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    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Diablo Official 2021 BlizzConline Trailer

    Diablo Official 2021 BlizzConline Trailer

    Official 2021 BlizzConline Trailer

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:35 AM PST

    BlizzConline 2021 Pre-Show Welcome

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:06 AM PST

    How Cain should have died and why it had to happen in D3.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:35 PM PST

    First, obviously.. this is an opinion. I'd love to hear your ideas.

    I personally didn't enjoy D3's writing. There's a ton of issues I have with it but one of the biggest ones is how Cain died. Not only did he die from a horribly written villain (Maghda), but he also didn't connect to our character at all, he wasn't as significant and ultimately, even tho I believe he should have died in D3, I think the way he died wasn't a goodbye we needed and it wasn't respectful to the character.

    Why do I believe Cain had to die:

    There's a simple reason for it. He was just too old. D4 is happening decades after D3. I think there were 2 options. Cain being killed or dying of old age off-screen. So I think he had to die in D3.

    How do I think Cain should have died:

    As I mentioned I think there's a ton of issues with D3's writing and characters. Cain dying to Maghda should have made us furious, it should make us want to avenge him. But Maghda and Cain's death were so poorly written that the only reason I was furious at Maghda was because of how bad the writing was and I wished I could take what just happened out of my memory. It's kinda like I hate TLJ because of what they did with Luke. So I think Maghda shouldn't be the one to kill him. The way Maghda bamboozled our character to leave tristram only to return after she killed Cain was terrible, it didn't make sense. But I'll stop talking about what's bad about D3's writing and focus on my main objective here - sharing my idea of an alternative. I have what I consider to be a perfect candidate for Cain's killer..

    As I mentioned I think Cain's death was necessary, but our character should have connected with him more, so that we could feel more emotionally about him later on. He's death should be used to create an emotional moment and make us motivated to kill some important villain, like Adria and Diablo (Diablo also poorly written in D3 but let's ignore other D3's issues for the sake of an argument, he was our ultimate goal). So the first thing is that he should have died later and we should have more dialogue with him. Now for my idea..

    I wanted Cain to die at the end of Act III, during the scene where Adria betrays us and uses Leah to summon Diablo. Adria's betrayal was a pretty good plot twist in itself, this would add even more to it. Imagine if Cain saw what's happening to Leah and he desperately tried to save her, but obviously he was no match for Adria. Tyrael could have tried to help him but he was also knocked out. Cain is wounded. Leah comes up to kneeling Cain, uses her hand to raise Cain's head to make Cain look at her face and we see what Cain sees. Leah with her messed up face like in Act IV intro, with those demonic eyes etc. And Leah (now Diablo) kills Cain by piercing him with her hand and dropping his dead body on the ground. Even Diablo would recognize Cain in this "symbolic" way, without any need to say anything to Cain because Cain is beneath Diablo, but Diablo would kill him in this way anyway to cause terror and because Tyrael would see all of this. Which would also give more reason for Tyrael to get all depressed in Act IV. Then Adria and Diablo disappear into the portal and that's how Act III ends.

    It would be dark, much more emotional and would give Cain a last heroic, yet tragic moment. His relationship with Leah should also be more explored during that time Cain would be with us up until his death, so that the end would be even more filled with emotion, would make us angry and motivated to kill Diablo and find Adria, and it would make more people realize how tragic of a character Leah actually is.

    I could go into more detail but I don't want to make it too long. I'd like to see your ideas as well.

    submitted by /u/TheCurious42
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    Upcoming Blizzard 30th Anniversary bundles (including Diablo 3 Wings/Portrait/Pet/Transmog Set)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:06 PM PST

    Really Hope They keep the Bloodline Theme for Diablo 4

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:23 PM PST

    - Diablo1: Albrecht, King Leoric's Son

    - Diablo2: Aidan, King Leoric's other Son

    - Diablo3: Leah, Aidan's Daughter, Leoric's Grand-Daughter

    - Diablo 4: ???


    Would be neat if there's an unknown member of this familly we havent heard about that plays a part in Diablo4. I can imagine this bloodline being the offsprings of an Offspring between Lilia and Uldyssian. A bloodline tuned strongly to both sides, Both Aidan and Leoric did great "Good" actions in their life but both fell under the control of Demonic influence. Fitting with Blizzard's plan to allow us to be Demonic or Angelic... But thats just wishful random thinking

    submitted by /u/The_Creatorist
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    Blizzconline predictions

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:33 AM PST

    Whats your guys prediction especially for diablo?

    My guess is more development information about diablo iv and rarely any news for diablo immortal ... if at all...

    Dont think we will hear about any beta or alpha date or release date ...

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/marlynar
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    Thinking of getting back to Diablo 3

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    Are there still people playing it? how is the player base and seasons? thanks!

    submitted by /u/Frederikball
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    PSA: Lacuni Huntress

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:49 PM PST

    I could literally be Inarius himself and still get bodied by One Pounce Woman over here. Forget the Eternal Conflict, 200 mil toughness don't mean anything when I'm breezing through GR90 and then...


    ....I don't like sand.

    submitted by /u/Enygmaz
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    Who did the voice work for Griswold the blacksmith in Diablo 1?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:49 PM PST

    Looking for a Diablo 3 Photoshop stream

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:03 AM PST

    So this might be a long shot, but a while ago (I have no idea what the time frame is - I want to say before 2018 perhaps) I watched an official Diablo 3 stream. I think they were discussing design philosophy about some new changes or something. In the stream, one of their artists was in photoshop designing a new armor set (I think it was for DH but I could be wrong). Anyway, I'm looking for this stream or any other streams like it in which they show their process in Photoshop or visual design in general.

    I'm so sorry for this totally bullshit description, I know it's a long shot.

    submitted by /u/sylvyon
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    WAR DI

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:56 PM PST


    • International Guild (NA server)
    • Active group of friends who have lead and ranked high in prior games
    • Discord Server with Alpha phase information to help you get started
    • Positive environment focused on improvement
    • Players who are driven to excel in all content of DI and not afraid to push for #1 guild

    If you are interested in going into DI world at launch with a structured guild you are welcome to join! RIDE OR DIE WITH US


    submitted by /u/Sage_DI
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    We know people want Amazon, Necromancer and Paladin in D4. How would you design them?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:08 AM PST

    Blizzcon is happening soon and we are about to find out what the 4th class will be. We have a Barbarian (physical mellee), a Sorceress (caster) and a Druid (hybrid - melee, caster and pet). We are still missing physical ranged class and a summoner.

    For a ranged class, a lot of people would like to see Amazon return (myself included), but I think Amazon would be a better fit for 1st Expansion when we visit Skovos Islands. Reason for this is that Amazon is an elemental ranged class and we already have that slot filled with Sorceress. That is why I think we might get something new for a physical ranged class.

    For the fifth slot, it leaves us between Paladin and Necromancer. Question is who are we getting at start, and who is in an Expansion. Both popular choices, but we need a summoner class so Necromancer seems like an obvious choice. But what if we mix thins up and make a Paladin a summoner class?

    Blizzard always liked to mix certain elements of different classes to make something new like Monk (mix of paladin and assassin) so I think that would be a good way to continue in designing new or returning classes. It gives you that fresh, yet familiar feel.

    I will try to do this with Paladin and Necromancer, which I see as two sides of the same coin. I don't mean that lore-wise, but in terms of playstyles they can provide. Visually they are both wearing heavy armor, shields, swords/maces/scepters... a holy/unholy knight aestethic.

    This is how I would design rest of the classes. Also, I'm trying to keep it in the same format Barbarian, Sorceress and Druid are designed in terms of their playstlyes and elements they are using. Again, this is only my opinion and what I would like to see in D4.



    • Role: melee, battle mage, summoner, support
    • Weapons: one-handed swords/maces, shields, scepters, books/tomes (off-hand), two-handed greatswords/warhammers, greatshields
    • Elements: physical, holy, fire
    • Skill types: warrior, commander, cleric, auras
    • Signature: Auras (extra skill slot)

    It is a knight trained to fight demons and undead. More defensive and tactical in killing enemies than Barbarian or Druid (shapeshifting). Tanky, armored, strong... only class to wield greatshields. Buffs himself and allies with a lot of defensive abilities.

    Paladin in D4 would fill in a lot of roles for the starting 5 classes. Not taking away his usual playstyles of a tanky warrior or a mid-range caster, I also envison new Paladin as a summoner class. Auras are a perfect fit here, buffing his summons.

    His signature are auras. Paladin gets an extra skill slot compared to other classes that can only be used for auras. Auras are passive buff to himself and allies.


    Melee - Uses a lot of skills that fall into Warrior type like Slash or Shield Bash. Tanky, able to endure a lot of punishment. Uses Retaliation and thorns to return damage to attackers.

    Battle mage - Mid-range caster, using a lot of Cleric type skills like Holy Bolt, Smite and Blessed Hammer. Enchants weapons with holy and fire damage.

    Summoner - Using mostly skills that fall into Commander type. Can summon Phalanx Warriors and Flame Spirits and issue active commands. Auras buff his summons. Deals a lot of aoe damage with skills like Arrow Barrage.



    • Role: battle mage, caster, summoner, debuffer
    • Weapons: one-handed swords, daggers, shields, wands, phylacteries, two-handed schytes
    • Elements: physical, poison, cold
    • Skill types: blood, curse, bone, disease
    • Signature: Curses (extra skill slot)

    It's an unholy warrior using death and decay to slay monsters. Summons skeleton warriors and zombie golems to fight for him. Uses blood magic to sustain himself in a fight. Poisons enemies and spreads diseases to decimate enemies from afar.

    His signature are curses. Necromancer gets an extra skill slot compared to other classes that can only be used for curses. Similar to Paladin's auras, curses passively affect area around Necromancer. Also, curses affect smaller radius around his summons. Curses debuff enemies.

    Blood type skills are mostly for melee to mid-range, disease is mid-range to long range and bone is mostly summons and for long range casters.


    Battle mage - It's a Blood Knight, fighting mostly in melee or mid range using a lot of skills from Blood type to sustain himself. Some blood magic like Syphon Blood heals the Necromancer, while others like Viscerate cost some health to cast.

    Caster - For people who don't want to use summons, Necromancer can be played as a pure mid-range or long-range caster. Using skills like Poison Nova to clear big groups of enemies or a Bone Spear to deal huge amounts of damage from afar.

    Summoner - Uses his summons to fight for him and overwhelm his enemies. Summons from Bone type like Skeleton Warriors or Skeleton Mages are more sturdy and can chill enemies with their attacks providing some additional cc, while summons from Disease like Zombie Chargers are less durable but explode on death dealing poison damage.



    • Role: melee, ranged, crowd control
    • Weapons: one-handed swords, javelins, shortbows, shields, two-handed spears, daibos
    • Elements: physical, ligthning, cold, fire
    • Skill types: spearmaster, hunter, evasion
    • Signature: Imbue system (wanted to call it Enchants, and change Sorceress system to Orbs)

    Amazon is your nimble fighter. Faster on her feet and with attacks than Paladin or Barbarian in melee range and more evasive at long range than Sorceress or Druid. Amazon is a versatile class in terms of gameplay in her ability to do physical and magic damage and she can be effective at both melee and range. Borrows some skills (Blind) and weapons (daibos) from Monk class.

    Her signature is the Imbue system. Amazon can imbue her attack skills with physical, cold, fire or ligthning damage. Skills like Javelin Throw, Jab, Sweep, Guided Arrow, Multishot, etc. have a slot that you can imbue with different types of damage. Amazon is very adaptable fighter so it only makes sense she can adapt her weapons for challenges she faces. Fast attack speed and ability to imbue her attacks with different elements makes her very good at debuffing and cc-ing enemies with stacks of bleed, ignite, chill or shock.

    Amazon isn't tanky as other melee classes so she uses her defensive abilites to be more agile and evasive as well as to crowd control enemies with skills like Shield Throw that ricochet to multiple enemies and stun them or Shield Glare that blind enemies in front of her.


    Melee - Uses a lot of skills from Spear Master type like Impale to close the distance between her and enemies. Jumps into the combat, uses stuns and blind to cc enemies and deal a lot of damage with fast and sweeping attacks before jumping out of fight and using mid-range skills like Javelin Throw to finish of enemies.

    Range - most effective at mid-range, uses shortbows to dish out a lot of fast attacks or javelins for slower, but stronger attacks. Can deal elemental damage from afar with her imbue system, but is a lot more nimble than Sorceress. Best defense is not getting hit.



    • Role: melee, battle mage, debuffer
    • Weapons: swords, daggers, fist weapons, throwing weapons, dual blades
    • Elements: physical, arcane, poison
    • Skill types: toxins, ilussion, finishers
    • Signature: Marks

    Assassin in D4 would be a mix of an Assassin from D2 and a Wizard from D3. Very agile and deadly class using fast attacks, blinking in and out of combat. Can create Mirror Images of herself that distract and damage enemies. Empowers her weapons with arcane or poison, increasing the range and damage of her attacks. Slows enemies with Time Bubble.

    Imagine if D3 Wizard decided to go for a more hands on approach and applied her arcane skills to weapons instead of her spells.

    Her signature is the Mark system. Unlike in D2, where Martial Art skills buff next attacks, Assassin in D4 places a mark on enemies with her attack. Marks place certain debuffs on enemies and can stack up to 5 times. Assassin then can use her Finisher Skills to trigger those marks dealing extra damage and effects depending on how many stacks enemies had.


    Melee - Focuses on a lot of attack speed to place Marks fast that she then triggers with her skills like Execute or Exploding Palm. Blinks in and out of combat. Coats her weapons with toxins to deal extra poison damage and debuff enemies or empowers her weapons with skill like Magic Weapon to extend the range of her attacks and deal extra arcane damage.

    Battle mage - Keeps herself safe by staying just out of reach of enemies attacks. Most effective at mid range, using a lot of throwing weapons like shurikens, throwing knives and bombs. Uses Smoke Screen to fade out of battle and Posion Grenade to debuff enemies in a large area. Uses skills like Shadow Chakrams or Fan of Blades for bigger aoe damage. ..............................................................................................................................................


    • Role: ranged, crowd control, debuff
    • Weapons: bows, greatbows, crossbows, throwing knives
    • Elements: physical, poison, storm
    • Skill types: sniper, tracker, traps
    • Signature: Take Aim

    Strider would be your physical range class in D4. Unlike Amazon, Strider would be longer range and slower attacks speed, but greater impact. He would relly on great range and traps to keep himself alive and deal damage. Strider compensates his lack of mobility and attack speed compared to Amazon with controlling the battlefield with traps and heavy cc attacks.

    Skills like Debilitating Posion or Serrated Blades makes his attacks slow enemies movement or finish them off with a lot of bleed. Strider also makes great use of the Wind element to keep enemies far away. Skills like Cyclone Arrow pull enemies on their path or Wind Wall knockbacks enemies that come to close.

    Strider also has a lot of gadgets on his disposal. Offensive and defensive traps that stun, slow, bleed, posion or shoot blades and arrows.

    His signature is Take Aim. Every few seconds Strider takes aim at random enemies. Next attack on that enemy deals extra damage. With passives/legendary affixes you can modify these extra effects do different things like spread posion or bleed to close enemies, deal big critical damage, ricochet, trigger shrapnel nova, etc.


    Range - Strider is most effective at long range. Can focus on mostly sniper like Piercing Arrow to deal as much damage or utilise tracker skills to debuff enemies with posions and bleeds. Has a lot of crowd controls with his traps and skills like Concussive Shot.

    submitted by /u/dragandb
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    Diablo 3 Challenge Rift 189 Guide with Map

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:10 PM PST

    Do you think D4 will be similar to Lost Ark

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:24 PM PST


    Open World.
    Item System.

    submitted by /u/inouext
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    Noobie question about Gr boosts and not confident in getting boosted

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:01 AM PST

    It will probably sound very silly. I just started playing d3 and I have 2 characters at level 70. My bf has been my guide for the entirety of the game (we've even been boosted by someone but I was the only one who would die) but now I want to be able to play on my own too.

    My first question would be do people boost others in greater rifts? I'm currently trying to get winters flurry but with no luck (I'm pretty sure I opened over 10k on bloodshards at kadala). I also need a helmet (the magistrate) so I need to farm quite some bloodshards but if it's possible I would really like some help.

    Next thing is idk how boosting works and what the expectations are of those who boost. Do they expect me to follow? I used to stay behind a bit then getting killed by some mobs and revived myself. Do I still get xp if I die and go back to town? Although teleporting to the player would probably be unwise.. should I just stay at the entrance?

    submitted by /u/Sugarchou
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    Switch weapon question.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:19 AM PST

    When im seeing a guide for a zealer paladin in diablo 2 ,i always see weapons #2. Whats that all about? Do you switch wrapons mid-fight? Or do the effects still apply even though it is not used?

    submitted by /u/bruh7212
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    Weekly Challenge Rift Thread - February 01, 2021

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to this week's installment of the Challenge Rifts. Please feel free to use this thread to discuss this week's Challenge Rift. Feel free to post guides, tips, and tricks.

    **Make sure you specify your region, as different regions have different Challenge Rifts.**

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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