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    Sunday, October 4, 2020

    Diablo Durance of Hate Level 2 is so unreasonable huge.

    Diablo Durance of Hate Level 2 is so unreasonable huge.

    Durance of Hate Level 2 is so unreasonable huge.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Season 22 Endgame with Leviathan, Lexy, Raxxanterax, sVr, Wudijo

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Looking for HD/digital version of Diablo IV art

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Back in Blizzcon, there's an art by Victor Lee entitled "Lilith's Army". The problem is: the only images I can find of it are second-hand photographs.

    Does anyone have the digitally published high-definition version of it?

    submitted by /u/ArcTriumvirate
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    As someone who has only ever played the campaign, what am I missing out on after that?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Over the years, I've probably played through the game 3 or 4 times on different consoles, only ever playing the campaign and then stopping (thinking it was over). I'm on pc now and have been playing WoW for the past 2.5 years. Absolutely loving the idea of a grind at endgame. I have been playing D3 through recently while I wait on SL and want to finally see what this game has in store for the endgame. What are some cool things (like the cow level) to go for and do at endgame? What is the end game even like? Is it going after certain drops from bosses that have the item you are looking for with a low drop rate? I'm quite clueless.


    Edit: basically, what's the big picture?

    submitted by /u/ImCam17
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    Been out of it for awhile, just figured out there’s a class set for the crusader to be a hammerdin. Gettin big D2 vibes.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:45 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Can anyone explain what triggers Nemesis in Diablo 3? I've fought him a handful of times and he always just shows up randomly.

    Is there in particular that summons him?

    submitted by /u/LegendaryBatsquatch
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    D4 should be dark and inspired by games like Dark Soul and Bloodborne instead of WoW

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    D4 developers should look, listen and play these games instead of turning D4 into a black/white version of WoW like D3. The monsters, bosses, music and sound effects of dark games like Dark Soul and Bloodborne really suit the Diablo universe. No more rainbows, unicorns and flashy fireworks please!

    submitted by /u/lafietafie
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    My skill tree feedback

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    The Diablo IV tree system has a lot of potential, what Blizzard showed us it's just a rough draft. After thinking about it, this is how I'll like it to work with some considerations for endgame too. And sorry for any grammar mistakes, English it's not my native language.

    You have everything resumed in 3 images, but I'll write it here too, but for the most part it's better to look at the pictures (https://imgur.com/a/rG1D2AA)

    Types of Branches

    • Branches must be for single elements mostly, with a few exceptions for all-around useful skills like Teleport.
    • Every branch must start with a "Minor Destruction" skill or an all-around skill.
    • Mostly I see 4 types of possible branches (talking about skills only, not upgrades): 2 skills in a row, 3 skills with a bifurcation, 3 skills in line (I see these branches as ending in an ultimate) and 4 skills with a bifurcation (maybe 1-1-2 or 1-3). You can take a look at examples in picture 1: https://i.imgur.com/G6em3SJ.png

    Skill Upgrades and Modifications

    • I feel having only stacking upgrades doesn't have enough variety. I propose to have also Skill Modifications where you have to choose between various options for a single node, and you can only have one (like runes in D3).
    • Also you can have upgrades and modifications that are required to advance in the branch and some that are optionals. Most of the upgrades and modifications must be in the same branch as the skill except if it interacts in some way with a skill for a different branch.
    • You can see a 2 skill branch I made up as an example of all these options in picture 2: https://i.imgur.com/Jf9eYrb.png

    Other considerations (picture 3, you don't need to see this one, just text anyway)

    • Each character can have 8-10 branches on the tree. All minor destruction (or equivalent for other characters) are available at level 1, others unlock at different level ranges.
    • If you have all the skills useful for a lot of builds near the start of branches, the player has the option to sacrifice some skill upgrades and have different skills for different situations, even if not upgraded. A player could have 5 other skills plus Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Teleport and Blizzard all taken with few or no upgrades just for build variety without respec.
    • At maximum level the endgame progression could add ranks to skills/mods, so we can have a solid focused progression (equivalent to leveling in Diablo II since you unlock your "build" at level 30 or whatever up to level 99).
    • Not having ranks during leveling permits more build variety. You don't need to choose variety OR power.
    • Also solves the problem that a player COULD not choose enough skills to fill the 6 slots :P
    • The start also poses a problem (for Blizzard tree too), you start without skills until you put some points. A couple options could be making the player choose a starting Minor Destruction skill on the character creation or having a temporary "minor" skill the character loses when he/she learns their first skill.
    submitted by /u/fr0d0b0ls0n
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    When can we expect Diablo IV release?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Is late 2021 feasible? Or are we looking at late 2022, or even 2023?

    submitted by /u/SheWhoHates
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    [Top 10] Diablo 3 Best Crusader Skills For High Damage

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    [Top 5] Diablo 3 Best Crusader Builds Right Now

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Opening 5 Large Hoardic chests - Torment 3 - Barbarian

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Are we allowed to talk about diablo-like titles in general here?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if this isn't the place for a post like this, but I'm not seeing any rules in the sidebar, so- here goes.

    I really want to learn to enjoy one of these games. Conceptually, they seem right up my alley, but in practice, something keeps bugging me about all of them and it's kept me from really digging into anything.

    Looking from the outside in, it seems like the core of my issue with the three of these that I've actually tried (ARPGs? Diablo-likes?) is that there's this mentality that the meta-game is the game. I've tried Diablo III, PoE and Grim Dawn, and each of them quickly made me feel the same way.

    I love how complex the stat interactions can get, how gear can shape a character, obviously the fantasy of smashing your way through thousands of enemies, and the general idea of a perpetual dungeon crawl where your only ultimate goal is to become a more efficient killing machine.

    When I say that there's a "the meta-game is the game" mentality, I think a good example is a statement I see often on forums like this, which is that if you're looking for a challenging experience, you should look for a different genre. Really? That's one of the core ideas here? The moment to moment gameplay just never feels all that engaging.

    I don't mean that a game needs to be extremely difficult or punishing, but that I wish it wasn't just a DPS race. The player hardly needs to do anything past the planning stages of a build, aside from chugging a potion when necessary and running if things get too hot. It's a very passive experience, and a lot of people seem convinced that if it wasn't a fairly passive experience, it wouldn't be much of a Diablo-like, and so this combination of relatively complex loot mechanics, crazy enemy counts, randomized dungeons and flashy skills gets delegated to a very specific type of player looking for a very specific sort of game they can chill out with while listening to a podcast or something.

    I mean, in Path of Exile's case, the game's literally built around being able to have a character that only uses one or two skills (or none at all even, so that you just attack once and just... stand there.) Which is a shame, because it really seems quite neat, although it's free-to-play nature was ultimately what turned me off from it. I've also heard that the moment-to-moment combat used to actually be fun, and the community slowly convinced it's developers to turn it into something mechanically far easier, which is discouraging to say the least.

    At least Diablo III gives you plenty of buttons to press, but meanwhile, it's... well, you know what it is, you know what new players say about it, you've played it.

    Grim Dawn is probably the closest I've come to actually enjoying things, especially with stuff like the achievement "I Was Not Expecting You, Human" (Slay Warden Krieg on Veteran mode with a character under level 11) which actually put me in situations where I needed to really think about what I was doing moment-to-moment, in that case actually avoiding combat and weaving through hoards of zombies, not getting to level 11 before reaching the first boss was actually a legitimate challenge. Ultimately though I felt the same nagging boredom, and the idea that "endgame" in Grim Dawn is so dependent on one set of stats (elemental resistances) was a big turnoff as well.

    The thing is, you almost never need to react to anything. You go through the same skill rotation, round enemies up in a ball, press the health potion button when something hurts (which you can rarely avoid). Enemy design is seemingly almost non-existent, at least not in a way that creates interesting situations. Fighting hoards of mooks is great fun, but there should at least be moments where you need to survive some bullet hell, prioritize targets, change up your attack patterns, anything. I almost find myself almost wishing for, like, environmental traps or something.

    TL;DR, are there any games in this genre that really expect something from the player outside of the planning stages? Something with enemy design beyond "run at the player, slightly faster than the player", something that messes with your builds in an interesting way sometimes, anything? Even very old stuff would be fine, I'm the sort of person who still plays classic Doom (real classic Doom) and shit like Morrowind, so if the answer is Diablo 2 or even just Diablo, cool. Supposedly The Slormancer is specifically trying to appeal to people like me, so... looking forward to that, I guess. I can't help but think that if anyone actually got past some of these preconceived notions of what a "diablo-like" is, they'd have a massive game on their hands, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

    submitted by /u/Mummelpuffin
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    Why the D4 meteor/some skills are cartoony, and what cartoony means (meteor example)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    A lot of people asked me at my last post to clarify what cartoony means to me, and many could not see why the D4 meteor example was cartoony at all. So I wanted to elaborate, in the example of the meteor gif:

    D4 now: https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/gallery/BHGO5T5PWCUJ1601312629742.gif

    Reality / what it should be more in the direction of (best i could find): https://youtu.be/bfrHoGlFLwk?t=218

    Cartoony is not just flat color and outline, it is a lot more. It is animation and lack of realism.

    In D4 now:

    • The movement looks slow - it can be fast and still have indication of where to hit

    • The little stones - they are almost the same sizes why would they be that in anything else but a cartoon?

    • The sizes - the meteor is very big, that would destroy the entire screen, but instead creates a little "cute" crater

    • The round indicator - too much color and too thin, no detail in it, like small embers, looks like D3

    • The lack of impact - it looks flat somehow, no natural motion

    • The animation - needs more force, and the little stones movement is too similar instead of natural/random

    • Not much of a "flash" when it hits - not saying it should flash the etire screen or be disturbing, but it might need more of that

    • The screenshake - it looks more professional turned off or have a different movement maybe, could be an option in settings like D3

    • The perfectly round crater instead of natural, oval, or crackled

    • Not much debris.

    Reference to last post, and why this is important: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/j3qe3t/my_only_small_critisism_of_the_d4_art_style_still/

    Edit: Typos

    Edit 2 this illustrates what I mean:

    Cartoony---------------Stylized (D4 Now)----------------Realistic

    Edit 3: Word-correction with above in mind: D4 is not cartoony, it is too cartoony IMO (too much in that direction)

    submitted by /u/kasperja
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