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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Diablo First time playing Diablo 3 and I love it

    Diablo First time playing Diablo 3 and I love it

    First time playing Diablo 3 and I love it

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST

    Hey guys, i really enjoying this game on Xbox and it looks great in 4k. The last time I played Diablo 2 was 2002. D3 gives me the old feeling and that's great. But I have a question. I read that when you start D3 in seasion mode it will be the better opinion for the first play. Now I play in normal difficult and it's just to easy. Right now I'm in Act 3 and all enemy's and bosses are so easy to defeat, I can't change the difficult to a harder one in season mode. Is this normal? Do I have to play through the whole story to switch to a harder difficult?

    Maybe I miss something.. Maybe still in the tutorial? I play a Necromancer, is this the best class in the game and that's why the game is so easy right now?

    submitted by /u/Slughz
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    Diablo 4 skill system

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:25 AM PST

    So in regards to skills, do you like the approach of Diablo 2 where you primarily use one or two main skills throughout the game (aside from basic attacks) or Diablo 3 where you are equipped with multiple skills?

    In diablo 4, they are bringing back skill points for skills but unless they limit amount of sill points you get through out the game, you'll end maxing all the skills which kind of defeats the purpose of having them in the first place. I can see it being a more interesting system early to mid game as you can build and rank up your preferred skills creating your playstyle.

    And how do you think legendaries should be designed to build skills?

    Do you want a system where multiple items can synergize a single skill? (example for frost bolt: one item splits the ice bolt into three + another item makes the ice bolt into an AoE + another item amplifies damage of ice bolt = giving a powerful AoE ice bolt that splits into three)

    An issue with having these skill affixes on items come down to is, are the item's stats and affixes worth trading in for the special skill effects. ( would you sacrifice an item that has 10% AS, with crit chance, etc.. for an item that splits your ice bolt into three?) you know you will lose alot of damage but what if you need that affix. I like what PoE has done in regard to skills. Support gems are essentially these legendary skill affixes in diablo that isn't gear tied. That way you get the benefits of the gear and build the skills the way you want to build. Even more so in PoE 2, now that skills come with there own sockets.

    submitted by /u/Leejjj
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    What I feel is missing from the pillars of Diablo 3

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:23 PM PST

    I just listened to Joshua Mosqueira's talk at GDC about Reaper of Souls (very interesting listen, I suggest you listen to this if you have any interest at all in game design), and while he did explain very well why D3 works after ROS, I found that he also did not address why I loved D2, and why I'm kind of ambivalent about D3.

    Joshua lists a few pillars of D3 that made the foundation of the game, one of which is "an endgame for everyone". I think that's a very important pillar, but when he's discussing that endgame, it's clear he's only talking about optimization of numbers, speed of killing, and how the loot curve/endgame of D3 feeds this optimisation.

    I think that misses a whole section of gamers, though. Taking reference from Magic's Timmy, Johnny and Spike categorization (TLDR Timmy likes BIG splashy stuff, Johnny likes to win his way, Spike just wants to win period), optimisation in this way, and IMO D3 in its current form, only really caters to Spike. Get gear, get better gear, get the best gear. Spike doesn't really care how he's winning, except that he's winning, and that's what D3 is now - find the best build, farm for the best gear for the best build, hit the leaderboards.

    However, Johnny has been quite ignored in D3, and with the way that sets work in D3, has been actively discouraged from playing. If there isn't a set that gives 10,000% damage to a skill, that skill is just non-viable. This wasn't the case in D2 - there were many weird and suboptimal builds that Johnnies did all the time, summoner necro etc, but you hear far less about that in D3 than back in D2, because the sets create winners and losers in terms of viable skills, and only a very small proportion of skills are actually viable in comparison to the full skill set.

    There is also the concept of what it means to "win". In D3, there really isn't any "win", except what you make of it. I think the really telling part of Joshua's mindset is that when he says "an endgame for everyone", it mainly consists of farming for loot to optimise their build. In that sense, Spike's "win" is to get BIS for the best build. This also wasn't the case in D2 - there was a clear progression between clearing normal, nightmare, and hell, and your character gained a title in each case. There was a level 99 that you could work towards as your "win", if that was your desire. In D3, however, there is always a higher GR, always another paragon.

    Maybe Spike likes to see his numbers go up, but Johnny is completely bored. His "build" (to the extent that it was possible given the items in the game) was finished when he got the last piece of his set, and everything after that amounts to a very extended victory lap. In D2, you would roll another alt, but that isn't here in D3 - you just farm for the alternate gear and respec and put on your new gear and take another extended unfulfilling victory lap. In D3 you rarely if ever hear people talking about alts, most of the time you grind on your one character, and once you get bored you leave and wait for next season to roll your next build, because the process of making an alt is simultaneously unfulfilling (you farm on your already geared character to make a new geared character) and pointless (your new alt is born near the peak of his power, giving him little to work towards).

    I don't know what systems the D4 devs are coming up with, but I do want them to consider Johnnies in their new pillars. In D2, I would theorycraft interesting builds all day, even while I wasn't playing, and I didn't mind that they were a bit boring to play (my favourite character was in fact a trap assassin). Optimisation for speed of killing should not be the only potential goal of a player.

    submitted by /u/tabbynat
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    Why is Diablo 3 so easy?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:10 PM PST

    I'm not trying to be an ass, it's a serious question. Me and my mate started playing it on Xbox One for the first time a few days ago. He's a Crusader and I'm a Necromancer. We started on normal, because... well, you do, don't you? New game and whatnot. But with the difficulty being so nonexistent, I ended up cranking the difficulty up. However, it was still just as easy. So we cranked it up again, now to expert. Cut to about 20 minutes ago. We just had a boss battle with a character who has been hounding us since near enough the start of the game. We killed her in Five. Seconds. Flat. Just burst and she's dead.

    So, again: Why is this so bizarrely easy? Can anyone shed some light on this for me, or provide some tips as to the best difficulty for a satisfying experience? I'd really appreciate it as a newcomer to the series, who is enjoying the game a lot despite the difficulty issue.

    Edit: Alright guys, message received, the is just really easy when you're first playing through the story. Honestly, it never even occurred to me that this might be a thing or I'd have looked into it before playing. Me and my mate will look into the difficulty options some more tomorrow and see what we can do based on these suggestions. Thanks for the info.

    submitted by /u/DarknessInferno7
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    Lilith concept art vs Lilith CGI cinematic

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Lilith concept art vs Lilith CGI cinematic

    So this was bothering me since I entire reveal of D4.

    On CGI trailer Lilith looks just amazing. For me the biggest appeal is the fact that she looks so... alien, like her eyes are not even focused on the present and she's looking beyond what's "here" and "now". She really looks like something out of this world. Ovearll - AMAZING design.


    Then I saw her concept art. From art point of view. Sure, it's top notch but her design is no longer unsettling, creepy. She looks much more grounded and familiar.

    Anyway - That's just food for thought. I found suprising how different those two versions of Lilith are. I hope that concept is, well, still just a concept and final version will be closer to CGI look of Lilith.
    Here are some comparisions:







    submitted by /u/Whoopy2000
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    D4 Theory: Hell will be an endgame story dungeon

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:36 PM PST

    During the D4 reveal, the developers stated that we'll be going to Hell during the game. I wondered how they would fit it, with a seemingly already massive open world map with 100s of dungeons planned.

    I figured wouldn't it be cool if Hell was an endgame story dungeon, and we'll only unlock after max level. And it would be very hard to progress through. It wont be a farmable spot and the incentive of going through Hell is just to beat the game and maybe some cosmetic rewards.

    That is, we'll reach max level through the quests in the overworld. Then we go to dungeons and keyed dungeons for endgame farming of items.

    Only this time, as you get stronger, you have a chance to progress further and further into Hell, and try beating the "final boss." It could be Lilith, could be Diablo again, whoever. If you dont want to do it, thats fine. You can keep playing keyed dungeons for endgame content.

    This would be similar their initial philosophy with Inferno mode back in Vanilla. Where beating the bosses per act was really difficult, and they wanted people to spend some time farming for items just to progress. Problem was farming for items back then was not fun, cause items were shitty. There was also the AH which complicated the item hunt. This lead to silly farming strategies like corpse running, the Alkaizer route, breaking jars to earn gold to buy stuff on the AH (yes really), etc.

    But those problems wouldnt arise anymore since you now have a better system for endgame farming which is the keyed dungeon system.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/vikoy
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    (Diablo 4) What would you like from the story?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    What i would like to see:

    1- Lilith making atleast 2 appearances in the game during gameplay. She won't fill our ears full like Diablo did in DIablo 3 act 4, but she will say some stuff straight to the point that has to do with the lore and game story and leave. Just twice would be enough for people to get to know her a little.

    2- The Diablo 3 heroes will make a return as NPC's, however some of them are evil by choice to make what Tyreal said come true (that some Naphalem are leaning towards evil). And we will fight them as mid bosses. Some of the characters i can see turn evil: Wizard, Necromancer and Monk (as in they have given up on hope and light as they see it was pointless to follow it since it retraint them).

    3- Let Diablo rest for a bit until an expansion. Give Lilith and/or Inarius their time to shine to make them full fledged villians with full stories without them being overshowed by Diablo who is already well known and had his time to shine in 3 games already.

    4- Kill off NPC's that we have come to know throughout Diablo 2 and 3. Kill off Akara or Gheed (specially him) or anyone else. Or kill off new NPC's from Diablo 4. Make us know this world is alive and dangerous, that NO ONE is save and even the ones we think are save since they are just npc's in a save town- kill some of them to make us go "Oh crap, not him/her!" and realize its a serious world of evil. Similair to what Diablo 2 did with literally all the npc's in Diablo 1 apart from Cain.

    5- No "epic" cutscenes with bombastic orchestrated choir music to make it more "epic" like a WoW cutscene. Make this game regular, make it not "epic" since this isn't WoW. Make the cutscenes dark, brooding, depressive like in the Diablo 4 trailer intro. Hell, make it disgusting and gross like how Lilith was reborn. No more fight scenes with shining lights and big explosive clangs.

    What do you think or want to see?

    submitted by /u/Mexiun
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    Danish d3 clan looking for members��

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Danish Division er en ny dansk clan der søger aktive medlemmer til vores community. Vi har discord server // God stemning // Råd at hente. Laver meta, sigter 150 / Speeds / Boost / Bounties. Vi spiller mest season. Søg under clan efter: Danish Division

    submitted by /u/LeedLeedLeed
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    Happy Thanks Giving! Group SF Run tonight!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    Hello everyone, We will be grouping again for another HC sf run b4 reset. If anyone esle would like to join your more than welcomed. We have a legit community that stays clear from botting and d2jsp. Come check us out! We plan on running latter tonight around 7pm EST. Really depends though on when ppl get done eating ;)


    submitted by /u/xJukex
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    I hope they definitely take one thing from D3 for D4

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:38 PM PST

    The achievement names, they are hilarious!!

    submitted by /u/salluks
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    I really hope the endgame in D4 is not like D3

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:24 PM PST

    Hadn't touched the game since season 5, started playing this season once again. I've been starting to realize why I'm was more of a fan of pre-RoS D3. Ever since rifts were introduced the game has been a cakewalk and changed for the worse. Legendaries drop like crazy past level 70, why are they even legendary if they aren't hard to find?

    Everything is about clear speed and minmaxing to have the best build, with the best items with the best stats and legendary affixes. If you aren't playing the best build for your class you are playing the game wrong, as D3 stands today. I'm worried that the devs are aiming for a D3 like endgame and keeping the greater Rift mindset.

    And I'm not a D3 hater, I've put hundreds of hours on every class hunting for the best possible gear and currently having fun doing GR with my Whirlrend barb, but I will probably get bored within a week.

    Because of how the game is, you get your stuff real quickly and reach the end-endgame without even putting in 30 hours. It's just too easy, and there aren't really any reason to make another class the same season. You just drop the game and wait for the next season. If D4 follow the same path it won't have any longevity.

    My main hopes from the devteam is that the progression system in levling AND endgame feels Hard but rewarding, and that legendary items actually feel legendary, rarity wise, and don't drop like candy.

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/fansar
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    Diablo games with Steam controller?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:53 PM PST

    So with the steam controller hitting rock bottom price recently, I went ahead and ordered one. It sounds like I can't be positive I'll get one, but having always wanted to try it for Diablo among other things I had to finally take the plunge and try now that they're no longer making them.

    So- does anybody have experience with Diablo on a steam controller? I'm looking to try it with all three games when it arrives. Any setup advice? How does the experience compare to the Diablo 3 console ports which, dare I say almost feel more natural than KB+M?

    submitted by /u/eifersucht12a
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    New to Diablo!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:43 PM PST

    Just bought the Diablo 3 Expansion edition for PS4.

    I had been watching a ton of Diablo lore content on YouTube, due to never having played any Diablo games before.

    I fell in love instantly.

    So, I just want to say hey to the community, and ask if you think jumping in at Diablo 3 is going to take away from the experience going forward.

    Short of playing the first two games, is there any other method to capturing the essence of the journey as a whole, or should I just bought 1 and 2 and play through them before jumping into 3?

    submitted by /u/IamNICE124
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    Any xbox players want to play?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:33 PM PST

    I'm a new player, my monk is 60 right now in normal. Once I hit 70 I want to start gearing up and grinding content!

    If there are any new players who want to join me, or even experienced players rolling an alt, comment your GT down below :)

    submitted by /u/Alpha_Gator1
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    I could swear I had a necro character but it's gone

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:59 PM PST

    yeah I haven't played D3 in a long time, but I could swear I had a necro since I bought the DLC. I remember using some necro abilities. I wonder if blizz just deleted it for some reason...

    submitted by /u/lihanou
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    What class should I start with in Diablo 2?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:51 PM PST

    Currently stuck between Druid, Barbarian and Necromancer. I want to choose 1 to start with and then go back to the other two but I'm having issues deciding between the 3 because they all seem like a lot of fun to play around with. Any input is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Skilroy
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    Skull Grasp?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:25 PM PST

    I'm sure there is an obvious answer, but I'm just not seeing it. It appears as though CoE is being used over Skull Grasp... Skull grasp is a flat 400% boost in WW damage, and CoE is basically a 50% boost to your elemental damage. At first glance it seems like SG is the obvious choice. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/crockpocket
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    By D3 or wait for D4?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:55 PM PST

    It is sale of D3 now and I'm wondering if it's worth it to still buy the D3 now or should I just wait for the release of D4. I've been playing Path of Exile for years now.

    submitted by /u/redditnooneuser
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    WW Barb: The build that can afford ancient spear

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:26 PM PST

    I will preface this with I am a newb.

    Thought it was funny that, while debating what to use for my 5th skill as a WW barb, something so trivial as a spear pull is a viable option.

    This is how OP it is imo, but loving playing it :)

    submitted by /u/codingDr
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    Need itemisation/skill help for D2

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

    I'm playing the game for the first time with an Amazon. Acts 1 and 2 were great, I had a yellow spear and javelin and I switched between the two depending on my needs. As such I leveled things such as power strike and that ranged lightning spell.

    But in Act 3 my items quickly lost merit (or so I thought), and I transfered to a (I think) legendary crossbow that dealt a lot of dmg and some axe that had better stats then my spear.

    Things went fine but I had a couple of problems, mainly with the High Council and Mephisto at the end (and those dungeons where 50+ monsters ambush you as you enter). I resorted to cheesing them out, hoping I'd get better gear that sinergysed with my skills.

    Act 4 comes and I'm cheesing the first boss, Izual, for 10+ min until I take him down. Now, I played D3, and my logical conclusion is that at some point I fell off. Do you have any advice as to how I might retaliate and get better gear? I'm lvl 26 so far and also have no idea in which stats I should put points so advice on that would be great too.

    submitted by /u/NoPriority247
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    Got back to D2, what mods should I get?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST

    Does anyone have a list of quality of life improvement mods for Diablo 2? I want to experience the original D2 but I don't have much time. Improvements like auto gold pick up, expanded inventory and chest spaces, a better description for quests, fixing resolution etc... are all welcomed.

    Edit: RN looking into moddb, any other sources please let me know.

    submitted by /u/RobertPham149
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    Ps4 - language

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    For some reason I downloaded Diablo 3 again on my PS4, and it is in Spanish!? And it seems that I can't change it. I have played this game before on console, but I can't remember if I played it either in English or in Portuguese, anyone would be fine. Does anyone know how to change it? Thanksss

    submitted by /u/lipeehopp
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    Help Diablo 3 lag

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    Hey, so i have a pretty high end computer with SSD.
    On this SSD Diablo is installed. However, Diablo keeps bugging and lagging for me.

    For example sometimes i don't see names on player.

    Sometimes i cant enter game with a friend because it says hes not on season, but he can enter game with me.

    But the worst thing is lag when im killing stuff, sometimes theres a delay.

    Also worth mentioning is that i ALWAYS lag when i enter the portal in teh silver spire zone, it's a good 1 second delay.

    So, should i just reinstall the game or is the problems on my end with computer.

    submitted by /u/Depe1997
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    Buy diablo 1 or diablo 3?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:59 PM PST

    I've always been super interested in the diablo lore but have never played it. I was interested in buying Diablo 1 + Hellfire from GOG but i heard there is like diablo 1 in diablo 3? Is it only like a few bosses or is it the entire Diablo 1 game? I think I would prefer to get the Diablo 1 experience in a newer client but if it doesn't have close to the content of the original then I'll just get Diablo 1

    submitted by /u/IronBranchPlantsTree
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