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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Diablo I hope that when you kill a player in PvP , you get their ears just like it in diablo 2.

    Diablo I hope that when you kill a player in PvP , you get their ears just like it in diablo 2.

    I hope that when you kill a player in PvP , you get their ears just like it in diablo 2.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PST

    It was useless, but it was so much fun to bm friends

    submitted by /u/PM_pregnantgoat
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    MrLlamaSC: IMPROVING DIABLO 4: Itemization (A look at D2)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Diablo 4 Feedback: Wrath of the Berserker, Archon & skills alike are bad design and I don't want them in D4.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:28 PM PST

    1. Shapeshifting should be unique to the Druid class. In D3 almost all classes had skills that altered the models into more powerful forms. Not only does it steal from the core design of the Druid class, it also takes away from classes feeling strong the way they are. And having a good looking character becomes meaningless, because you're constantly a big molten super saiyan that looks like any other super saiyan barb. Items like Wolfhowl & Trang-Oul's Avatar is a great way of giving other classes access to "Shapeshifting", without shitting all over the Druid.
    2. Ultimate tier buffs that are balanced around cooldowns are bad because they can to some extent trivialize content and they make you feel weak when they're on cooldown. I prefer buffs to be like in D2 were you could have 100% uptime, whether it be Sorc's Frost Armor, Pala's Auras, Druid's Shapeshift/Spirits or Barb's Warcries and so on.

    Did I forget something?

    - This is my opinion but tell me if you agree or disagree.

    submitted by /u/Kraftedeme
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    With their new graphic options in D4 it'd be really sweet if they made elite and named monsters look more foreboding than their common counterparts.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:30 AM PST

    Instead of just making them bigger and shine a different color like how they distinguished them in D3 it'd be so cool if these things just looked really menacing while walking around in dungeons or the open world. Skeletons are a good example to use here, like obviously the common skeleton would probably just be walking around with one or two pieces of armor on and maybe be carrying a weapon. An elite group of skeletons could be decked out in full suits of armor, menacing weapons and maybe a slight glow in the eyes or something to show everyone they're not to be fucked with; these things actually are elite monsters and the way they're presented definitely shows it. Same with randomly named monsters, like Pukebreath the Gnasher or something, maybe he's not only got armor and weapons on (depending on what type of skeleton it is) but him and his cronies are also dripping slime or something. It shows that something is wrong with these things before they even start swinging their weapons and vomiting disease all over your character or whatever their random affixes do.

    I think it'd be a pretty good way to maintain the dark tone they've got going so far while still showing the player that these certain monsters are special and might be difficult to beat but also might drop phat loot. If special monsters are all lit up like a christmas tree it kinda takes away from the environment. I understand that as designers they want players to clearly see that this thing is elite or named in case people have problems doing so, but I also think that it's more fun not knowing what you're getting into unless you're paying attention and looking for signs that things are different before all hell breaks loose and monsters are using skills and whatnot.

    submitted by /u/Vomitbelch
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    Sad that there was No Diablo 2 remaster announcement. 19 June 2020 is the 20th anniversary of the game, would have been pretty good timing. Guess the next date is 2021 for the 25th anniversary of the franchise

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Really digging the new art direction for D4

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    I just noticed a statue of Pazuzu (ancient Mesopotamian demon, also featured in The Exorcist) in one of the Scosglen concept paintings. I know it's just a concept piece, but I do really hope they stay the course with their current "Masters pillar" art direction.

    I also hope they really lean into the blending of real-world religious/mythological icons and imagery into Sanctuary again. I think it helps pluck those primal fears of evil and a sense of an unknown and mysterious spiritual realm by invoking similar imagery/myths people are familiar with in the real world.

    I remember my mom not being thrilled with me buying D1 with my birthday money because of the box art. 10 yr-old me: "But mom, you KILL the devil...".

    Bring on the pentagrams and inverted burning crosses.

    submitted by /u/8bit-jake
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    All i want for Diablo 4 is "Unique" items, not "legendary" item... keep each terms to their respective franchise

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:29 PM PST

    Noxious Discussing Progression & Itemization Systems, obsolescence, treadmills, meaningful character development, etc.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:26 PM PST

    Why do any pieces of gear besides the weapon even have an attack stat on them?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:55 AM PST

    It would make sense for them to be able to roll damage related affixes, but it's by default that the gloves, rings and amulets all have the "attack" stat on them.

    edit: Just to clarify, I'm specifically talking about how certain items like rings and gloves automatically roll with attack and defense on them, no matter what their affixes are. I am not talking about non weapon items rolling things like crit% or other damage based mods.

    submitted by /u/IAm_Batman_AMA
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    D4 Devs, Bring back Hit Recovery and Stunlock

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Have you ever thought about why original Butcher was so fearsome? Not because of "Fresh meat" or high damage or room full of mutilated corpses, but because of stunlocking you with endless hit recovery animation. Once he got you, you couldn't escape. You drink life pots, but this doesn't help much and just delays your inevitable death. Same can happen at any time later in D1 if your defence is weak, but your are playing overconfidently.

    Now what do we see in D4 demo? Poorly geared chars faceroll everything like Marvel superheroes. Where is "darkness, terror, fear" in that? There can't be - because combat model is the same as in D3 - mobs are like nonexistent, it is just your health bar goes down a little bit as you freely run among them.

    submitted by /u/Azimuthus
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    ITT: Diablo Nostalgia Porn Screenshots

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:34 PM PST

    I know people are in the mood for this kind of thing with all the D1-D4 discussions going on. I have some screenshots from approximately 2004-2015 of some funtastic Diablo things, thought I'd share! Sorry for trash host... storing images online for free in 2004 was not all that easy! :D

    == D2 ==

    Taunting my Friend to Come Duel me in Hardcore (and then killing him) w/ my PvP Poison & Bone Necro






    Ele Druid in Full Aldurs. Why? Cause I fucken can!




    Wolf Druid w/ Fortitude Sacred Armor, eBOTD Archon Staff (what!?! crazy MIN damage range), up'd Ber'd Jalal's






    Ele Druid w/ +5 Tornado White-coloured Antlers. The helm colour was based on the mods on it. Typically you might see red, green, blue or plain. White was based on Attack Rating per Character Level which was quite rare but also made no sense. It pleased me greatly.



    Trying to explain to people why not to use 6 Ist'd Crystal Swords


    == D3 ==

    The day that Brawling launched. Oops!



    OG Vanilla Calamity


    == Bonus Idiocy ==

    Hellgate London Trading via their Official Forums




    When you qualify for the playoff rounds of the daily bnet WC3 tournament but your friend bails...


    submitted by /u/EarthBounder
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    I captured the moment various streamers were faced with the decision between 2 rare items

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:58 AM PST

    These clips cover the first time they found 2 rares for the same slot during their time playing the Diablo 4 demo.


    Alright lets start with Kripparian:


    Immiediately equipping the new pair of gloves as soon as he saw the green arrows, the comparison of the affixes didn't even have a chance to pop up before he made his decision.




    He found a new pair of rare boots, sees the green arrows, instantly equips them. Affixes werent even shown for 1 second or considered.


    Zizaran who tried to play after Llama:


    He found a new rare ring, again being immidiately equipped before the comparison of affixes popped up, and he also mentions the loot is bland having only attack power and defense, like the affixes aren't even noticable or impactful at all.


    Quin69: https://clips.twitch.tv/BillowingLivelyMoonSmoocherZ

    He found two leggings, equipped the one with the lowest "defense" first, and when he saw the other leggings with more "defense" he actually read the affixes on the item.


    Rhykker: https://clips.twitch.tv/SavageRamshackleQueleaWoofer https://clips.twitch.tv/EsteemedTallBobaBrokeBack

    This guy didn't even care about rares, only legendaries, took over an hour before he looked at a rare item, which then had a green arrow on it, so he acutally ended up replacing his rare with a runeword in it (which is fine, but kinda funny he didn't even think twice).


    Bluddshed: https://clips.twitch.tv/ResilientFineDolphinYouDontSay

    Found two pair of gloves, actually took his time to read stats/affixes to make his decision on which he thought were better.


    Overall this is a pretty sad sight, the "Attack/Defense" stat completely overshadows the affixes. With how things are looking so far with itemization, magic and rare items will never have a place in an endgame build, especially because of ancient legendaries. They've said that they don't expect you to be equipping a legendary in every slot, but how is this realistic with the reintroduction of ancient legendaries? Say you find some magic/rare gloves with +1 all skills and +1 to a good talent, but you find them at lvl 30-40 and they got 1000 attack. And then at max lvl(40) you get lucky and find some dirt-stained legendary gloves drop with shit affixes, but it turned out to be an Ancient Legendary, giving it 5000 attack, leaving everything else that is not another ancient legendary useless in terms of DPS increase.

    submitted by /u/Elegant_Towel
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    Those who complain about “D2 Cultists” what don’t you like about the game and why are you so resistant to fans’ nostalgia?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:28 PM PST

    It's one of my favorite games and very defining of the franchise. It seems an obvious inspiration for future games. Why are we divided? I hear great examples and breakdowns of why D2 worked so well, but rarely any fleshed our counter arguments beyond "take off your nostalgia glasses" and "All you care about is 'muh D2'. Seriously, I'd love to hear some defense as to why we should be more skeptical of a return to roots.

    submitted by /u/JackieJerkbag
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    Please include the !Text above your head from D2.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:22 PM PST

    What other two classes would you like to see in Diablo 4? Choose your most requested

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    (IMHO) One of the fundamental problems of D3 that I don't think I've seen or heard anyone mention, is how enemy "weapon charge/discharge/atk-direction" works..

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:45 AM PST

    What I'm talking about is how the initial charge animation and the subsequent direction of attack is not the same. Meaning mobs do instant 180 degree turns when their charge animation is at 99%.

    It's most glaringly obvious in Greed's Vault where he makes his "big hammer strike" animation. The animation should tell the player to move immediately, but because the direction is not fixed at this point, moving is useless until after he's put the hammer down and the projectile damage is coming. What happens 99% of the time is you teleport/dash/whatever just as he strikes with the hammer, Greed does an instant 180 degree turn and smashes you in the head.. or often, killing a random party member who happened to be standing where you teleported.. :p Meaning the trick to this fight is either staying very far away all the time or relying on your cheat death mechanics or just being so overpowered that his attacks don't bother you.. rather than allowing some actual player "skill". (I know people are gonna interject here and say "you noob it's so easy to avoid fucking pleb", and I agree the mechanic as it is, is actually a challenge possible to overcome because of projectile travel time, but I still think it's bad mechanics)

    Another example is when you are fighting a group of skeleton archers, if you teleport across the screen you should get a reprieve that is the sum of projectile speed (over distance) + charging animation. Instead what usually happens is you get pelted with arrows the millisecond you land, often nullifying the teleport and not rarely resulting in instant death, if playing at sufficient difficulty.

    What should happen is once the skeleton draws the arrow, or Greed lifts his hammer, the direction should be set. You can balance this by modifying charging animation (greatly reducing it in the case of Greed) and projectile speed. The mechanics are actually in the game, but rarely utilized. For example the big hammer trolls, they lock their attacking direction the moment they lift the hammer so that you can move out of the way and watch them strike empty space.

    An alternative and probably better fix is to reduce the rotating speed of the mob the closer it gets to completion of animation. Meaning it rotates at regular speed at the start, then maybe rotates at 25% speed once past 75% animation, meaning you have to think a little bit more about when and how to move, but the instant 180 degree turns are gone. This would also solve the logical issue of "why wouldn't the mob turn if the target moves." Maybe the turning-while-casting-modifier could be per-"mob type" basis, where some mobs are just more sluggish than others.

    submitted by /u/tograd
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    Diablo 2 had a high ceiling for hardcore gamers, while casuals could as well enjoy the game

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:47 AM PST

    hardcore gamers had their own goals of reaching 99, getting the ABSOLUTELY BIS items (runewords on perfect ethereal items, etc..)

    while casuals could obtain their casual items and still be relevant. the perfect example is shako, an item that is obtainable at level 62 and with that you could do any content in the game, even ubers. granted d2 content might not be that extremely challenging, altho ubers are still a bit of a challenge.

    with that there was always a goal for players no matter what as getting to 99 was not that easy and runewords like zod, are absolutely insane to find.

    as casuals you didnt feel left behind as you could still enjoy the game and have even more incensive to play the game as there was always a goal.

    modern games have always some kind gating system that is followed by another gating system if you wanted to do the next content.

    in d2 there was no level gating, if you managed to reach hell at level 50/60/70/80 (ancients could be bypassed) you could still do anything in the game (even tho it should be fairly hard)

    in modern games you first have to reach "endlevel" in order to do the first content, then you have to clear the first content in order to do the second content...

    what made diablo2 great was it had some kind of sandbox element in it that allowed the player to have some certain freedom without the game even beeing a sandbox

    submitted by /u/jayxolit
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    New to diablo 2 -Help-

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    Hello guys I am new to diablo 2 but I have played 3 way to much but I kinda feel diablo 2 is a totally different game and a bit more complex so I came here fore help.

    I started playing a necromancer and kinda wanted to find a build to follow but everything on the internet I found is for more advanced players and I kinda feel dumb for not being able to follow with all the experience I have with the other rpgs I have played.

    So basically I want to play a necromancer as a summoner but I don't really know where to invest all the points or what skills might help the summoner build.

    Also any tips about the game beyond the necromancer build would be super welcome.

    OH yeah also I want to pass all 3 difficulties solo if that helps you helping me!

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/sheepenator
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    Books and lore for Diablo universe

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Hey guys, not sure if this goes in this sub but I've seen discourse of lore so I'll throw it here.

    I was looking at books for diablo and I noticed, there's a lot. So many that I'm not sure they're all canon or where I could start reading to get the whole story of the universe. I read some a bit when I was younger but I can't remember what it was.

    Does anyone have an order or maybe a list of books that matter that I could read?

    submitted by /u/Hipponomnom
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    D4 demo flawed enemy design.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:36 AM PST

    This might just be something pertaining to the blizzcon demo and not representative of the end game at all. but i still wish to highlight it.

    (Sorry in advanced for the wall of text rant. but I just felt I had to get this of my shoulders.)

    In the demo, the fallen, the drowned and the goatmen all have the same archetypes (the minion, the brute and the magician/spellcaster)

    To me this feels like a very cheap cop out way of padding the different races/monsters that inhabit the world of Sanctuary.

    Especially the way in witch it is done in the demo when looking at the fallen and goatmen brute variations.

    They are visually not much more then a up-scaled version of their minion counterpart, making them look out of place in their respective race.

    If each race is to have its own brute variant, at least make it feel more organic to the nature of the race.

    Example. the goatmen can have more/bigger horns, a thicker build (think D4 Druid) and some overly exaggerated scars. Don't just make it twice the size of its brethren.

    The fallen brute can be down right fat, or be deformed (think Quasimodo with an extra big bulging arm, a limp walk and a humpback), or make it stand out with some thick crude armour. Again, don't just make it twice the size.

    Not every race need three or more archetype variations, instead give some of them pets or other monsters/races that have some sort of mutual beneficial relationship with each other, or maybe add some constructs or traps that feels plausible for the race to erect/build.

    It is ok for the fallen to just have a society of minions and shamans.

    It is ok for goatmen to have a society of just melee and ranged warriors.

    Not every sentient race should have a affinity for magic.

    Not every sentient race should have know how and tools to create advanced weapons and armour.

    and so on...

    Diversify and highlight each races strong points instead.

    If you have read everything up to this point, then thanks.

    Please share your thoughts on this!

    //Best regards

    submitted by /u/crimson4649
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    Diablo IV - Screenshots 4K

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:18 PM PST

    An Addendum to: "A question Diablo 4 Devs should be asking themselves: Do they even know why D2 itemization was dropped in the first place?" They really should just transplant D2 itemization and work backwards. ROS is WoW-Lite with Diablo Props.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:45 PM PST

    I think that after reflecting on my post here i've come to some conclusionshttps://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/dqqzmx/a_question_diablo_4_devs_should_be_asking/

    You REALLY are better off transplanting D2's itemization and working backwards. By Backwards I mean making it console compatible - not console simple - thats part of why D3 Vanilla's itemization sucked on release.D3 Vanilla however fundamentally was a diablo game - even if by accident. The itemization, the power ceiling, and the other things that made it a 'diablo game' beyond its props were not fixed ROS - ROS abandoned them. D4's itemization should not follow ROS - all it is is WOW-Lite. Its understandable why someone might like this - but it involves a huge shift from what made these games great and what they were capable of. ROS is more limited in what its capable of by its design, and what people see as problems are natural consequences of this shift. D2 and D3 Vanilla have more in common with each other than ROS - ROS abandons the generic itemization style which made the game's a diablo game - it was more than just the props. If you want a good recount of why Diablo 2's itemization was insanely good and what people are expecting refer to the link above. Basically the item hunt was really varied and scaled really well in relation to the power ceiling. Just about anything you could pick up could be really valuable.

    Utility of all item classes in D2

    Common/Socketed/Ethereal items could be used for runewords.Magic, Rare, and Crafted items had different stat combinations and ranges that were not possible on Uniques, Sets, or Runewords. It was unlikely they did this but each time you rolled one it was a lottery ticket.

    Uniques/Sets had consistent stats and much of it related to the ranges, not the actual variables. It was a stable source of progress in terms of gearing.

    Runewords would take you forever to get if you weren't using some 3rd party cheat, buying dupes items or service to buy the stuff. They were similar to the same category of Uniques in that they were again a stable sources of progress.

    The point is that this isn't some sort of straight arrow in terms of the loot hunt. It was varied. There was a powerceiling that helped contain it. The game was, as these games generally are, EASY. Even on hell difficulty, but the loot hunt is fun and keeps you engaged and when you rolled some amazing rare it might literally decide what you build next. Progress was slow and measured - Uniques had a lower drop rate and not every single one would be that good - while good rare/magics had a low chance of rolling a good item.

    ROS is WoW Lite

    Neither D3 Vanilla or ROS holds a candle to D2's itemization and what it makes possible in terms of gameplay, builds or general longevity. ROS is WoW-Lite - all you're doing is farming the equivalent of higher tiers of heroic raid gear with some small stat variation on them. The Devs will naturally make legendaries readily available and they'll be the only relevant gear class post whatever max level you make it - just like in WoW. Its boring and gets away entirely from the loot hunt which made Diablo 2 amazing. Farming higher difficulties is just about arbitrary numbers while looking for essentially the exact same items which are prescribed as 'best' by a team of Devs. You farm your 6 peice and your legendary. Its very much WoW-Lite with Diablo Props. It gave up on trying to fix D3's poor implementation of a diablo itemization. Its not clear how making the focus on legendaries again in D4 changes this formula - they've said so far they'll design core gameplay around these items, and because core gameplay is designed around them you need them to have fun since you have no other means of core gameplay because other items are ignored. So they'll be easily obtainable, and you'll just end up stuck with legendaries and sets again.

    D3 Vanilla has more in common with D2 than ROS - even if it was a really bad attempt at replicating the Diablo Magic

    D2 and D3 have more in common with each other than ROS. D3Vanilla suffered from a lot of problems that made people dislike it - Itemization was only one of those problems however. The forced story playthrough, lack of randomized dungeons, the fact it was insanely easy to beat up until inferno and it was a really quick playthrough up until that difficulty made sure that it didn't have much to hold your interest beside Inferno. There was no PVP - and AH trading was simple and took no time besides filtering through for items. Diablo 3 was a poorly implemented version of D2's itemization on release - everything was random, everything was a stupid gear check in inferno which was meant to prevent progress in part because the game would be pretty boring if it weren't stupidly difficult. Jay wilson even said he anticipated it would be months before people cleared inferno - but of course people got around this by corpserunning/other exploits. But it was a 'Diablo game', even if by accident. Legendaries were really restricted because of how absurdly low their drop rate was. D3 Vanilla had was no unique class of item to be a stable source of value to ensure progress. The items you needed to beat act 2 could only be found in Act 3-4. This was deliberate. Its also probably done because in general D3 vanilla was an incredibly shallow, empty game. There wasn't enough content in it to justify this as anything more than a $20 dollar title on release. There still wasn't anything to do even a year later - Most of the content that ROS launched with realistically should have been in D3 vanilla. It broke from the Diablo 2 Loop of MF - Trade - PVP. So not only was itemization poorly implemented for a diablo game, it in part seems to have been used to hide the fact that if you managed to finally beat the gear check you had nothing to do - brawling wasn't released until much later and farming the RMAH was boring too. IT HOWEVER WAS A DIABLO GAME - there was a powerceiling, there was randomization and different types of gear could be good, magic/rare/craft and even legendaries, especially later on when they made them close to uniques. Its itemization lead to an over priviledged crit chance/crit damage/ias and everything was tied to weapon damage which made it weak and over-simplified. If they had introduced uniques at the start its likely the game's delibately impossible gearcheck might have been overcome too early so its not really surprising it took them forever to make legendaries more than just a chance at a purely rnadom 'super rare' Diablo 3 Vanilla however was a Diablo game - EVEN IF IT WAS BY ACCIDENT - its gearing system generally was structured like a diablo game. ROS tosses EVERYTHING about this out the window and lets the DEVs decide what you're going to be using. Again, its WoW-Lite gearing system with Diablo Props.

    TLDR: Trying to build off ROS builds off the wrong foundation - Its WoW-Lite - a slightly different version of heroic raiding with diablo props. It will never support an interesting loot hunt by design - its always the DEVs telling you what gear you need because there are no other options - you're just juggling stats on items of the only category they'll bother to put any effort in. D4 Dev's have already said they'll focus more on legendaries as a means of core game play instead of sets.

    D2's itemization is interesting and could be trimmed down to make it console appropriate. It does not embrace legendaries and its a good thing too - it crowds out the relevance of other gear. D3 is more like D2 - it had randomization and possibility of allowing for other gear types, even if by accident considering how bad the itemization was. It suffered from implementation issues - legendaries were basically really 'rare' rares on release and basically sucked. There were no uniques as a stable source of progress. Yet it was more of a diablo game in that various types of gear could be good - ROS eliminated this entirely. It suffered from not having enough content and hiding this behind the giant gear check that was act 2 on release.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAwayLurker444
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    Lord_Fluffy's attempt at leveling a Witch Doctor solo in hardcore.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:08 PM PST

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