a skill window or a talent tree. Because otherwise I might make a mistake and live with that or use a some kind of respec fee.On the other hand, I want to have an option to make an infinite number of respecs. Permanent choice isn't good and I don't want to play with a fear that any mistake might broke my character forever.

    So I think there should be some kind of craftable/dropable items that allows you to respec your character. But it wouldn't be an easy task. Maybe it would require many different steps and a little bit of grind. Also it would serve as a gold sink. So that potentially you can respec as many times as you want, but oh boy, just one respec would require a lot of work. But doable by most of us.

    Moreover, I think it would create one of the many currencies. Trading would benefit from respec ingredients. People who don't need to respec would trade for let's say runes.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/XTeKoX
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    Unlock adventure mode

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    Can I get someone to boost my character through campaign? Basically load me at final chapter or level to complete it so I can unlock adventure

    submitted by /u/kings_landing
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    Best 2-player group for speedfarming?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:01 AM PST

    Hello! Me and my brother are going to play together (on console) this season, and we'd rather play local just the two of us versus jumping with randoms online. What's the best two-class duo for speedfarming GR's? Two barbs? One zMonk one Barb? Zmonk and sader? sader RGK and barb for trash? Thanks for any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/zegui8
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    Rainy Day - need a T16 speedfarm build idea plz

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    Preferably one that uses In-Geom. I have an insane primal of it with a Ramaldi socket in it and can reforge the strength to anything. Ideas plz!

    submitted by /u/Harryhood___
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    diablo more like diablows

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:06 PM PST

    If you downvote this post I swear to Christ the next thing you'll be posting is #MeToo. Now be a good little bitch and hit that upvote button.

    submitted by /u/SqueakyCleanBHole
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    Should All Skills be Maxable in Diablo IV?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:49 AM PST

    I heard someone mention about skill tomes though I haven't found anything concrete from the devs themselves (at least evidence in the form of post or video). I don't know if these tomes grant a specific skill or skill points. Whatever the case, I hope it doesn't become something you have to farm — it should be scripted, predetermined, and limited, like the reward of Tyrael and Akara after completing a specific quest and the Book of Skill in Radament's lair.

    In Diablo II, characters can only spend up to 20 points in each skill. These points are granted after leveling up or by completing quests. This limits how much you can invest in maximizing a skill, which in consequence forces you to prioritize which skill to max. Also certain item modifiers add to skill levels when equipped or kept in the inventory for charms.

    Would it be good for Diablo IV if all skills can be maxed? Also, should skill points be farmable, or should they be fixed in number and source like in Diablo II?

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    Uliana monk

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:25 AM PST

    Second set bonus is 777% damage of seven sided strike...

    For a build that does all of its damage with Exploding palm...

    Uliana is build that struggles with single target damage...

    I dont know how "game designers" dont just change 777% to "each strike of seven sided strike strikes 7 times"

    Debatable if those x7 strikes should proc Exploding palm but it would be enough if striken stacking went x7 times faster.

    Just a thought from 120+ Uliana monk and almost 130+ GR facerolling sunwuko/poj right mouse button monk.

    submitted by /u/GuiltyEngineer
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    Poor performance on MacBook Pro external display, not on native

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST


    I used to play D3 a lot on my MBP, at reasonably high details and reasonably high resolution (over 2000 x whatever) with reasonable good performance (~40 FPS).

    I recently purchased a 4k monitor that I used by itself (meaning I have external keyboard and mouse and the laptop is closed so only the external screen is used) connected to the Mac through USB-C and the performance is clearly insufficient (gets acceptable at ~1600x1200 with low graphics and even then it is not smooth).

    I would understand if the performance were consistent between the two setups, but here the difference is weird.

    Any opinion? (except running Windows :D).



    submitted by /u/tisek
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