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    Monday, June 28, 2021

    Diablo Diablo 4 should cater to various Player Types, not just to those who wanna be at the top

    Diablo Diablo 4 should cater to various Player Types, not just to those who wanna be at the top

    Diablo 4 should cater to various Player Types, not just to those who wanna be at the top

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Different people can play the same game for different reasons. That is already known since the MTG devs developed the idea of Psychographic Player Type Profiles as a means to categorize the different Player Types to help them with the design of their game, and probably even before that,

    Something similar also applies to Diablo games, as not everyone plays the game to be at the top (of the leaderboards) or to be the best (aka the Competitive Players) and not even everyone wants to play the most efficient builds.

    Some people do not (just) play the game to be at the top or to be the best, but they (also) play the game because they...

    • like to theorycraft
    • like to experiment with unusual items/skills/passives/builds (like items that give new skills and/or a new mechanic), even if these are not the most efficient or powerful items/skills/passives/builds and try to make them work
    • like to experience a variety of different builds
    • enjoy the fantasy of playing e.g. a Raging Barbarian, a Frost Mage, a Fire Mage, a Summoner, etc
    • play the game for the social interaction with the community and/or friends
    • like "Big and Awesome Stuff" (big, explosions, large army of skeletons, huge amount of Crushing Blow)
    • they enjoy the flow of combat
    • like to feel powerful (e.g. by killing / blowing things up quickly and/or on mass)
    • are interested in the lore and the world
    • are hardcore players who wanna have intense challenges (like Uberbosses or Uberquests) and master them.
    • find the the art and the atmosphere appealing
    • wanna have new transmogs or other rewards
    • like the little stories behind an item or that are told in the world
    • wanna have 100% of all the achievements, or the "Holy Grail" players that wanna have every singe item in the game, even if it takes them years (aka "the Completionists")

    ... and probably a lot more that I forgot to mention here.

    What I want to say is that Diablo 4 should not just have things for the Competitive Players, but also for example things like Diablo 2's Trang-Oul's Avatar Set, which turned the player into a vampire and give +18 to Fireball. It was by far not the most powerful build in the game, but it catered to a specific part of the playerbase.

    There also should be...

    • items that e.g. cause big explosions, but are overall not the best item for the slot, but are satisfying to use for some players
    • leaderboards and timed challenges for the competitive players are fine as long as they are not mandatory
    • there also can be items and passive skills in the game that have weird/unusual effects that give theorycrafters something to do
    • Uberbosses for the most hardcore players
    • more casual activities that reward new transmogs
    • ultra rare items that take years to find, even when these items are not the best ones (maybe combined with an achievement for having found them all)
    • etc

    And all these things do not even have to compete with each other, as they are not mutually exclusive.

    I just hope that D4 has something to offer for all of the different kinds of players I mentioned above.

    EDIT: I think I have to clarify something as I was getting several responses on a particular issue.

    I am not saying that everything in the game has to be designed to equally cater to everyone, but that some activities/items/etc should be designed for specific player types that naturally gravitate towards these anyways, while some other activities/items/etc should be designed for people that naturally gravitate towards these other activities.

    submitted by /u/clueso87
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    Alright, message received Duriel

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Diablo Continuity Lore Question

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Are any of the Prime Evils or Lesser Evils open to say having a friendly meal with a random human? Perhaps Angels instead? In addition, how do these demons and/or view most humans? Not sure if this is the right place to ask.

    submitted by /u/Dryad-Sophisticate
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    Old characters in D2R?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    With the release of Resurrected coming in a few months, does anyone know if we can upload our old characters from LoD to this?

    submitted by /u/ClerkFantastic4255
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    What to expect from D2R beta?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I never played a beta version of any game, but the moment I heard Diablo 2 beta will be available to public, I went "shut up and take my money!". But now I'm a bit confused as to what to expect. I know there will likely be bugs, and maybe not all characters available. But do you think there'll be any limitations in terms of content? For example, only the first, second acts are available? And do you think it'd be possible to transfer the save from beta to the full version, or I'd have to start over?

    submitted by /u/j_frenetic
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    Budget Farming Build

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I do a lot of brainstorming for the D2R release and just want you to ask what you think will be a sollid budget build to start do solo CS runs or simular Runs on player 1 or even more.

    I thinkig a lot and just 3 builds came in my mind. First is a Fishymancer or even CE Necro with Poison Nova. Second would be a Trapsin. Even naked this two buildes could probably clear Hell stuff like Cows or CS. The last on my Top 3 list is the Hammerdin. With dual Spirit and some cheap stuff he will do great dmg.

    I know Blizzard Sorc would be the start build number one. But im the type of player who hate to play the "mainstream" build. Its also possible to make uber trist with all three chars with some tuning.

    What is your opinion? Whats with Wind Druid? Really never took a look an him...

    Pls feel free to discuss here i would love to see your "way to go"

    BR Packi

    submitted by /u/ThePacki
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    Any chance D4 will completely retcon D3’s story?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Not saying ARPG's are known for having the best writing compared to more traditional RPG's, but D3's campaign was atrociously bad.

    It would be a shame to limit the franchise's depictions of Azmodan and Tyrael going forward because of D3, for example. Azmodan was humorous, not scary; and an Angel "deciding" to become mortal seemed really out of place.

    Eventually, every mention of the word "Nephalem" made me cringe. 🤮

    submitted by /u/leaguegotold
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    You think they will stay faithful to og d2 or will they add new content down the line to d2r?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:22 AM PDT

    I for one would love some new content but keeping the same game feel. I've played back in 1.06-1.11.

    submitted by /u/phantombuz
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    Cannot Reinstall Diablo Bought Digitally from Blizzard

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Has anyone seen this trying to download a game from the Blizzard website? I had downloaded Diablo 2 a while back, had no problems, but suddenly started having issues so I uninstalled and attempted to reinstall. WTF is this lizard thing? This makes me feel like I am going to get a virus or something. Can anyone confirm that this is legit or normal in any way?

    I did play Slash some with friends, could that have caused a problem? Never had any issues up up until now. Essentially the game acted like my character was 90+ days old and got rid of it. But I had just played that day. Very frustrating.

    I have more screenshots as well of the error messages I received trying to redownload the game, if that helps. If anyone can please help, I would really greatly appreciate it. Blizzard has been extremely unhelpful so far. I love this game and I was so close to end game gear :(

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/guccimanedaking
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - June 28, 2021

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's installment of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    **Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Cross platform play D4?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    I don't think people will be able to play Immortal on PCs thanks to W11.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    It's not that it would be impossible, but I think Activision Blizzard will simply block it. Obviously there will still be emulators. But here's the thing, emulators are very clearly unofficial workarounds, anyone who does it expects a lower quality experience, and knows they'll be at a disadvantage because of the controls, this by itself is prohibitive and not many people will do that.

    When it comes to W11, I imagine a ton of people would want to play Immortal on PC that way, without any "workarounds". The prohibitive aspect of having to actually install a bunch of stuff is gone here, so more people would try that. But there's still a problem of Controller or KB and mouse support. Unless that support exists, the experience of people playing through W11 would be very different, and certainly less enjoyable/polished. That simply looks bad on the game. I think Activision Blizzard simply won't allow that for quality assurance purposes.

    Even if the support is developed, it would still require people on PCs to play in a different way, which depending on how different it is, might be unacceptable by itself especially when there's PvP. The experience of everyone must be the highest quality, officially supported experience, and no one can be handicapped by their device, that's simply unacceptable for a AAA company release, especially when we're talking about Blizzard's first big mobile game. I know a ton of PC and Console games have crossplay but the difference between controls there simply isn't anywhere close to the difference between mobile controls and PC/Console controls. And yea, some Mobile games are playable on PCs, but I believe none of them rely so heavily on dual stick + touchscreen controls. This is the real issue here. How do you recreate Immortal's control scheme on a controller or KB and mouse, without changing the way you play drastically, and without putting some of your players at a disadvantage or giving some of your players lower quality experience?

    So basically, I believe Activision Blizzard will simply not allow that, through ToS or otherwise, because they wouldn't want a ton of people to have a bad, unpolished experience that might reflect poorly on the game. I believe developing Controller and/or KB and mouse support for Immortal that does not change user experience drastically is simply not possible, and even if it was, just the fact of having a part of your playerbase playing the game differently might be unacceptable because of the competitive aspect on Immortal. I think it all solely depends on Blizzard wanting to and being able to develop official KB and mouse / controller support that stands on the same level of quality and fluidity as playing on a phone - which I don't think is possible, so I think playing Immortal on PC W11 will either be blocked or at best, Blizz will simply ignore it and make it clear that doing that is not a good way to paly the game.

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    Diablo II Resurrected Necromancer - Skills & Act

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    will D2 remaster matchmaking make it easy for players to match with others specifically for 8 players co-op ?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    I dislike D3's matchmaking system on consoles. people literlaly have to test every possible combination to try to find players online at all, and thats if someone happens to be playing when someone is searching and combing through the different acts, difficulty settings, etc to find a match that happens to have player(s) they can join.

    D2 remaster is developed by a team separate from D3 team so maybe they will make matchmaking easy for 8 players co-op fans to find other players without having to check every combination of Act/difficulty setting to find players to co-op with.

    yea the alternative is to grow a friends list, but most just wanna quickmatch co-op with randoms, and random 8 players co-op can be outstanding and interesting and unpredictable and more diverse play styles than only playing with the same circle of friends.

    so perhaps it will be easy for 8 players co-op seekers to find like minded players to maximize their co-op camraderie and epic chaos. and perhaps there could even be Hardcore 8 players co-op matchmaking option for those that wanna experience the ultimate large co-op survival journies.

    submitted by /u/successXX
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    Picked up 3 for the switch. Anything I should know? Seasons?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    Last time I played Diablo was Diablo 2 when it was first on PC so long ago. I figured why not and picked it up for switch to do some casual gaming. I hear this stuff about seasons and I'm confused about the seasons. All i know are seasons like in COD and stuff, don't know how it works in a diablo game. Thank you. Looking forward to playing again! Anything else I should know before getting back into it?

    submitted by /u/EMKEMC
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    So d2r is cross progression? Like say I buy it for xsx and then buy it on pc I can play online with one character? Vice versa? But just not play cross play right?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    Just wanna make sure I don't have to create a new character if I own pc and xsx versions.

    submitted by /u/phantombuz
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