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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Diablo I made the Diablo himself in Hero Forge! What do you guys think?

    Diablo I made the Diablo himself in Hero Forge! What do you guys think?

    I made the Diablo himself in Hero Forge! What do you guys think?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    D2 inspired redesign of new D4 skill tree.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    PTR: Shadow Clones Discussion / Feedback

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    last night phase 2 started and the season theme was enabled on the PTR, so we got to try out the Shadow Clones for the first time. First impression is really oof for various reasons. There have been no significant item or balance changes from the first iteration of the PTR, but I assume we are still going to see some.

    PTR patch notes / blog post: https://diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/blog/23529004

    First impressions (also here's a video to see them in action, clips from yesterday's stream):

    TL;DR: Season Theme has many bugs and also seems very inconsistent. I've heard in solo DH it absolutely melts elites up to GR130 while I haven't seen them do any signifcant damage above GR100 all night in solo Necro and 4man with Necros/Barb/Monk. Overall scaling is out of whack especially on very low end and very high end and between different classes.

    Bugs include:

    - Clones can be duplicated by Necro Bone Armor casts sometimes

    - Apparently also through teleporting back and forth in some places

    - I wasn't able to reproduce it personally and can't tell what causes the duplicates exactly, but I've seen it and heard from a bunch of other people

    - When players in party switch zones the clone can attach to and start following another player if you go back

    - Clones not attacking at all (or at least keep a standing animation)

    - Clones can kill you or party members when their projectiles are reflected from Sand Dwellers / Dune Dervishes

    A few talking points we had about Shadow Clones last night:

    - They seem to do a lot more in solo than in groups. Could be because in groups you have support players with low damage but overall the idea seemed to show positive feedback. I also think that making them better for solo is a great idea, would close the gap a bit

    - Some clone skills seem to do a lot more damage than others. As a support Barb, I consistently saw 1.5-2.5b hits and with one certain skill (couldn't see much) I saw x100 that (~200b). Same seems to happen with DH clones and Impale, and probably some other skills on other clones

    - It would be great to see an indicator for number of clones / remaining time if possible

    - It would be great to either have only one clone variation or get some kind of clear indicator which variation you have spawned without looking at all the used skills very precisely. Perhaps with different colors / a distinct spawn animation

    - People seem quite confused about what the scaling mechanisms are exactly due to wildly varying numbers. Apparently it's based on sheet damage but the problem with that is the GR scaling: a Bone Spear Necro with 1m sheet damage can e.g. clear GR125 and a fully optimized character with "invisible" damage stats such as area damage, cooldown, skill dmg rolls etc will have only marginally more sheet damage in comparison (e.g. 5m sheet dps) but potentially clear 15-20 tiers higher (x25 monster hp) due to fishing, toughness, more optimal gameplay etc. The scaling with sheet dmg vs. monster hp is really out of sync for very high and very low tiers

    General issues of the clones:

    - They stay behind when you change floors

    - They are tied to pylon spawns, meaning that when pushing they will increase the highroll RNG potential by making rifts with more pylons also spawn more clones, allowing you to snowball more easily. Conversely you will struggle more than before in rifts with fewer pylons

    Ideas to solve scaling issues / inconsistencies:

    - Idea #1: Make it fixed damage and scale with GR tiers. Let shadow clones effectively work similar to a conduit pylon and scale their individual skills to kind of deal the same overall damage in an average pull size of let's say 10 monsters. Could take a look at proc coefficient tables / AoE size of the skills to get a rough idea of balance (e.g. an Impale could do ~10% of a yellow elite, a Multishot could do ~2%, a Cluster Arrow ~3%, a Chakram 2.5%, an Elemental Arrow ~4%, ... fixed value on an average yellow elite independent of which difficulty/GR tier you are playing on)

    - Idea #2: Make it only one variation and be a support player for you. Give them all the support stuff a class has to offer and maybe 1-2 skills to kill stuff and do something so people can see some funny stuff in T16 / low GRs and feel excited about a clone oneshotting something there. E.g. a Crusader that runs 3 Laws and buffs you and heals you with Consecration etc, a support Monk that drops Sanctuary everywhere and has some Mantras, a support DH that gives you Wolf and Marked for Death and spawns 10 Guardian Turrets etc. Could assign some custom values / create super strong custom versions of these skills (e.g. Wolf and Marked for Death buff is 50% each etc) to balance it out a bit between classes and make them feel impactful

    - Idea #3: We already have Simulacrums, why can't we have these guys work similarly and duplicate our own skills (either when we use them or on their own)? This could solve most of the scaling issues if they simply use our stuff with our own multipliers. Perhaps add a special twist like they have a lot of extra attack speed / RCR / CDR or 1-2 fixed skills they always use on top (e.g. the aforementioned buffs)

    Quick summary of 4th cube slot:

    - Pretty much works as you expect it to, you simply select one power out of any and add it to your character

    - Currently the activated 4th power is only visible in the Kanai's Cube itself. It's missing from all other UI elements (leaderboard, character details, profile, ...)

    I'm curious to hear more thoughts and experiences with the clones or some ideas on how to change them. It seems like a difficult task due to the amount of skills / scenarios / scaling mechanisms involved and I believe constructive feedback is needed!

    - wudijo

    submitted by /u/wudijo22
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    I was a Diablo II LOD duper in 2002 and bought my first laptop as a teenager thanks to it! AMA

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Went down a youtube hole today and learned about the Diablo II project which renewed my interest in one of my favorite games, Diablo II. It also made me realize that I had a very unique experience with the game, as it was the first and only video game I can safely say I had close to mastered for my goals. IE I was interested in getting the best loot, doing meph runs, and building side characters off of said loot. Generally just screwing around in the game, seeking more loot, and doing runs with my best friend. I eventually made some relationships through a computer camp I went where I learned to program, and then I eventually worked there teaching kids how to program. This was where it all started, summer of 2002 at Ursula College outside Cleveland Ohio, at a computer camp that the school hosted. (I played on US East, my account name was Manlor IIRC)

    It was there that duping was introduced to me by another camper. I remember him being very resistant to share it, but for whatever reason he eventually did ( I think I just bugged him like crazy). The method I used was done through exploiting a glitch where you had to create many many new characters to get a bugged account, and then create many many games until you had a glitched game. I don't totally remember the exploit beyond it required a specific type of new account, then a specific game, you'd essentially repeat the process over and over until I think you could dupe. (Again I was 16-17 at the time, so this was almost 20 years ago, so my memory is a bit foggy) But it was incredibly repetitive and time consuming, but once you got it going, oh man you would just sit there and dupe for hours (I think it was literally you'd just drop the item on the ground and it would stay in your inventory)

    Before I get flamed a little by the purists ;) I should preface this by saying before I got into duping, I already had a maxed out MF Firewall sorc, with a Shako, Skullders Ire, Oculus, etc... It was only after I had maxed out my sorc that this was all introduced to me. It was around this point too that bugged items were showing up, which further muddled the economy. You could say I broke the game for myself though, as now it turned into a job and took a lot of the fun out of it, as farming items was basically pointless now. I'd say my motivations though were mostly out of a combination of curiosity, boredom, and eventually a desire to make money. I wish I could recall more on the history of this in general. I know there were other duping methods in the past and eventually bugged item exploits too, but I don't remember a lot of them. In terms of where the duping market was, I think I got to the duping scene towards the end, as by now LOD was kinda on the decline as a result of rampant duping/bugging items/exploits etc. I also think maybe 2-4 months after I started duping, the exploit was patched. Eventually other ones came out though and you had some really wacky bugged items with insane stats that were kinda ruining the game too. I think this all led to the introduction of clone diablo to help combat the endless SOJ's and IIRC they eventually had a patch in 2003 or 2004 that cleaned house for good.

    Once I realized the worth of the items and the ease of duping, my sole goal here was to make money, so I turned my duping into a small enterprise where I sold items individually on ebay, and also had several buyers who I would sell to outside of ebay in mass quantities. I primarily sold SOJ's, Unidentified Windforces, and unidentified Grandfathers. They were all perfect stats, I actually had a lil gimmick in my ebay listings where I'd sell them unidentified and promise if they weren't perfect stat's you get your money back. I had a system in place for how I stored my accounts and transferred them, it was so specific that someone I sold items to once figured out my naming secquence and password (it was all sequential, like Barb120 pw 120, barb121 pw121) because I sold so many items, I had to keep track of them and my buyers, and a couple times someone figured it out and looted items from other accounts before they got to their intended buyer.

    At a point I had two CD Key's and through some workaround was able to run two copies of the game at the same time so that I was able to better handle my duping/ebaying/moving of items too. I could be mis-remembering this though and just running a second computer as my neighbor gave me an old dell that barely chugged along, I don't totally recall by now.

    Had I been a bit more enterprising I could have made tens of thousands of dollars, some of the other hackers that taught me this, made much more money than me. I think one of them got into some prescription drug scam, I'm not sure but a couple of these guys were really shady. For me it was a bit of a hobby, I made maybe 2-3k over a summer which allowed me to buy my first laptop, it was a toshiba satellite pro or something, I think it was a 2k laptop Which was pretty ludicrous in 2002.It had a mobile nvidia chip and at the time was just an insane laptop that could run Unreal Tournament with really good graphic settings. I'd bring it to school and it kinda wowed everyone, I was pretty proud of it too because I paid for it with my own money. I actually wanted to buy a car but my parents highly discouraged me (not sure why)

    While I grew up middle/upper class, my parents didn't really teach me how to handle money, I didn't have an allowance and they actually discouraged me against working because they thought it'd interfere with my schooling. And any money I made from jobs i had, my mom made me save and wouldn't let me access, and they wouldn't spend money on me for "frivilous things". So in general, I was kind of scared with the amount of easy money I was earning, so I never really took it to an obscene level. It just felt a bit weird, and wrong.

    As more and more people got into duping the market kept saturating, especially after you had bugged items totally devalue SOJ's and such. So at this point it didn't make a whole lot of sense to keep selling, if I remember, the market might've only really been hot for 6-8 months max. The prices kept plummeting, and other sellers kept getting more and more competitive, it was a good lesson on inflation. For me this was just a fun way to make money playing around in one of my favorite games, and eventually do a bit of trolling.

    Trolling you say? Well, one of my favorite things to do, was to go into random games, and act like a total noob with one of my level 1 accounts, I'd tell people I found this bow, or sword, that I wasn't sure if it was any good, and that I left it in town, something to that extent. Basically that I didn't want it, and someone could have it, most of the time people would ignore me or think I was trolling but I was actually giving away free Windforces and Grandfathers to people who were genuinely cool or curious. Sometimes I actually said I was giving away a free item. It was funny to watch it all unfold, as eventually someone would go and find the item, and realize I just dropped a windforce or a grandfather, and freak out, the reactions were generally priceless. People who didn't believe me at first, almost ALWAYS would immediately rage, calling me an idiot, insulting me, just going ballistic. Of course these were almost always the people who DIDN'T get the item, who didn't believe me that I even had dropped something, ignored me in the first place etc. So generally the item ended up the hands of a curious noob, or someone who actually trusted other people etc... Because these items cost me nothing, and you could make someones day, week, month or year with them, I had no qualms giving many away.

    I used to do this a lot actually, I had so many duped items that I don't think I was ever able to sell them all before Blizz caught on and wiped everything. I honestly gave away countless items, while sure you could argue I contributed to screwing up the Diablo II economy, I can promise you I was a small fish, and I really liked playing this innocent guy who just wanted to give away something for free, or get rid of an item I didn't think was valuable. The good part though was these items generally went into the hands of decent hard-working gamers, who almost always appreciated it. However I do think a couple people even tried to report me for it, either because they were salty, or because maybe they thought I was duping? (However I never disclosed this with anyone. Ever. But I do think my CD key was eventually banned much later after I stopped playing)

    I think I covered a lot here, wish I remembered specifics like how much items sold for, how the market worked, I remember selling accounts full of hundreds of SOJ's or WF/GF for 400-500 lump sum, my best friend sold with me as well. We both had our own thing going on, but I brought him into duping, he once got scammed on a paypal chargeback for 3k worth of items that he sold outside ebay like me. I remember him telling me about it when he first made the deal, he was so thrilled.

    There's probably a lot more I might remember if asked the right question, I've actually never talked about this in the gaming community, only with close friends and stuff growing up. Also yeah my parents had no idea what I was doing, and yes probably thought I was sellling drugs or something. I think if my dad tried to understand or connect with it more he probably could've helped me understand the economics of what I was doing and I could have made much more money. I didn't have the best relationship with my parents then though as I was an angsty teen listening to Tool and Deftones, locked up in my bedroom 24/7, but luckily I grew out of that bullshit and have an awesome relationship with my fam. Still love Deftones, Tool, ehh.

    Regarding the market on ebay for D2 items,it was just very interesting how we'd price against each other, and someone would always undercut you. I don't think there was a huge market of sellers on ebay if I remember, however we were all competing with each other and the price wars eventually got brutal. I mean you're selling a virtual item with almost no cost beyond time, and your electric bill! I think at a point I was selling Windforces and Grandfathers for 20 bucks a pop, I don't remember if that was high, or low, I also think I acquired them originally by actually buying and duping them off ebay. I honestly don't remember because I didn't farm either of these items. however I did have a massive collection of almost every unique item in the game, that I had already acquired on my own. I think the real difficulty in duping, was acquiring certain rare items, runes especially.

    Had we been able to collude we likely could've all done much better. But the instant someone dropped the price, you basically had to match or drop as well, given nothing differentiates you as we all offer the same product. My only leg up was that I offered the item for free if it wasn't perfect stats, however I'm sure other sellers tried similar gimmicks.

    Diablo II was probably my favorite game in so many ways, especially given it helped me buy an insane amazingly fast laptop back when most adults didn't even have one, and most kids didn't even have their own computer, remember this was 2002! Up until then I only had my own computer from a summer job where I saved up all summer to build it, and slowly upgrade it over the years.

    Hope you guys enjoy reading this and I'd love to hear what ya'll think!

    submitted by /u/GreppMichaels
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    Update to Frozen Orb Deathwish: New Rotation Optimized for More Damage!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Do people still play diablo 2?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    So I got my dad's old pc (windows xp) and i found some of his old games: half-life, diablo 2, starcraft and ever quest. So I decided to install diablo first and am in the process of doing so right now, hence my question: do people still play diablo 2? I'm talking about a decent amount.

    Thanks if you answered!

    submitted by /u/Masster_Potato_Man
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    Lilith Statue

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Well I finally got the shipment notification from FedEx that my Lilith statue has shipped. Seems like forever since I ordered it (March 6, 2020). Says it arrives on Monday and the package is 34lbs. Wow lol. So excited.

    submitted by /u/levans80
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    Diablo 2 lan?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Me and a dude are trying to play Diablo 2

    He bought the oficial key but I'm poor so we are trying to play it anyway with a cracked copy. Can someone enlighten us please?

    -I'm using WXP and he has W10 -im wireless connected to the wifi and he has direct cable to the router

    There is a chance to get it working?

    submitted by /u/WardInMyHeart
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    My youngest on his first rift run

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    I was raised on Diablo. I got my youngest to play he fell in love. Here is his crusader on his first rift run. Difficulty Torment 1. I may have helped him get some OP equipment to survive.


    submitted by /u/Garrickr
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    Diablo 3 Necromancer seasonal question

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Whats the best way to farm for necro armor? Trying to do like the poison push build but no idea how to get Trag'Ouls Scythe etc. Some help or insight would be awesome, thank you

    submitted by /u/tabspls
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    Primal with non primal stat?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    should i just go straight into seasonal heroes in diablo 3?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    I played a lot of Diablo 3 on the switch and I completed the story and I decided to get it on the PC, so I was wondering if I should play the story again or go choose to go a seasonal hero to play first.

    submitted by /u/JRBH779
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    What will happen to Diablo 3 when 4 is released?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Can it be played offline since they'll focus more on 4? Can they still support the game? Diablo 3 is on sale right now and I know its late but I was planning to purchase it.

    submitted by /u/Pr0tanoia
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    Diablo 3 - Phase 2 - Season 22 PTR - Initial Thoughts

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    when does the diablo 3 sales ends?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    i would wish to know when does it end? i just downloaded the free trial and i don't want to be pressured into buying this game, i never played this type of games, i am more of an fps player, battle royale stuff(Fortnite/Warzone)

    i got recommendations of this game from my family, i am about to start playing the free trial with my cousin and if i'll like it i will probably buy it but i have no idea when's the sales gonna end?

    submitted by /u/Artisto_SH
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