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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Diablo There are some incredible designs hidden behind all those pixels (credit to Wowhead on twitch)

    Diablo There are some incredible designs hidden behind all those pixels (credit to Wowhead on twitch)

    There are some incredible designs hidden behind all those pixels (credit to Wowhead on twitch)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    Blizzard Sends Cease-And-Desists To Diablo 2: Resurrected Modders

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Thank you, warlord of blood.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    "The math of how astronomical rune droprates actually are" post is wrong. The rune droprate in Diablo 2 has already been buffed.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Time and time again you see posts complaining about rune drops on /r/diablo which use outdated data: http://dropcalc.silospen.com/item.php - this is an outdated source.

    The rune droprate in Diablo 2 has already been buffed in patch 1.13c (in 2010) https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.13c_(Diablo_II)

    Use the German calculator instead: http://mfb.bplaced.net/dropcalc/#en

    For example: silospen calculator for p1 Hell Bovine (cow level mob) shows droprates

    Ber: 1:2915781

    Jah: 1:2625879

    Sur: 1:1943854

    When infact the 1.13c droprates are:

    Sur 1:540273

    Jah Rune 1:654171

    Ber Rune 1:730549

    As you can see they are over 4 times better.

    What does this mean in practice? Chance of finding a HR on a p1 in 1000 cow runs is (assuming 400 white Hell Bovine mobs)

    Sur: 1 - (487032/487033) ^ 400,000 = ~56.0%

    Ber: 1 - (730548/730549) ^ 400,000 = ~42.2%

    Jah: 1 - (654170/654171) ^ 400,000 = ~45.7%

    That means that your chance of dropping one of those runes is 0.859640 ~ 86% in 1000 runs

    If you do 100 runs daily you should be able to find Ber/Jah/Sur in 10 days not a year (on p1).

    That's excluding all the high runes below sur.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    Edit: thanks to /u/Boterox for correcting my error. Now the numbers should be correct.

    submitted by /u/JessicaSc2
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    Blizzard Diablo IV debugs Linux cores on WSL from Visual Studio

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    The math of how astronomical rune droprates actually are

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    For all of D2's 1.10+ lifespan with the exception of a few weeks at a time, the economy was dominated by bots and dupes that made items widely available. Few players ever get to appreciate just how imbalanced the droprates are in vanilla D2- even 'legit mods' usually have big droprate buffs like removing the nodrop category.

    The game's economy actually makes sense for sets/uniques, where any character can find them but only one or two builds want most of the very rare top end uniques. A windforce is a tough to find item, but only bowazons or maybe a few niche A1 merc builds want them, so the supply of every person running chaos/baal winds up covering the demand. Meanwhile each high rune is far rarer than a windforce, but every best-in-slot build for every char wants several of them. Creating a massive supply/demand imbalance in a natural ecosystem.

    But you need the math to appreciate that.

    When killing hell baal, non-quest, in players 8 / party 8 in range (P8P8) with 300% MF, you have the following droprates for various items;


    Item Wizspike Ormus Shako Arachs Nightwings Windforce Crown of Ages Fathom Death's Web Tyrael's Might Jah Rune
    Drop Rate 1:369 1:632 1:660 1:954 1:2028 1:13028 1:15923 1:23898 1:39178 1:143310 1:180529

    Yes, a Jah rune is rarer than Tyrael's Might, the normally astronomically unattainable item most people only consider a trophy just for its extreme rarity. Lots of people will use items like Shako and Arachs, giving them a good demand, but they're also fairly plentiful. You'll find about 273 shakos for each Jah rune.

    But the obvious complaint here is- farming bosses isn't a practical way to obtain runes. Droprates are more drastically weighted for finding sets/uniques from bosses (or for most top-end uniques, exclusive to bosses/superuniques in level 85 areas), while killing large amount trash mobs or opening chests just to roll as many item drops as possible is going to find more runes. Baal might have a 1:180529 chance in P8P8 of dropping a Jah, but most monsters have a 1:1501674 odds of dropping a Jah in P8P8, so Baal is worth only 8 random monsters.

    But lets say you wanted to clear a bunch of trash mobs. One of the better places for this is the Pits. Easier to quantify than Chaos, even if it doesn't have wraith mobs with their 3x droprates for runes. Its got the benefit of large swarms of level 85 devilkins that spawn in high densities, and its a large area with a lot of mobs. (Each dinky devilkin has the exact same drops of a venom lord in chaos- just much less experience)

    The pits level 1 & 2 combined have on average 134.2 trash mobs, 5.7 champion mobs and 7.6 unique mobs, including all the minions spawned. (spawns 6-8 / 2-3 champion/uniques, of which 80% are uniques, 20% are turned into a group of 2-4 champions of random types). Now looking at just the droprates of sur, ber and jah runes in a P1P1 game- the most realistic for farming endlessly- we get;

    Droprate Trash Mob Champion Unique
    Sur 1:2915781 1:1214908 1:564932
    Ber 1:4373671 1:1822363 1:847398
    Jah 1:3938819 1:1641174 1:763146

    We can assume every 2 surs = 1 ber (well, on ladder), and regard jah and ber as the only true "high runes" in an economy with no botting/duping since they are the obviously in demand runes and the least attainable- Ohm and Lo are orders of magnitude more common through farming and cubing. Well, that gives us an expected value of number of P1P1 pit runs to find a high rune of;

    {0.5 * (134.2/2915781 + 5.7/1214908 + 7.6/564932) + (134.2/4373671 + 5.7/1822363 + 7.6/847398) + (134.2/3938819 + 5.7/1641174 + 7.6/763146)}

    = 1 high rune per 8172 pit runs in P1P1 on average

    That's a lot of pit runs. You're physically limited to 100 games per cdkey per 12 hours and other limits below that, and can't realistically achieve anywhere close to that with a human instead of a bot. If you worked 8 hour shifts each day doing nothing but farming pits at 10 minutes per run average including downtimes and breaks, that's 1362 man-hours. You might find 1.5 high runes per year at your full time job. You could flip burgers for $20,000 in the hours to get a high rune

    So how about cubing up runes from hellforges? Each hellforge quest gives a random rune from Hel to Gul with equal droprates, 1:11 each. That's an expected value of 0.179 Gul runes per hellforge, but taking an absurd and impractical amount of gems. You get 0.176 Guls per hellforge by just throwing away anything lower than a Pul. So lets say 0.176. Now it takes 32 Guls to make one Ber, and 64 to make one Jah. That means it takes ~182/364 Hellforges to create one Ber/Jah respectively. What's the fastest way to farm Hellforges? Classic rushing. With maphack and exceptional game knowledge you can get as fast as 20 minute runs to A4 hell at best, but each leecher either has to be a bot or another human who's gametime counts towards man-hours. Without bots, with the fastest rusher ever (who is coincidentally, me), maybe you average 30 minutes to rush 7 leechers to A4 hell. Then you need to actually clear hellforges after converting to expansion. Maybe you optimize and do that in 10 minutes including downtimes by having players do each other's hellforges in pairs with prebuilt hammerdins, then switch roles- unlike the lone crusher and 7 leechers, it would be 1:1. Well lets say that's 40 minutes per cycle to make 7 hellforges, using 8 people. That's about 45.7 man-minutes of labor per hellforge. About 139 man-hours of work for a Ber, about 277 man-hours of work for a Jah. Your team might make a Ber every 17 hours of work combined, but split that across 8 people.

    So how about Lower Kurast superchest farming? Well fuck you that's what. That's not easily quantifiable and its certainly not practical on battle.net instead of single player with static maps. Even with maphack and farming the far more dangerous sewers superchests too, it doesn't take enough time per game and thus gets stonewalled by the IP game restrictions.

    That is all

    submitted by /u/DriveThroughLane
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    Diablo II: Resurrected has been rated in Australia

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Idea about a small UI change for D2R to prevent socket accidents

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Have you ever accidentally put something into a socket? It usually happens when I am not cautious with gems and it is annoying.

    I think there should be a popup window for items with socket when you right-click them like the Horadric Cube. The window will simply show the item that was right-clicked, and only in that window you are allowed to put something into sockets. That means if you try to put gems/runes/jewels into a socket in the inventory window or in the stash window, it will just change the the thing you hold.

    submitted by /u/orcshaman2000
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    Diablo 2 How to start? Act 1 guide with map! Including PD2 mod!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    Diablo 3 PC - Constant disconnecting

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I re-launched the game in this days after a lot been off..

    The problem is this...after a short time (5-10-30 minutes) the game kick me off..

    here's a screen: https://imgur.com/a/7EN7Mhd

    here's my specs:

    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz

    Installed RAM 16,0 GB (15,7 GB usable)

    System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    Motherboard: Asrock B460M Steel Legend

    any suggestions? I had problems with the Realtek PCIe 2.5GbE Family Controller disconnecting.

    I'm currently using the 10.050.0511.2021 driver provided by gigabyte here:


    and no disconnection..

    submitted by /u/Bazzu85
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    In search of quite a bit of help regarding Diablo?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Calling all D1/D2 lovers who may know the game inside and out!

    I'm working on a parody of sorts of the story from both games. A friend of mine was previously helping, who knows D1/2 very well, for my boyfriend's birthday, where we take all of his friends and give them a "role" from D1/D2 and write a story.

    The problem now is my friend has become unreliable and time is running out. We did assign friends roles to game roles and he provided outline for the first few instances of D1, but beyond that I have nothing to work with. What I'm searching for is someone who could just tell the story in very plain terms, eg. "Main character sees a dying man who tells him a story of troubles which happened. Main character says dying man's death will be avenged, and enters the Cathedral."

    I did try looking at the Wikifandom pages, but it's a foreign language to me as I know virtually nothing about anything. I am mainly looking for a vague retelling of the story where I can know enough about the game to write my own version, without actually playing the games.

    The alternative is watching hours of gameplay videos, which I will wind up doing anyway if no one can provide help, but I thought it can't hurt to ask those who truly have a good grasp on the series. And if I could provide compensation for time invested in help (Steam gift?) I will happily do so.

    submitted by /u/YecatsMailbox
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    Wyatt Cheng and DiEoxidE talk inside stuff on Diablo Immortal and D3 on live stream!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - May 27, 2021

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to this week's installment of Thursday Help Desk.

    This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

    Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

    If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

    Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

    If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Exquisiteness from season journey not working?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    Hi. I'm new to the game and the sub. As far as I understood, I should just enchant a piece of gear till it has a socket via the 'Mystic' artisan. I did, on pants, on two different pants, but it still didn't complete :( what should I do? I'm on switch btw

    submitted by /u/veackslav
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    The sad story of diablo 3 (Opinion)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    As i said above, this is a honest opinion so, please don't start hating me when i say that diablo 3 did some things right. To kick things off, let's start with the arguably the worst part of the D3 saga, the launch. So, most Blizzard fans (including me) really liked starcraft 2 and we all high expectations for the next diablo entry. However, we weren't prepared for one of the worst launches in gaming history. Diablo 3 came out with a huge amount of bugs, including the infamous area 37. The game instantly started getting hate, but things were only about to get worse. The auction house and DRM always online features were quite controversial, and when i say controversial, i mean disgusting. There was also no pvp and the art direction was just copying world of warcraft. And i didn't even dive yet in the core game problems. The game was much more simplified, which could have been a good thing because it is going to appeal to new players. And it did, but at the cost of difficulty. Once more complex strategic character builds were stripped away, making gameplay brain dead, click everything until it dies and you never have any trouble with even the strongest of demons. The looting system was also ruined because now around 1% of the gear the enemies drop is actually useful. Boss fights were not chalenging at all, not even a single boss actually posed a threat to me. You can rise up the difficulty to torment but making bosses take half of your health in a single hit isn't making this game any more fun. I won't dive deep into the story, but killing fan favourite characters and returning old bosses just because of nostalgia isn't a smart thing to do. Alright, now i mentioned everything wrong with diablo 3. Now, let's talk about the positives. In 2015, blizzard finally removed the auction house. This is also somewhat a bad thing because for some reason, blizzard took 3 years to realize how much the auction house is ruining the game. The reaper of souls dlc was really a great dlc and the shaman was a great introduction to the game. Also, you can finally change the gender of a class, unlike in diablo 2 you were forced to play with the same gender to the class. Blizzard even now, after 8 years is still giving new updates and seasons, which is a rare thing with triple a games nowadays. Most aaa releases, like battlefield 5 lose dev support in 2 years. So, that's all folks, if you're wondering if you should buy diablo 3 in 2021, go for it because now with all the updates and fixes, it is a really good game and it costs only 20 bucks which isn't overpriced at all, unlike activision that is still keeping a 60 dollar price for black ops 2, a game made 2012.

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    If the new games came out at the same time.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    If all three were released on the same day, which would you play first?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Stanimator
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    Concern about D2:R's endgame

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    I love d2 in every aspect: game design, itemization, lore, gameplay.

    Yet I don't know how am I ever going to deal with its pretty boring endgame farming... Running meph, baal, countess thousands of times over and over again.

    D3 is bad, but at least it had more activities to do in the endgame.

    What do you guys think? Any advice?

    P.s. I'm with the #nochanges crew and i don't think blizzard in its current state can make drastic changes without screwing up everything, but... Maybe the endgame needs some expanding?

    submitted by /u/SpaceRapist
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