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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Diablo Diablo 2 Cartooned Announcement (CarBot Graphics Pack)

    Diablo Diablo 2 Cartooned Announcement (CarBot Graphics Pack)

    Diablo 2 Cartooned Announcement (CarBot Graphics Pack)


    Would be hilarious if Blizzard released immortal today


    Would really cement red shirt guy in history

    submitted by /u/Rigonidas
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    [Unpopular Opinion] I Loved, Love D2 and will love D2R, but After all these years of Playing Diablo, i grew to Dislike Synergies system. Its a very limiting system, it kills build variety


    It prevents builds from being hybrids trees

    • You have to spend most if not all your points into your skill and its synergies to have it perform decently, then you have nothing left to spend in other skills, ie: a fire sorc spends all her points in fire... then she encounter fire immune... no lightning or cold skill

    It totally kills the awesome potential of Trigger items on other classes

    • There are very cool items that grant spells on trigger that are totally garbage because even if some grant lvl20+ of that skill, its crap without synergies of the same class. I can only imagine all the cool builds we could do without Synergies and Appropriate skill balance, stuff like Destruction Runeword would be cool with all its triggers, we could have Conviction paladin zealing with Baezil's Vortex to have lvl 25 nova,etc

    edit: Somebody seem to miss the point here, it has nothing to do with the "Buff" it gives to skills, this could have just come as a Buff to the skills directly, its about how retraining Synergies are

    submitted by /u/The_Creatorist
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    Looking good, Kormac


    Since it's April Fools I decide to post this again


    Finally beat Diablo I on hell difficulty. With a Rogue


    Playable cow class for Diablo 1 (based on DevilutionX)


    Beautiful res


    Diablo DnD 5e Campaign


    Hi! Im making a post Diablo 3 RoS DnD 5e campaign and wanted to set it on Xiansai but I'm having problems finding extensive descriptions or lore about the main island. Does someone know where to find something besides the little information in the games and wiki?

    submitted by /u/Sheizum
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    Low Cost PC build for D2R?


    After 15+ years of d2 experience on PC and no desire to play d2r on console, I'm very excited for the release! Problem is, I'm exclusively a Mac user these days. There is a boot camp on my MacBook Pro for d2...but I'm not sure that will cut it for d2r.

    Based on the recommended specs, what would be a low-cost system that could run d2r at peak performance?

    submitted by /u/robby19k
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    Looks like Blizzard forgot to discount diablo on playstation store


    I've been hunting for Diablo III on playstation for a while, was pretty surprised that it hasn't been discounted after blizzcon. Another sale, diablo's price is still stone cold. Even weirder that they just discounted it for switch, what's going on ?

    submitted by /u/Call_me_Wo
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    D2 Resurrected and Firebird's return in the same year


    Funny coincidence. BTW, Firebird is possibly the tankiest build in the game right now, 2 types of 80% dmg reduction, about 75% dmg reduction from armor, and the all-resist from INT.

    submitted by /u/puntmasterofthefells
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    How often does this happen?


    How does deities work on Diablo?


    I was re-reading some things and obviously there's a lot of deities that are either demons, angels or nephalems. But there are some that doesn't match with neither of them. Is there some cosmological concept that can explain deities beyond the High Heavens, the Burning Hells and the Nephalem?

    submitted by /u/Sheizum
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    Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - April 01, 2021


    Welcome to this week's installment of Thursday Help Desk.

    This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

    Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

    If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

    Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

    If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    In the spirit of resurrections... enjoy!


    New Player


    All Sale I'm a new diablo III player.

    And I have some questions.

    1) How many hours can you do on diablo III before it gets boring or repetitive?

    2) What class do you recommend to start?

    3) How is the PVP?

    submitted by /u/ToxicisLife
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    Vikings Wolves of Midgard - Game Recommendation - Game Pass


    Hello! Longtime fan of Diablo. Played since release. But.... I found a plot hole..


    Okay so I'm rereading and playing all the things..... sanctuary is created by inarus and Lilith with the world stone.. They mate and create the nephelm.
    BUT WAIT.... Lilith is the offspring of Mephisto and Auriel ..... So a angel and demon made Lilith... why is she not a nephilim..... Or is this d4 in a nut shell?

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary_Lack92
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    D2 on android


    Question. I know you can download D2 on android through multiple processes. But stopped when I was concerned I would be on a completely new online server to my account on the PC.

    Can you download the Android version and have it so it's on the same original EU server as like the PC?

    submitted by /u/Ar-vee-cee
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    This Simple but Huge change would be awesome to see in D2R... Having all skills on both left and right click


    Left click being the Selection click makes it clunky for a lot of builds to have a skill on this click

    Also, Right click has a special behaviour, it makes you attack whoever crosses it and auto-attack nearby enemies

    Having this added to the game wouldnt change the core of the game but it would unlock some builds potential or just make them less cluncky. Ie: Auradin uses his Conviction on left click and Zeal on his right, Singer using Warcry on left and Teleport on right, Necro using curses on left and Corpse explosion on right,etc

    it would also just give more overall UI fluiidity so people could set they skills as they prefer

    submitted by /u/The_Creatorist
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