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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Diablo Lilith Fan art

    Diablo Lilith Fan art

    Lilith Fan art

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    I hope they bring back scary monster noises for Diablo IV

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:32 AM PST

    If Blizzard wants to make Diablo IV darker, then one aspect which I hope they pay attention to is the SOUNDS of monsters.

    In Diablo I the monster sounds were loud and abrasive. Remember the bleating of goat men and the terrifying roars of horned demons? That added a lot to the atmosphere in my opinion.

    Already in Diablo II the monsters were much more quiet and inoffensive and submissive. The Fallen's chants of "Rakanishu" are better than nothing, but they are more comedic than ominous when compared with their hungry snarls from Diablo I.

    In Diablo III I don't remember ever having heard a monster.

    Does anyone agree?

    submitted by /u/SpectrumDT
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    D2 Legit Player Community, Gearing up for ladder reset.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:36 AM PST

    If you plan on playing Diablo 2 this upcoming ladder reset ( Friday, Dec. 6th 8:00PM Eastern time ), then I highly recommend adding this discord server >> https://discord.gg/fHJfSHB We ban botters, and we allow for legit players to connect and trade. We host events like 8man walks and ironmans. We have players on all realms HC / SC - East - EU - HCCL all of them, all neatly organized on this discord.

    We are making reset teams, join us!

    submitted by /u/kickassbitch
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    Female Crusader Cosplay at IgroCon 2019

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:29 AM PST

    [Hardcore] A story to tell... to our grandchildren.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:32 PM PST

    So here we are, me and my crew, slaying beasts and demons while drinkin' mountain dew

    A brilliant mind turned up and said

    We know what we should do?

    Right before going to bed?

    Farm some uber Diablo!

    You're crazy, we screamed

    This is torment 16 for gods sake

    But our companion had dreamed

    That this boss would be a piece of cake

    And so, our quest began

    By opening rifts again

    Surely the Devil would come

    So we could slay the scum

    Alas, he finally appeared

    In a pentagram he dwelled

    The Lord of Terror showed up

    Just to kick our butt

    We are on Hardcore, I cried

    He touches us and we'll be fried

    No worries, he affirmed,

    This challenge will be earned

    And so, after a few attempts, we actually killed him. We killed "Uber Diablo" in T16 on Hardcore. It was an amazing feeling of terror, specially since it was in the Act 3 dungeons (The Breached Keep). As soon as he spawned he immediately one shotted my minions (Witch Doctor here). He's "uber" fast, and really tough.

    But we got him!


    Challenge complete!

    submitted by /u/Hydrapt
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    I would love to see a little more freedom with the UI in Diablo 4.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    I think it would be a wonderful addition to the game if we had the ability to adjust the UI more than some of the previous games. By this I don't think we should be using mods or addons all over the game but if we had the option for more toggles and the ability to move elements in an "Edit layout" option it would be a huge breath of fresh air.


    I might be more of a niche area here but when you're using a 21:9 or a 32:9 aspect ratio monitor and you have your health, mana, and skills bunched up in the corner of your screen is not going to feel good at all for me. I'll be monitoring cool downs, health and resource while also monitoring the other corner of the screen for the mini map and tracking enemies in a wider range of game play.


    • UI in Diablo 2 worked fine for the time, it was because the game is set in a specific aspect ratio, but this doesn't work as well with more modern hardware without modding things.

    • UI in Diablo 3 is pretty decent, however the chat box, notifications, crafting, and reforging confirmation all float around the same area so it causes inconvenience from time to time when UI elements overlap while you're reworking gear or trying to craft.


    Having the ability to edit the layout and move these elements to different locations would be a nice solution and hopefully for Diablo 4 we could see some more freedom.

    For example, If I'm playing on a 25-27 inch monitor or a laptop maybe having the HP, resource and skills in the corner feels good.

    If I play on an ultra wide, it doesn't feel good when UI elements are locked into the corner, this is where having the freedom to slide elements around would be wonderful. For example, the HP, Resource and skills in Diablo 4 are show in more of an L shape angle in the bottom corner, if we could choose to edit the layout and slide that element to the bottom center of the screen it would feel more user friendly and could adjust from an L angle to a more flat line that fits the bottom center of the screen, as well it could snap back to an L angle when moved to the corner(s)


    I'd love to have the ability to move the UI around as I'd like to see it depending on the aspect ratio I'm playing in.

    submitted by /u/Paynstar
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    D4 seems to be heavily focused on the community. Blizz should imo push the game to allow the community to show off the diverse community of multiplayer games.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Before you pick up your torches and pitchforks, when I say "diversity" I mean types of players in relation to how they play their games (completionists, casual players, social players, PvPers, RPers, etc.)

    I was reading a few points people have made here about D2, specifically the 99 cap and how most end game content started around 70 or 80, and the only people who saw 99 were top tier players and you would be impressed if you ran across one. I didn't play D2 so excuse me if I'm wrong, but I think that example is a clear impression of what I'm trying to explain.

    When I was younger, back when games were less accessible and less streamlined, there were times when I'd be playing a multiplayer game, someone in world chat would say something like "oh my god!! This dude just came into town wearing the Sword of Biggus Dickus" And then a ton of people would flock to this e-celeb to stare in awe at the poorly rendered pixels. I had no idea what any of the hype was about, so I followed the crowd and struck up a convo with a stranger asking what the big deal was, who is that guy, etc. Then he explains how crazy that gear is, how hard the quest is to get it, etc. can you imagine someone in a video game striking up a conversation for something other than LFG to grind through a daily quest?

    And you know what? I never got that armor. I never even got to max level in a lot of these games. But that sense of community was awesome. I made friends fawning over stuff like super rare items or stories about how one guy did something insane because games back then were so weirdly balanced that there were BOUND to be some kind of weird tricks hidden amongst all the confusing stats. We built communities around dreams and ambitions these games gave us. Yeah chances of us getting those top tier accomplishments were slim to none, but in real life, most if us have resigned ourselves to being average people. We all know realistically how becoming top 1% in anything is unlikely irl. But these games gave me the thrill of possibility. Yeah there's no way in hell I'm gonna be the next Keith Richards in this life time, but it's entirely possible I can pull something crazy off in a game I love, and enjoy the thrill of notoriety as regular players compliment my pixels.

    Games don't really do that anymore. That thrill of glory is all but gone imo. I remember on D3 launch, me and my friends were grouped up and having fun clearing through early levels. Around level 20 or so, a legendary dropped for me. We were all whooping and hollering, I was king of the world. I got to show off this dope item, pull big numbers, etc. but then another friend got a legendary. And then another. And eventually that thrill of getting legendary drops turned into a grind for those drops, the thrill replaced with muscle memory. Hell, even after they added all those special affixes like Ancient and Primal, the thrill was just not there. I got my one and only Primal ever, and I just thought "oh cool this is a nice upgrade" and thought nothing of it afterwards.

    So please, D4 team, this kind of stuff is not only fun, but NECESSARY to create a healthy online community, both in and out of the game. The problem here imo is "accessible gameplay". And trust me, I'm happy that a lot of modern games have taken out a lot of unnecessary hassle, but you know what really bothers me? Too many game's have taken the idea of accessibility as an excuse to only focus on the end game, which is usually such a small portion of the game compared to everything else. Too many developers just take the idea of accessibility and slap it onto end game content to tell people "you are guaranteed to get to do everything in this game as long as you meet your daily quotas of time gated quests". Leveling in old games, relatively speaking, used to be confusing and wild, but thrilling. Hell, a lot of people couldn't even get to max level, me included. But honestly, who the hell cared? Because early game content back then was fun, it was a core part of the game and was not ignored. But then the idea of accessibility came along, and devs said we want more people to access more top level content. So what happened was leveling was tuned way down and given almost NO passion or attention. Early game content just became a roadblock, a time gate to reach what devs thought was the real game, which was end game content. Hell, leveling doesn't even feel like playing a game, it feels like a mix between a terribly written story, a tutorial, and a long as hell tutorial for newer players. Early game content is no longer part of the game, it's just a boring way to stall the players and make them arbitrarily wait to reach the real game. (Look at how many games are including max level boost package deals, they know how bad their game has gotten outside of endgame content.) After that trend of "reaching max level should be accessible" ruined early game leveling, max level content in essence became the new 'leveling', where we are all grinding essentially towards the same end goal (instead of levels this time it's gear though). All the gear just became direct upgrades, and worst of all, since gear was what really set players apart from the accomplished e-celebs, that distinction pretty much vanished and now nothing is impressive. Hell, even worse, some multiplayer games have just thrown out that triumphant appeal altogether (looking at Sea of Thieves specifically, the game is fun until you realize all the activities you do are only there to...pay for skins? No stats, no gear with any differences, no way for the player to put their mark on the world! The endgame trading company was impressive...until you remember the only way to get that is to do a million quests that were both time consuming as well as guaranteed to complete, so really it was just an interactive timer).

    Super rare items just don't feel that impressive anymore. I see a guy flying around on some rare mount? I just think to myself "yeah that's cool I guess but that mount was probably just a super low % chance drop in a raid or dungeon I've already cleared like 10 times, not to mention that mount is literally just a skin and my mounts fly just as fast." There's no appreciation for accomplishment, rarity has just devolved into "thing has a near impossible drop chance" when it should be "thing has a nearly impossible, totally optional quest or boss to finish"

    This is why modern MMOs suck for me. When everything is special, nothing is. In WoW's legion expac, we all got those super cool legendaries!!! Except...you get them immediately after doing your first max level quest....and literally everyone got one.....and the only way you could make them standout were.....you guessed it, grinding for skins that did nothing to the item otherwise. How many more games are they gonna make where the premise is "we have to work together to defeat this epic, cataclysmic event, and we are all playing these badass super heroes!!!!"

    Please Blizz, I'm begging you. I get the appeal of selling everything as big. Big monsters, big heroes, big villains, big numbers. I get that that is the appeal to a lot of games. But you should absolutely realize that being an average contributor to the game and community can be just as satisfying (if not as flashy), and having that contrast of "average player" vs. "godlike celebrity" creates community naturally. But please realize also that accessibility does not mean fun. Let the players fawn over the impossibility of completing some content or getting some items. The thing is, if you put love and care and attention into the early game and leveling experience, if you make that into a fun game as it's own right, then most players won't even CARE about missing out on reaching the end game stuff. They will enjoy the game as is and have a mini culture all of their own to be a part of. If anything, the best advertising a game can get isn't a TV commercial slot, but for me it's reading forum posts about some crazy shit that went down that only the poster experienced (who hasn't heard of Dwarf Fortress? I don't think those guys used any advertising at all lol)

    Ok sorry for the rant I just had an edible with some adderall, I hope this is as cohesive as it was in my head

    submitted by /u/doubleoutside
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    Can i share equipment?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:45 PM PST

    this might be a dumb question so here goes, 1.can you share equipment to other account saves?

    submitted by /u/ElvisterGaming
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    Aegis of Valor Set dungeon

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:31 PM PST

    Does it exist yet?

    submitted by /u/QQMau5trap
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    Diablo 3 to Diablo 2?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    I'm sure a ton of old school D2 players are going to flame me but I'm a younger and just got into D3 a couple years ago. Question is how can I get the best D2 experience with or without a group ? Or what is the best way to play? Any feedback is welcomed!

    submitted by /u/roidboi
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    Triggering "Nerves of Steel" occasionally resets season kill streak.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:03 AM PST

    I am not sure why it happens, but some of the times I trigger nerves of Steel (barbarian cheat death passive), kill streak will reset. I have had situations where chests are falling from the sky and I've done an ice nova, never leaving combat.

    It does not happen every time and I have a hard time figuring what triggers it. I notice it most in GR but I have also seen it outside GR. I will attempt to record later today. This is on PC.

    submitted by /u/Seranta
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    I don't understand the Angels' reasons at all.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:51 AM PST

    So the Angels are against the demons and some of them hate the demons with a passion, some even so much that they hate the Nephalem (like Imperius). And the Angels cannot interfere with mortal affears because of their rules, which i kinda find odd because why not just gang up on the demons and get it over with?

    But why do most the Angels dislike the Nephalem so much? The Nephalem stopped Diablo in Diablo 1 and 2 aswell as saved the High Heavens in Diablo 3 and stopped Diablo again and even Malthael. Without the Nephalem heaven would be completely destroyed if we didn't stop Diablo in Diablo 1 or 2 to prevent him gaining more power (in Diablo 3 when heaven was attacked by demons it was laughably one sided and all the angels got their butts kicked by literally a single imp, which was very odd but i guess that was gameplay reasons).

    So even after saving Sanctuary and Heaven, and not doing anything bad to the Angels over the years... why do they still hate/dislike the Nephalem? Is it just because they are 50/50 angel and demon? In Diablo 4 they even closed the High heavens and will not interfere at all anymore, not even a slight chance... knowing full well that appearently they (the angels) suck vs demons since they got their butts kicked in Diablo 3 if it wasnt for the Nephalems interference.

    submitted by /u/Mexiun
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    We need a rush on that joining bug fix please!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:12 AM PST

    Gifted the game to a friend of mine and only been able to join their game once so far and its difficult to explain the joining bug to them since they are like "but the games been out forever" and its so frustrating because we NEVER had any issues joining games in the last couple years but suddenly its all gone arse up and its wrecking friendships and the overall pace of the game.

    Used to love inviting people for random cool things but right now it takes too long and people who don't know about the bug think they are being ghosted by their friends list but meanwhile we don't even know an invite request is happening because it doesn't show up.

    If anyone from blizz could acknowledge that they know this bug exists and is a thing that would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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    Diablo 1 Belzebub Sorcerer Playthrough

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Anyone else loving the random disconnects ATM?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:06 PM PST

    I can't even finish an act in adventure mode before a disconnect starts me all over again. 3 times in 20 minutes is really annoying

    submitted by /u/AWhiteGuyNamedTyrone
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    Season 20 Theme ideas.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:05 AM PST

    I want to hear all your great ideas for themes for season 20. Or even other future seasons!

    Anything from a 4th slot in the cube for any item allowing more builds to be viable. Or an elemental theme like Ice or Fire where all skills are buffed by so much.

    I think the Pandemonium buff is fun as it gives you something new to think about. It isn't just a straight buff or a copy of a legendary power.

    Give all your best ideas and let's see which one comes out on top! 💪

    submitted by /u/KarmaLlamaaa
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    D3 on switches challenge rift build

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:55 PM PST

    is the best god dang build ive played ever haha, I seriously hated the demon hunter a fair bit cos it always felt clunky and no damage and weak. this weeks build showed me what the demon hunter can do if you dont give up at level 25 to play someone else haha.

    it appears to be a full shadow set with melee weapon cold damage build. its the first build ive had to take screenshots of because I want it, to whoever owns this demon hunter lady, your build is absolutely sick.

    submitted by /u/Normacont
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    D3 Season 19 question with builds

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:32 PM PST

    I'm super casual. I encountered some videos that highlight what's the best builds to use this season. I'm confused about something, seeing the free set the monk gets, they seem to get a 60,000% damage multiplier, but they say the Barbarian's set is better with it's 10,000% multiplier. I'm confused as to why? Is there some not easily discernible mechanics in barb that will overcome the insane difference in damage multipliers? At a glance, I don't see any way for the barb's set to reach even half of the potential damage of the monk set. (keep in mind i'm not very knowledgeable so I know I am missing something, I just don't know what)

    submitted by /u/magicfades
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    Diablo 3 + RoS Vanilla re-release

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:23 PM PST

    We all know D3 is pretty much done. Season after season more and more players drop out. I stopped at 17, myself. We've all been talking about D2, D4 and it made me remember how difficult Vanilla D3 was. Before Paragons etc..

    We aren't getting a D2 remake, but we can get a Vanilla D3 + RoS release. With some slight itemization tuning, we could get both D3 and RoS in the Vanilla form. 3 difficulties. hard as f--k.

    I'm not sure how many resources they would have to dedicate to this? It could actually benefit them to get people coming back and new players into the Diablo-verse for D4. They could even let you earn cosmetic rewards in D3 for D4.

    submitted by /u/Gunswetta
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    Pentragrams and Crosses will be back?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:49 PM PST

    Will pentagrams and crosses return in Diablo 4?
    Did the blizzard comment on this?

    Sorry about the English Guys!

    submitted by /u/7lox
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    Why Ancient Spear?(Whirlwind Barb Season 19)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    I usually play seasons by just looking up builds and playing for a little while. I've noticed a lot of the Whirlwind Barb builds have Ancient Spear with the Rage Flip rune on. Since I've been running this build I almost never use it and I don't see the value when most of these builds also use Ground stomp which seems to fit a similar purpose. Anyone got some thoughts on this? Is there something people prefer to replace this with because at this stage I'm about to?

    submitted by /u/Dabaus94
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    Are OP enemies to flee from (e.g. Act 3 bone fetish, MSLE, phase beast, lickers) a good game design?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

    In D2, each time you saw a bone fetish, you had better kill it from a distance or run. If you saw ANY msle, you had better run the hell away.

    In D3, vanilla Phase Beast and lickers in Act 3 were the "run or die" enemy before they got nerfed to the ground.

    Is this a good game design? I think it's good to have a select few enemies that are deadly enough to have you on edge

    submitted by /u/Eriflee
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