• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 29, 2021

    Diablo This is so stunning and it brightens up my entire place!

    Diablo This is so stunning and it brightens up my entire place!

    This is so stunning and it brightens up my entire place!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    My first tattoo of one of my favourite games (Diablo II), which means a lot to me

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    DiabLoL 2 Ep 22 "Where Izzy"

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    Hardcore seasonal

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    Got a support demon hunter and zbarb on Xbox looking for a wizard to push gr with Kate to the season but ready for the big pushes

    submitted by /u/Horror-Advertising-7
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    Playing some (PlugY) Diablo 2 cow levels and Lower Kurast runs makes me yearn for Loot Filters.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    You have to grind a hell lot in D2 and that's somewhat fine, as the itemization and therefore item hunt is indeed quite strong. However, I have to say that I despise just how much time I've got to waste on just reading and identifying the right item labels for useful drops.

    Like, your 10th cow level run that day isn't exactly exhilarating gameplay-wise to begin with, but having to spend minutes just sifting through those damned hundreds of item drops each run is awful.

    When I figured I'd go for some Lower Kurast runs for some of them runes and charms, I lost my enthusiasm fairly quickly as I realized that sometimes the chests drop so many items that some of the item labels aren't even shown before picking up some of the gold or items. As if those runs don't get boring quickly enough, now you've got to deal with that obnoxiousness in addition.

    It was legit what made me stop playing last week and if I were to pick it up again, i'd go with a 1.13 version and respective working loot filter, as I just can't be bothered to waste like 20% of my playtime identifying those item labels.

    Now, for D2R there at least won't be the problem with low-resolution item names and perhaps the color-coding can be improved, further. I'd also hope the disappearing item names in case of too many drops in the same area won't be a thing anymore.

    But still, a loot filter that would enable me to just focus on playing and picking up what I deem of interest to me seems like a blessing right this moment.

    What's your guys' opinion on Loot Filters for D2 and D2R? I know that plenty of purists, including e.g. LlamaSC, don't want 'em and I guess technically it makes the game easier, as you'd indeed be faster by not having to sift through items as much. But like, I cannot overstate how unfun it is to deal with those insane amounts of item drops.

    submitted by /u/NKG_and_Sons
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    Are they going to fixing the sanctuary bug?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    I think sanctuary says it gives bonus damage to undead, but doesn't actually.

    Edit: whoops, hehe meant to say fix not fixing in the title.

    submitted by /u/rainstorm07
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    Diablo fanart painting process (speedpaint) Hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    New mechanic in the world of Diablo 1: game changers [The Hell 2 mod]

    Posted: 28 May 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Diablo Official Cinematics But with Rythem of life theory applied to it.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:19 AM PDT

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