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    Tuesday, December 17, 2019

    Diablo Personal opinion; if D4 does NOT have Ethereal items, then I would remove "Durability" completely

    Diablo Personal opinion; if D4 does NOT have Ethereal items, then I would remove "Durability" completely

    Personal opinion; if D4 does NOT have Ethereal items, then I would remove "Durability" completely

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    Honestly, I've just never understood the purpose of "Durability" as a concept. I mean, okay, if everything is going to break, then I get it. But if you can just instantly repair everything by visiting a blacksmith? Then all it really accomplishes is create a short stop-gap in the gameplay. It sucks having to travel back to town because you forgot to click to repair your gear.

    Now, D2's Ethereal items are a different story. Sure, I fucking despise Ethereal items and their entire existence... but hey, they provide a legitimate purpose to item durability. So even if I don't enjoy it as a mechanic, I at least understand it.

    So D4 devs, I would simply ask; if you don't have Ethereal items (and I really hope you don't), then please just do away with "durability" entirely.

    submitted by /u/Jcorb
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    Honest question for those that think d2 feels dated.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Other than auto gold pick up and graphics what feels bad about Diablo 2 that you don't want blizz to take what it had and upgrade upon it?

    submitted by /u/thesummond
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    Looking for lazy powerful build to take to gr100+

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:32 PM PST

    Hopefully this post is ok. I'm playing D3 s19 with my husband and I'm trying to find a powerful build, any class thats easy/lazy to play. I don't want to weave too many skills or have to spam a bunch of skills constantly, if possible. A build that primarily uses left/right mouse would be ideal. That kind of build is the most fun to me. My husband plays a monk, if that matters and we duo though I would like to play solo sometimes too. Thanks for any advice/help :)

    submitted by /u/Junonia
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    What would be the Ideal NPC Companion/s for Diablo IV?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 03:19 PM PST

    We've seen story-based characters (Deckard Cain, Anya, Lorath Nahr). We were given a companion hireling (rogue, iron wolf, barbarian). We've seen artisans (blacksmith, mystic, jeweler).

    Deckard Cain comes to mind, but besides him, who else could be our companion that would join us in our journey?

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    A couple of thoughts...

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:17 AM PST

    So it's been a minute since I played D3, and having started a new character, I wanted to share a couple of things.

    1. Deckard Cain has his own house. Why is Leah sleeping at the inn? Another NPC said they've been there for a year. That's a pretty hefty tab.
    2. Leah saw the dead rising from grave. She still has to wait until Tyrael shows her what kind of sacrifice he made for her to understand that Deckard Cain wasn't talking out of his ass. She's not very bright.

    Thank you all. Goodnight.

    submitted by /u/laineDdednaHdeR
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    Sin War Part II?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

    The Prime Evils (Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal) acknowledged the role of mankind in the Eternal Conflict and sought to corrupt them. It doesn't make sense that the Angiris Council doesn't find potential in them. Given the current situation of the Worldstone, there is nothing else for them to fight for except humans.

    Is it about time for Heaven and Hell to win over/indoctrinate humans in order to weaponize them?

    With the current lore, some angels hate humans, particularly Malthael and Imperius and those under their wing (no pun intended). This hinders the idea. I wish for simpler times of the old lore, where angels disguised themselves to gain the trust of mortals. Pride, hatred, and vested self-interest are not angelic traits.

    I'm aware that the Cathedral of Light was run by the sole angel, Inarius. But what would it be like if the full powers of Heaven are sent to convert humans to their cause? So far, we have scarce evidence of human sympathizers. Besides Tyrael forming the Horadrim, the Hand of the Prophet is one. Although I suspect the Templar Order was formed by renegade angels to defend Sanctuary from the angels' assault, considering they have schematics on forging angelic weapons, though nothing is conclusive.

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    are they going to release all books in audio?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:03 AM PST

    I found the first two books on audible the other day bought them and I'm now done and waiting. does anyone know if they have plans to bring the rest of the book series out?

    submitted by /u/NellieFunke
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    Noob question: is there any use to this legendary item I found?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Crusader Aegis of Valor Drop?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:01 AM PST

    Hello! I am a crusader and am wanting the Aegis set - Should i expect it to drop in Rifts and GR? I am playing around T7 - T10.

    submitted by /u/JPizzzle15
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    Probably a minor thing, but I honestly enjoy using Battle-tags in D3, with "character names" just existing for your own purpose

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Obviously, we still don't totally know "what kind of game" D4 is going to be, as far as "will I play one of each class forever, or will I start multiple Druids for each new build".

    Whatever the case may be, though, I honestly like just being identified by your Player name (Battle-tag), as opposed to Character name.

    My reasoning is that, with the latter, you wind up competing with other players to come up with a unique name. If the game is popular, then more often than not, you wind up having to settle on a pretty garbage name, just to find something that's available.

    Even worse, it can wind up really taking you out of the game. Personally, I'd kind of like to keep the in-game characters a little more ambiguous (ie. when my Druid is talking to NPC's, he would simply be named "The Druid", not "XxSephiroth1997xX").

    Even better, is if you could change those "character names", assuming we are expected to play more than one of each class.

    So instead of having three different Barbarians named "Drashuga" (a real problem I had before "Season Rebirths" in D3), and trying to remember which one had what gear or builds...

    I could have one Barbarian named "Whirlwind", another named "HotA-IK", and "Raekor". And if I somehow changed or refined one of their builds' (again, this may or may not be possible), then having the freedom to change the name as well would be pretty cool.

    I know this is super nitpicky, but I figured, features like this are kind of nice to talk about.

    submitted by /u/Jcorb
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    Season theme suggestion: "Survive Hell"

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Focus on limiting player's power to make the survival aspect of the game deeper.

    • No challenge rift cache.
    • No Haedrig's gift.
    • Hardcore only.
    • Reduced rewards.
    • Maybe compensate with exp x2 or some bonus to progress.
    • Maybe x2 pylons help gameplay.
    submitted by /u/Quoxn7
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    So what about the loot drop rate?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    So, in Diablo 2 loot drops are much rarer (the commom elite would drop 1 item + some potions at defaut) and the drops are not forced to be for your class. In multiplayer every drop are for everyone.

    In Diablo 3 monster drops are much more common by default and by end game you would do runs that droped a lot of legendaries. The drops are mainly to your class and every player on multiplayer gets it's own drops.

    And in POE there are a TON of drops, you can even filter drops to not see "trash". In multiplayer every drop are for everyone.

    What do you prefer?

    I'm playing d2 right now and I must say I would prefer this system for diablo 4, maybe changing the multiplayer part because d4 will be more "mmo"

    I dislike the fact that in D3 you basically can't find loot for your other chars.

    submitted by /u/bvgross
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    WEEKLY RAGE THREAD - 12/17/19

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST




    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Diablo 3 Switch is it worth it?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    Hey guys! I was wondering if Diablo 3 is worth it? Is the community still alive? Is it quick to find a party?

    Appreciate all the help


    submitted by /u/lamorci
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    Seasons - They don't have to be POE or D3 or ladder resets

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:02 AM PST

    A comment I replied to in another thread made me realize an assumption that basically everyone is making . That seasons will include a forced "Start from zero" approach on a separate "world" , the system used in D3 and POE.

    Just because POE and D3 have "character wipes/roll new character" every season , DOESN'T mean D4 will. D3 and POE are classic instanced ARPGs. D4 is more persistent with mmo elements. I think it's more likely that they will do seasons more like more persistent games like Destiny 2 . Lots of journeys/achievements/events/new gear/new meta , but not a forced new character.

    For one thing , it leads to a situation like POE , where only leagues have players ( and even then , the population drops after a few weeks ) and standard is dead.

    Or , they could include a "roll a new character to participate in the seasonal journey" but the characters aren't on a separate "world" like in POE , or a new "ladder" world like in D2. They participate in the same way as all your normal characters , and can group with clan mates whether they are on seasonal journey or not , but only a character that you roll specifically for your "seasonal journey" can make progress on it. But all the other seasonal stuff ( new gear , new meta changes , new events , new "league features" ) is present for any character. This would prevent the need for "separate worlds" aka Standard/League as well as prevent "drop-off" after the first few weeks of the season. Because you would be free to work on seasonal stuff one day , or do stuff with your clan the next day , or whatever.

    I suspect that that last example is what we will see.

    submitted by /u/thewhitecat55
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    Do we even need damage on physical weapons? What if weapons drew their basic damage number from skills/talents and augmented them by their modifiers?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:38 AM PST

    There is a lot of discussion on how damage on items (or "attack") should work, which items should have it, and how it should interact with skills and talents.

    In Diablo 2, for a physical (melee, or ranged) weapon, damage was an important stat, but it was mostly unclear how it interacted with the damage from skills and additional modifiers from weapons (like crushing blow, deadly strike, elemental damage, etc.); the game didn't tell you in all detail how the resulting damage was calculated and if the weapon you newly equipped was an up- or downgrade altogether. On the other hand, damage for the Sorceress and Necromancer was coming from their skills, and even though their staves had a damage number on it, it was completely useless and counterintuitive because they never attacked in melee mode with it (at least 99,999% of the time).

    Since the last developer update, the "attack" rating is gone from items other than weapons, however the discussion remains how to design a system that isn't too convoluted with all the modifiers, and how weapon damage plays into that.

    A radical, yet elegant solution would be to remove damage from weapons altogether and let the primary source of damage be skills and talents (passives). This might seem a bit counterintuitive at first, since you associate a better sword doing higher damage, but it is just about getting rid of the raw, hard-to interpret number on the weapon, not getting rid of the weapon's power. This would vastly open up the design space for weapons and facilitate how resulting damage is calculated.

    Items would subsequently give modifiers only (crushing blow chance, angelic/demonic/ancestral power, + skills upgrades,...), and only in rarest cases pure damage (think + elemental damage, room for legendaries...) while the basic damage comes from the skill you are using.


    Warror's skills are grouped in Berserker, Warlord and Shout, see here, and for talents here (thanks diabloii.net)

    A typical weapon would look like this then:


    • +27% damage to Berserker Skills
    • +1 to Slaying Strike
    • +7% Chance for Critical Hit (requires 30 Ancestral Power)
    • +5 Cold Damage

    If you use the level 1 Berserker skill Bash with this weapon (basic damage 42-52), it now deals 53-66 (127%) damage plus the static +5 Cold Damage, resulting in overall 58-71 damage. For the 7% critical strike chance, the game calculate this for you instantly, and give you an average, where you will land at about 70 dps with this weapon, if you are using Berserker Skills. Warlord and Shout skill are unaffected and deal their normal assigned damage.

    This of course could go as far as a weapon giving +340% damage to Berserker Skills in the late game, which is still much easier to calculate than a weapon with 1120-1170 damage being used with a skill that does 340-370 damage.

    Thus, we have translated the physical sword damage number into a percentage that interacts well with skills and the modifier system, instead of having two numbers where the player isn't sure how they interact.

    TLDR A proposal for a system where the physical (melee and ranged) weapons give damage through (percentage-based) modifiers instead of featuring a raw number (similar to how casters got their damage in Diablo 2), which facilitates the calculation of the resulting damage output.

    submitted by /u/MidnightQ_
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    If Tyrael is in Diablo IV, bring back Diablo II actor to voice him.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:12 PM PST

    I don't know if this is a problem for anyone else, but after Diablo II Tyrael's perfect and eery voice, Diablo III Tyrael was really disappointing for me. It was like another character rather than Tyrael we knew from Diablo II... I'm not saying Jonathan Adams did a bad job or anything, because he didn't. He had a strong, thriving voice; it was more of an issue with the direction they went with the character. Diablo II version of the character was just so perfect, it would be impossible to top or even replace it.

    So, there is a good chance Tyrael is already dead when Diablo IV starts, but if he comes back with his angelic form, please hire Ed Trotta back to voice him. He is still voicing Malfurion in WoW, so it shouldn't even be hard for Blizzard to reach him. And as far as I know he was baffled as well when they didn't reached him for Tyrael back in D3 development.

    submitted by /u/monthius
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