• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 29, 2020

    Diablo Just noticed this grave on the way to Adria, I’ve never seen it before. Does anyone know if there’s a backstory behind it or it’s nothing particular?

    Diablo Just noticed this grave on the way to Adria, I’ve never seen it before. Does anyone know if there’s a backstory behind it or it’s nothing particular?

    Just noticed this grave on the way to Adria, I’ve never seen it before. Does anyone know if there’s a backstory behind it or it’s nothing particular?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    A new Diablo Community Manager has joined the team, but the minions of Hell grow stronger. Welcome to Tom Powers, new Diablo CM!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Having a rough time

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I have a lvl 70-612 paragon sader, with almost his full set . I'm doing thorns of the invoker , all I really need is the ring of grandeur to complete the set. I am having such a rough time even clearing solo gr 40 and I don't understand how or why. I am gemmed correctly , I have my skills set right . Is the ring really that crucial to the build ? I can't see the problem but I'm just getting trounced . Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/fetidandstinking
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    Stay awhile, and listen.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    This may be overly repetitive, it in fact will be. I already know it.

    I recently just booted up Diablo 2: LOD after about 10 years of not playing.

    Love to see this community thriving and the community here on Reddit.

    I'm going to play Single Player.

    What's the best areas to MF?

    Got any tips and tricks?

    Got any suggestions on fun builds?

    Absolutely any Suggestion is welcomed.

    Please excuse the repetitiveness of this post.

    submitted by /u/RegardsFromAsgard
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    Unboxing the 24.5" Premium Diablo IV Lilith Statue

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I managed to get my hands on the 24.5" Lilith statue from Diablo IV. This may be the highest quality sculpt I've ever seen, and it should be at $500!


    Hope you dig this look at this incredible statue. Now join me as we wait for what seems like forever for this game to come out. 0_0

    submitted by /u/GamingTrend
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    Sprinter Conquest on PS4

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Diablo Three Current season, where is the mystic?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Playing my first season and I'm supposed to level up the mystic but I can not locate him/her. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mattlanta88
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    Diablo Immortal will soon enter external regional testing | 2020 Q3 Activision Blizzard Results

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    According to the latest Activision Blizzard Earnings report, Diablo Immortal will soon enter external regional testing: https://i.imgur.com/s8JLRyO.png

    No word about Diablo 4 aside from this vague reference:

    With our teams hard at work on multiple products in the Diablo® franchise and major innovations for the Overwatch® franchise, the pipeline across our portfolio and the potential for long term revenue and earnings expansion has never been stronger.

    Link to 2020 Q3 Results: https://investor.activision.com/static-files/3ea261b4-e6cc-42de-bff1-28a4092dfa39

    submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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    Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - 10/29/20

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to week 371 of Thursday Help Desk.

    This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

    Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

    If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

    Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

    If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    Should I wait until season 22 to start my “main” character?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I am new to Diablo 3 and have just learned about seasons. Should I wait until the start of season 22 to start my "main" or should I just go for it right now? Like what will I miss out on if i start this season? Or does it really matter since I'm new to the series?

    Edit: and what would you guys suggest for a good, fun beginner character?

    submitted by /u/weefer-0
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    Why I think that an ingame AH is bad "per se"

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    TL;DR: any ingame AH makes the items look too common and less desirable while also ruining drops. "Classic" trading keeps the items looking exciting while allowing you to get them, only ruining the game for the ones who intentionally want to boycott themselves.

    I've seen recently many posts across the official forums, this sub and other subs about "fixes" for an eventual AH. Ways to make it more secure, ways to avoid pay2win, etc. However I think that even in a perfect world where there're no bots, security is perfect and so on, having an ingame AH in a Diablo game would still be a bad idea. Not because of how good or bad is the implementation of the AH, but because of the mere fact of being an AH.

    In the frequent "trade vs no trade" brawls, we usually see the "Diablo is about getting exciting items, so being able to get it for free or through credit card breaks the purpose of the game". And it's right, however what does make an item "exciting"? In my opinion, the most exciting items are the ones which best meet the requirements of powerful, iconic, fun to play, and scarce.

    The basic carrot-stick theory confronts two concepts, the sensation of how hard is getting that reward vs the hope that you can get that reward. So the ideal thing is making the items to look the most scarce possible while at the same time giving you the feeling that you can get them, something that frontally collides, because improving one worsens the other and vice versa. However, and here's the main point I want to bring, an in-game AH is able to worsen both: makes the items look more common while at the same time makes them harder to get, increasing the frustration.

    On the one hand, an ingame AH slaps a million copies of every single item into your face, making the item look less scarce to your eyes, immunizing you a bit and making them less exciting, and also unleashing the full power of the offer-demand law, sinking the prices, and making those ultra-rare items being too easy to get, legitly and in a way that's totally intended to be that way. On the other hand, drop rates get dramatically reduced in order to fight that "super-availability", so the game stops giving you carrots... And the few times when you get a carrot, it doesn't taste that good.

    If you go to a 3rd party, you're intentionally looking for a shortcut, ruining your own experience on purpose. But if it's ingame, the game was developed to be that way, it's a feature devs put there with that purpose, and when you play a game, you always look for the path of least resistance, it's what's a game is about, doing your best to beat the game, and not using it is like playing wrong on purpose. It's like using a bad build on purpose and refusing to utilize the good ones because they're OP, it's against the nature of playing a game. So once it's inside the game and extremely accesible, it stops crossing the red line of the not allowed stuff and becomes "what you should do".

    Meanwhile, "classic" trading fullfills the opposite: lets the items to be scarce enough to never get some of them through drops making them exciting, but lets you still get some of those scarce drops, excellent-tasting carrots, it's just that those carrots are not always for your character, but they allow you getting the carrots suitable for you through going after someone who has them. So you have the illusion of the stick being ultra long, while at the same time you have the sensation of being able to eat the good-tasting carrots.

    I believe that trading should be treated like any other feature in the game, it can be overpowered or underpowered, improve or worsen the game. But I think that an ingame AH worsens the game, no matter which implementation you choose.

    I know that downvoting is a trend, but please, I don't care if you do it if you give your fair reasons and make it civil.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/UselessWise
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    Looking for a new clan for D3 S22 (EU)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Hi guys, season 21 was my first season in D3 and I reached paragon 1600 and did GR120 solo playing Barb and zBarb in random groups. For season 22 I'm looking for a clan with players who are active the whole season. Do you guys have any suggestions on where to start looking?

    submitted by /u/jtacguy
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    [New player] Level 35 wizard, what to do now?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Already beat the game. This is the first time I've done adventure mode and I'm just doing bounties on all 5 acts and have done only one rift and that's it. I just do these bounties get all of this gear and salvage 90% of it then repeat that's it. Am I doing it wrong? What are some objectives I should give myself and what exactly do I do besides this or is this it?


    submitted by /u/z76101
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    Do you guys think immortal will grow the community?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I just want to hear some other opinions.

    submitted by /u/XxRobinxX456
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