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    Diablo Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 23 Edition

    Diablo Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 23 Edition

    Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 23 Edition

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:01 AM PDT


    Greetings, /r/Diablo!

    It's that time again, so brush the dust off your characters, stock up on the supplies for the weekend, and let's talk shop for Season 23!

    Here's where I usually talk about a seasonal theme, but this time around it's a... mildly amusing topic, since we don't have a "theme" in the strict sense of the word. The patch notes have worded the follower changes - which are not to be underestimated, mind you - as the "theme" this time around, but the companion rework applies to non-seasonal players as well, which makes it a little hard to pass off as something exciting to restart a character around. With that being said, the cosmetic rewards of Season 23 are excellent - with the return of the Emerald Dragon pet, as well as the addition a very memorable Lacuni pet and Butcher-themed portrait. If you are a cosmetics-driven player, you definitely have an incentive to grind the Seasonal Journey out.

    Speaking of the Seasonal Journey, the Conquests for Season 23 are some of the easiest and least annoying in the game, so if you're in just for a quick weekend, you can easily knock out Divinity, Speed Demon and Avarice and get on with your gaming life. (These are all featured in the spreadsheet just below, if you feel so inclined.) The best Haedrig's Gifts this Season are for Demon Hunters (Unhallowed Essence) and Barbarians (Wrath of the Wastes), both of which will carry you through the Seasonal Journey before you can say "I'm grinding".

    While I have a full guide on Followers and the changes made to their systems, which you can read here, I want to briefly touch upon the companion rework as one of the more notable changes to the game in recent memory. In Patch 2.7, followers turn from a ragtag bunch of mildly helpful walking buffs into nearly full-fledged characters, with the ability to equip a full character's worth of items - that's right, all 13 slots that you're used to on your character, plus the unique follower slot for the follower tokens. While dealing damage is still way out of their reach (they can't equip any damage-oriented sets), they have the ability to equip a plethora of incredibly useful legendary powers and have their effect apply to your character via a system called Emanate. This is an incredible buff to solo play, as your follower easily triples his overall usefulness with powers like Nemesis Bracers, The Flavor of Time, Avarice Band, the Cain and Sage sets, among others.

    On the topic of seasonal changes, I should mention that of the unsung heroes of Patch 2.7 is the Leaderboard update, which now creates a separate Leaderboard for every set in the game, as well as a leaderboard for non-set (Legacy of Dreams-based) builds. I cannot overstate how good of a change that is for competitive and semi-competitive play, as well as the overall health and creativity within the game! Diablo 3 has often been (rightfully) admonished for pushing Leaderboard performance around the "meta set" of the Season, and having individual categories for specific playstyles is one of the better band-aids the set-centric Diablo 3 system can hope to receive. I have nothing but praise for its implementation, and can't wait to see what players come up with as they push with their favorite off-meta builds!

    Have a great Season 23, and as always - happy hunting!



    (No, really!)




    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Wrath of the Wastes

    Wrath of the Wastes - Rend

    This season the strongest Barbarian build also happens to be the free one from Haedrig's. If you aren't sick of spin-to-winning, here's your go-to, no questions asked. Built from the ashes of a very old Rend/IK mixture, the Rend Wastes Barbarian truly shows the potential and terror of this DoT build. An unstoppable machine that whirls, cleaves and guts demons like Barbarians were always meant to do. With the newfound powers of Ambo's Pride, this build bleeds his enemies dry in an instant, turning what was once an unassuming bleed into a fearsome nuke that gets applied every second. Couple that with the savage elegance of Whirlwinding, and it's no wonder people will return to this build time and again when it comes to Barb progression.

    Horde of the Ninety Savages - Frenzy

    This agile, target assassination-oriented Barbarian build utilizes the Horde of the Ninety Savages set for its Frenzy-fueled carnage, layering an arsenal of synergistic legendary items onto a simple-but-deadly basis revolving around mighty barbaric shouts and simply shredding the enemy foe by foe. This build is one of the simplest and most straightforward to execute, and immensely satisfying in that - I attribute it to Frenzy being such a sadistic joy to use to grind enemies down.

    Might of the Earth - Seismic Slam

    Always underappreciated, but always ready to pounce from the shadows and deliver, the Earthquake set has been quietly sitting very close to the leaderboard's top through a select few, but very devout Barbarian players. Ever since Season 19, we have Seismic Slam the way it should always have been - a thunderous mid-range devastator, the perfected counterpart of its older, pure Earthquake cousin. With the reworked Fjord Cutter, this build is quite the underrated powerhouse.



    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Roland's Legacy

    Akkhan/Invoker - Thorns Bombardment

    The Thorn Bombsader made a splash in Season 22, and shows no signs of stopping in S23. Dropping barrels of pristine, unadulterated devastation from the skies, this will be one of the best soloing builds for the entire Season. Thorns Bombardment is a calculating, bursty, cooldown centric build that dishes out punishment in spectacular dollops that will take it all the way to GR150.

    Aegis of Valor - Heaven's Fury Shotgun

    One of the two new sets from Season 20 ascended Crusaders to a whole new level, and evoked the times when the Holy Shotgun was considered OP, because it was the only Reaper of Souls build that demolished T6. Hundreds of millions of damage and health spikes later, this (un)holy amalgamation of items delivers a mixture of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven's Fury Shotgun shots with righteous ferocity that have earned this build the one rigthful nickname: the God Crusader. This is the only build in the game that can boast nerf after nerf since its introduction while remaining the top dog in the game. Gotta respect that.

    Aegis of Valor - Fist of the Heavens

    Not as strong as its shotgun counterpart, but just as satisfying - the Fist of the Heavens visuals are undeniable - and one of the best Crusader farming builds out there, again courtesy of the new Aegis of Valor Crusader. Mount up, descend into battle and demolish screens full of demons with violent, electrified arcs covering the entire battlefield? What more could you ask for?



    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Unhallowed Essence

    Unhallowed Essence - Multishot

    The free set this Season is one of the longest standing and most beloved Demon Hunter staples. The Multishot build embraces the long-range powers of the Unhallowed Essence set, bringing the "lone archer eclipsing the sun with arrows" archetype to life. The screen-wide decimation of Multishot has never been sweeter, now that it adopts Squirt's Necklace and Captain Crimson's set into the setup - extra incentives to stay alert, on the move and always shooting your (now stronger) volleys of death.

    Gears of Dreadlands - Hungering Arrow (and Bolas!)

    Using the powers of the Gears of Dreadlands set, this Demon Hunter build combines the deadly precision of Hungering Arrow with the elegance of movement and battlefield maneuverability of Strafe. The end result is one of the most versatile, agile and honestly - just visually appealing playstyles in the game. The build suffered a hefty nerf with the new patch, but a counterbalancing measure with the quiver changes, it still remains a solid contender for the top tiers of the DH leaderboard.

    Gears of Dreadlands/Marauder - Support

    Using the combined might of the Gears of Dreadlands and Marauder sets, this support Demon Hunter build combines the strong damage buffs and pulling utility from the Entangling Shot and Bolas barrage with the myriad utility and toughness buffs coming from the Companion synergy. I never thought I would include a support build as something to be excited about, but it has been so long since Demon Hunters were this desirable and this versatile in the meta, that I can't help but highlight it.



    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Raiment of a Thousand Storms

    Raiment Shenlong - Generator The Monk bread and butter and your free set this season. There is nothing wrong with liking this spec, and if you haven't hopped onto Monk in a while, it's still a great choice. If you like to punch things hard and fast and don't fear managing survivability in the closest of melee combat, this build will still deliver.

    Patterns of Justice - Tempest Rush

    Rooting its powers firmly in the TR-dedicated Patterns of Justice set, this alternate take on Tempest Rushing gives its Sunwuko brother a run for his money. The set empowers Sweeping Wind to astronomical proportions, stacking all the runes and swelling the vortex of destruction to a veritable cyclone.

    Legacy of Dreams - Wave of Light

    One of the fastest and strongest farmers in the game, it's hard to argue against this build - from the relative safety that Tzo Krin's Gaze provides, you can obliterate the screen with Wave of Light spam, dropping blazing clusters of holy power on demon upon unsuspecting demon. Getting a stepping stone into LoD builds can lead you into a LoD Tempest Rush variation that is a true test to your Monk skills - be on the lookout for that one!



    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Bones of Rathma

    Rathma - Army of the Dead

    Seeing a rework in Patch 2.7, the Rathma set has been turned into an interesting inversion of its former self; it is now more pet-centric and less pet-centric simultaneously. Thankfully, it has been designed around permanent minions, embracing the lovable skellies and finally giving Revive minions a purpose, while leaving the ubiquitous Mages to LoD builds. This version of the build focuses on the spectacular Army of the Dead, which finally has the means to be reset reliably and used as a nuke. If the Masquerade set is any indication, a few more buffs down the line we might see Rathma as a top contender.

    Rathma - Bone Spirit

    The other Rathma playstyle relies on focused nukes rather than spread AoE, and to be more specific - it uses Bone Spirit to burst enemies down. This is a higher skillcap version of the Rathma playstyle, and although it shares much of its summoner DNA with the AotD counterpart, it will likely cap out a few tiers higher due to its better prioritization of targets.

    Masquerade - Bone Spear

    Testing the full capabilities of the dedicated Masquerade of the Burning Carnival set, this Necromancer build focuses on a unique amalgamation of Simulacrums and Bone Spear to produce a crafty sniping playstyle that can take its time setting up fights due to its impressive endurance. The strongest Necromancer build out there, and - perhaps even more pleasingly, a Land of the Dead-independent one - this is a build for all the CDR-weary Necromancers out there!



    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Helltooth Harness

    Helltooth - Zombie Bears

    Hell, if you get a meme set like Helltooth for free this Season, you might as well grab Zombie Bears and run with it all the way to the endgame. I dare you. This build is not that bad, considering its afterthought buffs from last Season. It's certainly not 'top dog' great, but it can carry you decently far into progression, and considering the new set-specific leaderboards, you can just compete with the rest of us Bear kings.

    Mundunugu Spirit Barrage

    The Mundunugu set suffered an undeniable nerf this patch, and while the set still empowers one of the most visually satisfying builds of Witch Doctors, Spirit Barrage, it is a hard hit to Witch Doctors overall - with no compensation. The build still excels at versatility, and can be adapted to everything from bounties, through keyfarm and speeds, to high end solo pushing.

    Zunimassa - Carnevil DoD

    The Carnevil Witch Doctor summons an army of swarming minions at his side, whose adorable mimicking of his blowdart attack - and positively horrifying attack speed - are a sight to behold. This has been a long time coming; Zunimassa has been building up in power over the course of a few patches, with set and item changes that slowly inched it up in viability. It has been overcome by Mundunugu Spirit Barrage for some time now, but remains one of the strongest - and most evocative - builds in the WD arsenal.



    Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Tal Rasha's Elements

    Firebird - Flame Blades

    The rise of Firebirds from the ashes is a focal point of enthusiasm for this patch, as well as some heated arguments in the post-PTR-nerf, pre-final-patch period. Happily, reasonable heads listened to reasonable arguments and I am happy to say that this is one of the most fun, incineration-focused, no-BS playstyles that Wizards have had in a while. Do you want to ensure the fiery demise of your enemies with a combination of burning spells that feed into a singular, buffed up flame? Look no further.

    Firebird - Mirror Images

    And you know what, if the return of Firebirds was not enough, you can now actually use Mirror Images for something. And that something is a top tier pushing build that revolves around the duplication of your fiery arsenal by your trusty (ok, considering their AI, not so trusty) clones. Viability for Mirror Images. What a time to be alive.

    LoD Energy Twister

    Starting last Season, Energy Twisters made one hell of a comeback and no, you don't have to stack them in a corner. You can play a honest-to-Diablo spellslinger that drops down Tornados left and right and simply enjoys the obliterating vortex. And isn't that a nice thing indeed?



    We can clearly see an influx of new and returning players - people looking for guidance and advice on early crafting, gambling, and character building foundations. This is my attempt to convey as much information as I can in a single thread.

    At the very start of the Season, your first job is, naturally, to create a new seasonal hero. While this first choice does not lock you down too terribly, note that the Seasonal Journey rewards you once per Season - only for the character that completes the chapters first. Bearing that in mind, pick your character and go in game.

    While in town, approach one of the followers that most closely matches your class (Templar for Barbarians, Monks and Crusaders, Scoundrel for Demon Hunters, and Enchantress for Witch Doctors, Necromancers and Wizards), select the "Inventory & Skills" option, take their weapon and equip it yourself - it is a significant upgrade over the base weapon that you start with.

    Note that once you reach level 7, vendors in all towns - the ones with the nickname "the Fence" in their names - will start selling rings. Each of them has a chance to sell rings that increase your Average Damage (i.e. 2-4 Damage), which is a massive DPS boost early on.


    Challenge Rift Completion and Kanai's Cube

    After your character is created, head to the Game Settings menu, go into the Challenge Rifts and start the current weekly run. Note that you have to have completed at least one Greater Rift on your account (either in non-seasonal or previous seasons) to have Challenge Rifts unlocked. Challenge Rifts are a weekly challenge that provides a fixed character and a build (usually using quirky skills and/or heavily unoptimized stats and items), and challenges you to beat the Greater Rift completion time of its original owner.

    The completion of the Challenge Rift is usually trivial and can be completed either solo or in a group, and will net you a Challenge Rift Reward cache. Open it up in-game with your brand new seasonal character and claim its contents: Death's Breaths, a couple hundred of each of the base crafting materials, Blood Shard, a couple million gold, and 15 each of the Act-specific bounty cache materials. With your newfound riches, upgrade both your Blacksmith and your Mystic craftsmen in town to their maximum rank.

    Your next important step is to acquire Kanai's Cube. Kanai's Cube is found in The Ruins of Sescheron - the waypoint in the top right corner of the Act III map. From that waypoint, run left towards the city and make your way around the ruins; one of its far corners (typically upper right, lower right, or lower left) will have the entrance to the next zone, the Elder Sanctum. Once in the Elder Sanctum, make your way through the zone, practically to its other end. When you find the Cube and click it, it automatically transports itself back to town.

    While you are at it, take a look at the Kanai's Cube guide for additional details on its use - it is an incredibly important part of your character progression at any point of the game, so make sure to acquaint yourself thoroughly with its properties.


    Which Item to Craft and Extract in the Cube?

    One of the strongest early game boosts that you can obtain while leveling is to craft a yellow (rare) level 70 item at the blacksmith, then try to upgrade it into a valuable legendary at Kanai's Cube, and finally extract its property for one of the Kanai's Cube legendary power slots. Note that this strategy is stronger for some classes over others, particularly favoring Demon Hunters, Necromancers, and somewhat Barbarians. The remaining classes can skip this step and directly go to gambling, sparing themselves some disappointment and saving some materials for level 70, since you can do this recipe exactly once at the Season's start (you only have so many Death's Breaths).

    When choosing which rare item to craft, keep in mind that you are looking to upgrade them into a legendary that provides some form of skill damage multiplier that will skyrocket your leveling efficiency. Every class has a different set of valuable items to attempt for:



    • Craft a rare level 70 Two-Handed Mighty Weapon, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to try to obtain either a Fury of the Vanished Peak, The Gavel of Judgment, Bastion's Revered or Blade of the Tribes.



    • Craft a rare level 70 One-Handed Flail, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to try to obtain either a Darklight, Gyrfalcon's Foote or Johanna's Argument.


    Demon Hunter:

    • Craft a rare level 70 Dagger, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to obtain either a Karlei's Point or a Lord Greenstone's Fan. Demon Hunters are excellent at this strategy since they only have 2 daggers, and they are both great for leveling.



    • Craft a rare level 70 Daibo, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to try to obtain either an Incense Torch of the Grand Temple, Balance or The Flow of Eternity.



    • Craft a rare level 70 Two-Handed Scythe, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to obtain either a Bloodtide Blade, Maltorius' Petrified Spike, Nayr's Black Death or Reilena's Shadowhook. Necromancers are excellent at this strategy since they only have 4 legendary Two-Handed Scythes, and they are all great for leveling.


    Witch Doctor:

    • Craft a rare level 70 Staff, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to try to obtain either a Staff of Chiroptera or Wormwood.



    • Craft a rare level 70 Wand, and use the Upgrade Rare recipe in the Cube to try to obtain either a Fragment of Destiny, Serpent's Sparker, Unstable Scepter or Wand of Woh.


    Note that this part of the leveling strategy requires some amount of luck for non-DH and non-Necromancer players. Leveling in a group minimizes the risk of RNG screwing everyone over, but sometimes you will be unlucky; this is nothing to be bothered by, as leveling in Diablo is still a fairly easy and straightforward process.

    If you are lucky, however, and obtain one of the items outlined above, you will have just about enough Death's Breaths to use the Extract Legendary Power recipe in Kanai's Cube. Do that, and then slot the (now maximized) legendary power of the item in the Cube, netting yourself a considerable leveling bonus. Needless to say, adjust your build accordingly to the legendary power, i.e. if you get Guard of Johanna as a Crusader, make Blessed Hammer your main damage dealing skill throughout leveling.


    Spending the Challenge Rift Blood Shards

    Your next step is to try and gamble for valuable items from Kadala at level 1. Since not every legendary is available right from the start, the legendary item pools for some classes are restricted in a beneficial way to obtain another strong damage multiplier right from the start. If you do not consider the legendaries listed for your class particularly attractive, you can always gamble for Helms for a considerable chance at obtaining Leoric's Crown; extracting its power and socketing rubies in your helmets throughout leveling will net you a hefty amount of extra experience.



    • Gamble for Bracers, trying to obtain either Bracers of Destruction or Bracers of the First Men. Spend any remaining Blood Shards on Boots for a chance at Lut Socks.



    • Gamble for Bracers, trying to obtain Gabriel's Vambraces. If you are lucky to get them quick, you can also spend some (or all, if you are feeling lucky) on shields for Guard of Johanna or Denial. At level 31, if you have any Blood Shards saved over, or new ones you are willing to spend, you can try your luck at Pants for Hammer Jammers.


    Demon Hunter:

    • Not many great options; you can gamble for Belts, trying to obtain the Hellcat Waistguard, although Grenade comes a little later in the leveling process. Otherwise, either go for Leorics Crown (helm) or the damage proc of Pox Faulds (pants). Another gambling strategy you can attempt is saving shards for level 30, when you can gamble on Quivers for a chance at Sin Seekers, or level 31 - for the additional chance at Holy Point Shot and Spines of Seething Hatred.



    • Gamble for either Boots (hoping to obtain Rivera Dancers or The Crudest Boots) or Bracers (hoping to obtain either Pinto's Pride, Cesars Memento or Gungdo Gear). Adjust your gambling strategy for Monk depending on the item you obtained (if any) on the previous step, where you upgraded a rare item (i.e. gambling for bracers if you got an Incense Torch of the Grand Temple, hoping to get Pinto's Pride).



    • Gamble for Gloves, trying to obtain Grasp of Essence, or Rings for Circle of Nailuj's Evol if you upgraded your scythe (see above) into Reilena's Shadowhook.


    Witch Doctor:

    • Not many great options; you can gamble for Mojos, trying to obtain a Gazing Demise, but its usefulness is rather limited in early character progression. Otherwise, either go for Leoric's Crown (helm) or the damage proc of Pox Faulds (pants).



    • Gamble for Sources at level 1, trying to obtain Winter Flurry, or save them for level 31, when you can gamble on Rings for a chance at Manald Heal, or level 33 - for Source gambling for Etched Sigil.


    Crafting a High Level Rare and Reducing Level Requirement

    Pick a two-handed weapon category of your choice (2h Axes, Maces, Swords...) and craft a level 70 weapon of the chosen type. Avoid class-specific weapons, since they add a class-specific roll to the secondary stat pool (i.e. Max Fury), making this strat harder. You are looking for a roll with:

    • At least a Crowd Control secondary stat - Chance to Stun, Slow, Fear,.. etc. On Hit;

    • Ideally, also a Life per Hit primary stat;

    If both these stats are present, you have eliminated a large part of the possible Secondary stats on the weapon. Thus, you can easily reroll the other Secondary stat (the one that is NOT the crowd control stat) into Reduced Level Requirement - making the item wearable up to 30 levels prior to level 70. This is a tremendous damage increase for a large chunk of your leveling process.

    Of course, if you are very lucky, the Reduced Level Requirement can roll onto your crafted item outright.


    Complete a Boss Bounty

    An easy early boost to your character in Seasons is to check your bounties for any easily completed act boss killing bounties - the most famous examples being Zoltun Kulle (at the Archives of Zoltun Kulle waypoint) and Maghda (down from the Road to Alcarnus waypoint) in Act II. Another option is Azmodan at the very end of Act III. Simply run past the mobs and go straight for the boss kill.

    The boss bounties reward you with a Diabolic Hoard chest that is guaranteed to drop you a couple of rare items; they will boost your overall character power nicely right at the beginning.




    Torment VI Traps Method

    Turn the difficulty up to Torment VI and go to the Halls of Agony Level 1. Run and dodge past monsters that come in your way until you reach the falling blades traps; there, lure the monsters towards these traps and watch as they get slaughtered, netting you tremendous experience.

    This method, while extremely efficient time-wise, is also (arguably) quite unfun and counter-intuitive, not to mention prone to mishaps. Needless to say, this strategy is not Hardcore-friendly and will result in the (frequent) death of your character.

    Via Massacre Bonus

    You can also consider leveling via Massacre bonuses — a very potent strategy in solo play. The Massacre bonus XP system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for chaining kills of monsters. The caveat is this bonus only works in bounties - and not during Rifts.

    To successfully pull of long chains of monster kills, pick highly populated zones - the Cathedral (Act I), Halls of Agony Level 3 (Act I), and, most notably, Fields of Misery (Act I). The tactic is to always be on the move, leading monsters into one another, abusing Cursed Chests for monster spawns, and generally using skills with DoTs or high AoE (Rend for Barbarian, Blessed Hammer for Crusader, Multishot for Demon Hunter, Wave of Light for Monk, Locust Swarm for Witch Doctors, Blizzard for Wizards).

    While Massacre leveling will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), it will result in some of the fastest leveling in Diablo 3, clocking under the 2 hour mark when you get the hang of it. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to pull it off in a multiplayer game, leveling by Massacre bonuses can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; this is predominantly a solo leveling technique. It also has the considerable downside of losing the increased legendary drop rate and blood shards of rifting.

    Via Cursed Chests

    This is one of the faster methods, clocking in under the 1 hour mark with experienced groups that have a Necromancer with them. The reason for the inclusion of the Necromancer is the supremely strong class-specific legendaries that are able to be gambled from the get-go — namely, Grasp of Essence to amplify the damage of Corpse Explosion, and Bloodtide Blade to amplify the damage of Death Nova. Either of those lucky finds can carry an entire group on up to Torment VI difficulty. Ideally, the remaining teammates will support the DPS carry with buffs and as much crowd control as they can muster.

    The preferred way to level through Cursed Chests is to have individual party members make their own games, and invite the rest of the group when they stumble upon one of the Cursed Chests from the list below. Note that Act IV has no suitable spots.

    • Act I - The Cursed Cellar - The Old Ruins (dangerous for Hardcore characters due to lack of space!)
    • Act I - The Cursed Court - Cathedral Level 2
    • Act I - The Cursed Bellows - Halls of Agony Level 3 (dangerous for Hardcore characters due to fire traps!)

    • Act II - The Cursed Spire - Archives of Zoltun Kulle

    • Act II - The Cursed Pit - Archives of Zoltun Kulle

    • Act II - The Cursed Moors - Shrouded Moors

    • Act II - The Cursed Temple - Temple of the Firstborn

    • Act III - The Cursed Garrison - The Battlefields

    • Act III - The Cursed Bailey - The Ruins of Sescheron

    • Act V - The Cursed Peat - Paths of the Drowned (dangerous for Hardcore characters due to high damage monsters!)

    Via Rifting

    For groups and players that do not stress losing an hour in the 1-70 race, the general recommendation is to stick to rifts for the 1-70 journey. Rifts grant you increased legendary drop rate, blood shards for gambling, and a hefty "hand-in" bonus at the end. While rifting has a higher degree of randomness than bounties (map layout, monster density and composition are all RNG), the removal of Rift Keystones as a requirement to open them allows you to simply remake if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift.


    Final Thoughts

    With some very robust (and frankly, unexpected and welcome!) mechanical changes like the follower and leaderboard reworks, Season 23 has the potential to be one of the game's best Seasons yet. Considering the rebirths of forgotten sets like Rathma and especially Firebird, and breathing life into varied competition through split leaderboards allows us to actually have - if you would pardon the pun - a Phoenix of a Season!

    Thank you for reading the megathread and happy Season 23!

    submitted by /u/the_deadset
    [link] [comments]

    I'm sure it will apply to Ressurection even if a bit dusty

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Day 1 PL requests are getting out of hand

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Thought you guys might like my diablo tattoo

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Another handmade rune (2nd pic with the prototype)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    S23 Season Lvl 1 gambling Spreadsheet for Quick Leveling

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    LK run side chest: both Tal Tasha's mask and Lidless eye fell from the same chest

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Can't collect Challenge Rift Reward console

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    Edit: I turned it off and on again (quit the game) and it worked. Leaving this up in case other people have an issue.

    On Xbox.

    I made a character first, hardcore seasonal.

    Completed the challenge rift.

    Then logged in and I see the reward waiting for me and it gives me a big button prompt A, but it doesn't do anything.

    I created another character and same thing.

    What's wrong here?

    submitted by /u/mtarascio
    [link] [comments]

    Console doesn't get the new leaderboards. Playing on switch

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Also it seems the follower changes aren't fully implemented. The gear slots are, except all the abilities are the same. Edit: Seasonal character

    submitted by /u/BEDL4M
    [link] [comments]

    Sure I get this NOW, hours before the new season???? Third EVER Primal since starting D3 at launch. All I'm doing is farming DBs and cosmetics lol!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    HC PvM Bone Necro Max Vitality or Block?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Just a disclaimer first: this is more of a 'change my mind' type of post than a real question as I'm pretty much 75% decided on going Max Vita build. EDIT oh for god's sake! I knew I forgot something in the title. It's a singleplayer PVM.

    The reason is that I feel having 700+ Bone Armor with maxed synergies, as well as Decrepify, Golem and 12 + 12 lvl Dim Vision makes the real danger elemental attacks, instead of physical ones. Going for Max Block with Homunculus requires 200 dex (25 base + 175 effective stat points). Yeah, horrible returns on Vitality is a thing, but even with that it's a 350 base hp lost, which makes up for more than 1/4 of the total health pool.

    I'm still very much interested in your own opinions. Maybe there are certain monsters / situations I haven't calculated into my decision. More heads, more knowledge.

    submitted by /u/Arrinao
    [link] [comments]

    Diablo III: Eternal Collection is on sale for $29.99 in the Switch eShop.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    New player, first season, which Haedrig’s Gift should I go for?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    Hello, new D3 player here, my first season, and I need advice on which Haedrig's Gift to go for.

    Currently I have a level 70 wizard at 145 Paragon, T6, GR15, fully geared in Legendaries with LoD, but no full class set yet. I have 3x Vyr, 2x Blackthorne, and that's it. I also have a 45 Necro, and all my other alts are 15 or lower bank alts.

    My game goals are to collect gear sets for particular builds that are both fun, and good at pushing. Those are:

    1. Wizard - Firebirds (both Flame Blades and Mirror Images)
    2. Necromancer - Rathma Army of the Dead
    3. Barbarian - Wastes Rend
    4. Demon Hunter - Unhallowed Essence Multishot

    Three of the builds I want to collect all happen to use sets available as S23 Haedrig's Gifts - Barb, DH, Necro - so clearly I'll choose one of those.

    But which one? A few questions:

    1. Which set - Wastes, Unhallowed, or Rathma - is the hardest to acquire? Maybe that would be the best to get with Haedrig's, and then farm the others. Or are they all just random drops with no difference in difficulty to acquire?
    2. Does acquiring one of these sets via Haedrig's help acquire the others faster in any way?

    Any advice or suggestions appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/S1eeper
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    might give diablo 3 a go

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    hey gang. Im a wow player. I saw mention of a new season and it got me wondering about the game. ive seen people say things like 'mythic plus is too much like rifts in diable', and 'this isnt a hack and slash game like diablo' in the wow forums. well, i like mythic plus and im not much of a fan of questing and timegated nonsensical systems.

    so, im here to ask, what is diablo 3 anyway? does it have quests? do you just run dungeons and get gear? the biggest question for me is: is there any kind of community? i mainly play wow because i like my guild and i like to raid and do mythic plus. does diablo 3 have any kind of community in game? can i just talk to people in some sort of world chat?

    these are probably really stupid questions but thanks for the info :D

    submitted by /u/soccerdude32
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    NA Server, Softcore and PC Power level 4/3 and chill friday 4/2

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Its that time again, new season new characters.

    Feel free to stop by today as we level and gear ourselves up today. Powerlevels wont be given Friday 4/2 unless we get extremely lucky, so just chilling and chatting

    I will be power leveling people Saturday 9am EST till late 4/3 (may be earlier start time)

    NA Server, Softcore and PC.

    • I will be running T6 rifts, stay on the same floor as me to gain XP so please stay active and teleport promptly.

    • Once you are 70 if there is no line you are welcome to stay for some paragons.

    • The power-leveling is organized through my stream and my stream partner, https://www.twitch.tv/deadlyambitions and https://www.twitch.tv/zoocalu managed with the help of my channel bot, simply type the command !join (In game name) and then join our Community Deadliest Zoo as to not have to add to friends list.



    submitted by /u/SponGino
    [link] [comments]

    Spec requirements

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:48 PM PDT


    I'm starting mechanical engineering at uni this fall, hence getting a stronger laptop to run the necessary software. But I just found out that Diablo 2 is making a return, and a Diablo 4 game is being developed. I'm not a gamer, but as an old school, hardcore Diablo 2 player, Diablo 2 remaster and Diablo 4 is something I have to play.

    I'm wondering if it's necessary to get a less powerful laptop than I initially planned to buy, to afford a desktop too. But my friend who plays Diablo 3 says that Diablo usually don't require much to run, and that a desktop won't be necessary. But just to make sure, he suggested to ask Reddit.

    Do you think my laptop (the powerful one) can run Diablo 2 remaster and Diablo 4 without experiencing thermal or other problems?

    Edit, I don't have a specific laptop that I planned to buy, but was thinking about getting a Lenovo ThinkPad, Dell XPS, or HP Spectre.

    submitted by /u/bluestrawberry61
    [link] [comments]

    Hardcore Season 23

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    I'm returning for my first season of Hardcore in Diablo 3.

    While a lot of guides and videos casually mention things for Hardcore, usually it's small stuff like 'you probably don't want to do this for hardcore' instead of specifics.

    Does anyone have some little tips and tricks for hardcore?

    I know the shoulders with no interrupt on TP emanate, so gonna get them for sure.

    How long does a TP take? Is it worth just mashing TP as soon as it procs? Will that be enough time?

    Also, what are some life benchmarks? I'm more than happy to give up some damage for good survivability.

    Is it useful to look for life on hit on items and even roll for it through mystic with original well rolled gear?


    submitted by /u/mtarascio
    [link] [comments]

    Patiently waiting for season 23 to start

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    Do I have to wait 5 more hours for console to join season 23? You of players have been going for the last 3 hours 😇

    submitted by /u/TheRenegayed
    [link] [comments]

    WD Solo GR Builds Compendium S23 2.7.0

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys hope you all are well!

    Here is my solo gr compendium for the beloved WD!

    Witch Doctor Spirit Barrage GR Solo = https://youtu.be/mEaZctT44xM

    Witch Doctor LoD CarnEvil GR Solo = https://youtu.be/Zod2jgP9qLE

    Witch Doctor Jade Harvester GR Solo = https://youtu.be/dsVmwpfUyzs

    Witch Doctor Zombie Bears GR Solo = https://youtu.be/FLmdZ5fQS8E

    Witch Doctor Arachyr FireBats GR Solo = https://youtu.be/81Kii9mKOR4

    Witch Doctor Zunimassa CarnEvil GR Solo = https://youtu.be/cMr0Cdv67is

    Stat Guides in Vid Description , Enjoy S23 and Good Luck!

    OG D3

    Tony x

    submitted by /u/Bigdaddyden76
    [link] [comments]

    Nice to see Blizzard hasn't changed.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Season 23 and still having hero list retrieval issues with every launch day.

    submitted by /u/Bossmantho
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    Challenge Rift

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Anyone have a basic guide for how to do this weeks challenge rift properly? I've never really played much DH.

    submitted by /u/killisle
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone know what time the update goes live? (On Nintendo)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Title ^

    submitted by /u/prob9111
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    Trio of Wallpapers: Season 23 of Diablo III, Johanna from HotS & A Wallpaper Memorial to KKG (Art by Mr-Jack, Neal Wojahn & Josh Tallman)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    Greetings all It's been a busy few weeks since my last wallpaper Diablo Immortal 2021 #4 The Ashwold Cemetary


    This time I'm back with three more wallpapers. 2 for Diablo III and another a remake from my 2nd HotS wallpaper now done in my current style. I'll link the original with it. I still like them both.


    Heroes of the Storm #22 - Johanna: Crusader of the Zakarum 2.0 (Art by Mr. Jack)


    Here's Johanna 1.0


    Fiery Runes II Series III Essence - Locations III #9 King Kanai's Throne Room
    (In memory of Kevin Kanai Griffith on His Birthday)
    (Art & Game assets by Neal Wojahn)


    Season 23: The Disciples of Sanctuary (Art by Josh Tallman)


    That's the round-up since my last post. Expect more over the coming weeks as always. and Enjoy Season 23 on Diablo III. Also expect a season 23 Version B later this weekend. I had it made up while I was waiting on the official art from the Blog.


    See you guys next time!




    All Artwork (C) Blizzard and Their Respected Owners named above.
    Wallpapers arranged by me

    submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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