• Breaking News

    Monday, March 8, 2021

    Diablo Unpopular Opinion: I hope the D2:R dev’s do not listen to you and your ideas.

    Diablo Unpopular Opinion: I hope the D2:R dev’s do not listen to you and your ideas.

    Unpopular Opinion: I hope the D2:R dev’s do not listen to you and your ideas.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:56 PM PST

    Reading through the D2:R posts on here lately has been quite an eye-rolling experience. As an OG player, I am getting genuinely concerned about the amount of people advocating for changing core elements of the Diablo 2 and what made it great. I pray the Developers don't feel pressured or obligated try and appease these ridiculous requests.

    This is a Remaster, not a Remake. Enjoy it for what it is, or don't play it. Go find some other game to break.

    submitted by /u/TDMarsh
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    Ladder Sorc Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 10:53 AM PST


    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:10 PM PST

    The official Diablo 2 promo art by Keith Parkinson (Rest in Peace The Great Knight of the Brush) "The Final Stand".

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:11 AM PST

    The official Diablo 2 promo art by Keith Parkinson (Rest in Peace The Great Knight of the Brush) "The Final Stand".


    From left to right we see: Paladin, Sorceress, Amazon, Diablo, Necromancer and Barbarian (Rest in Peace, the mighty warrior).

    Keith Parkinson drew are good characters redesign for Diablo 2 Resurrected long before official D2R showing.

    submitted by /u/MadIVIax
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    New Sorc Ladder Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PST

    Diablo 2 Baal Run - Fan Art, Thanks a lot on the feedback for my 1st scene, I made new one for the Diablo fans!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:46 AM PST

    About loot. I know, I know. "iTS nOt ThE cLaSsiC ExPeRiEnCe"

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:20 PM PST

    For background, I've played D2 on and off for the length of it's existence. With all the D2R excitement, I've decided to start up D2 again. Been a week or so and I have to say, I really dislike the shared loot. I have a level 78 character who is completely solo-leveled and self-geared despite being online. I have tried to do runs with others a bit but I just cannot stand the feverish scramble for loot. I don't mind if they don't change anything but boy I sure hate free for all loot. Ultimately, it IS a QoL factor. I dislike multilayer so much more for this.

    submitted by /u/its_al_dente
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    "You are out of time, Nephalem" ...

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:34 PM PST

    ... is what Maphael said a literal second before my Switch battery died.

    submitted by /u/Syatek
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    [Diablo I] Do you think a successful D2R could lead to a Diablo I remake or remaster? The original game isn't terribly long and could be made tremendously fun even if they just brought the combat and movement speed up to D2's level and perhaps added a few more skills.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:14 PM PST

    It seems weird to me for all the entries of the game to be modernized while the very first one remains in the shadows. It's fun to play with the Belzebub mod, and they added some cool new tweaks, but it seems like the first game could benefit and stand alone with a proper remake (or even just a really good remaster that adds a few things). Diablo I's story is interesting and descending from the Cathedral to Hell is always fun. The music and atmosphere are fantastic and it'd be awesome to see them modernized and brought to a current audience. Then they could sell the entire series as a set.

    I mean, they went to the trouble of recreating the game in Diablo 3, so why not. To see Diablo I looking 3/4 as good as D2R would be great.

    submitted by /u/MotherHolle
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    D2:R Cow Level

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:45 PM PST

    I know this won't happen, but with adding a few QoL fixes to the game, the only thing I would like is to either show the Cow King on the map or remove the penalty of killing the Cow King to remake.

    Always intense doing cow runs when your power starts to get speed farming status.


    submitted by /u/Humble_Kaladin
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    Tips for a new player?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 11:12 AM PST

    So I've just got Diablo 1 off gog and I just don't get this game at all. I went with a warrior and I've had some fun exploring the dungeons and d*cking around at the shop, but I feel there's a lot I'm missing, if any experienced player could answer some questions and give some tips I'd seriously appreciate it :) (I've gone into the game completely blind btw so sorry for stupid questions)

    1) is there any way to teleport back to town, backtracking through levels is kinda tedious

    2) is there a strategy for taking down enemies other than just running up to them and spamming attack!

    3) how tf does blocking work, I feel like my shield is completely useless

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys

    submitted by /u/the-big-sadd
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    Biased polls.. this is what these feel like if they were flipped around the other way

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:29 PM PST

    So many biased polls popping up lately (mostly from the same guy). Just wanted to point out that if one of your choices is "I don't care because I can play x", you aren't polling for answers, you're making a statement and trying to back it up with an appearance of choice that doesn't exist

    Edit: Some people are entirely missing the point here. The content of this poll is just to show the clear bias being used in polls similar to this. I figured that was obvious with the title and third option in the poll. This isn't a thread to discuss whether D2 should be changed or kept the same.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/HighOfTheTiger
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    Question for developers

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:31 PM PST

    Hi guys

    Diablo 2 has been my favourite game ever since I played when I was in high school.

    I'm now a software developer (web/apps) and since I am extremely excited for the remaster I wanted to build something that could be useful to the community like a build calculator / db.

    But one thing I have less experience with is getting the data for all the items / maybe images as well. Kinda like wowhead does for World Of Warcraft. And how do you keep that data up ti date after nerfs/buffs/patches.

    I know of one existkng database on github where most if not all the items in Diablo 2 are stored but I'm not sure how up to date it is and whether or not D2R will have any changes or updates, which I guess not?

    Anyone who has experience with building apps for games and their databases, any input is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/Eunoia_R
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    Are there any D2 classes that require mechanical skill to be good with? As appears to Strategic skill

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:52 PM PST

    Specifically for Diablo 2 Resurrected, really liking the aesthetic and isomeric plain, makes it look like a diorama. But I've had an iffy time with most RPGs, and usually fall back on games that require good aim, reflexes, etc

    submitted by /u/Niggel-Thorn
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    Is there any point to increasing Mana Shield spell level beyond 1? And What's good for a sorcerer to use against fire/lightning/magic resistant monsters in Hell? (In Diablo Classic, Not the mods)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 10:20 PM PST

    I paid Adria 16,000 gold pieces for 1 Mana Shield book and it was well worth the price for my then-levle 20 sorcerer. But when I saw a second Mana Shield book for sale after doing the save/reload near Adria trick and read it I saw that it didn't reduce my mana cost and I don't think it improves the effectiveness of mana shield either beyond spell level 1. There was no mention in Jarulf's Guide of the benefit of improving Mana Shield's spell level.

    Also now that I'm here, what's a good non-fire spell to use against fire immunes in Hell? Chain lightning? I have been using the Lightning spell and it takes forever to kill them if they are lightning resistant (but not immune). I haven't come across a Chain Lightning book yet. I have seen the Blood Star (Magic) and Flash (Magic) books spawn at Adria. I even saw a staff of apocalypse (non-magic based apparently) spawn for 79,000 gold. Was I stupid to pass that up? Apocalypse is a pretty powerful spell but the staves have limited charges. The staff had 11 charges only.

    Some of these monsters like Steel Lords are even resistant to Lightning and Magic. But if they are resistant to Lightning and Magic and immune to Fire, what else can you really do but Stone Curse + Golem, Stone Curse + melee or Apocalypse? Whenever I cast Golem, he dies very quickly when he runs into a mob. And Golem uses up a lot of mana anyways (though my level 23 sorcerer has 448 mana with equips). And I don't like wasting 50+ Mana on Stone Curse because it takes forever for my sorcerer to whack them to death with the staff, especially when there are mobs of them. I had to buy the Stone Curse and Golem books to kill the Warlord of Blood because he's immune to fire, lightning AND magic. And that level was full of fire immune Steel Lords to boot. That level was such a pain in the ass with a Sorcerer.

    submitted by /u/alienamongnormies
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    Is this rumor I heard 20 years ago true or false?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:16 AM PST

    Rumor: There are 7 tombs in Canyon of the Magi and every one has a symbol near its gate. And on the waypoint of Canyon of the Magi, on the waypoint of Arcane Sanctuary and in the scene you kill the Summoner, you can see 6 symbols. The one missing symbol there is actually the symbol of the true tomb of Tal Rasha.

    I heard this rumor from a colleague of my father 20 years ago, at that time Internet was still not popular. Many years later I search this rumor on Internet and I found nothing, everyone just tell me check the Quest interface for the symbol of the true tomb. So, is this rumor I heard 20 years ago true or false?

    submitted by /u/Life-Veterinarian522
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    Diablo 3 - Challenge Rift 194 Guide with Map

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:39 PM PST

    Foreshadowing. "I awaken in Terror."

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PST

    In the Diablo IV gameplay trailer showed at BlizzCon 2019 the old man at the beginning talking to the grave speaks of a dream where he travels to a distant land. Eventually he speaks of it being his turn and describes his torture then he "awakens in Terror".

    I think this might be foreshadowing to his importance as a character and reference to him being sacrificed to bring back Diablo, The Lord of Terror ("I awaken in Terror")

    It may also be him who is being sacrificed in this artwork posted by @Diablo on Twitter 20 Mar 2020.


    Of course this is just speculation but something to think about. Everytime I go back to watch old Blizzard cinematics there are always little clues hidden in them like all the Triune statues in the second shot of the Diablo IV reveal trailer.

    submitted by /u/Draethar
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    Download for D1/2?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 07:28 PM PST

    So, I have both D1 and D2LOD on disk. Now, my issue is my new laptop, which has specs to run it, has no disk drive. Anyone have any recommendation? Preferably free/cheap. I'd hate to have to repurchase it if I can avoid it.

    Also, i read on an old thread that beelzebub has a mod for D1. Can that work with a downloaded copy, or does it require the disk version?

    submitted by /u/Synthwolfe
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    SlashDiablo Ladder Reset Friday March 12th, for those that want an original feel without bots/dupes

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 11:24 AM PST

    Just wanted let let everyone know with D2R craze going on. /r/slashdiablo is the closest private D2 server to the original game. It has a few changes, but it is a great experience, great community, and is definitely a lot of fun for anyone that wants to try D2 again before D2R is released.

    submitted by /u/miner4life
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