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    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    Diablo An Awesome Piece of Merch Part 2!!!

    Diablo An Awesome Piece of Merch Part 2!!!

    An Awesome Piece of Merch Part 2!!!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:15 PM PST

    I bet a Diablo Netflix series is going to be announced at Blizzconline.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 03:40 AM PST

    I hope so at least. There were rumors of one being in the works 1-2 yeaes ago, being similar to castlevania. Now we get a DOTA2 Netflix series by the Avatar guys. What the fuck.

    submitted by /u/Wayyzzz
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    D3 - 121 Acronyms Explained.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:35 PM PST

    Aov heavens crusader questions

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:30 PM PST

    Hey I'm wondering a few things about the aov crusader (this build specifically: https://maxroll.gg/guides/aov-heavens-fury-crusader-guide solo gr push) why would you cube ring of royal grandeur even though it doesn't have a random stat applied? Wouldn't it be more efficient to cube your oculus ring or your unity ring? I might be wrong on a few things but wouldn't that just mean you'd be trying to get a max roll unity or oculus when you can just cube one of the two?

    submitted by /u/tedasaurus_rex
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    Lord of horror

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 03:19 PM PST

    Imagine if they made a diablo horror game. He is the lord of terror after all. They could even jump the VR bandwagon.

    submitted by /u/wild_znorlax
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    Need help solving a problem :o

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST

    Can someone please recommend a good PC/laptop to play Diablo 1&2?!?!?! I keep finding these laptop chrome books & they dont support the CD-ROM disc. Please help me out im new to the PC gamer world, ive been playing consoles since ps1 & up, diablo 2 is the main game that made me want to save for a beautiful PC when i was just a wee lad. If someone can recommend a good laptop/PC for 500$ or under that would be amazing

    submitted by /u/StarWarsFanBoy66
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    ERROR 30002 on DÍABLO 3

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 04:29 PM PST

    What can I do? 😩

    submitted by /u/DELUC26
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    Does anyone play D3 Hardcore?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    I re-bought D3 last week after having not played it for 6 years. I was one of those guys who bought the game at launch, loved everything about it (including the Auction Houses), but I dropped the game after my best hardcore Demon Hunter died and they got rid of the AH's. The latest features I remember were Paragon levels were relatively new and the new hotness was Key Wardens and some portal to a crazy hard boss, who I was unprepared for and was the one that killed my poor girl. Act V is new to me, for example. I've also played a crap ton of D2 hardcore.

    I find myself enjoying being in menu's and tweaking stuff. I liked to play the AH game and found/sold some really good gear for tons of gold, the AH was sweet, i'm not sure why everyone hated it. I never dabbled too far into the real money AH, but i was not opposed to buying good power leveling gear for an early character for a few bucks, but I was definitely not a whale throwing cash at this game.

    Anyways, the game is so different now, but I'm still addicted, as usual. I made a HC character and have yet to ever come close to dying, which was a surprise. Whats the point of HC if you dont die a bunch and want to break your keyboard? :)

    Regardless, I am enjoying that the game can be solo'd relatively easily now, but I would like to find more groups. Maybe the HC community has died, who knows. If anyone is into HC and there is another forum out there for crazies like us, please let me know. Here is my character right now, which is not great, but i'm working on it and would love to get a Maurader set eventually. I also dont know how the cube works quite yet.


    submitted by /u/LewisCBR
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    What does simulacrum do? I active it but doesn’t seem so do anything other than a skinless things that just attacks with a scythe

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 08:33 AM PST

    The info box says it should dupe my secondary skill which I have set to skeletal mage. But it doesn't? Not sure if I'm missing something! Cheers.

    submitted by /u/kieronviper
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    Who here preferred Whimsyshire over the cow level?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Because I did. I did in spades. I thought it was hilarious and enjoyed every single run through it. Don't get me wrong, the cow level is classic. But Whimsyshire was just a wonderful time.

    submitted by /u/HumanoidSharks
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    Do you need a super fast build to do “Boss Mode” and “Sprinter” Conquests?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 12:36 PM PST

    Or will my Ice Spear build work?

    This one to be specific: https://www.diablofans.com/builds/107847-ice-spear-gr-110-speedfarm-build

    submitted by /u/Dualyeti
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    New D3 player: Can someone explain to me how crit to dex ratio works on a Monk please?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:20 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I've been binging the Diablo franchise from the 1st installment up to the 3rd one in the last month and it's hard to wrap my brain around so many stats and percentages compared to how simple the sheets looked in D1+2.

    I'm currently playing my first season as a level 56 Monk in Act 3 on Expert mode and although I'm loving the min-maxing aspect of the game and understanding most of it I can't wrap my head around how much CHD and CHC I should have in comparison to how much Dex I carry. I am currently whippin' ass but I really want to learn how much crit percentage I should have once I reach Adventure Mode and beyond. I'm sure this stuff doesn't matter to much in campaign mode but I would like to have a reliable source of information and understanding on how I should maintain it once I reach level 70.

    As of right now I've been relying on the main character sheet in the inventory screen but I can't help but think that it's probably not too reliable in terms of giving me an accurate number of how much damage I'm outputting (if someone can correct me on this, please do so).

    My build consists of using Sweeping Wind to increase stacks with crits, dashing strike with the attack speed bonus and a couple of other equipment modifiers that increase attack speed and crit chance but obviously making Dex and Damage the main stat to prioritize. To have a better idea of what my stats look like this is what the sheet is telling me.

    TLDR: At what point does Dex percentage become a diminishing return in comparison to how much CHD and CHC I could be allocating?

    Extra: 16% CHD and 72% CHD in comparison to 2300% Dex damage seems like a big gap but that's because my character sheet keeps insisting on prioritizing equipment with dex affixes over crit and elemental affixes at any given moment. Even to the point of telling me that my newly found rare 2-hand Monk staff with no extra goodies trumps my two new Legendary blades with chain lightning modifiers, way faster attack speed and dex stat that doesn't fall too behind the prior rare option. Something doesn't feel right when the game is prioritizing the main damage stat over all the extra modifiers like resource bonuses and crowd control affixes.

    Thanks for your time.

    Edit: Found this video that explains how diminishing returns work in Diablo. Might still need some more eli5 after it though because I'm a slow learner ha.

    submitted by /u/OfficeGossip
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    Weekly Loot Wednesday - February 17, 2021

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    Welcome to this week's installment of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

    Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


    • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

    • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

    If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Commissar Farzi's guide to Diablo 1 Labyrinth Exploration

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 08:13 AM PST

    So I had originally posted this on the Discord, but I don't know how many people actually are on it so I figured I'd throw it on here-little something to help newer players:

    1. Save often. I can't tell you how many times I had to repeat whole sections by not doing this.
    2. If you are running away after biting off more than you could chew(Or the game decided to say "Get Bent!" with the RNG) , run towards an explored area. Otherwise you'll be running into a lot of things that want you dead. The same can be said with exploration-don't run straight in, as this can get you killed just as fast as running away from something into an unexplored area.
    3. Don't touch shrines without saving first-some shrines can either benefit you, hurt you in the long run, etc,-this goes double for cauldrons, as their effects are totally unpredictable. Again, see tip #1.
    4. Keep a decent supply of Full Healing potions. 8 early game, around 12 to 15 mid to late. Depending on your class, have a few full mana potions on hand can be handy as well, Sorcerers will need invest heavily.
    5. Rejuvenation potions are a decent investment, but are expensive in the short term and buying too many can actually be detrimental in the long term-keep one or two partial or full juvies on hand mid to late game.
    6. Don't spend money on stat boosting potions late game unless you actually have cash to spend on them.
    7. Repair your kit often-in fact every time you go into town. This may seem kind of dumb and paranoid to a newer player; durability goes faster than you think and I've had equipment break on me in the middle of a fight before, or damned near close. Though this can't always be prevented.
    8. Don't be afraid to swap out pieces of equipment or change up your play style a bit if you start running into trouble. Just keep in mind the pros and cons of what your getting and losing when you do this.
    9. Spellbooks are a good source of income, but having a few spells handy can also be beneficial. Yes even for the sword swingers. Don't sell spellbooks as a sorcerer though-unless it's one you know you won't use, and sometimes not even then. On that note-
    10. Spellbooks, if your magic is high enough can act as an emergency mana potion-I've noticed that the more powerful the spell, the more mana you get.
    11. Holy bolt can actually hurt Diablo, so don't be afraid to invest one or two levels into it.
    12. Certain magical and even unique items can hinder or even hurt you in fights.
    13. Since I know there's gonna be that one guy who goes "Where's the arrows for your bow?" The durability is essentially your arrows, see tip #7.
    14. Fireball is a decent spell, but very mana intensive to use-get it level decently and you can hit like a freight train even if your opponent has high resistances.
    15. Lightning spells have a lot of range, so don't be afraid to fire off a few shots to sniff out enemies-and on that one: the basic lighting spell has gives you some good bang for your buck-mana cost goes down as the damage goes up, though it's usually 1-to whatever, chain lighting can bring down tough targets quickly, but burns through mana.
    16. "Nothing short of Diablo is immune to stone curse Lazarus, you fucking twat." And the mana cost goes down with each level of the spell.
    17. Bone Spirit and Blood Star are the only Magic type damage spells in the game and are powerful in their own right-blood star uses health and mana, but deals a good, solid chunk of damage, where as bone spirit seeks out it's target and takes them down by 1/3 their current health. But don't rely on bone spirit over much as it takes a lot of these to kill upper level demons.
    18. Golem is...interesting to use-gives you a minion to fight for you, but at the same time he kinda just does his own thing, so usually the best way to do this is to simply summon it into a room and let it do its thing-though the high mana cost often made me wonder about the effectiveness of the strategy. Scroll's usually worth it though.
    19. Have a bow or a decent sword/mace or shield as the Sorcerer-yes he is a spell caster and can use staves and magic and all that crap, but having a decent sword and board gives you additional bonuses and a way to hurt enemies if their immune/resistant to spell damage. And Stone Curse is a thing, scrolls are easy enough to come by believe it or not so I don't want to hear you whining about him being a strictly magic using class-see tip 16#. Bows are also good if you don't want to get close, but need a way to put some hurt down range. Just keep in mind the Sorcerer has the slowest ranged and melee attacks in the game.
    20. Learn to Kite; this is more important than you realize-Early to Late game for Rogue, as there were times I would essentially root my self to the spot and fire my machine-bowgun at something and ended up paying for it. Early game Sorcerers can send a few charged bolts from the staff you start with and basically fire and forget-cleared entire rooms this way during my final run. Late game kiting is important for the Warrior-as their are precious few choke points to take advantage of and you will often have to lure small groups of enemies away. Sorcerers if you play it right can send up a few firewalls as a fuck you as you run away from whatever's trying to munch on your face, and golems and stone curse are are useful late game if you need a little breathing room.
    21. You have four hot keys in Diablo-F5, F6, F7, F8. Use em-it will make your life easier switching between spells. Learned this one the hard way.
    22. Have at least THREE scrolls of Town Portal, and see about learning the spell as an emergency back up. Just in case-you don't want to have to leg it back to town if you run out. 600 gold can save you a lot of effort and frustration.
    23. While it may seem like a good idea, the Healing Spell is not a good investment for the Sorcerer-you're essentially using your primary means of offense as a means to keep yourself alive-now maybe having a level or two in case of emergencies is okay, but don't go hogwild-leave it to the Rouge and Warrior okay? Instead, use scrolls of healing-their cheap, easy for him to use due to his fast cast rate, and given his generally low health they patch him up after one or two.
    24. Axes are not near as useful as you would think-yes they have in someways the highest damage-not DPS, but Damage when they hit in the game, but they're slow and you sacrifice a lot defense and utility. Though having one with faster swing speed enchantment can make up some of the difference-just be careful how you employ them as some enemies put out enough attacks to stunlock you. Try to have something that gives you a fast recovery after being hit
    25. Magic resistances are important, especially when facing down succubi and magistrates, as they will eat you alive if you don't have any. And while the Constriction Ring may give you max resistances, it also drains your health while your in the dungeon, so it CAN and WILL kill you faster. So get some items that won't do that-just trust me on this one. If you happen to get it and must use it, use it in an emergency or just sell it for a nice profit. 100k+ gold is nice, and nicks you some nice equipment.
    26. Wirt is a prick-it costs gold just to see what he has and it won't do you any good most of the time-think D2 gambling. So's Cain now that I think about it, but you actually need his services. Buy from Griswold instead.

    If have forgotten anything or not covered something here-drop me a line and I'll add it.

    submitted by /u/Commissar_Farzi
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    I’m new to Diablo 3 how can I make friends?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 12:02 AM PST

    I'm new to Diablo 3 I havnt completed the campaign but I've been doing my seasonal barbarian and it's level 66. I'm trying to find some friends just to have more fun with the game.

    submitted by /u/murderincookie1
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    It's possible to replicate all the benefits and gameplay experience of trading using only NPCs.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 10:30 AM PST

    Every system here involves no trading between players, it's all player to NPC. So no real money transaction is possible. But it's effectively the same thing as trading.

    1. Auction house to target items: The server continuously generates items and puts them on an AH. The amount could be for example equivalent to 1% of drops. Then players bid on the item using a special AH currency.
    2. Trading window bartering to target items: The player offers 1 or more items to a NPC. The NPC generates an offer of 1 or more items. The player accepts or declines. Limited to, say, 50 offers per week to match the experience of bartering and prevent infinite offers until you get what you want.
    3. Commodity trading: Some items that are always the same, like runes, can be bought and sold at a market price in terms of the AH currency, which the player has no control over. This is how the WoW token works in the WoW AH.
    4. Found something good, not useful for me, but I can trade for something I need: Instead of items rolling with just a vendor gold value, they can roll with a AH currency value too, so if the item is not useful for you, you can sell it to the vendor for AH currency, and use that currency to buy items on the AH.

    These systems are not mutually exclusive. You can, and should, do all 4.

    Why is creating the illusion of trading needed:

    1. Trading reduces the effect of bad RNG allowing you to target items and make the build you want.
    2. If drop rates are too low, which is what people want, it may not be possible to make a good in-meta build before the season is over. Trading makes it easier to make a build. We don't want a situation where a new season changes the meta before you can even finish the in-meta build for the last season.
    3. Trading is fun.
    submitted by /u/RealAlias_Leaf
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    So who’s idea was this Necromancer Bone Spear set? It’s busted.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:33 AM PST

    To be fair I haven't played Diablo in years. Last time I played there were no seasons. I had a firebird wizard and ~700 paragon. I decided to get back into the game and try to catch the tail end of this season. Decided on Necromancer.

    The Necro class in general is very strong and leveling/campaign on T1 was fairly easy. A lot easier than I recall on my wizard. So I make it to adventure mode and begin working on season objectives. I get my seasonal Necro set and holy shjt it's so powerful. I want to say it "overpowered" but I don't have a fair comparison given that my wizard is wearing a 6 year old set lol.

    I was able to push to GR 80 (from 0), with minimal paragon and in one sitting. I have 6 days played on my wizard and I barely scratched the GR 30s. Is this how all new gear sets are? Is my wizard set just outdated? Or is the Masquerade set just overpowered?

    What are others' experiences with Necromancer (especially with the new set) vs other classes?

    submitted by /u/DoctorSneak
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