• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    Diablo [FanArt] started sculpting The Butcher! Looks a bit like chewed up double bubble... He'll be around 11-12 inches tall once he's finished. Next update will be with the sculpted body.

    Diablo [FanArt] started sculpting The Butcher! Looks a bit like chewed up double bubble... He'll be around 11-12 inches tall once he's finished. Next update will be with the sculpted body.

    [FanArt] started sculpting The Butcher! Looks a bit like chewed up double bubble... He'll be around 11-12 inches tall once he's finished. Next update will be with the sculpted body.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:46 AM PST


    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:28 AM PST

    It happened! Can't believe it! It really happened!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:14 PM PST

    It happened! Can't believe it! It really happened!

    My first ever Primal Ancient Set piece just dropped for my WW Barb! I'm so happy right now! I didn't play D3 for at least 5 years. The D4 hype made me start for S19 again, and I'm having a blast thanks to this Reddit. I had a lot of questions the recent days and you guys helped me so much with your answers and made me enjoy this game again. Also wanna give out a shoutout to Bluddshed for creating the videos he's creating. Helps a lot!

    My first ever PA Set!

    submitted by /u/uzikundi
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    Grace of Inarius Necromancer Fanart

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    Should I read the books first or play D1 first?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:47 PM PST

    I wanna deep dive into this series because I've got nothing else going on in my life. I found a good chronological order of the books/ games/ comics. If I'm primarily just interested in the universe, should I start with Sin War and then play Diablo 1 or is it better to play the game first and get a feel for the lore in action and then backtrack to Sin War? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/AIIenRicketts
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    Wallpapers Diablo IV: By Three They Come... Batch #2

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Diablo IV: By Three They Come... #9-28


    deviantART journal: http://fav.me/ddlgraj
    twitter thread:https://twitter.com/Holyknight3000/status/1201268306012975104


    Hey all this batch was delayed by a week due to unexpected plans and life happening. So this batch will be larger than originally planned. I was going to release 8 before American Thanksgiving and 12 the following week. So I combined them here.


    I will have other Diablo Wallpaper artwork posted later in the week.






    Diablo IV (C) Blizzard
    Wallpaper art arranged by me
    Cinematic by the Blizzard Cinematics Department

    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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    Diablo 3's combat pacing became hilariously fast. Here's how I think it went wrong

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Diablo 3's combat pacing has been bothering me pretty much since the game's introduction, even when it was super slow. Something just felt off.

    I think they had the monster density right when the game first came out but the large number of area damage abilities and low monster damage output made it feel completely wrong. So, they were forced to up the monster density to make up for how awkward combat felt when you could totally just destroy a small pack of monsters but there weren't enough to make it dangerous and it felt like your abilities could easily take more. Couple in the fact that many abilities also had a bigger effect the more enemies were affected/killed at once.

    Remember when Diablo 3 first came out? Act 3 had the highest density in a specific area and lots of people were asking for them to up it. Even before the game came out (I think) people were asking why the game felt so slow. Blizzard replied by showing a video of Diablo 2 and how you began that game by also fighting one monster at a time. They were right. Diablo 2 began really slow.

    Diablo 1 and 2 do not have a lot of area damage skills and those that do exist are prohibitively expensive and cannot be used continuously. Most of the area-damage skills in Diablo 2 also only cover a small area. Almost every skill in Diablo 3 does area damage, many of them cover a large area, and you can make them very cost-effective. Some (most?) become better the more targets they hit. In fact, there are are entire builds built around the fact that the more monsters you are attacking at once, the more damage or defense you have. The single-target damage skills then become highly devalued because you just want to find a planet full of monsters and yeet them off the face of Sanctuary all at once. Couple this with that fact that white monsters often just don't hurt and the largest pack of monsters you can find is just as dangerous as a single elite pack.

    Diablo 1 has Chain Lightning. Chain Lightning attacks I think everything? on the screen at once. I played a Sorcerer in Diablo 1 a few months ago just to re-familiarize myself with the game. I played all the way through to the end of Normal. I mostly used Fireball, Lightning and every so often Chain Lightning. Chain Lightning was great when it was a room full of monsters but at the same time, because 1 monster was still relatively dangerous, a room full of monsters could easily kill me. If you play Diablo 1 you'll notice the game sparingly throws a room full of monsters at you and usually does it knowing you're going to have a hard time. Because most of your skills are single-target only and that one monster is relatively dangerous, the game has to throw mostly 1-3 monsters at you, or somehow let you tackle them one at a time.

    I haven't played Diablo 2 recently so I'm a little unfamiliar with end-game. In Diablo 2, if I remember right, many late-game builds either rely on life on hit or killing stuff before it gets to you. The monsters are still somewhat dangerous in numbers and it takes a lot of work (and resist) to get to a point in Hell where you can just walk freely without getting ruined.

    In Diablo 3, most of your skills are not just multi-target but unlimited targets and a single monster is not that dangerous. You often find yourself late-game not being able to do enough damage for the amount of damage you can take. A room full of white monsters at max level isn't that dangerous. Take the Barbarian's Hammer of the Ancients. It's a really early skill you get that does damage in a cone in front of you. With this skill, the more enemies you smack with it the more damage you do. And why not find a room full of monsters to hit with it if you're up against a timer based on how fast you kill enemies?

    And so, combined with the fact that you're timed in a GR, Diablo 3's combat has devolved into racing around a rift as fast as possible to find packs large enough to make your count-dependent abilities as strong as possible.

    I'd really like to see what would happen to Diablo 3's combat if, say, season 20's buff was something to do with trash monster damage or health and I think Diablo 4 would be better off without abilities like the ones in Diablo 3 that do something like increase damage done the more enemies it hits at once.


    Diablo 3's pacing felt slow in the beginning (D3 Vanilla) because you had all these area damage abilities up against monsters that were not particularly dangerous. So, the monster density went up, especially in GRs, and now you have every reason to race around the map, collect as many trash packs as you could and just slap them all in the face so your area abilities are as effective as possible because nothing hurts. Or, just run right past them and kill elite packs only.

    submitted by /u/domiran
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    Who the f* are these guys?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:25 PM PST

    Who the f* are these guys?

    I was looking at my D2 box at realized I don't have any idea of who are the guys from these pictures. Looks like Act 3 but I don't recognize the monsters. Anyone?


    submitted by /u/WolfOverclocked2
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    PlugY Back-up Q...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:28 PM PST

    I have seen countless videos regarding backing up character folders when using PlugY but I am completely clueless as to where or which or what folder it would be... can anyone point me in correct direction?

    submitted by /u/Hoss_Ballsnapper
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    Ramalamadingdong where are you.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:48 AM PST

    I can't find Ramaladnis gift to save my soul. I've got my barbs set weapons with decent rolls but haven't come across a single Ramaladni at GR100 solo. Just complaining Also any better ideas to farm for it?

    submitted by /u/Brian178
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    Hi, I’m a new player

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:07 PM PST

    So I recently picked this game up again (edit: diablo 3) and I'm playing a wizard, I beat the game and my bro and I have been doing GRs and it's really fun but when I looked up loadouts for wizards I saw one that used set items? Phoenix Fire I think? Idk. Anyway I was wondering how I get that specific set and how I get set items in general, I don't really like the idea of making a season character and starting over but I am willing to do that if that's a problem

    submitted by /u/FireExtinguisher765
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    Are Mercenaries coming back? What do you think about it?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Old ones? New ones? From previous playable classes? What do you want to see in Diablo 4?

    submitted by /u/Athelas_502
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    Diablo 2 on MacBook Pro

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:36 PM PST

    Can't seem to find any recent posts of anyone who has been able to play Diablo 2 on their MacBook Pro? Does it work? Before I spend any money on buying the CD keys, any info is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/Jamieloreilly
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    Barbarian Whirlwind Rend T16 Season 19 Guide

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:04 AM PST

    PlugY + Patch V.# Question...

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:09 PM PST

    Any difference Pro/Con between using patch 12 or 13 with PlugY?

    Asking because I just made it to lev10 with a Paladin using 12 when I noticed I was using, well, v.12 instead of what I thought I was using...13.

    submitted by /u/Hoss_Ballsnapper
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    Weapon issues

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:37 PM PST

    Weapon issues

    I posted this on the forums. But whenever I reroll a weapon or even when I don't next time I login game the weapon has 1/4-1/5 of the damage it previously had for no reason at all. I can't figure out what is going on.

    I am currently using the Slanderer with Little Rogue so it isn't something that I can just easily farm back.

    This also happened on my Primal Ancient Pig Sticker.

    I've attached a screenshot for reference.


    submitted by /u/BRING_BACK_SETS
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    Diablo 2 biggest reset competition ever by D2GM!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:37 PM PST


    Our discord with close to 1k members--> https://discord.gg/j7437rS

    TL;DR: We are hosting a reset competition, prize pool of 20k fg at jsp.

    Greetings warriors, spellcasters and healers!

    Yet again, it is time for ladder reset and with it, our GZ LADDER RESET COMPETITION WITH 20K FG PRIZE POOL!

    Gather your friends, make your team and join us in, what some say is, the most fun diablo 2 has to offer!

    If you don't have a team, don't worry cuz tons of teams are being made in our community and some of them still need players for reset!

    What are we fighting for?

    The pricepool for this reset competition is 20k FG (If you don't have jsp and you are part of 1 of the teams that will win, you will receive something ingame of the same value)! ! !


    1st place--> 30%--> 6000fg / 8 players

    2nd place--> 25%--> 5000fg / 8 players

    3rd place--> 20%--> 4000fg / 8 players

    4th place--> 15%--> 3000fg / 8 players

    5th place--> 10%--> 2000fg / 8 players


    1. Download discord (best social platform for gaming and we got gz sound quality boost for you and your team) --> https://discordapp.com/download
    2. When you make your discord account, select to ''Join a server'' and insert the following code--> https://discord.gg/j7437rS

    Rules and info:

    1. We create new channels for your team, both text and voice (WE HAVE BOOSTED OUR SERVER'S NITRO SO YOU CAN HAVE GREAT SOUND QUALITY!)

    Here you can talk tactics and get to know each other if you feel like it :)

    2) When your whole team is gathered, you will receive more info from admins of our community.

    3) Regardless of the realm your team plays on (EAST, WEST OR EU), the 5 teams who will finish HELL ANCIENTS first are the winners.

    There is no need to finish Hell Baal.

    4) As proof that you have managed to do it, you will need to post 2 pictures:

    a) Picture of your quest log with Hell ancients done (fullscreen pic showing difficulty too).

    b) Picture of your party log (fullscreen pic showing difficulty too).

    What are you waiting for?! Join now and get ready for the race!

    No entry fee required! ! !

    P.S What is a "reset competition" you wonder?

    Diablo 2 ladder resets every 6 months, next one will be on december 6.

    Twice a year, we gather in teams and compete in a glorious race to HELL!

    Every team consists of 8 players who race to be the first team to kill Ancients in Hell difficulty.

    We all start as soon as the servers open with our new and freshly created chars and enter the game your teamleader creates.

    After that, it's all up to YOU and your TEAM to get to Hell and kill Ancients as fast as possible!

    You and your team can choose any chars you like to create the perfect combination of speed, damage and durability.

    Should you have any questions after joining the server, feel free to ask any admin or trusted for help.

    submitted by /u/wenrice
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    Legacy of dreams gem

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    So I at least think I know how this gem works, if I don't have 2 pieces of a set on, then my damage gets buffed from the legendary things I'm wearing? Well if yes, why does my damage number on the inventory screen not reflect that?

    submitted by /u/RedPanda104
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    [Fanart] my sketch of Tyrael

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:50 PM PST

    Fan art of Lilith I did a few weeks ago, though this might be the best place to post it :-)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 11:55 PM PST

    Hey I can't find this anywhere - does S19 WW Rend - Bloodbath snapshot Convention of Elements?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    I really like the Captain Crimson variant of this, but I feel like I might be losing a lot by not using CoE - everyone's using it so I'm wondering if maybe there's something I don't know like maybe the 'bloodbath' snapshots the damage from CoE so the buff actually persists for more than 4 secs.


    submitted by /u/ivanthedevil
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