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    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    Diablo Unpopular opinion: Diablo 2 is out. If you want the same game from 20 years ago...go play it.

    Diablo Unpopular opinion: Diablo 2 is out. If you want the same game from 20 years ago...go play it.

    Unpopular opinion: Diablo 2 is out. If you want the same game from 20 years ago...go play it.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:45 AM PST

    I have been saying this a lot recently, I love this game, I played when it was launch and it was love at first sight. My first char was an axe wielding, poison nova, skeleton invoker Necro...and he was perfect.

    I'm going to sound like a broken record but I want this game to be the best it can be...not the same it was. Diablo 2 is the game I played the most in my gaming life (Almost 15 years of playing, leaving it and coming back). But things change, technology change, games change... sometimes for worst and sometimes for good. We can't deny Diablo 2 was beautiful but that doesn't mean it was perfect, it has room for improvement; we can't let our nostalgia blind us.

    And no...we don't want to transform Diablo 2 into Diablo 3. Not even Diablo 3 wants to be Diablo 3. But why not take the good ideas from popular mods? Is it really so bad to have stackable gems and runes? I personally would love to have charm exclusive inventory. More stash? Where is the harm?. Bugs? Glitches? Get rid of them, don't use nostalgia as an excuse.

    I dream with a Diablo 2 endgame mode where you enter a dungeon, solo or in a group, and advance through endless levels to see how many you clear. I'm sure many of you have great ideas to keep the game fresh and STILL have the same core mechanics we all like.

    At the end...my friends...if you want to keep the authentic Diablo 2 experience, you can play the authentic game right now. But...why deny 20 years of possible improvements?. Or just play the remaster the same way you play the original and ignore new features.

    The bad thing, at least for me, is that even though the game looks great, they are going to leave it the same it was. No new features, no balance changes, no new content. The only thing they mention was the shared stash or I'm forgetting something?

    Sorry for my English. Not a native speaker.


    I love this game. I really do. But that doesn't mean we should ignore 20 years that passed since we first played it. It was as beautiful as we remember but it has flaws.

    Reading your comments I see a lot of people saying: "Just install mods". I mean...I like mods but it shouldn't be an excuse to not include new things on the game.

    I don't want more and better loot.

    I don't want to reset my char everytime I feel like.

    I don't want character specific loot...hell no.

    I don't want it to be easier.

    I don't want loot for each player.

    I just want it to be better.

    I know the difference between a remake and a remaster. For me one of the better examples of a good remaster is Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition. Look how many improvements AND new content we have in that game while keeping the same core game. Sure... With new content or features there is a risk of breaking something, like with the new AoE DE DLC. But it isn't something that some balance patches wouldn't fix. People (casuals and pros) that have been playing AoE for 20 years have said there is no reason to go back to play the old versions of the game, even with a great modding community that keep the game alive for so long. That's because the REMASTER was fantastic. And that's what I want for Diablo 2.

    From the top of my head, what do I want?

    Stackable runes and gems. Maybe some new rune words or cube recipes. As someone who did thousands of Baal and Mephisto runs. I just want something more for the endgame. A horde-like mode where your only goal is to survive or an endless dungeon with no loot only enemies, to see how many levels you clear solo or with friends. Maybe even some addition to the PVP.

    I don't see how any of this change the CORE of the game. And like I said in a previous comment, if you feel like a hardcore badass for having 2 flawed rubies using 2 inventory slots then do it that way.

    submitted by /u/-Slash-
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    After years of doing Warcraft fanart, I finally decided to try Diablo theme. No regrets

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:38 AM PST

    some cool concept art from Diablo 3

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Ignoring the QoL, No Qol debate

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Can we talk about how amazing the current state of D2R looks.

    what we been shown so far looks so good, I'm really happy its Vicarious Visions doing it.

    submitted by /u/DreamProc
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    Blizzard North's Phil Shenk Shares Diablo 2 Memories

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PST

    D2:R- Creating a huge divide in what players want.. I feel like the answer is super easy.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:42 PM PST

    There's been non stop arguments about what the game needs. We have "purists" who want nothing changed. I grew up on this game and have been told to go back to D3 for commenting that I think new ideas are good. Personally I feel if the game drops and stays exactly what it was and never grows it will lose dev support fast. I would love to see this game find many new players.. would love to see what people who never got to play or experience after their more cookie cutter ARPG's. There's ideas passed around like Shared loot. People say it would ruin the economy in a game that has had botters and duper's for 20 years with an already inflated economy. People complain that they don't want balance changes either..

    In the end I would love to see this game succeed and grow. The player base become large.. that could mean new classes down the line or even another expansion. I'm not saying every idea is great. But there's no room for even civil discussion.. So why not an easy solution to appease both sides?

    As it is right now when we create our chars we can opt in to be expansion chars.. hardcore.. ladder. So why not add something like "resurrected" or some other cool name. The idea would be if you decide not to opt in then your char would stay where D2 left off. There would be no QoL updates, no balancing, you would retain shared loot.. nothing new added. The many people who want to keep their authentic experience could do this then. Then if you make your char a resurrected character you would be in the games new life cycle. This is where these new ideas would be implemented. Even if they came and went over poorly and were removed it would only happen here. Balancing changes and all.

    I think this way you would keep the purists happy and the people who want to see their old favorite game come back to true form and dominate the ARPG market. I personally would be so happy to see this game gain dev support and continue to grow. I understand both sides and do not think there will ever be a compromise. This seems to be the only option to appease the masses. In the end this game wasn't remade for 1000 people to be happy. They want to make money and if you really loved Diablo you should want to see it grow and strive.

    submitted by /u/Drums5643
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    How has D2jsp continued to thrive? It's bad news for D2R and other titles.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PST

    It is hard to imagine a more toxic community than D2jsp.

    The owner, Paul Taulborg, created the website around a Diablo 2 bot, which he stole the code and monetized it. Once Blizzard put the screws to him, he backed off the botting and turned the forum into a gaming community with its own economy ("forum gold"). The entire D2 LoD economy is pretty much centered around this forum gold. Njaguar, as he is better known, is also known to be a petty and sleazy POS. It's a shame that he continues to profit off of Blizzard.

    With Blizzard introducing Diablo 2 Resurrected and other titles, D2jsp will become the go-to place. I'm not sure this is the best thing for the game and if there is any solution.

    submitted by /u/Jeretzel
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    Checking out some legendary items from back in the days of Diablo 1. I couldn't find a Monster BatBat but apparently Henjo's was a thing? Never seen them before!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:48 AM PST

    my opinion on D2R: initial release as pure as possible with already said QoL-changes and after that make possible, wanted additions and changes.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:14 AM PST

    The title says it all, arguably the best solution for everyone, and thats probably also the plan of the devs from what i have seen so far.

    After initial release and the first ladder they could even add new content with patches and everything that comes with it.

    Its sad to see so many people here being so stubborn and not able to actually show some empathy for the other side.

    submitted by /u/pseudolf
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    I recreated D1 Tristram in Valheim

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:21 PM PST


    I am hoping to share some Diablo 1 love with people of like minds. The project took a good bit of time, mostly due to the fact that I wanted to represent the map of Tristram with the original game to the best of my memory and what you can accomplish in game. I added some extras that I hope some fans will like.


    Thank you to anyone that takes the time out of their day to watch and I hope you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/YamaKamikaze
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    If the Standard of Heroes in D2 actually did something, what would you make it do?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:39 PM PST

    I think it should reveal the minimap for you if you have it in your inventory and are level 90.

    submitted by /u/TheNightAngel
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    TRADE BAZAAR- New Map, 50 Players, No skill casting, can see player's stash- NO ITEM SEARCH.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:58 PM PST


    • New Map, large map with lots of space to trade and chat
    • 50 Players, Increase trade efficiency whilst not being able to literally search(filter) for items.
    • Can see player's stash- NO ITEM SEARCH/FILTER. Browse other peoples items whilst they are in the bazaar and offer them trades. (Right click view stash?)
    • No skill casting, for obvious reasons.


    submitted by /u/Thirst_The_Fird
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    Can D2:R expand the instance servers to new locations like D3? BR / AUS?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:54 PM PST

    This poor pleb likes that Brazil (and Australia for that matter) got servers in D3, as part of the Americas region.
    Do u consider new locations for D2:R too?

    with pre orders available would be cool to know. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/danielspoa
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    I need help

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:49 PM PST

    I'm a new fan to diablo and as such I've never played diablo 2. If I bought the pc version now would I be able to carry that save over to the ps5 version when that comes out? I can't tell. Thanks anyone in advance

    submitted by /u/mezawsumz
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    D2:R - if the improvements were release for D2 a year ago, everyone would be praising them

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:44 PM PST

    The idea is: if you released most of the asked improvements for D2 before the remaster was announced, people would be praising them for still improving the game 20 years later, and fixing some of the oldest problems in it.

    The simple fact those could come with a remaster makes people go "birrrr thats not my old experience buhrrrrrrrr"
    bugs, balance, improvements to charms; things that have been suggested for a long time and would be greatly welcome if they were implemented those last years.

    --- I said "most" because theres always one crazy idea a single guy likes ---

    submitted by /u/danielspoa
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    Paladin Ladder Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:30 PM PST

    The main antagonists of a series of books I'm working on seems to be a rip off of main antagonist of Diablo and I need help changing that.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PST

    Before I begin this is NOT at all promotion. I really hope this doesn't get removed becuase this is really important to me and I don't think any other Diablo Sub would be suitable to put this on.

    With that out of the way, I've come here to address hardcore fans of not only the game but the lore.

    I'm writing a book series set in a fantasy world like Diablo (And a lot of other things) with a lot of similar traits to this game series. Looking back at what I've done of my story or the planning of my story has revealed the Villians are cheap knock-offs of the Lords of Hell in Diablo.

    And I don't mean subtly. They are literal Lords of Hell trapped in another dimension. They are even divided into two catagoteies and are known enemies of Angel like enteties in my story.

    This is a massive problem.

    Don't get me wrong there are a lot of things different about the Demon Lords from my story and Diablo, but the premise or what they are in a nutshell is way too similar to these Villians.

    I love Diablo (3) and have played it loads, which has most likely made me subconsciously copy from it appreantly and I don't want my story to seem like it just delivers copy + paste Villains from somewhere else.

    If someone could go over the lore and origins of the Lords of Hell from Diablo and help me seperate them from the antagonists of my story that would be so helpful.

    Please be free to ask questions on the antagonists on my story as I've been baige and help me make them different.

    I'm quite heavy in work with this book so removing them or making new Villians can't exactly be done. Also few things like them being demons and trapped in an alternate plane (in which I've called the Netherworld in my book) cannot be changed / removed though, only kind of making them different.

    submitted by /u/The_Kodex
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    Good thing I ran around in circles like an idiot :D

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:02 AM PST

    Good thing I ran around in circles like an idiot :D

    A cute little gul rune showed up while holding alt after spending that extra time running around with alt held down


    submitted by /u/itam2
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    D2 Farming Discussion

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:40 PM PST

    Just getting back into the game and have geared myself up a decent cold sorc MF build with 350 MF. Wondering how you guys grind and why you grind, really. What's the most fun for you? Or do you not care about variance and just try to be optimal because that's what is fun for you?

    Personally, after doing an hour of meph runs I start to get bored and I can't solo baal because my follower isn't strong enough to overcome cold immune outside of countess runs. I know it may be more efficient to run just Meph but I've been enjoying starting up a new game and running countess, andarial, summoner, meph, nihlathak, cows. Really running a bit of everything to keep the game varied/fun. Does anyone else do this in order to keep it fun or do you just do Meph/Baal runs until your eyes bleed?

    submitted by /u/UncleSlim
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    People hoping for changes: gird your loins

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:03 PM PST

    It's been said a hundred times already, but it bears repeating: this is a remaster, first and foremost, not a remake.

    I'm all for balance updates and some modernization but I don't think we should get our hopes up for much more than what we've already seen at launch.

    D2 is a genre defining, beloved game and tampering with it's formula is inherently difficult. IMO, VV focusing on nailing the overall feel and core experience before launch is going to give the game the best chance of success and in turn the best chance of being improved upon through balance updates, modernization, etc.

    I know it's been said here that new players will be turned off by the old systems, and I'm sure that will be true to an extent, but if the fact that this 20 year old game is being remastered in the first place doesn't make it obvious: new players are not the primary market and blizzard isn't going to invest in any more updates than they can make a business case for.

    So if the launch goes well, maybe we'll see bigger updates. Otherwise, don't hold your breath.

    submitted by /u/wntrmut3
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    D2R: Will you be playing Single Player or Multiplayer?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:08 PM PST

    I've been playing Single Player for the last several years, basically ever since I stopped doing PvP. I'm tempted to play multi just to play with a refreshed and maybe even new community again, but I'm undecided.

    Just wondering what everyone else is doing.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DaymanTargaryen
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    D2R Time To Compromise?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:33 PM PST

    Honestly most people are going abit religious with this "direction of the game" so how about we actually get 2 playable game modes that goes as "Classic" and "Resurrected" which allows both fan bases to get what they want?

    plus you wont need to update classic what so ever, its just better graphics d2 while the other will have future improvements, both sides win yes?

    submitted by /u/CristalScarlet
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    D2 rng, I love it

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:30 PM PST

    My thoughts on Diablo 1 vs 2

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:41 AM PST

    Diablo 1 was 1) Uniquely specific in terms of its horror theme. Gothic, biblical Horror to be precise.

    2) Single, unbroken and concentrated atmosphere. The art was top class and made us explore more and more.

    3) Slow, primitive yet more imaginative story wiith cliffhangers and tauntingly mysterious lore. The voice acting and words of the tomes were mysterious and haunting.

    Diablo 2 was

    1) Relatively dilute atmosphere but extremely versatile in terms of diversity and still retaining majority of the potency. We had 4 different locations with unique atmospheres. Lut Gholein's desert was done far better than many deserts in many other games, Mephistos Kurast was brilliantly done, much better than almost all of other swamp set games etc. Hell and mountains were uniquely beautiful too.

    2) Specific instances of bone chilling yet imaginative horror, like Durance of Hate's piled up corpses, Jails dark and haunted torture chambers, tal rashas enigmatic tomb, etc...

    3) An impending doomsday scenario type feeling that pervaded the entire game but was not present in the first game. First had a more, localized horror maxima than a global horror maxima.

    Both felt complimentary than contrary or overlapping

    submitted by /u/gildesh_3211
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