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    Sunday, February 21, 2021

    Diablo Orb Huggers, D2 & D2R Comparison

    Diablo Orb Huggers, D2 & D2R Comparison

    Orb Huggers, D2 & D2R Comparison

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:59 PM PST

    The time has come to use this book again

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:13 PM PST

    Deep Dive Diablo 2 Resurrected. Watch the damn thing, they go through a lot. And I for one am excited and not so worried after watching.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:13 AM PST

    Extra crispy

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:15 PM PST

    Please do not give Blizzard a free loan (by preordering)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 07:41 AM PST

    I know you guys might view me as the bad guy, but the company really messed up on Warcraft 3 Reforged and still hasn't delivered the features they promised on the game.

    How does that relate to Diablo 2 Resurrected or Diablo 4? Well, the same thing might happen. Blizzard isn't a small indie company on kickstarter. They don't need your free loan. Giving them a free loan actually allows the company to make a lower quality product and still turn a profit.

    If you want Diablo 2 Resurrected or Diablo 4 to be good, please don't enable them to make a bad product by providing the company with free loans.

    submitted by /u/Design-Dragon
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    Diablo 4 Itemization: 576 stats on one item. Stats per level don't matter!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:42 AM PST

    Diablo 4 Itemization: 576 stats on one item. Stats per level don't matter!

    At level 40, your stats from leveling is 200 stat points to allocate. Just one item will give you almost 3 times the total number of stat points than you get from leveling.

    This means that there is no real differentiation with the stat points on the character. This is going the way of diablo 3 where leveling decisions don't matter just end game gear choices.


    submitted by /u/FUSe
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    +21 Intelligence and .....3403 Defense, required level: 11

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:30 AM PST

    Three QoL features I'd like to see in Diablo 2 Resurrected.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:18 AM PST

    They've been part of PlugY for years, so I'd like to see them in Diablo 2 Resurrected.

    • Enabled the ladder only runewords out of realms.

    • Local World Event and Uber Quest for singleplayer and multiplayer off-realm.

    • Can open Cow Level Portal even when player has killed the Cow King in that difficulty.

    submitted by /u/Doneos
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    David Brevik - Story About the D2 Box Art Versus the Original Brom Piece

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:56 PM PST


    It actually did get published (Bashiok tweeted it here in 2010 - direct image link), but cool Story Time With David Brevik nonetheless!

    I like that they brought the hole back in the D2R art as well!

    submitted by /u/dsnvwlmnt
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    D2:R Charm inventory

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 01:39 PM PST

    I want to repost message from official forum by Isomer to spread the word

    I just saw the video of the logic behind shared stash. "People make mule characters anyways so it was ok"

    Charm inventory also uses that same logic. We can theoretically fill our inventory with charms minus 4x4 for the cube to store items. It would make sense to have a charm inventory so we have space to actually pick up items. If you look at end game players, they have a full inventory of charms using there cube to pick up items.

    The logic being, we can pick up items with or without a charm inventory, but with a charm inventory, its QoL because we dont need to put everything in the cube for storage. It doesn't change anything other than QoL.

    Imagine being a console player and having a full inventory of charms and you use your cube as storage, how clunky will that be and how will that even work? (This is common among players. Full inventory of charms using your cube as your inventory)

    Personally i totally agree with that and think that this one is as mandatory QoL as shared stash.

    I also think game can become even better with balance patches to buff weak / noneficent skill to improve customization. Otherwise there will be sorc -> hammerdin all the time.

    Since original game don't go anywhere it's not necessary to be so conservative in game design.

    submitted by /u/LordKonus
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    To all the people who were not into flashing monsters on hit...and to those who were...

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 11:11 AM PST

    We did it.

    It's not present in most of the action that I've seen and I've heard it's now a toggleable feature. Life is good when everyone wins. Thanks Blizzard!

    submitted by /u/EnzinoDVL
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    Diablo 2 Cinematic Trailer - E3 1998

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 08:40 PM PST

    New Diablo fan and first time player here. I just recently completed my first D1-D3 marathon in the last month and these are my impressions and crappy takes on how I felt about every installment so far.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:16 AM PST

    Disclaimer: I have dabbled with the Diablo series from time to time when I was younger but never really sat down and completed the campaigns or invested time into their installments but by this point (10-15 or so years later) I have completely forgotten about most of their mechanics enough to consider it a fresh experience.


    I had the itch to revisit this classic after a good 16 years. I remember completing the campaign when I was around 14-15 years old on an old shitty Windows 98 computer that most likely had a trojanware on it but remembering that I had an amazing time with it. The memory that stood out to me the most was stunlocking the final boss with a Warrior class and thinking that was the most anticlimactic boss fight I've ever experienced in any video game haha. I recently bought the GOG version and installed devolutionx for auto gold pickup and difficulty select.


    Let's get the obvious out of the way: Atmosphere.

    Combat is slow from what I've seen in other ARPGs. I personally like less mobs if it means that each individual monster is tougher to compensate for it. D1 has this great oomph factor to it's combat and every turn could possibly be my last and I had to often strategize how I'd take on a group of enemies with my squishy Rogue. Diablo 1 isn't very nice to new players and I believe it's a good thing because it makes the learning curve more satisfying as you grow in power through your journey.

    I played on Nightmare mode after grinding my Rogue up to level 24 through the first two levels of the catacombs for a good 45 minutes on NM/Hell (wanted to avoid another Diablo cheese encounter, that didn't go too well but the journey up until him was still fun).

    So, my experience is probably very different than most who will play on Normal because I was basically relying on Griswold to roll good items for me when I neared the endgame which leads me to my only con.


    Drop rates.

    They seemed fucking atrocious. This might have added to the whole survival element experience of the game but I found myself really in need of good stuff because it ALMOST never dropped for me. When it did though it was incremental but still felt good.

    I have no other cons at the time of playing the game because I had no real frame of reference for it. I won't include stuff like lack of stash because it's an old game so I gotta cut it some slack. The floor in front of Griswold did the job.

    Overall D1 was fucking awesome, would play again.


    This is definitely what I expected of the sequel and personally it holds up to D1 for me. It's D1 but on steroids as I expected. For my first character (big surprise) I chose Necromancer because he just looks fuckin' cool.



    I see a lot of people praising D1 for its atmosphere and mood over the rest of the games but let's not undervalue D2. It's definitely not inferior imo because it stands on its own. I loved the variety in locations. My personal favorite was act 2 because it just had this really arid and mystifying feel to it. It was very beautiful but had this very great sense of ancient danger to it. Definitely on some gothic level Aladdin shit right there. Act IV's locations were a close second to me. They really had the balls to create a convincing level that's basically hell. I was dumbfounded at how epic and detailed it looked.


    I'll give this one to D2 over D1. D1 had great music and was probably only limited in track selection due to the length of the game but man, D2 had some catchy music. This is probably one of the best OSTs I've ever listened to in my whole gaming career. Words can't really do it justice.


    I'm pretty much hitting every aspect of the game here. The game is really what people make it out to be. Variety is definitely the keyword here. Loot is good but can be overbearing with the amount of trash you find but it helps with gold as some of the stuff in the game is ridiculously expensive. The tons of affixes on loot made for very in depth min-maxing throughout my whole journey. A magic item can last you a very long time and is better than a lot of rare or unique drops which made for a very interesting pool of choices in the game.

    I only got to play as Necromancer so a beginner Hybrid Summonmancer carried me throughout the game but I think I would enjoy more build varieties in NG+ or with different classes.


    I don't have too many and this is probably subjective but when I asked if there was endgame content for game that boasts so much gameplay elements I was told that it's basically going through different difficulties with your character or doing boss runs over and over. I personally don't find playing *only* for loot very fun but different strokes. Honestly, if the game had something akin to rifts or challenges that weren't self imposed I would think this is the perfect 10/10 game. Again, this is my opinion but I still have tons to do in the game regardless. I have other characters and builds to try and still have to attempt Ubers and Pandemonium.

    DIABLO 3:

    I played this on launch on my Xbox and although I had fun with it I found the game to be a bit drastic in terms of how bombastic it tried to portray itself. The art style didn't mesh with me too well and I felt a bit desensitized in how powerful the game made me feel from the get go. I would adjust difficulties but it was either me kicking too much ass or me getting deleted by a trash mob, so I dropped it after getting a bit bored with it.

    9 years later and I bought this again with ROF for PC. I heard good and mixed things so I decided to keep the marathon going with a Monk and began my first season which would be season 22 at the moment.


    Progression and gameplay.

    At first I thought it was kinda weird that the game's progression was a bit linear but it kinda plays to the gameplays strengths. The gradual sense of progression is very fun and I found myself constantly experimenting with my Monk which was something I couldn't afford to do in earlier games. Being able to switch my abilities on the fly without sacrificing ability points was really cool and I found myself very addicted as time went on. I grew very fond of it over time and found it hard to drop because I knew I was only getting stronger by the hour like in other RPGs and JRPGs.


    At first I thought they were a bit corny but as time went on I grew fond of their interactions and found them to be interesting little people. It really felt like you had this cool pal who was determined to continue this journey with you and I loved the interactions your character had with your follower. Being able to customize their small loadout added a bit of depth to your character as well and all three of them were equal in terms of utility. You use whoever you needed at the moment for your build but I found the Templar to be the one who helped me stay alive for my whole campaign. I switched over to Enchantress in endgame stuff for her attack speed buffs and crowd control abilities.


    This game has a lot of it and that's always a good thing. What do I do now? Where should I go? What bounties do I hit? What challenges should I do? I always found myself distracted with something to do and it was great.



    Although I loved how much more your character seemed involved with the story's narrative and how much they spoke and all, I found them to be very cocky at times and not convincing. My Monk was really fuckin sure of himself a lot of the times to the point where it became a meme and I found it hilarious at how alpha he seemed. It's like this threat to existence itself doesn't really change the character progression. I found him more interesting when he'd talk to NPCs about more down to earth matters, his relationships to them and the occasional humorous stuff he said. The story overall is very cookie cutter fight the gods kinda stuff so I didn't think much of it. It lacked the nuances of the prior games where youre not the "chosen one" but rather a mortal who decided he wanted to test his mettle against this evil that's suddenly emerging on Earth. The first two acts antagonist was really annoying and the game would have been better off without her because I miss Deckard Cain. Leah was cute but she should of got the hint that her Uncle's stories were true as soon as she saw the first demon show up before her very eyes. Get with the program, girl.

    Progression (again).

    I may sound hypocritical but linear sense of progression feels good but only up to a certain point. As soon as I got my set I told myself "so this is it?". Turns out the whole endgame is basically repetitive rifts and re-rolling the constant legendary drops that youre guaranteed to get from rifts. Loot is essentially dumbed down to what gives you the biggest main stat numbers instead of choosing a more nuanced approach of different loot with affixes that could work for you. I know that this is more of a casual approach to the game but players who actually will take the time to invest this deep into the game are the ones who are gonna notice this more than someone who only plays for a small amount of time. I guess this is ultimately the curse of ARPGs but If I had the loot system of D2 with the endgame content of D3 it would make for the perfect game imo. Stuff like the cube makes for interesting build varieties but something seems off about what is considered shallow and what isn't. It doesn't help that a lot of the bosses in the rifts arent particularly interesting compared to campaign bosses but I only got up to level 20+ in rifts before I decided that it was a tad monotonous for me.

    Overall the game is way better than what a lot of people make it out to be but coming from the two prior games I prefer not suddenly turning god-mode with a seasonal set that makes me jump from Master to Torment ++++ I enjoyed the journey moreso than the endgame but I still find it interesting enough to start a new character next season.

    This was really long and I know I might piss some off but again these are my opinions. If you read this much, thanks. I just wanted to express how I felt about the franchise overall. I couldn't have picked a better time to start the games considering all the announcements lately.

    In conclusion: D1 great, D2 awesome, D3 fun.

    submitted by /u/OfficeGossip
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    Diablo 4 QA Panel with Lead Designers

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Diablo 2: Resurrected Wallpaper (1080x1920 for smartphones)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Please, make it make sense.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:11 AM PST

    80% of this community right now. "Omg d4 isnt dark enough, fireballs should be grey, with black highlights. I need my gothic horrrrrrror" Same clown 5 minutes later "Omg why dont the d2 remastered females look like disney princesses, they should use gal gadot as reference" Some of y'all actually worry me...

    Edit: is important to add, that I dont care for the d3 aesthetic, but so many ppl here act like color, and light, just flat out dont exist.. lol

    submitted by /u/eric-the-beard
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    I felt D2 Resurrected deserved a 4K trailer. It's not perfect, but I feel it made a noticable difference from the 1080p original.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:46 PM PST

    D2 items, how did you get them?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 06:48 PM PST

    So I got to thinking how I got all the rare and unique items to build out my sorc and came to realize I think I traded for most of them. I would go on loot runs and get good stuff but I don't ever remember getting those unique items that I just "had to have" from loot runs. I'd end up trading multiple items for the one thing I needed. I remember when d3 came out they had that store that anyone could buy items with and just felt that wasn't as fun as d2 because you had to earn it not just spend cash.

    submitted by /u/GP1215
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    My friend turned the Dark Wanderer animation from the resurrected site into an animated wallpaper!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 05:33 PM PST

    As a former USWest HCC player Thank you for keeping Classic mode on D2R!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 03:57 PM PST

    been playing Hardcore Classic since 1.00 -1.10 , I purchased expansion when it was released, played it for a month and went back to Classic. LOD was not for me

    That was around 1.06 or so, since then I have had some of my fondest memories of the game playing Classic. BvB and then having a friend kill diablo and trying to kill their looter after they died (lol) , ladder climbing doing endless CS runs on my 92 barb, building characters with amazing rare items and so fine tuned where every stat and skill pt mattered and all the amazing fun times in channel olo

    I have since quit , many years ago. a lot of my friends moved on and classic d2 community thinned out. I have kids now, D3 never hit the same way d2 did to me.

    When I saw the announcement and all the content was LOD based I figured that they probably focused expansion for the remaster and forgot about Classic players like me. But when I watched the deep dive panel and the developers on the project showed respect to what D2 meant to us, and particularly when he mentioned that they would preserve Classic mode for the remaster it really put tears in my eyes.

    Thank you!! D2R is a dream come true

    ps: Plz fix the amazon art, she looks a little bit like donald trump

    submitted by /u/KingTrichome
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    Barbarian arsenal system

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 02:25 PM PST

    Is it just me or does the barbarian Arsenal system seem like a lack luster character specific system? This has become especially lack luster now that we know that the rogue will get to have melee and ranged weapons. Then when you take into account that this isn't even the class specific system for the rogue as they will also get class specific missions and play styles, it just makes the barbarian's Arsenal system a little bleh.

    submitted by /u/otisrust
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    Skills and Cooldowns in Diablo 4

    Posted: 21 Feb 2021 04:08 PM PST

    I want to preface this by saying that I am very excited for Diablo 4, and it will be my main game once it is released.

    So, I spent the past day watching through all of the gameplay shown to us for D4 at blizzconline and it would appear that the team is still following the same philosophy that they did when they gave us the 2019 blizzcon floor demo. It shouldn't be cooldowns that we play around in a Diablo game, it should be resource management. Waiting for cooldowns makes combat feel clunky, especially in an arpg where your objective is to kill as much as you can as fast as you can.

    If frozen orb, for example, makes a return with the sorceress in D4, how can I make a build dedicated to that skill if I have to wait a minute to use it again? The point of that build is quick AoE damage by repeatedly spamming the spell. How would a whirlwind Barbarian work if he can't keep spinning? How would a storm druid spam tornado and keep hurricane up if they had cooldowns?

    For any of the builds I mentioned to be functional under a cooldown oriented system, I would be forced to stack cooldown reduction stat on all of my gear instead of other stats that could benefit my character and make them more unique. I'm not alone in thinking this, right?

    Edit: I'm not saying that there shouldn't be some skills with cooldowns, but it should only the most absurdly powerful ones that have a cooldown attached. Not every single skill in the game needs to have a cooldown.

    submitted by /u/HaruMutou
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