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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Diablo D4 dev team's communication style is probably an experiment - let's make it a good one

    Diablo D4 dev team's communication style is probably an experiment - let's make it a good one

    D4 dev team's communication style is probably an experiment - let's make it a good one

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:36 AM PST

    I'm loving the amount of communication coming out of the d4 dev team. I think we can all agree on that. We should realize though that if we as a community make this collaboration between us and the devs a success, it could mean more dev cycles look like this at Blizzard and maybe even the whole industry.

    There was probably a conversation sometime between the high ups in the dev team and the higher ups at blizz about this being an experiment. This isn't just them trying to hype us up as some have suggested here. It's too far off from release for constant hype, and it looks like they are actually listening. If we keep it constructive and try our best to make it easier for the devs to hear us out (in feedback round-up posts for example), I think there's a good chance we'll be seeing a lot more communication from devs in the future of gaming.

    Edit: some people are saying this is just David Kim being David Kim. It may be true, but my point still stands - they put him on that leading position knowing what his strategy is. No one in that position had been this communicative before. If we make sure it's a success, then more dev leaders will behave this way.

    Edit 2: Some people may have misunderstood why I'm calling this an experiment. Since blizz (and many other big companies) haven't done this much communicating this early before, it's something they will learn from, for better or worse. Listening to more voices could mean that they take more time to release for example, and I'm sure they made some extra hires since they need more people to effectively survey community opinions, which means this "experiment" is costing them money. We need to make sure they get a return on that investment in the form of valuable, constructive input - which by and large they have been getting so far, so keep it up guys :)

    submitted by /u/galion1
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    Came back to playing Diablo III. Created a Crusader the only way you can create one.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    In Diablo 4 there needs to be a loot hunt

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    Chase uniques, extremely rare runes and elite ethereal bases were some of the keystone pieces of the Diablo 2 loot experience. Getting these items legit could take hundreds of hours of grinding to achieve. But when you got that drop you knew it was huge and you were ecstatic. I would love for items of high power to be extremely rare again to extend end game loot hunting time and reward players who grind. I found a Jah this past ladder reset and and never got around to getting Engima made, but that hunt and chase is what kept me going.

    Please Blizzard, make the chase items truly rare and hard to acquire.

    submitted by /u/Tomalom1
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    Alright, Mr. Kim, you wanted constructive feedback on itemization, so I'm gonna try my best

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Hey all. I usually am more of a lurking kinda guy, but the recent post regarding itemization was so straightforward and inviting of discussion that I'm gonna try to give some feedback.

    First of all, Mr. Kim, thank you for this post! This kind of communication is exactly what this community has ever asked for, and I think the latest posts on this sub reflect that fact. It feels really refreshing to get involved like this.

    Second, the ideas put forward in the post were - in sum - quite promising. It's clear that you have a core philosophy for the game in mind and are also actively trying to reconcile it with the community's ideas, despite their sometimes contradictory nature. That's great! If you and the Diablo team can keep this up I'm convinced the game will turn out fantastic.

    Now for some more specific feedback.


    The idea of angelic/demonic/ancestral power opens up some interesting possibilities for sure. I like the idea of items unlocking another tier of power if you decide to invest into some additional stats. My main concern with this is mainly how it puts even more character customization onto items. Legendary powers and skill-changing affixes already play a huge part in building you character. It might be worth to consider making angelic/demonic/ancestral power actual stats that you invest points into each level up. It would be meaningfully different than traditional stats though: you mentioned that angelic power was associated with buffs and self-healing. Putting points into angelic power could then have the effect of increasing your healing numbers passively (maybe indicated by affected numbers being blue in ability tooltips?), while also unlocking the item affixes. Items could still grant AP/DP/LP so you don't get completely locked out of equipping an item with a demonic affix if you're specced into angelic. But to have a disposition towards angelic affixes would resolve issues of you having to change your entire gear because you replace one item that doesn't have AP on it. It would also have the nice side-effect of giving your character more of an identity, depending on what kind of power you spec into.

    To summarize: the idea behind angelic/demonic/ancestral power and their associated affixes is great. It might put too much emphasis on itemization being the single most important character building tool though. Alleviate that by allowing players to allot points into angelic/demonic/ancestral power to give them passive benefits and more character identity.


    Associating Attack/Defense with weapons/armor respectively is a good change. I think it's important to keep in mind, that these stats should never be the single most important stats for building your character. But you outlined that in your post by saying that "it will almost never be the optimal way to play" to solely consider these stats, which is greatly appreciated! I don't think anyone wants everything scaling off weapon DPS all over again.

    To summarize: all good. Stay on course.

    Ancient Legendary replacement

    Oh thank god! Ancient legendaries are so lame. They so devalue everything else in the game - removing them is a really good decision. I also like the idea of being able to transfer legendary powers onto rare items, similar to how it works with Kanai's cube in D3, only more involved. Possibly more grindy too though, if its tied to a resource. So this I'm still a bit sceptical about. I want to point out though, that so far every new idea about itemization was to add power in some way. With some restrictions and requirements, yes, but still only positive gain. Rares themselves aren't inherently valuable - only after applying a legendary power do they become viable for late game. Because the true power always lies in legendaries. I think it would be healthier for the game to give each type of item a specific purpose and distinct advantages as well as disadvantages, because that's how you encourage choices during character customization. The following is loosely based on how it worked in D2, but just to give some ideas:

    magic: fewer numbers of affixes, but able to roll the highest values on them. As in: that sweet demonic affix now grants 2 or 3 points to one skill instead of just 1, BUT there are just one or two other affixes on the item.

    rare: most number of affixes, but standard values on their rolls AND can be enchanted with ONE legendary power. As in: you only get 1 skill point upgrade from that demonic affix, BUT the item has a lot of other really useful stats and serves as a great baseline for enchanting it, giving it longevity.

    legendary: heavily gameplay-affecting affixes but with a significant drawback. As in: comes with multiple demonic affixes and legendary powers, but decreases your innate demonic power by -15, requiring you to go deep into demonic power to get the most value out of the item. Alternatively they could affect gameplay negatively: your X ability fires three times instead of one and has a big increased AoE, BUT now uses 3% of your health as resource. This would require you to build around stealing life, self healing, spec into angelic, etc.

    Don't be afraid to include drawbacks into your item design. It makes building around them fun and allows different item types to be relevant in some aspect.

    To summarize: great ideas regarding the removal of ancients and giving more purpose to rares. Might be worth to give each item type a more defined niche to give them even more purpose. Include drawbacks on items to encourage choice!


    And that is all. I had a lot of fun reading the post and thinking about these things. Hopefully these ideas can be of some value.

    Thanks again for your work, Mr. Kim!

    edit: I tried my best with formatting. It's hard.

    submitted by /u/gehirnspasti
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    Blizz, with your new consumable/rare idea in mind, please consider making Legendaries more... "Unique" :D

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:29 AM PST

    So the new itemization concept of taking a legendary affix and applying it to a Yellow/rare item using a consumable item sounds absolutely amazing. It's fun, and will give you three things to chase to form a great item (Legendary, well rolled yellow, consumable item). It sounds like something that could give us a real grind for the real min/maxers chasing that really well rolled yellow, along with a high rolled legendary affix. Kudos!

    One thing that should be considered is how Legendary Items will be affected by this. It sounds like a good yellow with a Legendary affix will be very similar to legendary items in D3. Many of the D3 legendaries are something like 3 Primary Affixes, 2 Secondary, and 1 Legendary Property. That actually sounds very similar to what a yellow item would be with the consumable in D4.

    For example, take a look at these 3 jewelry pieces Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac Puzzle Ring Squirts Necklace

    So affix wise, they are very similar, but the legendary property is different. With re-rolling of affixes, and virtually all legendaries in D3 having some random affixes, you end up with similar items chasing the Trifecta for DPS. This sounds more like what D4 Consumables could be. You're chasing 4-5 affixes that suit your build well, and you get to craft a legendary power onto it, like the DPS increase of squirts, or the loot goblin for PR, or perhaps the cooldown of ORotZ.

    So in order to keep legendary items competitive with well rolled rares, perhaps they should have a bit more uniqueness to each item, akin to D1/D2. Unique items didn't have random affixes at all, aside from maybe + to certain skills that could roll on certain items. Unique items had affixes that couldn't roll on any other item in the game. While I'm aware D3 had this to some extent, D2 uniques had a list of affixes that were pre-determined by the devs to perform certain functions.

    Take a look at Marrowwalk for example. Lots of affixes on it. Many of these CAN roll on boots, but it's impossible for them to roll together even if you take out the skill charges. The Life Tap, Bone Prison, and Skeleton Mastery are not rolled on boots besides this one. Razortail is another great example. The maximum damage and thorns on a belt are unheard of, along with the Piercing attack, which makes it a very viable Amazon item. I always appreciated that Uniques had themes, like Ravenfrost being a cold based ring, and Infernostride being a Fire based boots. It made things a little more interesting.

    IMO, a Unique/Legendary item shouldn't just have a legendary property to make it stand out. Many of them should have affixes that can't roll on that type of item, and certain affixes that normally can't roll together in a yellow. This will make for some real decision to make. Like is the piercing attack on my belt worth more to me than having higher chance of Crit Strike on my belt? Maybe the piercing makes more sense for PvM and the Strike for PvP? Without Uniqueness to the itemes, we'll all end up wearing godly yellows with legendary powers instead of a mix of both.

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    Put the Legend in Legendaries

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    I posted this as a comment on a separate thread, however, I feel like it deserves a separate post as I want input from the community on thoughts.

    Rares need to feel different/separate from Legendaries.

    You can point to it's name as source material - to truly make Legendaries "Legendary" it needs to have a story, be familiar, something everyone knows about, it's specific.

    A way to do this is by giving Legendaries static stats. It would tell a story of that item. You know what you are getting, its legendary. Make it the only items in the game that have pre-set static affixes. But with varying ranges the numbers can roll. This would truly make them Legendary and in a class of their own.

    submitted by /u/Perkynips83
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    Crit Chance & Damage should be capped

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    I'm not sure what the exact cap should be of each, but as an example max crit chance could be 30% and max crit damage could be 200%.

    Ideally balanced in a way that you can max them with just a couple of skills/items.

    This is to address the problem in D3 that you have to stack as much of each on everything to be viable no matter what build you are running.

    I'd also like to see deadly strike return, just a fixed version of crit that goes on top, but perhaps does a percent of enemy health like crushing blow, rather than double damage. On that note, I think some enemies/some enemy attacks should deal percent of player's health as damage so you never get to the point where you are just invincible and strategic play goes out the window

    EDIT: The more I read the comments and think a out this, the more I agree to just get rid of crit damage. Crit chance could potentially have deminishing returns too

    submitted by /u/KurtiZ_TSW
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    I hope D4 moves away from reliance on spike damage

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:28 AM PST

    There are many things I want from D4; Deeper character creation, deeper loot, more open skills, a story that wasn't written by a ten year old who plagiarized rejected scripts from 80's Saturday morning cartoons. But one of these has to be a moving away from relying on spike damage and unavoidable damage as crutches for difficulty.

    Within its current design, few things are as annoying as ripping through a G-Rift, slaughtering hundreds of demons at a time and barely even being tickled by bosses, only for that one specific attack to instantly take you from 100% to 0%. Often without you even being sure what it was that happened let alone being able to do much about it. It's not a case of just pushing past your gear limit either as the other 99.999~% of attacks in said rift can be easily managed and your clear time is way ahead of timer. But there's just that one specific attack that obliterates you like an RKO out of nowhere.

    This is something D3 has struggled with since launch as well. When the game first came out I remember the devs proudly declaring "You. Will. Die." because it was so "difficult". And that turned out to mean the unavoidable damage and huge spike damage was so terrible you literally couldn't play a melee build; the only Torment viable Barb builds for awhile were based on ranged attacks and poor monks were left trying to tediously kite every special pack to death.

    For D4 I would love a move towards these big hits being telegraphed attacks you can avoid and more mechanics that the player has active agency in besting. It's just infinitely more satisfying than just having the game throw up a hard stop because it decided you've been alive too long and should die now.

    submitted by /u/Quxudia
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    [Idea] Diablo 4's Runeword system

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:01 AM PST

    [Idea] Diablo 4's Runeword system

    Hi guys,

    I was rewatching some gameplay footage of MrLlamaSC at blizzcon. When an idea came to me to revamp runeword system of D4.

    The actual system is pretty "meh", no complexity only 2 runes combination (one condition + one effec). Lovely runewords of D2 are gone. And it's too bad.

    But what if Runeword now belong to the character himself rather than an item ? This is my idea :


    (Lem an Pul aren't revealed yet so I invented it)

    We keep the actual combinaison of 2 rune with one condition and one effect. Pretty basic and simple for newcomers.

    Like Vex + Lem on the torso : When you use health potion (Vex) add 5% damage as Fire during 10 secondes (Lem)

    or Amn + Ko on legs : When you freeze an enemy (Amn) reduce a random skill cooldown by 15% (Ko)

    But if we gather the rights runes through our entire character (taking into account each item) we can unlock RUNEWORDS.

    On my example we'gather Amn, Ko and Lem that unlock the runeword LAWBRINGER who grants :

    -50% Target Defense

    Slain Monsters Rest In Peace

    75% Extra Gold From Monsters

    Some details :

    - You are not limited in number of Runeword

    - A same rune can be use on differente Runeword (Ko is use in Lawbringer and The Oak)

    - You can run multiple time same runeword (2 x Lawbringer)

    - But a rune can't be use in the same 2 runeword (for 2 Lawbringer you need : 2 Amn, 2 Lem and 2 Ko)

    - If a runeword need two times the same rune, like Pheonix (Vex-Vex-Lo-Jah), you need to socket 2 Vex in yours items.

    - Powerfull Runeword need more rune (5 or 6) and minor Runeword less rune (3).

    Tell me what you think guys.

    TL;DR : Runes are shared through all items to create Runewords who belong to character now.

    ps : Lem an Pul aren't revealed yet so I invented it

    submitted by /u/Redlight078
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    New Diablo IV Stats abbreviations.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:22 PM PST

    Demonic Power : DP

    Angelic Power : AP

    Ancestral Power : AP...?

    I know it's a small thing, but this annoys me already and I can't imagine people will go AncP AngP or whatever. Might want to think of an alternative word for Ancestral... I came to write this because I was reading WoW classic chat still, to this day, complaining about DM vs VC for Deadmines. Abbreviations do matter. I know it's early but whatever. I like the mechanic though, really cool

    submitted by /u/BissoQc
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    Looking for tips to help push WW Barb GR's

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Here is my profile:


    I am doing solo GRs at 110 right now at 780 para which I think is decent, but besides para...

    Does this build look solid for GR pushing and would there be any immediate recommendations for gear upgrades to focus shards on?

    Thanks for help.

    submitted by /u/swatecke
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    When was the D2 ladder reset supposed to happen?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:54 PM PST

    I thought I saw it was December 4th, or was it actually a different day this month? Can't remember.

    submitted by /u/springfieldnoob
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    I don't know if this was mentioned since D4 reveal but creating our own games and able to make our own title them need to make a come back for Diablo 4

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:41 PM PST

    Right now D3 has options you can choose for the game type you want like regular rift, grs, bounties, etc. Those are pretty generic and don't have specifics like people wanting to do speed grs in the gr80s or speed 110s, etc. Adding this would help. In D4 they should add an option to let us create games with our own titles like in D2. That way no one would wait for eternity in the chat channels just spamming LF for the type of game they want and you got a 20% chance that someone would respond. If we create a game looking for something specific that other people would want to search for then you get people join immediately like in D2. There is no negative to adding this to D4. I hope a D4 dev reads this or people send this to the D4 team.

    submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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    Just started playing D2 LOD again a couple of months ago. Are my non-ladder chars worth keeping or should I mass delete and start over?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:35 AM PST

    Will non-ladder be empty of players now?

    submitted by /u/BigIreland
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    thoughts on the Evasion mechanic? (feedback from demo)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    Sorry for the bad english, this is my first post on reddit and i wanted to make it for the diablo Feedback because i really enjoy reading all your discussions and the updates from blizzard.

    I just watched some gameplay from the D4 Demo and discovered one thing i would like to give some feedback on: I am Talking about the dodge ability and how it is used in the demo.

    First of all i have to say that i like the ability because it adds a strategic dimension to the gameplay actions and Reminds me of „souls like" Games.

    gameplay video i am referring to

    But i kind of have one Problem with it: as you can see in the linked Video (minute 38:04) the player can jump in and out of whole groups of monsters in an instant and escapes some dangerous positions without any damage taken (almost like teleporting).

    In my opinion the dodge System is kind of overpowered and takes away all punishment of bad gameplay decisions.

    I really hope that in future builds you cant just jump through bodys of enemies or outside of their range with one evasion. It should matter if you are too careless and come too close to enemies attacks.

    What do you guys think of the dodge system and the recent speed of it?

    submitted by /u/oilileinad
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    Legit Player Community

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    If you plan on playing Diablo 2 this upcoming ladder reset ( tomorrow night ), then I highly recommend adding this discord server >> https://discord.gg/fHJfSHB We ban botters, and we allow for legit players to connect and trade. We host events like 8man walks and ironmans. We have players on all realms HC / SC - East - EU - HCCL all of them, all neatly organized on this discord.

    submitted by /u/kickassbitch
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    Rift Guardian Proc - Fight or Flight? Always Fight, Otherwise This Awaits

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:41 PM PST

    Legendary Items + Consumable = Redundant?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:04 PM PST

    I'd like to start off by saying thanks to David Kim.

    The recent changes to itemization are definitely a step in the right direction as I know most will agree. I also realize nothing is final and development is ongoing but I'd like to share some feedback for the current iteration.

    From my understanding a legendary has inherent power that's specific to that item.

    That's how they exist in DIII at least.

    My concern is how legendary consumables will fit into this equation.

    The system as of now feels convoluted because all items can potentially use legendary powers and legendary items are no longer unique.

    Still I prefer the idea of consumables because it makes sense that "power" can exist outside of and unbound from items.

    Moving forward I think it would make more sense if "legendary" affixes were limited to consumables only. Removing a item tier that redefine skills entirely would open the door for something far simpler.

    Unique items in Diablo II had a significant purpose that worked really well. Rolls were fixed stats and special to individual items. They were very useful but not game changing or breaking.

    Balancing items around this approach will let players experiment with existing affixes, skills and talents first then gradually adapt legendary power later after gaining more experience and consumables start to drop.

    I believe this system will provide meaningful choices and enhance the aspect of loot hunting.

    Collecting "legendary power" instead of items will change how players build.

    Slots are no longer predetermined and players have the freedom to apply their consumable to any magic or rare of their choosing. Customization that isn't limited by the existence of legendary items but improved by uniques sounds better.

    Mythic items could function similar to unique items but allow players to harness more than one legendary consumable.

    I think this direction feels grounded in many ways, but it's just an idea.

    What are your thoughts on the current systems? Blizzard is listening!

    submitted by /u/BA5TA4D
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    Rerolling attributes

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:43 PM PST

    If rerolling attributes on items should be a thing in D4, it should be more friendly.

    In D3 we get any random attributes. And get to choose from 2 new attributes or keep the current one.

    The diablo series is by no doubt a grinding series of games, but D3 has pretty much demolished that reputation.

    One thing i like with D3 is the option to enchant(reroll) an attribute of an item. But what i dont like is that i can reroll the item 57 times to get from 11% movement speed to 12% movement speed. Or 41% crit dmg to 50% crit dmg, for the nerds who will say you dont want move speed on items..

    If D4 has the same "reroll" options, id love it if the attribute you choose to reroll is offered at a better value than previously, along with 2-3 other attributes.

    So instead of spending 10 minutes trying to reroll your ring's crit dmg from 41 to 50, you can do it in 9 tries as you get atleast 1 higher with each reroll.

    submitted by /u/Jerkalerka
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    Numbers look too high on gear and there should be a damage cap in game.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Here are a couple ideas I was thinking of and been talking to some of my friends about. Instead of having higher atk power and defense on gear. And then just picking the one that had higher main stats… Remove atk and defense power on gear. You just get stronger from leveling up and those affixes and passives from gear and ranking up skills to use. I also hated in D3 once you got further in the game. It was hard to really focus on the dmg you did. What about a 9999 dmg cap? Like what old school FF games had. Just scale the game around that. It gets harder to get that cap bonus on what you are fighting and what you are using. That's something I also didn't like about WoW later on. Once you started doing so much dmg it just seem pointless.

    Something I really liked about D2 is character identity. D3 I felt like lost that… in D2 you could build a spear amazon or trap assassin or Werebear Druid or a summon necromancer. I like to have that feeling of your character build towards something. Instead of just unlocking everything and then using build base on what gear you got, type of thing. D3 did a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. I am hoping with Blizzard asking for feedback on D4 it will be the best ARPG ever.

    submitted by /u/Karacis
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