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    Friday, October 23, 2020

    Diablo LPT Magic Weapon Deflection Bonus Stacks 5 Times!

    Diablo LPT Magic Weapon Deflection Bonus Stacks 5 Times!

    LPT Magic Weapon Deflection Bonus Stacks 5 Times!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    No where in the description of the Deflection rune for Magic Weapon, does it mention that the Bonus stacks 5 times. This means instead of a one Time 4% bonus, it can stack up to 20%(up to 40% with primal bracers) of your Hit points.

    I found closed posts on reddit that told me it did this. It would be nice if this was included in the description. This would really help new players.

    submitted by /u/Adventux to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    CC Invoker question

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Rolled an invoker sader out of nostalgia and to try it with capt cris set. Love playing it! But I'm finding with trove in the cube in order to slot capt cris and subsequently having no room for nemesis bracers I have to get lucky on GR spawns above 105.

    Like survivability and damage is great but skipping pack to pack is hit or miss as far as having enough elites to spawn the rg. Even exploring the floors I still find myself at the final floor with time to spare and no more elites left. While this doesn't always happen it happens a lot more then I'd like. Probably 3/5 runs.

    I've started swatting the trash around my elite packs but it hasn't seemed like it's made any significant difference, I still either end up with a map where I hit enough elites to spawn before final floor or I end up on final floor with not enough progress and no more elites.

    I've considered using my open ring slot for a unity and dropping Aquila so I could slot cc set into legs/boots and wear trove/make room for cubed nems for solo play, tbh this will prob be my go to since dps has been the absolute least of my issues. At 105 and only 1400 para elites only take 2-3 sec and rg drops in less than a min.

    So question here for peeps running cc invoker without nems - is this just a reality of cc invoker? Is this set up going to be more for group play? Where others can swat trash effectively? Or do you rely on a lucky spawn? Or do you do something like I'm considering with working nems into the equation?

    I realize next season I could fit it in with extra cube slot, but my question is just in general right now for non season play. Also not interested in valor or a different build. Invoker is a like a pet project right now and I'm enjoying it a lot so please just any info relevant to invoker/these questions.

    Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/olehammy_ to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Weekly Consolidated Gear Advice Thread

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    To reduce clutter on this subreddit, please post your gear check questions in this thread only.

    Please note that independent gear check threads will be deleted with a note to copy/paste that gear check here.

    In order for others to provide useful feedback on your gearcheck, you MUST include the following information:

    • Your desired build

    • A link to your battle.net profile

    • A description or screenshot of how your paragon points are spent

    • A description of your what you want to accomplish with the gearcheck - e.g. your goals and/or problems - a grift difficulty level, ubers, a specific build or playstyle, etc.

    • An in-game screenshot of your stats with the details tab open is recommended, but not required - if we can see your dps, toughness, all resist, armor, hp, cc, cd, etc. as you see it in-game, it's easier for us to help you.

      If you use printscreen and paste, it will show your desktop. But if you use printscreen and go into your Documents/Diablo III/Screenshots folder, you will find the in-game screenshot.

    ANY post that does not include this information may not receive a response.

    In addition, if you haven't done so already, take a look at the guides in our sidebar. Many of your questions will have been answered there.

    Thank you, and may your sentries clear a path to victory!

    Please note: The consolidated gear check posts are created every week (Tuesday) at approximately 2 PM GMT (7 AM Eastern)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Rabid Sunwuko WoL?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    For S22, has anyone tried out SWK WoL with Rabid Strike + Bindings as the armor and fourth cube slots?

    I'm wondering this because it never fit before, but the essentially 4x damage you get from that interaction was the main thing that made LoD WoL competitive with Sunwuko before. Still, not sure it'd be enough to make it worthwhile over just going TR, specially with the Shenlong variant also available in S22.

    Here's a sample d3planner that shows what it could look like.

    submitted by /u/Valarauka_ to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Can someone help?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I need to get the traveler's pledge amulet. How do I do it? What do I need to farm to get it is what I mean?

    I've heard that I need to farm bounties but I don't know if that is the best way to do it.

    submitted by /u/SelskiBoc to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Lamentation in Kanai’s Cube

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 10:29 PM PDT


    I just put my lamentation belt in Kanai's cube which would stack rend twice. I then put a different belt.

    Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think it is stacking twice as the demons die a little slower compared when I have mantle of channeling in Kanai's cube and lamentation as my belt. Is this true?


    submitted by /u/mannyboiblue to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    1million damage firebrats. Only costs 35 mana

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Very strong equipment combo picked up at level 43. I use pestilence locust swarm to get entire group, then dire firebats to deal 1million damage per second. It's absurdly powerful

    https://ibb.co/qNXC6Wq https://ibb.co/PYtzHF9

    Edit: stupid autocorrect. FireBATS

    submitted by /u/Pennative to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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