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    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Diablo D4 suggestion - scale back the scaling

    Diablo D4 suggestion - scale back the scaling

    D4 suggestion - scale back the scaling

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:05 AM PST

    I suspected scaling (numbers growing throughout the game) is an issue in D3, but I haven't played in a while, so I wasn't sure how bad it was. I just started a new character for the season and man, it is nuts.

    Let's just look at damage, as it is the worst offender. A lvl 1 char can do damage in the 10-100 range (per hit or per second, we're talking big picture orders of magnitude here so it's not super relevant). A lvl 30 char can do damage in the 10k-100k range. A moderately geared lvl 70 char can do damage in the billions. This is nuts. We don't need this, and it creates a ton of issues for the game that weren't there in D2 and I wish won't be there for D4. For comparison, in D2 a lvl 1 char would put out single digits of damage, and a lvl 90+ super geared char would do damage in the 10k+ range. I don't think a single D2 player would complain about not feeling a difference when lvling or gearing up.

    The issues insane scaling creates is that raw damage-boosting stats (and to a lesser extent, raw hp/armor-boosting stats) dwarf everything else, and makes it so gearing up, especially while leveling, is a mindless scan for green text every 2 lvls. It makes it so much harder for any kind of interesting or creative item to be relevant unless it was gained at max lvl.

    There is of course also the issue of endgame scaling being crazy, with the huge multipliers on items and so on, but I feel like that's a dead horse at this point. The same concept applies though - if some items boost your damage by a few orders of magnitude, it makes it super hard for any kind of creative and interesting modifiers to shine. And I'm repeating others when I say it also makes group play much more boring. If every item upgrade has the chance to boost your damage output times 10, times 2 or even times 1.5, then groups with one person doing 90% of the work will be much much more common.

    Finally, crazy scaling makes balancing the game much harder. When you play with huge numbers, every little mistake or lapse in judgement can create huge differences between builds.

    TL;DR - D4 should have a slower scaling between lvls and between low geared and high geared chars. D3 scaling is crazy with all cons and no pros.

    EDIT, PLEASE READ - I can see a lot of people are going to misunderstand this as just saying "big numbers are stupid". They are, but that's not the point. The point is SCALING. The difference between low and high level, between crap gear and godly gear, should be smaller than it is in D3, closer to what D2 had. If scaling is done right, you can feel super powerful by getting just a ~10% bump, and if this is the case, it can help make things like leveling up, gearing up and group play much more interesting.

    submitted by /u/galion1
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    Can I activate Diablo 2 on BNet if I have my old CD's?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:14 PM PST

    Bit of a shot in the dark, but I have my old Diablo 2 CD's with their codes. I was wondering if theres any chance I could somehow activate them on Battle.net due to me not having a CD drive in my PC anymore. I dont want to have to go buy an external drive, but I will if I have to. Any help?

    submitted by /u/sn0w6661
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    I just beat Baal for the first time! And on that note...

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:03 PM PST

    I am never playing this game again! Diablo 2 is by all means an absolute masterpiece. Handcrafted stories, graphics, and mechanics that all go to make this game fantastic...

    But holy shit is it hard

    I MASSIVELY underestimated the difficulty of this game. Even on normal, which I thought I would beat with a breeze, I got my ass thoroughly handed to me countless times.

    And about the man himself...

    Fuck Baal! I have never hated life more than the moment I walked into his boss fight and got the ever living shit dicks slapped out of me. He is just so utterly difficult.

    But finally, after a month of playing non stop at home, and even bringing my laptop to school, I beat him in the most bitch ass way possible.

    This game is amazing, and has such an awesome community. I'm never playing Diablo 2 again.

    If you're wondering, I ran a Phoenix Striker Assassin named "FUCK". No traps, just charges and crazy burst damage. They told me melee classes are hard, I didn't listen, I paid the price, but it was a really fun build to run!

    submitted by /u/nobodyyoullcarefor
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    Need for Speed Payback R35 Diablo III paintings

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:49 AM PST

    A diablo noob

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:00 AM PST

    Hi everyone! So I've never played any of the diablo series, yet I've consistently heard good things. After hearing so much about d2, and finally getting bored after maxing on old school RuneScape i've just purchased it. A big question I have is whether or not LoD is (in your opinion) a must to enjoy the game as a first time player. Granted it's only $10, I wasn't sure if it's recommended to play without it until x amount of time or whatever have you to get the full experience. Thank you! Any tips you'd deem necessary to share with me are also much appreciated, as I'm going to this game with zero prior knowledge of its content. (As I probably should be I suppose)

    submitted by /u/clamslammer123
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    Make stats more than just passive numbers on armor

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

    I know they got rid of str/int/dev and they're adding that demonic/angelic stat. What I hope they add is skills or items that interact with these stats more. There were a few examples in D4 (mainly stuff that interacted with thorns, like the item that made thorns hit in an AoE)

    For example, could have a barb skill that has increased crit damage based off your vitality stat. Then you as the player, if you're interested in this skill, you would build around it, stacking as much vit items and stat points. Or maybe a legendary that gives you a shield based off your demonic stat or something like that. Just give us hooks to build our stats towards

    submitted by /u/doubleoutside
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    Diablo in GR 150 - Clip + VOD

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Hey guys, pretty funny moment right there, we got so many stacks in this GR 150 that we got the pentagram then Diablo, we just got destroyed then we had to make the boss TP to kill him.

    You can check the clip here : https://clips.twitch.tv/TriumphantMagnificentRaisinUWot

    And the VOD here : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/523131956

    Have fun guys and keep farming :)

    Cheers, Kuzohito.

    submitted by /u/Kuzohito
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    Weekly Loot Wednesday - 12/18/19

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to week 377 of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

    Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


    • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

    • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    shotgun sader - insane rubber banding with a 2h?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

    Just looking for some advice on the lag factor of the new set. This one is really confusing me.

    I'd love to be able to run my sultan in 100 speeds - don't need to be an rgk at that level, but it saves a skill/cube slot if I can run it for the blind procs.

    The big issue is whenever i've tried running a 2h, for whatever reason, i get absolutely bonkers rubber banding. Latency stays consistent, but running in HC and throwing out a fury, only for the game to chug for 2-3 seconds is basically suicide.

    It's got no AD, LOH or other affixes that have been identified as possibly causing lag. It's really bizzarre. I can run a 1h all day and be relatively smooth, as soon as I chuck that sword on, it's unplayable. Could LoK be affecting it? Or the blind proc? I'm at a loss.

    submitted by /u/badonkadonkthrowaway
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    An iconic D2 feature that I believe should not be resurrected for D4.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:25 AM PST

    Characters somehow being able to use other classes' thematic and impactful skills (Paladin Auras, Barb Shouts, Necro Curses, Sorc's Teleport, etc) through items (magic/rare item charges, uniques, rune words) trivializes gameplay and restricts group builds/play, and can even compromise world immersion.

    It never sat right with me how in D2 the investment in some classes' skills felt pointless with the introduction of certain items/runewords; most notably, a lot of the Paladin auras being stapled to runewords (big ones being the basically infinite mana-granting Meditation Aura through Insight, and enemy resistances-cutting Conviction Aura through Infinity). And even on a minor note, Act 2 mercenaries possessing a total of six of the Paladin's Auras.

    I only started playing D2 in late LoD (so maybe this all was the case in the earlier years of the game) but I liked to imagine a world where people would actively seek to party with, for example, Paladins or Necromancers because of the benefits their Auras and Curses would bring to, say, a Sorceress or Barbarian. Thus, providing an incentive to invest into a more party-based build to help augment classes that they themselves could not accomplish (slightly leaning towards the many "zero dps" builds we've seen in D3). And therefore, promoting synergistic party play.

    Maybe D2 was purposefully shifted into that direction to help enable solo players to clear content and farm with relative ease (with the class-wide Enigma runeword granting the Sorceress' Teleport skill, and the already mentioned Conviction aura).

    It also all takes a bit away from the immersion of the world (a Sorc using Barb Shouts, and a Barb using Sorc's teleport).

    Either way, just feels a little weird and even a little sad to see these super "patchwork" characters walking around using just about as many of other classes' skills as their own.

    Edit: I appreciate all the replies. I hope to reply where I can, but I've been sick. I posted this last night then immediately passed out.

    I will say one brief thing, I agree with everyone here saying how iconic and fun said patchwork builds were. I'm not denying that. I had fun with them, too. Some of the most fun I has was with a teleporting fury/throw Barb whose build was enabled in hell with the Necro's Decrepify Curse through my Act 2 merc using the unique polearm Reaper's Toll. But that was on the vast majority playing alone, teleporting around like a Sorc through the Enigma runeword, and ensuring my desired curse was the one applied to monsters.

    It was fun. But I believe that fun comes at a cost.

    Again, thank you for the replies and I'll reply where I can.

    submitted by /u/Alekzandre08
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    Within Temptation - Forsaken (Diablo III Edition)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    D4 monster progression ideas/discussion

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    In Diablo 3, the AI of the monsters is pretty basic. Bosses get a little more complicated but in general, they don't act very smart.

    In D3, elites would gain additional affixes for increased difficulty, but this is essentially an autopilot, cooldown-type system.

    I think the D4 dev team is trying to make combat a little more interactive with the implementation on the stagger system on bosses, but what are some other system ideas that we could bring to the table for regular elite mobs?? Any thoughts?

    I would love each mob type to have 3+ skills, and as difficulty goes up, they could begin using them.

    Followers in D3 are moderately intelligent, they charge monsters and heal you at different times, so there is room for creativity and complexity.

    What are some of your ideas?

    submitted by /u/SheetShitter
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    Throwing weapons

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:55 AM PST

    D4 definitely should have more throwing options, javazons and chakram dh are popular throwing builds in the past games afaik , but I also hope for a more viable throwing barb and maybe a potion throwing alchemist too.

    EDIT : Jars of spiders and also frogs from WD are great too.

    submitted by /u/Screwbreaker
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    A completely new player. Help needed!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:28 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Just want to preface this by saying that I've never played a Diablo game before. I've played a bunch of WoW and really enjoy it, but I recently picked up Diablo 3 on the switch for some on-the-go gaming and was hoping some vets could give me some pointers? Apologies if this type of thread has popped up a lot!

    So first of all, I'm starting off by playing through the campaign mode which makes sense as a starting point. However, I'm a bit confused as to what is the aim of the game after I complete the adventure mode. In WoW I absolutely love grinding. I can grind the same mob over and over again for the chance at some loot dropping so I'm hoping the end game of Diablo is something similar to this? Is it a case of levelling a character up to max level and then grinding so get loot so I can grind quicker to get better loot? Something along those lines?

    I could really do with a ELI5 explanation of what happens after the campaign, if someone has the time of course! What are seasons? What are rifts? I also enjoy levelling alts in WoW so is there opportunity to do lots of different character builds? Is that what seasons are for?

    Apologies for the ramble, I'm ready looking forward to getting stuck into the game, but my boomer brain is struggling to get to terms with what the general game play loop is.

    Thanks 😁

    Edit: Also just to add, I prefer playing solo rather than online multiplayer. Is there plenty of opportunity for me to do that? Will I be missing out on much?

    submitted by /u/itsThomus
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    How much CDR is “enough” for wastes Barb in 110+ GRs?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:50 AM PST

    So, my wastes Barb is running out it's WOTB before I proc a new one as I push GRs. I essentially rolled the same stats Icy Veins suggests on my gear, but they don't seem to place a huge priority on CDR. My question is, how much CDR should we be rolling as we try to max out 110-120 GRs. I now have 3 items auged for 400 strength, and feel like I should be in the mix for 120s but I'm not quite there. How much is the baseline for CDR? It's kind of odd icy-veins doesn't give a "hey, you should meet these minimum stat lines for your builds before prioritizing other stats" guide. But I do have to say, I would be lost without their help. I was able to add 4% with rerolls before bed last night and didn't hop into a GR to test because it was bedtime. So it's possible I may be set anyways.

    So my question, how much CDR do you have on your spin barbs? Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/Harryhood___
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    Sarah McLachlan - Black (Diablo III - Reaper Of Souls Edition)(With Voic...

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:20 AM PST

    Its about time I finally got a well rolled Flavor of Time.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Paragon 950, maybe 30 FoT drops this season and I finally got one that is half decent for my Wastes Barb. Not perfect, but socket, 81% crit damage, 7% CDR and fire damage 16%, which I didn't have time to reroll for crit chance before bed last night but will start my game night with. Has anyone else really struggled to get good rolls on Flavor of Times this season? Or do I just have horrendous RNG?

    submitted by /u/Harryhood___
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