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    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    Diablo To be good, Diablo IV should let players fail

    Diablo To be good, Diablo IV should let players fail

    To be good, Diablo IV should let players fail

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    At the core of the itemization problem is the idea that the player should never make a wrong choice.

    The snowballing simplification of item modifiers in WoW and D3 led to the meme that eventually, there would be only one stat, that we could call "pwn". Stack enough +pwn, and you win the game, no matter the class or build you're playing. One of my main gripes with D3's itemization was making all spells and abilities be based off weapon damage. It made it so gearing a spellcaster was not much different from gearing a melee character... Prioritizing weapon damage, attack speed, and critical strike.

    To keep the game interesting and allow true player agency, item modifiers should come in all kinds of flavours, and depend on item type. Some modifiers should be geared towards physical damage dealers, others for spellcasters. Some defensive modifiers. Some modifiers should simply suck, to keep things interesting.

    Getting a perfect or near perfect Cruel Colossus Blade of Quickness was a fantastic feeling because you knew the innumerable ways in which that roll could have gone wrong. You knew that it was better than getting one of Evisceration because the base speed the CB already gave you the last WW breakpoint due to the "Of Quickness" suffix. You knew you were then free to socket your sword and stack it full of % damage/+max damage jewels.

    You could've instead tried to roll a Cruel Colossus Sword of Evisceration and instead fill it with % damage/15% IAS jewels and end up with a similar result using a different weapon.

    And all of that without red or green arrows telling you exactly what to do. Someone playing a sorceress should know to gear for + mana, mana regeneration, cooldown reduction, etc., and it's okay for them to find that out after gearing like a physical damage dealer while trying to do a spellcaster build and getting their ass kicked.

    A player should face a boss, get their ass kicked, and wonder how they could change their gear to affect the outcome of fighting the same boss again, without an ilvl upgrade automatically meaning a gear upgrade.

    It's perfectly fine for slower, bigger damage weapons to be better than fast weapons for certain classes using certain builds, rather than all aim for the ultimate stick of pwnage by condensing all the possible damage and defensive modifiers into simple + attack or + defense mods.

    It's also fine for some gear to simply suck, because getting that upgrade of a well-rolled weapon feels that much nicer.

    submitted by /u/MrGoatlord
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    D4 devs, your fanbase is not stupid. Don't underestimate players. Dont be afraid to have more challenging approach when it comes to building a character.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    ARPG players are not dumb. Have trust in us. Give D4 builds a bit more complexity. Creating your own powerful build that is complex and clever has to be one of the most satisfying feelings in gaming.

    Not saying it should be POE complex, but it should definitely be more challenging to build a character.

    Also, ARPG community is one of the best things about playing this kind of games. There will be guides, websites, third party programs to help players build their favorite character.

    submitted by /u/Achilles982
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    PLEASE give PC users the option to move "Left-click" skills to "5" on your action bar, leaving left-click purely for moving and looting

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:23 AM PST

    This is something that has gotten me killed countless times in D3. I'm trying to run and move my character around, but instead, I keep clicking on some enemy, bringing my character to a screeching halt.

    Looking at the early UI, the abilities are already lined up at followed (left-click is L, right-right is R):

    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - L - R

    I would love to simply have an option to change that "Left-click" to "5". It would still look perfectly normal fitting on the UI, but doing so would give players a FAR greater degree of control over their character and movements. It would look something like:

    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - R

    It's a simple addition, but it's one that would alleviate a ton of issues for me.

    Now granted, I'm likely to spend most of my time playing with a Controller (they said PC will support Controllers this time around, right?). But more options are never a bad thing, and who knows; maybe this would be enough to keep me rocking the keyboard-and-mouse setup full time.

    I suppose, having always played quite a bit of D3 on my Switch, I might add that I wouldn't be opposed to having a similar option, letting the "A" button (which interacts with everything and loots items) be used exclusively for interacting with objects, and moving its "skill" elsewhere on the controller. But definitely a far less pressing issue.

    submitted by /u/Jcorb
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    Alkaizer reads r/diablo on stream - His thoughts on itemization & customization for D4

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    I would love for elemental damage types to actually matter in D4

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:47 AM PST

    In Diablo 3, what reason is there to pick X elemental damage over Y, other than X matches your chosen damage skill? Basically zero since they don't interact with the enemies in any meaningful way.

    I still remember in D2 I encounted a Wraith that was Cold/Lightning/Fire enchanted, as well as Physical immune. I had to quickly get Berserk active so I could actually kill this thing, while trying to to die from the chaos it was throwing at me. Something like this has never happened in D3.

    Basically, elemental damage should have some secondary effect that would tempt you to choose it over another type, or at least have multiple types ready to use based on what you think you may encounter in the field.

    Enemy has massive health regen? Smack him with some poison. Some monster moves and attacks super fast, keeping you interrupted? Hit him with some Cold damage!

    You could even apply this to purely physical damage, considering targets with high physical armor (pierce to ignore, crushing to reduce) or low physical armor (slash and bleed damage.)

    submitted by /u/HybridPS2
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    I have made a loot generator based on MrLLamaSC and Noxious videos

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST

    Glad to see pentagrams coming back into Diablo

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:02 PM PST

    Diablo 3 is lacking pentagrams and crosses due to devs opting to not have them in. In the cinematic trailer, the pale summoner can be seen wearing one so we may get to fight Diablo standing atop a pentagram again. It's not by any means an issue but it's nice to see something like that back in. I feel it adds a small amount to nostalgia and atmosphere.

    submitted by /u/TheInnerWorlds
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    Diablo 4: Everything We Know

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Fully detailed Bestiary

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:49 AM PST

    I hope in D4 they add a fully detailed Bestiary like witcher, dragon age etc. With character models, lore. it would be so cool to complete it all

    submitted by /u/Messywhitehairedmage
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    The one thing I hate about Diablo IV that no one seems to mention...

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:28 PM PST

    Refreshing the diablo subreddit every morning when I wake up and every night when I get to bed in hope of new details.

    Sucks to be this hype and let down twice a day. hahaha

    2021 seems so far away!

    submitted by /u/pure911
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    Diablo 3 in 2010 (2012 release)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:39 AM PST

    A very pressing issue with in-game currency.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:15 PM PST

    Hi Blizz.

    Could we please not have gold as D4 currency.

    Could we please have Diabloons™.


    submitted by /u/MardenThing
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    About giving feedback!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:28 PM PST

    TL:DR - The most important thing when giving feedback is communicating the way you feel, what you like and dislikes, not to propose solutions!

    I just watched a video from Diablo 4 game director Luis Barriga and it was very inspiring. In this video, he talks a lot about the process of game design as a team-effort and gives us a lot of insights about what is good feedback.

    This video is focused mainly on behind the scenes process, and what is good feedback inside the design team, but I think the ideas he presents are extremely valuable even to us of the community, and that we can follow the same principles.

    Here are some links to the video and a small description:

    Intro on Feedback

    Receiving Feedback

    What to focus on when getting feedback

    Giving feedback

    Feedback on Ideation

    Question 1

    Question 2

    In summary, what I could learn from this is that a successful feedback is about feelings and not solutions. We need to try to communicate how we feel about the game and their ideas, leave them to propose solutions. Giving solutions are not a bad thing, all feedback is good, but if we focus on the solution we could be misinterpreted on what we are feeling, and their path to correcting it maybe won't solve the problem at all.

    Another problem in proposing solutions is that we probably don't have a detailed view of all the design processes and philosophies of the game, and the thing we are proposing maybe don't fit in it. If you want to take that route try to be simple and give only the general idea. We are players, not game designers, our ideas and feelings matters a lot to them, but trying to fit that in the game is their job, not ours!!

    On an ending note, I liked the way he thinks and value feedback, and I think that with him in charge we are we good hands, he seems to be a great guy to talk with and to be very passionate about what he is doing. Our job now as a community is to give the best constructive feedback as possible that I'm sure we will receive a great game.


    So, to my feedback:

    1- The look and feel of the game are GREAT! I think they captured what I wanted.

    2- The combat seems to be very responsive and visceral. It feels great killing demons!

    3- Druids!!!!!!! =)

    4- I liked the idea of world bosses, it made me feel like we are part of something bigger when fighting them together

    5- I liked that they brought back runes, but the implementation doesn't seem to bring meaningful choices. I think that even if we have a lot of triggers and effects, in the end, we all gonna take the 2-3 best triggers and effects. I don't want to have just a lot of choices, I want to have meaningful choices.

    6- About the classes. This may be a controversial one, but I want to see something new, although I know a lot of people would be happy to play with just D2 lineup of heroes, I would like to try different things. To me, this would help the game feel fresh and new.

    7- This will be a little repetitive but I would feel much better having more meaningful choices. This would let me feel that my hero is unique and that I am responsible for its successes, that I'm the one making the choices and beating the game. I want to be active on the saving (or falling) of Sanctuary, that I'm part of the history, not that the events and choices are being made for me and I'm just a spectator of the game. To accomplish this feeling for me isn't enough that I'm the one "controlling" the hero, attacking and casting spells, I need to be responsible for his journey.

    Obs: English is not my native language so feel free to correct any grammar, spelling, etc so that the message could be better understood.

    submitted by /u/lhabib10
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    The chat gem from D2 should make a comeback in D4

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:27 AM PST

    The chat gem in the lobby was one of the most innovative mechanics in a video game that I have ever encountered.

    submitted by /u/EiffoGanss
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    D4's thicc Druid

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    At first I was bummed he wasn't the classic D2 Druid, but by the end of the trailer his design had grown on me. It was refreshing to see that not all the classes were gonna be hunks, and I hope they make the same design choices with the model for the female druid. But how do yall feel about his redesign?

    submitted by /u/WereBoi
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    Wise words of Chris Wilson about items and free trade in ARPG games. D4 developers please take notes. Do not make most valuable items account bound!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:48 AM PST

    D2: I loved how the same item had different tier quality to it. I wouldn’t mind it coming back

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

    And what I mean is the different versions of each item that existed in the game. Take shields, you have kite shield (normal) - Dragon Shield (exceptional) and Monarch (elite).

    Along with that you had the same sprite for it and you knew already in hell that a monarch is better than Luna (elite version of a small shield), because you realize the sprite and know their tier progression was in normal.

    To me it created a sense of familiarity and excitement easy understanding of the different tiers. The names are still strongly stored in my memory.

    My point is - I don't really remember the name of the D3 items and I'm never exited when legendary "gloves" drop. But if I see a unique pair of "ogre gauntlets" drop in D2 I'm really exited. I want that familiarity back and the base items should have meaning and purpose. Bring back awesome and recognizable base items please.

    submitted by /u/Beamcat
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    Activision/Blizzard earnings call Q3

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST


    " World of Warcraft Classic drove the biggest quarterly increase to subscription plans in franchise history, in both the West and East, the company said. "



    " Across our biggest franchises, we have expanded our development teams and resources so that we can accelerate the delivery of content in our pipeline and execute against our four long-term strategic pillars. "

    " Blizzard announced the next World of Warcraft expansion, and sequels to Overwatch® and Diablo® "


    " Activision Blizzard stock is down more than 19% in the past 12 months, although this figure is primarily due to a steep decline that occurred surrounding the Q3 2018 earnings report last November. Analysts expect Activision Blizzard to report significant declines in GAAP earnings per share (EPS) and revenue for Q3. "


    " Mixed Response"

    "The initial response to the recently released expansion of World of Warcraft and sequels to the Diablo and Overwatch franchises have been mixed. Meanwhile, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare from Activision and its mobile version fared quite well, which is expected to benefit the fourth-quarter results."

    submitted by /u/pisulanu
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    Polling Fans for Consusnus - Diablo 4 Polls

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:26 PM PST

    Did Adria drop a huge clue about Diablo IV?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:51 PM PST

    A quote Adria during RoS

    "Diablo sent me a vision: he had returned, and you were the one who freed him."

    Do we see the heroes from Diablo 3 turned to help release Diablo into Sanctuary during the events of D4, or is this just not as deep and only talking about Malthael destroying the black soulstone and freeing him from that prison?

    It would not be the first time a group of heroes have turned as all from D1 became an enemy in D2.

    submitted by /u/TheInnerWorlds
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    Diablo 4 Desktop Wallpaper

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:16 PM PST

    Hey everyone. With Diablo IV officially announced, I figured it was time to create a desktop wallpaper for it based on my previous two. All three are linked below. They're 1920x1080, so PM if you want them in a different size. Oh, and if you have any high-resolution Diablo I art, send that my way as well. Would love to round out the series.


    submitted by /u/Wispmage
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    I hate to be one of those guys, but there is one thing I want from Diablo 2 to be in Diablo 4

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:39 AM PST

    I want the Fallen to shout "Daddy" again.

    submitted by /u/TheInnerWorlds
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    Posting on Blizzard forums issue

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:34 PM PST

    Why can I make not a discussion topic in the general discussion section of the Blizzard forums? I own D3, and can make a topic in any other forum for D3, but not the general discussion forum. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/WhySoFishy
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    Runes, RW's and Gems in D4 should be more like in D2

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    I think the way Diablo 4 's Runewords work are an interesting idea, however, I would prefer if runes, gems and runewords in D4 would be more like D2.

    They kinda could look like this:



    Not sure if many people agree, but that is just the way I feel about that.

    submitted by /u/clueso87
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