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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Diablo Met such beauty on the road. Russia, Tver'

    Diablo Met such beauty on the road. Russia, Tver'

    Met such beauty on the road. Russia, Tver'

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Feedback: In honor of 20 years of Diablo 2, let's talk about the key principles which made the game great. I hope some of these principles are adopted for Diablo 4

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    If Diablo 4 copied Diablo 2 verbatim, it would be a pretty flawed game for this era. I think what Blizzard needs to do is copy the principles, not the game. Here are some core principles of gameplay which made Diablo 2 great, even 20 years later:

    1. Incentives to make other characters

    So one thing I love about Diablo 2 is that different characters are great at different things. For example, Blizzard Sorc is great for early ladder MFing, but Pitzerker is the best for maxing MF and doing Pindle/Pit runs in the long run. Assassin is a great class for farming keys, but Smiter Paladin is the best for actually farming ubers. A really elite Javazon is great for farming XP. This is a very fun concept for people who really want to min/max their builds. A high end streamer like DBrunski has his holy grail character, his level to 99 char, his key farmer, his uber farmer, etc. However, arguably the biggest incentive to starting a new character is finding a GG item for a different class. For example, my Sorc found a near perfect Death's Web and because of that, I decided to make a Necro who is currently in the process of leveling.

    1. Every item type has its place

    Regular white items can be used for imbue quest, or you can add sockets to them to create runewords, or add jewels/gems to them. Grey items are fantastic, as they can be made into runewords. Blue items can roll nice stats, but are very limited in how many affixes they can roll. Sometimes, they can outclass a rare/unique if you need a couple niche stats to complete a build. Rares can be often best in slot, especially rare circlets, rings, amulets, gloves and boots. Set items definitely have their problems, but there are a few very worthwhile sets in the game, and many sets can be good for early game twinking. Obviously, uniques go without saying. They tend to be BiS pretty often, and very exhilarating to find.

    1. Early game quests and items matter for the endgame

    D2 isn't really a "Game starts at level 70" game, or "Game starts at the endgame" type of game. In your early levels, you can find very useful items. Stone of Jordan and Tal Rasha's Amulet can drop in Normal even. You can find great FCR rings early in the game that will be useful from beginning til endgame. Items aside, quests have very useful rewards that keep you doing them. For example, Akara gives you skill point, and you can get skill/stat resets from her as a reward if you finish a certain quest. You receive quest rewards that give you more resistance, life, and everyone's favorite Larzuk quest which lets you add sockets to an item. There are so many useful quests throughout D2 that end up being worthwhile to casuals and speedrunners. I hope the D4 team can make the early game matter, and not "Everything before level 40 doesn't matter once you get to level 40". Personally, I think good quest rewards would go GREAT with the open world concept. Instead of completing the same quests 3 times, you would have a variety of different quests in a huge open world.

    I'd love to hear what you guys think are some principles/philosophies from D2 that you hope the D4 team are learning from. I think they're on the right track with "Easy to learn, difficult to master". That's how D2 feels to play, and hopefully they maintain that for D4.

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    A shame that on its Anniversary DII isn't available in Battle.net launcher. Download resource is broken and erroring out.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Which Class to Play in Diablo 3 Season 21? Solo, Group and Speedfarm Rankings

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    What is the big appeal of Diablo II's endgame?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I did enjoy Diablo II but I´ve spend much more time on D3 and I have a hard time understanding why people would rate the endgame of Diablo II more favourably than D3 in its current iteration.

    I can see why people would prefer the darker atmosphere and story of D2 but the endgame grind of teleporting through a dungeon as quickly as possible and then kill the same boss over and over again seems not as engaging to me as doing randomized (greater) rifts with more enemy type variety. Especially since I don´t see a clear motivating goal what an increasingly stronger character allows me to do if I can already do the hardest areas of the game.

    Furthermore, it seems to me that many potentially fun builds are locked away behind some enabling items which are extremely rare (due to certain runes for example). Thus limiting the effective amount of different builds I can realistically experience.

    Maybe I´m missing something important. Please tell me why you enjoy the D2 endgame that much.

    submitted by /u/GreyRadiance
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    I've been playing on a potato computer since the releaso of RoS and I just bought a new machine...so hyped for Season 21 now!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Got a second hand with RTX 2060 and 32 ram...no more "everything put on low" xD

    submitted by /u/bamzelot
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    Deadset's Demon Hunter Set Guides Spotlight for Season 21: Gears of Dreadlands

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Less is more approach towards D4

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    I wish they approached with philosophy "less is more". In a lot of things...

    • Music is one example. I dont need grandiose and epic music. Simple acoustic guitar, flute or even just basic drums can be perfect for specific setting/atmosphere.
    • Less quest dialogues and overall chatter during quests.I always liked Rescue Anya quest from D2. It was always rather long one but so much fun. Or Nihlathak.
    • Not so often saturated scenery with anything related to demonic presence, gore, violence, death and despair. Do it subtly with variety so I could appreciate it more when I encounter it, but do it like we've never seen before. Shock me.I feel Sanctuary should be pretty in certain parts. As much as Sin War was not best example, as a reader I always imagined the scenery to be beautiful.
    • Damage and defense numbers; as much as I am good with numbers and are part of my working everyday life, I'd still feel it would be right if they decreased those numbers and made it miniscule in the endgame compared to what we're seeing currently in Diablo's latest itteration. Give those number feel of significance. 10 000 can be extremely high depending on the context and perspective. This applies to the currency as well. Nobody likes to have bajillion gold. If its possible, make it mean something. But economy is far more complex than "just do it", shall leave it for some other time.
    • Less dropped flashy items aka Legendaries (preferably named Uniques). Let me appreciate the drop. Even if its a low tier (as a collector) or if its not for my class. It might make me create that different character and love the game even more.
    • Less flashy characters. Flashy characters draw away from the game atmosphere. A fine subtle glow over the polished sword would mean much more in the sea of "cheap" and "rusty" looking swords.
    • Microtransactions will be unavoidable. Please for the sake of all gamers out there, don't make microtransactions apply to the characters we create in game. What I mean by that, people that are all for immersion, do not want to see others with some ridiculous outfits and silly looking dress combinations that do not fit the setting. If you make the transactions for mounts, do not make unicorns and such, different stash box, different caravan...There are many possibilities to implement microtransactions and not take away the immersion.
    • Lore. Again, make it subtle. Let my mind and my imagination think what is behind the certain elements of the story. Give me hints, do not give me complete picture. Sometimes is ok. What I mean by that is, sure, give me the perspective of NPC's (common folk in the Sanctuary), I'd like to hear their full story. Their vision of the certain situation, demonic elements/events... Let my character dive into that and find out on my own what is what. Try to write a story with scenery and images, let me try to conclude what has happened in certain situations.

    This is what I was thinking about lately. I've been trying to collect my thoughts on everything.I like the direction where the development is going. I applaud them for the current "less is more" approach towards the population from the latest quarterly update. That sounded really cool.If anyone agrees with me, feel free to share your thoughts. I certainly missed something...would love to update it.

    submitted by /u/WizBornstrong
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    I created The Lyceum in dnd style using DungeonScrawl for anyone interested

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Noob question about D3

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Starting my first playthrough of D3, playing as a Necromancer and I'm curious as to how the weapons in the game work? The character details tab says my characters Intelligence will determine how much my spells/attacks do, so what's the point of the weapons? And the damage they do? My character doesn't even use the weapons so does the amount of damage it deals affect my spells/other attacks?

    submitted by /u/MrMoose1
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    Latest news of D2: Resurrected from Chef Editor of Actugaming

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/Nari_Ju/status/1277643652341391362

    Google Translation (can't assure 100% accurate):

    "Today is the anniversary of # Diablo2. Many of you have asked me about Diablo 2 Resurrected, the remaster.

    No, no announcement today. I can however say that development is progressing and will normally be announced + later in the year.

    Normally, it should have been advertised between gamescom and BlizzCon. Both being canceled, Blizzard has revised its plans.

    Nothing sure but he would apparently prepare a dedicated event (and probably only digital) for the very end of 2020.

    Ah, and before, we will have #DiabloImmortal

    The news dates from a few weeks ago but it should have been released, in its anticipated version, at the very end of June, on iOS first.

    No idea what has happened since. Maybe this week."


    Someone in the comment says "Shouldn't D2R already be announced on the 20th anniversary if ActuGaming was right?" (already deleted)

    No, the article of D2R from ActuGaming in May, which is the very origin of the rumor, does not say the announcement will be on the 20 anniversary at all, all the "announcement on 20 anniversary" things are speculations from other people.

    submitted by /u/Ivenend
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    Decided to start streaming Diablo 2

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    Does Diablo immortal have a set release date?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I randomly remembered the game today and thought it had surely released by now and it isn't. I remember seeing the very negative criticism when it was revealed but i was still kinda hyped to play it. I played diablo 2 back in the day but didn't play 3 so I have so much stuff i want to experience

    submitted by /u/creampie49123
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    What next?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    I just beat Diablo 3 for the first time with the Monk. I really enjoyed it for sure. I did get way overpowered though so it ended up being super easy. Right around the Azmodan fight, I got the Nagelring and it was pretty much the game over after that. Granted I am playing in easy so I do have several more difficulties to do.

    But my question is, what should I do next? Should I up the difficulty and campaign again? Should to do Adventures? Should I reclass and start over? I'm unsure what my favorite class is even so I'm leaning towards the last option so I can better identify what class I like.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/dmartindal1
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    The best Diablo track in the franchise -- Harrogath

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:53 AM PDT


    While the Tristram theme really set the tone for the original Diablo, Diablo 2 was about expanding that world, and no track encapsulates that more than this one. This song tells a story: you aren't some superhero out to save the world. You're just a lone person fighting against hell itself.

    submitted by /u/lightshelter
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    tendinous Prime Evil Wings unlocked

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Websites claim from 29 june on " tendinous Prime Evil Wings" unlock by logging in. Well, not on switch. No wings.

    How exactly am I supposed to log in? to what?

    submitted by /u/godtering
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    What is the difference between The Art of Diablo: Collector's Edition and Diablo: The Art of Diablo Book?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Any official word about the new wings?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    I am unable to log-in the next couple of days... so wondering if there was official word about when this "event" would end?

    submitted by /u/Ytar0
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    And to Celebrate the 20 Diablo II aniversary

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    You can now preorder a 200$ Diablo figurine...


    0 honor or pride left in Blizzard or what?

    submitted by /u/Antiloope
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    Are you Angelic, Demonic or Ancestral?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Hey, treego here! I just wanted to bring up this subject I've been talking about for a while now.

    Will these stats be simultaneously a "choice of faction"?

    Let me explain, So it seems to me that there stats have VERY specific names, especially when it comes to lore. We have, inside the Diabloverse, three main sides; the High Heavens, the Sanctuary (nephelem and humans), and also the Burning Hells.

    So, with this being somewhat a "fact", plus Diablo IV bringing these 3 stats with names that are allusive to each of these sides, my point to drive home, or question if you will, is that when we'll be faced with these stats, are we involuntarily picking one of these sides alongside with simple math like;

    If your Angelic Power has greater value than Demonic and Ancestral, will this mean, if you come across a player with more Demonic than Ancestral, that you're already Hostile to one another?

    Sound of in the comments what's your take on this idea. Thank you for your time! Treego

    submitted by /u/trigomusic
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