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    Diablo II Commercial

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    PTR 2.6.10 Review with Bluddshed, Deadset, Raxxanterax, Rhykker & svr_90

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Dbrunski125's thoughts on the new Diablo update

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    ADA power skills

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    ADA power skills

    So, Blizz isn't sure yet about how to use ADA powers in the game, yet they really like the idea. I tried to list some global passive skills that could be used for that system.

    It would basically just be a bunch of passive skills that are automatically activated when reaching a certain breakpoint in one of these powers through equipping gear.

    I think that the biggest problem with the original idea was that you had gear with power on it and also gear with locked skills. And as Blizz realized, that would lead to a lot of storing and comparing gear all the time. Removing one part of that system from items, will help making it easier to build your character. Also i tried to make these skills fit the fantasy of angelic, demonic and ancestral powers.

    I hope the quality is ok to read?^^

    I also tried to make it a little pretty^^


    submitted by /u/Lolli42
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    ptr 2.6.10 is now available for testing! - ptr feedback

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Please give us an acid cloud build, it would be so easy

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Can we please get an acid cloud build together ? All you need to do is take SuWong diviner and add an 800% mult on it, take away the dot on acid cloud and make it do all its damage at once (reduce server lag) and give it the Aoe Rune. Done. It will play very similarly to Monks wave of light or DH multishot mixed with a bit of earthquake, just a fun AoE nuke with the 24yd radius rune. Would also work well with Grin reaper if they fixed that mask up and gave it the simulacrum treatment.

    If they really wanted to they could make a new mojo or update an old mojo that does nothing, and make that the acid cloud mojo, and take an existing ceremonial knife and make that the acid cloud knife so we can cube SuWong and make either a Helltooth set acid cloud build or a LOD set. However I think the easy way is the best since it only needs the main item (SuWong) cubed then you could make a speed variant with the chicken set if you wanted etc.

    The basic gist of it is that they can go the easy way and just change one item and make it work fine, or change 3 items and make it greater. But for the last few years they have just ignored acid cloud and now with the resurgence of Zombie bears I feel like it would take all of 10 minutes to simply change SuWong diviner around and we will have an entire new play option

    submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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    PTR Prep: Important Builds/D3planners to try

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    Patch notes blog post: https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/23529004/ptr-2610-preview-blog-9-25-2020

    Hey everyone!

    PTR is starting later today and so I want to share some of my theorycrafting results so far. I spent a few nights working on these (and more, all builds are on my Discord server in the dedicated D3planner-channel).

    So far some of the most OP builds are Akkhan/Invoker Thorns Bomb Sader, Bone Spear/Scythe (not if Simulacrum Tragoul double dipping from live servers will be fixed), Twister Wiz, Hydra Wiz, Frozen Orb Wiz, Shenlong Tempest Rush, GoD DH. Also made some off meta stuff like Leapquake, Chicken WD, Zombie Bears etc, and many more in my full collection. I expect all of these will go to GR145-150 solo currently, Barb & WD seem like the weakest. 4man meta will probably include Wiz or Nec trash clear and Crus RGK, speed meta will be rats at tier 120-125.

    I'm planning to write some feedback/mechanics posts once PTR goes live and also stream my testing in the evenings after work and upload stuff to my YouTube channel obviously. Keep in mind that some of these builds will only be meta because of the S22 theme (esp. stuff that involves many weapons on Crus/Monk/Necro) and that buff won't be enabled until 8 October. Most builds in the game get a ~2-4 tier buff from the extra cube (Convention, Furnace, Unity, ...), some builds up to 8-10 tiers (Shenlong's, Norvald's, Tragoul's, ...) on top of whatever the shadow clones will do. The S22 cube options are given in the names of the D3planner sets (bottom left corner when you open the links).


    Barb: Leapquake S22 https://www.d3planner.com/797091173
    Barb: Crimson zBarb Support S22 https://www.d3planner.com/605433574

    Crus: Akkhan Thorns Bomb S22 https://www.d3planner.com/145838994
    Crus: Valor Heaven's Fury S22 https://www.d3planner.com/640287015
    Crus: Sweep Cain's T16 S22 https://www.d3planner.com/924552005

    DH: N6 Armageddon T16 S22 https://www.d3planner.com/308773668

    Monk: PoJ/SWK Tempest Rush S22 https://www.d3planner.com/600576710

    Wiz: DMO Twister S22 https://www.d3planner.com/760765426
    Wiz: Typhoon Frost Hydra S22 https://www.d3planner.com/146638611
    Wiz: LoD Fire Hydra S22https://www.d3planner.com/134744353
    Wiz: DMO Frozen Orb S22 https://www.d3planner.com/682796392
    Wiz: LoD Frozen Orb S22 https://www.d3planner.com/803857883

    Nec: LoD Rat S22 https://www.d3planner.com/855247195
    Nec: Masquerade Spear S22 https://www.d3planner.com/581274369

    WD: Helltooth Zombie Bears S22 https://www.d3planner.com/363644261
    WD: Arachyr Chicken S22 https://www.d3planner.com/978756043

    submitted by /u/wudijo22
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    Idea for Respecing in Diablo IV

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Since the skill tree reveal, I've seen thoughts surfacing again about the permanency of skill choices and respec systems. I've been thinking about what I'd like to see in D4 and have an idea I wanted to share.

    I'll start by saying that I have always been a fan of skill choices being permanent, I think D2 had it right and would like to see this in D4. BUT, I also appreciate the need for flexibility. Which is where I would implement a new respec system.

    I believe the key to respecing is what it should cost. If we look at classic D2, the only way to respec was by creating a new character from scratch and building it differently. What was the cost of this? Time!

    So if doing a full respec costs a lot of time, why not make this scaleable so a minor respec only costs small amount of time?

    Time in Diablo is spent playing the game. A full respec means playing all the way through from the start, so on a smaller scale a minor respec should involve a smaller chunk of gameplay.

    My idea would be to allow players to respec skills by having to complete a dungeon/rift kind of challenge. Once complete, the skill is wiped out and the point(s) freed up to spend elsewhere.

    Balancing and/or a diminishing returns system would need to be implemented so that doing a lot of respecing in this way wouldn't be efficient. This will keep the flexibility for people who only need minor respecs, while still allowing the time investment of a new character build to be a meaningful endeavor.

    In terms of design and how it fits from a narrative perspective, I imagine it looking something like this:

    Say I'm a Sorc and I want to get back the skill points I spent in Blizzard. I go to the respec NPC, they are a spiritual type character and can help me unlearn this skill by guiding me through some kind of meditative spirit quest. The dream state begins and the dungeon starts.

    These dungeons are themed around the skill you are trying to forget, in this case the tile set is on top of a snowy mountain in a snowstorm. Because I'm trying to unlearn this skill I can either no longer use it or it is weakened. This makes respecing a skill that a character relies heavily on more difficult since it's a more meaningful change.

    At the end of these dungeons is a boss which is a reflection of yourself that uses the skill your unlearning as it's primary attack. The symbolism of this is that you are trying to purge this knowledge from yourself by killing it. If at any point you die, you simply wake up from the dream state.

    There is lots more stuff you could add to this system to make it deeper and really cool but this post is long enough as is.

    Would you like a system like this? Would you change or add anything? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    tldr: D4 should have a respec system where you complete a dungeon themed on that skill to unlearn it

    submitted by /u/burgestrum
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    I dont know where to ask: Is it possible to change the ingame sounds of Diablo 2 to something else?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Let's just hypothetically and very blasphemously say that the Assassin's trap laying sound is starting to get on my nerves, is there a way for me to change it to another .wav file?

    submitted by /u/NikoBadman
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    Attunements [D4 Concept]

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Here's the pitch: Attunements fuse together the Damage and Resistance bonuses for each damage type, replacing both with the new double-purpose bonus. This would allow for damage-type gear affixes to have more punch, and make the selection more strategic.

    For example, Fire Attunement of 5 would add 5pts to outgoing fire damage, and subtract 5pts from incoming fire damage (assuming the math were straight-forward). A fire-focused Sorceress could select all her gear for Fire Attunement to boost her damage, but she would be left relatively vulnerable to other damage types.

    Planning for specific encounters thus requires some extra creativity as well. If a boss deals out tons of Bleed damage, you might buff up your Bleed Attunement to survive. But if you wanted to capitalize on that change by swapping to Bleed skills yourself, you have consider that the boss' own Bleed attunement will likely soak up a bunch of that damage. It becomes more of a balancing act with consequences, without being confusing.

    I think it's intuitive and clean, adding a bit of depth while reducing clutter. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/gulesave
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    Lore question. Why is Lilith called the "Queen of the Succubi"?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Sure she looks like a pretty demon, but other succubi have near zero connection to her other than they're female demons. Other succubi don't resemble Lilith, they don't even serve her, nor were the succubi created by her. The succubi were created Andariel, who was presumably far more powerful Lilith due to the fact she was a Lesser Evil, yet she doesn't have the title.

    submitted by /u/AnalogicalEuphimisms
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    How to get under 3 minutes for GRs?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    I keep seeing the recommendation of running GRs to farm stuff, but only at a tier that you can complete it in 3 minutes or less. But even when I can one-shot everything and have blink, I never farm stuff fast enough (i.e. find enough elites) to get under 3 minutes. So how do I do it?

    submitted by /u/kaptainkeel
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    Unpopular opinion: Duriel is the worst boss in all 3 games

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    First up, I have been playing since Diablo 1. Also, I love Diablo 2

    However, Duriel is a terrible boss design. No warning, no break. Just enter his room and... he's instantly in your face. Just a bit of lag and I am dead. It's worse still if I am on hardcore

    Listen, I like a scary boss encounter as much as anyone. I dreaded fighting Butcher BUT at least I stood a chance against him. The room full of corpses were a sign that something was coming, and at least Butcher wasn't crazily fast that I couldn't outrun him

    I dislike D3's bosses like Azmodan gloating endlessly and not being the least bit threatening. I dislike bosses like Duriel not even giving new/laggy players any chance whatsoever. I want there to be balance. If D4 is going to bring back a similar Duriel boss fight, at least give us a few seconds or throw in enough warning that a dangerous boss fight is coming

    submitted by /u/Eriflee
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    My drawing of Lilith from the diablo 4 trailer - IG : @prenom_mineral

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Talent Tree - First Impressions on Theme & Design

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I love the new direction that the Diablo team is going with the talent tree. Though, I wonder if anyone else will agree with my suggestions to it's design.

    • Since Diablo is a game that focuses on the dichotomy between good and evil, shouldn't the design of the tree reflect this as well?

    If so, my suggestion would be: have the roots keep it's current "demonic" theme and as you look up the tree, it becomes more "angelic". I'm thinking green, gold, white, brown as a color pallet.

    • Also, the skill/talent square button icons feel like an awkward shape choice for a tree.

    My suggestion is to have the background of the tree be a tome. Something Deckard Cain would have carried. Maybe, the square button icons would feel less awkward if the player sees a small animation of a tome opening to the page where the skill tree is. I'm thinking it could be rustic, beaten, written with a feather pen, etc.

    Idk, what they have now is dope, so if it doesn't change that's fine with me. Personally, though, I would like to see the changes above. I think it could be an improvement.

    submitted by /u/axel182
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    D3 Devs

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Those players that have been playing for years on end are checking out of D3. You should see about doing something big for D3 (not patches and seasons and balancing). Ive never seen an exodus this big before and I've been playing since launch.

    You need a new class or something. Not sure it can happen.

    submitted by /u/himthatspeaks
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    Unique mechanics for each class ideas

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    Regarding the last quaterly update (Q3) about the development of D4, we were introduced to the idea of each class having its own related mechanics. Feel free to comment here your ideas for this in other classes such as the Druid, Amazon, Paladin, Necro... Ty!

    submitted by /u/Eduardo_schuch
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    Good farming builds for Demon Hunter?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    While playing as a Wizard a few weeks ago, I was yelled at in text form for not having a bunch of Demon Hunter specific magic find gear, and I was given a list (added below) of things to find (Which didn't make sense when I told others about it).

    Now that I've got a push/speed DH, I tried using all of them with my current gear, but I did insignicant damage. Is there anything on this list I could switch out, or just use some of the items and tweak my Gears Of Dreadlands builds with?

    DH Farming gear:

    1. Avarice Band
    2. Broken Crown (or Leoric's Crown?)
    3. Kymbo's Gold
    4. Nagelring)
    5. Omryn's Chain
    6. Yang's Recurve
    submitted by /u/TheWrathOfCerys
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    The Barbarian should also have a Rage Meter / Rage Bar as his Unique Class Mechanic

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    In regards to new, unique Class-specific Mechanics like the Sorceress Enchantment System or the Arsenal System, it came to me that A RAGE METER / RAGE BAR would totally fit on the Barbarian (in addition to the Arsenal System), since it absolutely fulfills the fantasy of a Raging Barbarian.

    Here are a few Illustrations:

    A Rage Meter / Rage Bar ON TOP of a Barbarians Hotbar

    A Rage Meter / Rage Bar AROUND THE FURY ORB

    Forgive me the crappy showcase in the last picture, but editing an additional Rage Bar around the Fury Orb would be above my level of photoshop expertise. I edited in a 7'th Skill Slot and 3 Charges for Health Potions instead (instead of Potions on a cooldown), though.

    It would be different than the Fury Resource. In fact, Rage would not be a Resource at all, but a separate system.

    This Rage Bar fills up everytime you attack with a Resource generating or Resource-spending Attack (and maybe even when you take damage).

    The higher your Rage gets, the more…

    • increased Attack Speed
    • increased Movement Speed
    • additional Critical Hit Chance

    … it gives you.

    Maybe it also slightly could increase your damage, dunno, but overall it totally fits the fantasy of a Raging Barbarian.

    Rage could build up quickly, but also decays very quickly (quicker than Fury) once you stop attacking, which makes you wanting to keep attacking - which again its the theme and the fantasy of a Raging Barbarian.

    Maybe once your reach 100% Rage, you gain an additional short-term buff or bonus and of course additional Passive Skills that revolve around the Rage Mechanic (maybe even something like Burning Rage that engulfs your in a Fire Aura that deals more and more damage to nearby enemies the higher your Rage gets, or a Blood Rage that increases your Damage the higher the Rage gets, but it drains more and more of your Life).

    Say what you want, I think such a Rage Mechanic is just so good and so thematically fitting that it just needs to be on the Barbarian. A Barbarian without Rage is not a Barbarian.

    submitted by /u/clueso87
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    Quality of Life Fix

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    You know what I really want to see Blizzard do in Diablo IV and or Season 22 of Diablo 3?

    Make the Similacrium more controllable. Either have them auto target what I target or allow me to force them to target with the press of a key. Such as force still bit for the Sims to be forced to attack something instead of empty air

    submitted by /u/Abraxas3719
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    What time will D3's 2.6.10 PTR go live?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/TheShadowborn
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