• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Diablo My favorite class in D2 was Summon Necro and today I scored this!

    Diablo My favorite class in D2 was Summon Necro and today I scored this!

    My favorite class in D2 was Summon Necro and today I scored this!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Stay a while and listen... to the BEST piano arrangement of Tristram I've ever heard.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    In Diablo 4, would you prefer it more if the bosses and major enemies did not talk?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I feel like it would make it more gloomy and disturbing if they just ran at you and tried to murder you after saying a sentence of dialogue rather than talking excessively during it like a DBZ villain.

    Diablo 3's atmosphere doesn't even compare to Diablo 2's. However, now that I think about it, could you imagine right now how much of a difference in the mood it would have made if in the fight with Diablo in the Crystal Arch, he just shut his mouth and ran at you instead and didn't open his mouth once? Even with Azmodan and Belial.

    The fact that their taunts are so unbelievably lame and childish such as "Arrogant Nephalem!" or "Enough! Let us see how you fare in my realm of TERROARRR" doesn't help either.

    I'd prefer it if they kept their dialogue in cinematics or just small lore journals.

    It was amazing how in Diablo 2, a simple strand of dialogue like "You're too late, hahahahaha" with a voice that sounds like a screeching echo instilled so much uneasiness than the mountains of taunting dialogue the enemies had in Diablo 3.


    Or a simple laugh. Let's not forget Baal's warped and eerie laugh.


    I think this is a win-win situation for the developers. Slightly less development time, and less money to pay the voice actors for unnecessary dialogue.

    submitted by /u/PoEScionHentai
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    HCL Questions

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    So I have a few friends that play hard core ladder and they all have loads of high end gear across multiple accounts. Can anyone explain how this is possible? Do other people drop their gear when they die?

    I'd like to give it a shot but I'm pretty intimidated, especially since I have no desire to duel in HC.

    submitted by /u/Cyclotron1
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    Few questions about the game

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I want to buy Diablo III, never played diablo before in my life. How long is this game? Is there any expansions? if there is, are they worth buying?

    submitted by /u/damjandotA
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    Where to get Death sword base? SSF?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I wanna force luck on my Death base! I know one can rack say Treshers in LK......I dunno if that would work with Death bases? Or where would I have to try? Heals of the dead or Halls of vanguish? Singleplayer that is ofc!

    I´ve asked doctor google but he´s not very precise on that topic..... what I found was run Cow or CS without MF....but I´d like to force it even more!

    Kind regards


    submitted by /u/Tears4ever
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    Does anybody use crafting in Diablo 3?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I rarely play this game, but I'm almost through Act 3, and throughout I haven't been able to craft any gear that's better than anything that I find.

    submitted by /u/xtratoothpaste
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    New to post-game gameplay, help from Vets appreciated.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    So my first time playing online multiplayer, I was carried through a Torment 16 empowered grift without my knowledge and I went from a paragon level of 125 to 794. Now I've spec'd myself for a "Holy Shotgun" build of Heaven's Fury in response to the rapid progression so I could be viable with the setup I enjoy. I do a good bit of damage (250 mill - 5 bill crit) and have 4/6 pieces of the valor set. Although I have absolutely no clue where I size up in terms of grift levels. My whole character has been knocked off his axis and I would love some help on guiding me to proper difficulty levels for Bounties, Rifts, and Grifts as far as my character is concerned.

    submitted by /u/JiffyPope_
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    Feedback and Ideas for the Ancestral, Angelic, and Demonic Power Stats

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I had a few ideas for a way to implement a system similar to what they were initially going for while also appeasing fans of D2 stats (I think).

    The way it stands currently as I understand it, you build up your Power stats from items and combine them together to cross specific thresholds to unlock extra affixes in your items which is what causes the "bookkeeping" they refer too. The stats also provide specific buffs to things like crowd control, critical hit chance, etc. I like both of these ideas but I have slight adjustments.

    My first idea is to scrap the current names. I think it's currently a little too on the nose and kind of cheesy. Rhykker also made a good point that there's not really a logical reason for the stats doing what they do. Crowd Control buffs are Angelic, but why? In my opinion they should revert to the classic Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence that can provide nostalgia with the naming convention but also give a more logical spectrum to various benefits that could fall under the umbrella for that stat. This could also help with class fantasy and identity because the different classes could have varied starting stats.

    First I want to talk about base buffs that the stats provide and how the idea could be expanded. I think each stat should affect multiple different buffs and mechanics that makes sense thematically.

    • Strength could affect things like + % to Melee Damage, + % to Defense, + % to Crushing Blow chance, + % to Block chance, etc.

    • Dexterity could provide buffs like + % to Ranged Damage, + % to Critical Strike chance, + % to Cooldown Reduction, + % to Dodge chance, + % to Movement Speed, etc.

    • Intelligence adds - % to Resource Cost, + % on Elemental Damage, + % to Magic Find, + % Crowd Control effects, etc.

    Obviously this is very basic but I think it gets the point across. I want all of the stats to be potentially useful to each class and not just main stat is all that matters.

    My next point is regarding these stats in itemization. I don't think that there should be stat requirements to equip any item. I however do like the idea of different thresholds for stats providing extra affixes on certain items. Though, I think the stats should be mostly character based in terms of increasing them. I think that if items are gonna have affixes increasing these stats it should be small increases. I don't want 90% of my stats coming from my items. This way it takes some of the emphasis off of your items and adds back into character power and limits the bookkeeping.

    I don't have an exact answer to how increasing these stats would work outside of the item increases but maybe it's a combination of leveling, passives, items, usage based, and rare consumable items that give permanent stat increases.

    Give me you guys feedback and suggestions!!

    submitted by /u/xdeadmonkiex
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    Dear Blizzard, yet another feedback post for the newest Quarterly Update.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT


    First off I would like to mention that I highly appreciate that Blizzard is showing that they are actively listening to community feedback.
    Now, whether or not that is a good or bad thing, is another case and can be a post in and of it self entirely, however, for the sake of the argument currently, my initial thought is going to be, that, it's a good thing.

    Speaking of my thoughts, this post will carry with it, my thoughts about the recent quarterly update and, as I wrote in my last post in response to the Blizzcon reveal, I am no body special, just a very long term fan of the Diablo franchise, so bear with me, this will be a big one :D, please do read it all and I would very much love a constructive discussion on the topics at hand!.


    Table of contents:

    - The Ancestral, Angelic & Demonic Power System
    - Legendary Items
    - The New Skill Tree
    - The New Sorceress Enchantment System
    - End Game Progression System


    The Ancestral, Angelic & Demonic Power System

    You are correct in the assessment that many people, including my self, felt that this system wasn't "cool enough".
    For me specifically, I wasn't a fan of this as a whole, due to it feeling like you were trying to reinvent the wheel about a basic stat system that already worked, e.g. strength, dexterity, intellect etc.
    I still believe this to be the case to some extent and it will be reflected in my response to this, however, I will admit, that the idea of these powers have grown on me since, as they do, in fact, have quite a bit of potential.
    Additionally, and for me personally, I don't necessarily mind a system that needs to be bookkept, as long as it doesn't require me to utilize a multitude of third-party websites to keep track of things, and that the thing I need to "book keep" is easily trackable within the game it self.
    This goes for all game systems to be honest, Path of Exile is notorious for their third-party community driven websites amongst many other things, and these are borderline required to even play the game, and this has been an increasing annoyance for me in this game (and I've played PoE since 2013).

    So for my actual feedback, and there are many ways you can go about solving the problem you presented in the post. Things like visual fidelity & intuitiveness as well as, here's an idea; removing the entire power trio from items as item stats entirely, but rather introduce them in another fashion:
    How about; instead of having the Ancestral, Angelic & Demonic Powers being stats on the item, it would instead be as item "imbues", this could then be gated behind the economy as well to promote another layer of player trading.
    Imagine a world where you are killing monsters and you, for the lack of a better word, dropped an "Ancestral Token".
    The player could bring this Ancestral Token, to some dark altar or shrine and the player would be able to imbue their item of choice with the powers of the ancestors. Maybe it doesn't need to imbue the item, but rather the Item Slot specifically.

    This solves the issue of excessive player book keeping and adds an extra layer to the player trade market and if the imbue would rather imbue the Item Slot, this would also remove the wonky situation of having part of your character not work because an item was broken and thus no longer be granting the bonuses.


    Legendary Items

    When you say things as:

    "We agree with the feedback that a character's power is currently too dependent on items"

    Where do you base this from? Diablo IV? Diablo 3?. There aren't a whole lot of items in Diablo IV currently, so must be Diablo 3, however, needless to say, this is a good sentence as this is a very specific issue within Diablo 3 indeed.

    I like this a lot, Itemization should be impactful and meaningful but shouldn't be the core deciding factor in character power, good step in the right direction.

    About the Magic vs Rare item affix ranges, there should most definitely be flavor surrounding items, and item rarity shouldn't necessarily be exempt from this.
    Magic items could absolutely have higher affix ranges or even different affix pools compared to other rarity types.

    This is a step in the right direction about item relevancy. Every single item rarity should have a relevance in the game across the board and I wrote about this in my previous post within the Runewords section, even white items needs to matter more than just salvaged goods.

    I still have a big hope that we will see actual Runewords as well as different but impactful item base types with more than just 3 sockets, but I'm saving that for the next update :P


    The New Skill Tree

    Massive step in the right direction, really good work.

    There are still room for improvement though and I would personally LOVE to see more depth and complexity within this system, please trust that your players can handle more complex systems than this :D. Right now, the skill tree is way to linear and merely provides an illusion of choice.

    I do like that the numbers shown are very small in size, this is a perfect example of when to keep things simplistic. Also to mention; Synergies!, where are they? please consider bringing them back in some form! (I have a suggestion for this at the bottom of this section).

    I was watching MrLlama and he had a great idea to go about this... Instead of having just the one skill tree for each class, you should consider making a tree for each specific specialization and or "Mastery" I've heard this a few times on a few streams already and while some people would love a tree like this for every single spell in the game and as cool as that could be, I will agree that this may be a bit over the top.

    Ideally I'd prefer a middle ground between what we have been shown now and the Skill Tree of Path of Exile and MrLlama shared a tweet with his iteration of this skill tree and I think this is the way to move forward.

    The idea of having a tree for each specialization on every character seems so cool and would provide much more character depth than what currently has been shown and I would assume it would be very fun for you guys to work on as well to be creative with skills. Do some wonky sh*t :D
    Let us make a powerful meteor for single target boss farming or let us make a meteor shower for AoE mob grind purposes, the world is your oyster.

    Additionally to carry on the back of the ideas provided by MrLlama and Quinn as well as a few others, I want to add my own pitch.

    Considering this is a tree, a literal tree, I want to take a moment to ask you:

    What is usually a thing within dark cultures like, witchcraft, voodoo practice etc?:
    - Decorated Trees and miscellaneous Ornaments.

    What do we already have that we could possibly decorate this tree with?:
    - Runes, Charms, Jewels, Gems, Tokens etc.

    Imagine if we could socket these things into our skill trees for additional benefits... you could have runes be embedded into the stem and the rest could hang from the branches.

    What if these additional benefits could create targetable new branches between notables or drastically change how the core mechanic of a skill functioned, or add never before seen synergies to your skills and character?
    Maybe even these could provide cross mastery skill tree synergies?:

    I mentioned changing a meteor from single target boss killer to AoE mob grinder, what if these ornaments could transform this meteor from Fire to Cold and now it's an area control ability that freezes mobs around you.. Be bold, daring and creative, don't be afraid to make mistakes, take chances, the players will love and hate you for it, but most importantly, as shown from the community within Path of Exile, they will ultimately respect you more.


    The New Sorceress Enchantment System

    Yes, yes and YES!

    Very very good, I like everything about this idea of having each class being unique in their own way, go absolutely full send in this direction, assuming you will provide this feature to every single class available in the game.
    I can't really add much other than my initial reaction to this because I want to see more.



    End Game Progression System

    I am a bit conflicted on this, mainly due to the fact that I've seen first hand what abomination the Paragon system is, so naturally I just noped right out from this idea entirely, however, if you can make something that isn't Paragon, but provide what you mentioned, then I am open minded.

    I fully agree with "Easy to learn, Difficult to master". Full send on this as well.


    In closing

    To anyone who have read this entire Wall of Text, thank you.

    I will try and see if I can make a TLDR and add it here at the bottom, but knowing my self, I probably won't xD as my TLDR's are basically already this entire post.

    Thank you for the update and I am looking forward to the itemization update in December ;)

    Kindest Regards

    A long term fan.

    submitted by /u/yunojelly
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    Why do elementally cold skills implicitly apply the chill effect?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Also, is chill functionally indistinguishable from slow?

    submitted by /u/endark3n
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    Quarterly Update Feedback

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Ancestral/Demonic/Angelic system removal: good idea. Love to see cool stuff. Gotta love cool stuff!

    Skill/Talent System: pretty cool. Excited to see more!

    Sorcerress enchantment: wow! Now thats a spicy meatball! Cool!

    Endgame content: wow, cant wait to see it!

    Overall thoughts: not overly impressed. 2.5 stars. Do better.

    submitted by /u/FartdickMcShitass
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    When do ancient legendaries start dropping?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Ive been doing level 80 grs for like a week now and ive only gotten 1 ancient legendary, is it just really bad luck or are there some parameters?

    submitted by /u/MagnetiKtheheavyboi
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    My Opinion on the Passive Skill Tree D4

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    My Opinion on the Passive Skill Tree D4

    Hey, I was thinking about the feedback to the Diablo 4 team about the quarterly update, and I think the common answer is we want more Skill Customization. After playing games like Last Epoch, Grim Dawn, etc. the ability to customize your build and Skills deeper is part of the fantasy and goal of the ARPG genre, What we have right now is a soft version of a Skill tree. I added 2 images to my post:

    1 Is a version of the tree with the main skills towards the center and more branching (passives/runes/nodes) to customize the Skill and modify the (Element- Power - Speed - Single target - AOE-etc)

    2nd is an Idea of the End Game progress based on the Skill tree, you gain Mastery points or tokens when you complete different difficulty levels on Keyed Dungeons (with a cap of 10-20 per Tier) and you can use the points to customize your Skill to a Mastery level. You can get enough points to mastery two skills if you can get to the final node on the branch for that skill.



    submitted by /u/rashomonk
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    [D2 Trade] Jalal's mane for Titan's revenge or thunderstrokes (ladder europe)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Hi, Might be the wrong subreddit but I've got a nice Jalal's mane if anyone would be keen to trade it for tstrokes or titans.

    submitted by /u/juanit0x
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    Diablo 3 - Switch Vs PC (2020) - What Should You Buy?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Diablo III is stuck on the grey screen after launch.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Today I reinstalled Diablo III Reaper of Souls again after a few months. However, everytime I launch the game, I'm stuck on the grey screen that appears after the Diablo III-logo. What I've done so far:

    - updated my NVidia-drivers

    - scanned and repaired the game files via Battle.Net

    - cleared the Battle.Net cache

    - reset the ingame settings

    - launched the 32 bit-version instead of the 64 bit-version

    Nothing has worked so far, I'm still stuck on the grey screen, no matter what I do. Does anyone have a solution for this?

    submitted by /u/Kowalsky82
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    D4 quarterly update talent tree idea

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    The newly 3rd quarterly update is very promising indeed. But one thing that was itching my brain was the talent tree. Literally! So my thought was, what if you have different quality and/or rarity seeds you can put into the tree, that grow into new branches or roots giving access to unique passives or skills. You could do it like in order to have the seeds grow, you need x amount of XP for it to grow into a branch or root, that afterwards reveal the passive or skill nodes.

    What comes to my mind is similar to Cluster jewels in PoE and a mix of Harvest league from PoE.

    Would be a crazy addition to this awesome tree imho!

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/TheFuuZ
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    FEEDBACK - Q3 Update

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    1 word to sum up this quarterly update: very promising, good direction, needs more complexity on the current path. ok it was more than 1 word.

    • Ancestral/Demonic/Angelic Powers

    Not only this was a bad system which created more barriers than options, it also sounded cheesier than all the french cheese names combined. It was like some chinese non-english speaking devs tried to make a western name for features. I am curious to see what they want to bring here to the table. I am also curious why they don t choose traditional stats with many normal affixes on items. You know, like PC ARPG Games have. Not like those in mobile arpgs.

    "However, one thing we really liked about the system was the gameplay of managing stats in meaningful ways to hit certain bonus thresholds that then make your items better suited for the playstyle you are going for."

    --> How about adding you know...some sort of...STAT POINTS? Instead of adding thresholds for equipping the items (like in d2) add thresholds for bonus features unlocked on items (at certain stat levels on the characters). For example when your character has a total of 100 strength allocated from stat points on the character, all axes regardless of rarity tier get a bonus affix unlocked like +5% attack speed, all hammers +5% damage and so on. doesn t have to be something gigantic. Add the points on THE CHARACTER, through stat allocation. the treshold bonuses will be on the items but unlocked through character stat points, not affixes on items. much easier and there is much room for other interesting affixes on items in this way without overcluttering items with affixes. And you get more character customisation. The initial systems need to be complex enough. Expansions should expand on these. Not change them entirely cause they were lacking to begin with.

    • Legendary Items

    "We agree with the feedback that a character's power is currently too dependent on items. We plan to put more of the player's power back into the character to make build choices more impactful, rather than have the majority of player power coming from the items they have equipped."

    --> At least the idea reached their ears. Sounds promising if true. Please don t make stuff like in D3 where unequipping items made your monk just like the other 2 million monks.

    "We've also had very mixed team feedback regarding core itemization. We're currently looking at how to best differentiate our various item qualities."

    Very mixed feedback is a very polite way to say it. I am glad that this idea also reached their ears. Sounds promising if they deliver. Of course, in every arpg you find weak useless items. But we don t want to have just legendary items as the only viable tier like in d3. (or even worse, set items as the only tier)

    "For example, should Magic quality items have higher affix stats than Rare items?"

    --> YES. And rares higher affix stats than legendaries. make everything good at something so that more tiers of items are viable. At endgame you could equip 3 legendaries 4 rares and 2 magic items. not 8 legendaries and one mythic (please remove mythic items. just add a special slot for them if you insist, like TRINKET,HEIRLOOM,TREASURE,TALISMAN etc. and remove the mythic tier). Some (niche or not) affixes could be only available on certain tiers like rares or magics or legendaries or even...whites! (hope you got some good crafting ideas from whites and base types)


    First of all the tree looks awesome. The art team proves again and again that they know what to do.

    1. Bring back the Points in skill assignment (skill-levels). Be it a maximum of 6 10 20 per skill, doesn t matter. Every arpg on this earth has skill-levels which increase the skill power and maybe add certain effects at certain amounts of points put in.

    2. Skill tree reset. This should be possible, but not that easy/quick to obtain. There should be like 1-2-3 free ones after certain story points/levels. After that it should be harder but not impossible to reset the skill tree. If you don t do this, the choices won t matter that much since no choice has weight.

    3. Passives. While the idea is nice, there are not enough passives per class. Double/Triple the current amount and it should be enough. Also add skill levels to all of them. Same amount or half of skill-levels as active skills on the upper part of the tree. Same or less skill levels for the circles you got on the tree. maybe 3 skill point levels maximum per circle.

    4. You guys are aiming to get 30-40% of the possible points. Great, helps with build diversity and seasons. Please don t add the option to acquire all of them through god knows what means. 30-40% is enough for one character. farm a hard-to-obtain skill tree reset or make other characters if you want the others.

    5. Please make more options for each skill (square, circle and passive). We had 6 options per skill in d3. Please add more than that + small modifiers and passives. Add more build choices per main skill. Add more main skills per class. The tree design goes in the right direction but due to the lack of options it currently feels like d3 skills/skill runes in another form. with less choices, given that there were 6 runes per skill in d3. please make this far better than d3. Please do not repeat the d3 issue where 4/6 active skills were some buffs you would press every 5 minutes.

    • Enchantment System

    Great, I like what I see. a special system for every class, makes classes more different and interesting to play. great one here. imagine this + a doubled/tripled current skill tree. many many choices and build varieties which will drastically increase the game longevity.

    I WOULD ADD ENCHANTMENT SYSTEM TO ALL CLASSES AND GET SOMETHING NEW FOR SORCERESS. it adds so much variety, all classes should benefit from this honestly. really cool.

    "This system is intended to provide more depth and replayability than what Paragon currently offers in Diablo III."

    --> Paragon doesn t add neither replayability nor depth. Please forget this even existed. Though remember it at the same time as the culmination of failure in arpg system design.

    "We believe that the end game progression system is where the difficult to master component will come in, and should meet the expectations of the most hardcore Diablo players out there."

    --> Sounds very promising if you deliver.

    • Keep in mind that you should make the game base systems as stacked up as possible now, to just add on top of them in expansions/over time. don't make them so simple now that you will need to change them entirely. Add the character customisation fully now. many skills, circles and passives. stat points. whatever sticks to the character and not the items. You can easily modify and add items later. The base systems need to be as complex as possible from the start to add on top of them not completely remake them like in wow.

    • This is the first Quarterly Update that actually says something and listens to player feedback which is encouraging. The previous ones were...empty paragraphs. A lot of text which said nothing or very obvious stuff. Sounds very promising it does feel like the devs are actually reading all the feedbacks from players and also take them into account. The direction is good. It needs more complexity though. More Active Skills. More Squares. More Passives. Skill levels in all of them. Stat points as thresholds for bonuses (turn the angelic power stuff into something like this tied to character, not items). limited hard-to-obtain skill tree resets. the current tree you have shown should be twice/thrice as big per class. add more choices per skill. add more passives. don t give us the illusion of choice from d3 with skill runes or even less.enchantment system for all classes, something new for sorceress.

    keep up the "getting really better" work!

    submitted by /u/stark33per
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    When will they retract from BoA end game items?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    When will they squash this poorish rebellion? I was expecting offcial retraction in Q3.

    Peasant you are and peasant you shall remain. Stand back Blizzard, you are the arbiter not the nanny.

    In PERMANENT servitude. To associate oneself with these rebels is to be destroyed as rebels, you never understood the game of Diablo.

    Learn your place.

    submitted by /u/tennis_fan_
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