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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Diablo Carbot Animations - Diablo 2 Baal Runs

    Diablo Carbot Animations - Diablo 2 Baal Runs

    Carbot Animations - Diablo 2 Baal Runs

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Share my Keeb setup for the Anniversary!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Diablo 2 is a masterpiece.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    Diablo 2 is a masterpiece. Diablo 3 is a great game.

    Diablo 2 is like the Mona Lisa. Diablo 3 is like a really cool anime drawing.

    Diablo 3 is the project you turn into your professor and he gives you an A and says "great job". Diablo 2 is the project he gives every year as an example to his new students.

    Diablo 2 is Game of Thrones seasons 1-4. Diablo 3 is seasons 7&8.

    Diablo 2 is the best man at my wedding. Diablo 3 is that fun girl I hung out with in college.

    Diablo 2 is the restaurant you take your girlfriend to before you propose. Diablo 3 is the chain restaurant where you take your family to dinner.

    Diablo 2 is the friend you always remember their birthday. Diablo 3 is the friend you always forget about.

    Happy birthday Diablo 2.

    submitted by /u/lightshelter
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    Diablo II continues to inspire Blizzard 20 years later

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Happy 20th anniversary Diablo 2 - A look back at the launch

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    I feel silly thinking they would announce a Diablo 2 remake today

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    It's the 20 year anniversary and I somehow convinced myself I'd wake up to news about a remake.

    I feel like an idiot tbh and starting to think it's not ever happening.

    Sorry I had to vent

    submitted by /u/CzarTyr
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    Commemorate 20 years of Diablo 2 with Carbot, MrLlamaSC, and new in-game wings!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Happy Birthday Diablo 2 - what is your story with the game?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    Today Diablo 2 celebrates its 20th anniversary and my 33th name day (in Poland we celebrate both birthday and name day). I thought that it would be fun to know your stories with the game. My own is below.

    I didn't get Diablo 2 on release. I hadn't on that time PC. My parents bought me one just after Christmas 2000. But before I even had PC, my brother bought Diablo 2 from his friends in September 2000. It was the first game I played on my own PC and you could imagine how I was impatience to have a PC and play this game. We played all together offline as in my country internet connection was too expensive at that time. As we were 4 brothers and one sis we played in one schema: one was playing with mouse and using skills, the other one was clicking on health and mana potions. I know how it sounds but 4 brothers wanted to play as much as we could on one PC (our sis had 4 YO and only watched how we play, she always wanted to enjoy the fun with us ). We also haven't any gaming magazine from that year to know the story before we play. I started buying one after my parents bought us a PC. And that's good because we had lots of fun with that.

    My parents already passed away and maybe it's weird but when I think about Diablo I'm ALWAYS grateful for their dedication to give us more than they had even that we were poor. Today I work in the gaming industry for game peripherals producer, I have lots of fun as a gaming journalist, was invited by Blizzard to watch BlizzCon live in 2018 (was always my dream to get there) and have a much better life position than my parents that day. And I thank my parents for this PC and values of life they taught us. It changed my life. Diablo changed my life.

    Thank you Blizzard!

    submitted by /u/siomer
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    Everybody's trying to find hidden clues that lead to who is the 4th class in Diablo4... while its not even hidden, its right in our face... and our ears

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    The Diablo 4 Trailer not only shows us who is the 4th class, it puts it forward as a narrator.

    Hell is coming brother

    There is no better story teller than our 4th class, The Horadrim

    There is also no better class idea than the Horadrims to fight demons and push them back to hell, especially Greater Evils. Hell! its even greater than pushing them back to their home, we are against the creator of humankind and Sanctuary, the Horadrim knowledge is a must.

    In the trailer the man we see is the class we will be able to play, a Horadrim, last of his kind. The grave he is talking to is actually the grave of Deckard Cain, his mentor of the Horadrim Brotherhood (hence the "Borther"), it might even be his real brother.

    This could be the ultimate appology to the fans for killing Deckard Cain in such a classless and tasteless way. Bringing back an Horadrim in the landscape of the game and showing us their true nature, what they are capable of, Fighters and Scholars, unlike the idea we got of them from Cain that was 100% scholar, an exception. If we are to see Horadrim back in the fight showing us what they are capable of, might as well be us to be in control

    The Horadrim could be a masters of the artifacts, Scrolls and the wisdoms they hold, he can use those to fight evil. Using monsters soul/life force against them, having a Worldstone shard as a "Ressource" container. It could have a gameplay somehow between the Paladin and the Assassin

    submitted by /u/Legion_Of_Truth
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    Diablo III - New free WINGS - Prime Evil Wings

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Let’s help the D4 devs out - Affix Collection Thread of better Itemization in D4

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    From what I have seen from people who responded to the D4 Quarterly Update Thread of June 2020 here on the forums, as well from some major Diablo and ARPG YouTubers, the consensus seems to be that D4's items and affixes are kinda underwhelming, or either average or below average, which is an assessment I share.

    So I thought we, the players and the community could come here together and collect some ideas and suggestions affixes and how items could work, or at least something that the D4 devs could take inspiration from and give it their own twist.



    Okay, here is a list of ideas for affixes:

    Offensive Affixes

    ° +x-y [single elemental] damage

    • physical
    • poison
    • bleeding
    • fire
    • frost
    • lightning
    • arcane
    • holy
    • shadow

    ° x% increased [single elemental] damage (aka physical, poison, bleeding, fire, frost, lightning, arcane, holy, shadow, etc)

    ° x% increased material damage (Material Damage = Physical, Poison, Bleeding)

    ° x% increased elemental damage (Elemental Damage = Fire, Frost, Lightning)

    ° x% increased occult damage (Occult Damage = Arcane, Holy, Shadow

    ° pierce through x% of enemies armor

    ° pierce through x% of enemies energy shield

    ° pierce through x% of enemies resistances (pierces through all resistances)

    ° pierce through x% of enemies [single elemental] resistance

    ° pierce through x% of enemies material resistance (physical, poison & bleeding)

    ° pierce through x% of enemies elemental resistances (fire, frost & lightning)

    ° pierce through x% of enemies occult resistances (arcane, holy & shadow)

    ° x% increased overall damage

    ° x% increased base weapon damage

    ° x% increased innate skill damage

    ° x% increased melee damage

    ° x% increased ranged damage

    ° x% increased spell damage

    ° x% increased minion damage

    ° x% increased damage against elites

    ° x% increased damage against non-elites

    ° x% increased damage against enemies in melee-range

    ° x% increased damage against enemies outside of melee-range

    ° x% increased damage against distant enemies

    ° x% increased damage against [specific monster type] (aka undead, beast, demon, human, drowned, etc)

    ° x% increased attack speed

    ° x% increased damage of damage over time effects

    ° x% increased damage while healthy

    ° x% increased damage while wounded

    ° x% increased damage against healthy enemies

    ° x% increased damage against wounded enemies

    ° x% increased area of effect *1

    ° x% area damage *2

    ° x% splash damage *3

    ° x% chance to overpower *4

    ° x% critical hit chance *5

    ° x% increased damage against CC'ed enemies *6

    ° x% crushing blow chance *7

    ° x% death blow *8

    ° x% multistrike chance *9

    ° x% twinstrike chance *10

    ° x% spell echo chance *11

    ° x% empower chance *12

    *1 increases the Area of Effect of e.g. the detonation radius of a Fireball, makes the cone of Upheaval broader, increases the AoE of Whirlwind, Pulverize, etc, or also adds additional missiles to skills like Multishot *2 similar to how it works in D3, but with a limit of how many targets can get effected: deal x% of the initial hits damage to an enemy to up to ~5 enemies that are within 10 yards of the initial hit *3 deals that amount of damage in a 12 yards radius to all enemies around the first enemy you hit with a melee attack (melee weapons/attacks only) *4 your attack can't be blocked, dodged, or parried & deals more damage (and maybe it also will not be effected by resistances, or pierces through energy shield, etc) *5 chance that an attack deals 100% increased damage *6 x% increased damage against slowed and chilled enemies, and double or triple that amount against enemies under a Hard CC Effect like stun, freeze, charm, blind, etc *7 target looses x% of its current health – reduced on elites & bosses, and reduced in higher difficulties and also reduces the more players are in the party *8 instantly kill enemies below a threshold, e.g. 17% death blow = death at 17% life) *9 chance to make the same attack 2 or 3 times in a row within the same time it would take for the initial attack to finish, for no additional resource cost *10 if you dual wield, attack with both weapons at once at the same time *11 cast the same offensive spell again at the targeted spot after ~1-1.5 seconds for no additional resource costs *12 skill deals xx% more damage/does xx% more healing/is xx% more efficient, but also costs zz% more resource (e.g. 30% increased damage, but also 15% increased resource costs) 

    Defensive and Healing Affixes

    ° x% increased innate defense (an increase to either energy shield, life, all res, evasion, armor, depending on what the innate defense is of the armor, see below at the end of this post for more info)

    ° +x maximum life

    ° +x maximum energy shield

    ° +x armor

    ° +x evasion rating / dodge chance

    ° +x to all resistances

    ° +x to [single elemental] resistance

    ° +x to resistance x and y (each at 1/2 of their amount)

    ° +x to resistance x, y and z (each at 1/3 of their amount)

    ° +x to material resistances (physical, poison & bleeding)

    ° +x to elemental resistances (fire, frost & lightning)

    ° +x to occult resistances (arcane, holy & shadow)

    ° +x life per second

    ° +x life per attack

    ° +x life per kill

    ° +x life per y resource spend

    ° +x life when you get hit

    ° +x life when you block an attack

    ° +x life restored from health potions

    ° increases all sources of healing by x% (maybe aside from health potions)

    ° gain x life per second while under the influence of a CC

    ° health potions have their cooldown reduced by x%

    ° health potions have +1 charge

    ° +x energy shield per attack

    ° +x energy shield per kill

    ° x% increases energy shield recharge rate

    ° x% reduced energy shield recharge delay

    ° fortify for x per attack

    ° fortify for x per kill

    ° fortify for x per y resource spend

    ° fortify for x when you get hit

    ° fortify for x when you block an attack

    ° fortify for x when you drink a health potion

    ° x% reduced damage taken

    ° x% reduced damage taken from elites

    ° x% reduced damage taken from non-elites

    ° x% reduced damage taken from melee attacks

    ° x% reduced damage taken from ranged attacks

    ° x% reduced damage taken from spells

    ° x% reduced damage taken from enemies in melee-range

    ° x% reduced damage from enemies outside of melee-range

    ° x% reduced damage taken from distant enemies

    ° x% reduced damage taken from damage over time effects

    ° x% reduced damage taken from [single monster type] (aka undead, beast, demon, human, drowned, etc)

    ° x% reduced damage taken while healthy

    ° x% reduced damage taken while wounded

    ° x% reduced damage taken from healthy enemies

    ° x% reduced damage taken from wounded enemies

    ° x% increased armor/resistances/dodge chance/etc while healthy

    ° x% increased armor/resistances/dodge chance/etc while wounded

    ° x% CC resistance (reduces duration Hard CC Effects have on you and reduces Slow)

    Other Affixes

    ° +x to all attributes

    ° +x to offensive attribute

    ° +x to maneuverability attribute

    ° +x to defensive attribute

    ° +x to resource management attribute

    ° +x to class skills

    ° +x to [single elemental] skills (e.g. fire, physical, etc)

    ° +x to defensive skills° +x to healing skills

    ° +x to e.g. Shapeshifing Skills (and similar things)

    ° +x to e.g. Major Destruction Skills

    ° x% increased buff duration

    ° x% reduced debuff duration

    ° chance to parry a melee attack (melee weapon only)

    ° chance that missile pierces (ranged weapon only)

    ° chance to stun/knockback/taunt the target (melee weapon only)

    ° burn x% of targets resource on hit

    ° reduces enemies healing by x% for x seconds when you hit them

    ° reduces enemies healing by x% for x seconds when they hit you

    ° slows enemies movement speed by x% when you hit them

    ° slows enemies movement speed by x% when they hit you

    ° x% increased CC duration on enemies

    ° x% cooldown reduction

    ° x% reduced resource costs

    ° increases your maximum resource by x%

    ° increases resource generation/regeneration by x%

    ° +x thorns

    ° transform xx% of [element -a-] damage into [element -b-] damage

    ° +1 point to [random class specific passive talent]

    Bonus Affixes

    (a separate category of non-combat related affixes that do not take away spots for offensive, defensive, or other affixes)

    ° x% increased chance of finding better magic items

    ° x% increased amount of gold dropped

    ° x% increased shrine and pylon duration

    ° x% increased XP gained

    ° increases pickup radius by x yards

    ° increases light radius by x yards

    ° indestructible

    Cursed/Detrimental Affixes

    A feature from Diablo 1.Maybe some items are cursed, which means they have +1 Detrimental Affix, like "10% reduced armor", "10% reduced attack speed", "loose x life per second while in combat", etc, but they also have +1 additional Normal Affix.

    The Detrimental Affix could appear at the bottom of the affix list and be in a red color, while the additional normal affix is simply displayed just like the others.

    Legendary Affixes

    If there is interest, I also have written down a basic "blueprint" for how to make some interesting legendary affixes, that can involve this kind of structure (but legendary affixes don't have to be limited to that):



    I also have some more general thoughts on items, particularly the Defense Affix/Bonus that spawns on armor pieces, and on Rare Items.

    Rare Items

    This is gonna be shot: rare items should be able to have up to 6 affixes, which would make them feel more beefy. Just having 4 affixes on rares, makes them feel a bit underwhelming.

    Furthermore, the Legendary Consumable that adds a legendary affix to rare items kinda blurs the lines between rare and legendary, and so I thought it might be better to let this consumable work more like an Exalted Orb from PoE, which adds a random normal affix to a rare item, and you can place up to 3 of these orbs on a rare.

    That would improve rare items, but also keep the distinct identity of legendaries and rare items.


    Currently, every piece of armor in D4 has Defense. How Defense works is not totally clear at this moment, but I assume that it works like flat number that translates into a perceptual damage reduction (e.g. 4000 Defense = 25% Reduced Damage Taken).

    This is very streamlined and simplistic, which in this case is nothing good. Here you could do what Blizzard has always done best: stealing someones idea and improve upon it.

    Look at PoE. In PoE, there is Cloth Armor (Caster Armor) that gives Energy Shield (a second layer of life, that quickly replenishes itself after not having taken damage for a while), Leather Armor, which gives Evasion Rating (aka Dodge Chance) and Heavy Plate Armor which gives Armor (physical damage reduction)

    Now why not improve upon this idea in D4? Instead of each piece of armor giving Defense, it could look like this:

    ° Cloth/Light Armor Type 1 = +x maximum Energy Shield° Cloth/Light Armor Type 2 = +x maximum Life

    ° Leather Armor Type 1 = +x Dodge/Evasion Rating / Dodge Chance° Leather Armor Type 2 = +x to All Resistances

    ° Chain Mail/Medium Heavy Armor = +x Armor(*)

    ° Plate Armor/Heavy Armor = +x Armor(*) + flat physical damage reduction on top of that + reduced movement speed

    (*) = Armor could give percentual physical damage reduction, or something else that fits, like x% reduced to all damage + x% reduced physical damage (or whatever else fits)

    That already makes these the defensive modifiers and the items itself much more interesting.


    I hope the devs at least have a look at this and maybe take inspiration from that list of they desire to do so.

    Now I would like that the rest of the community can share their thoughts, ideas and suggestion below. Hopefully the devs take notice.


    submitted by /u/clueso87
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    [SPECULATION] Diablo 2 battle.net downloader

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Im surprised that there still no discussion about. I've learned from last Rhykker video that one incredible community explorer found extremly interesting link https://www.battle.net/download/getInstallerForGame?os=win&gameProgram=DIABLO_2 by this link you can download actual downloader of D2 version for battle.net/Blizzard launcher. As we know there is no D2 in launcher right now.

    Point is that exactly same thing happened before WC3: Reforged so this is the strongest clue for D2:R further announcement so far.

    EDIT: Of course it will not download something right now, because there is obviously restrictions for random IP, but the fact that it exist tells a lot

    submitted by /u/LordKonus
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    Error Code 395000

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I am unable to get online. Not sure what is going on. I updated the game, I forwarded ports, etc. Nothing seems to work. Any advice? :(

    submitted by /u/AmadeoKristoff
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    Diablo 4 Feedback

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT



    I want to start by saying that I am a big Diablo Fan, with almost 10 000 hours of Diablo 2, I remember watching my big brother playing Diablo 2 when I was 7 years old and then I started playing Diablo 2 when I was 8 years old. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games and I also think it is the best game ever made. In 2012 I started to play Diablo 3 and I have almost 8000 hours in Diablo 3 (mostly played in Vanilla). In 2020 I have gone back Diablo 2 again and I also have started playing Path of Exile and I have almost 400 hours of PoE.

    The reason for the post

    I am making this post as feedback and to express my opinion as someone who has played ARPGS, specifically Diablo 2. I do not believe I am always correct, I do not think the D4 Devs need to hear this to make a great game, nor do I believe my opinions should even matter to them. I simply offer this as feedback in hopes of sparking ideas and generating discussion that can be useful.

    Table of content

    • Itemization
    • Talents
    • Skills
    • Endgame
    • Leveling
    • Other thoughts that other games are doing.

    1. Itemization

    Let's start with itemization. Itemization is the most important system in an ARPG If the itemization is bad the game also becomes bad. D4:s current itemization system is very simple and shallow. The reason why D4:s current itemization is very simple is because of the fact that you will be fully geared with Legendaries and that is a shallow itemization because the magic and rare items are not even close to the legendary item. In Diablo 2 every tier of items was useful, such as white/grey, magic, rare and unique. And I think that D4 needs to copy the D2 Itemization idea where every tier of an item is useful in some regard to each other.

    Here is the reason why D2:s items were so good:

    White/Grey Bases: D2 had different bases for swords, axes, maces, etc. which was often white and these were used to form a rune word. But white items were also used for some class-specific items, an example of that is necros wand, sorc wand, druid helm, barbarian helm, paladin shields, which gave like 4-5 affixes. These items could be useful for a very long time. Also, you had the quest reward where you could upgrade a white item to a rare item from act 1.

    Magics: Magic items were also useful because magic items could roll the highest affixes but only up to 2 affixes, 1 prefix, and 1 suffix. Blue items could be very good for some niche build where you focused on getting as many skill levels to one specific, an example of that is the Amazon javelin skills.

    Rares: Rare items could roll 6 affixes, but not as high rolls as magic items. Here could you make a decision if you want to have higher rolls to your affixes by using magic items or if you want more affixes, then you could take the rare items. An example of that could be if you needed to hit a certain threshold of elemental resists.

    Uniques: Unique items were items that had UNIQUE affixes that no other item could have, which gave them this identity. They also rolled with static affixes which varied in ranges of the items affixes. Unique items are build defining items that you need to form a certain build, because of the static affixes.

    Sets: Set items in D2 were not that good, but their purpose was to make it easy for new players to get a build going by using sets. Set items were also used in some niche cases where you wanted tal rashas armor for MF.

    This gave every tier of rarity a strength and a weakness. Which also makes these items more valuable than Diablo 3:s rarities, where only sets and legendaries are good, where there is almost no point of having common, magic and rare items, they could drop as materials instead of an item because they are so useless compared to sets and legendaries.

    I would like to see that Diablo 4 goes back to the Diablo 2 itemization system where every rarity has a purpose and useful even for the endgame. I would also like to see that they are going back where uniques/legendaries have static affixes that always roll on this specific item and these affixes are build defining.

    Different bases

    I would also like to see that they are going back to where armors and swords have different base types and these base types have some special affix on it.

    Weapon Bases

    *Sword Examples:* (*These affixes are just examples.*)

    • Cutlass gives you 1.25 Attack speed and gives you the open wound affix.
    • Long sword has 1.10 attack speed and it also gives you the slashing affix.
    • Scimitar has 1.50 attack speed
    • Short Sword has 1.20 attack speed and it also grants you the impale affix.

    Axe Examples:* (*These affixes are just examples.*)

    • Hatchet has 1.05 attack speed and it also gives you an X % bleed chance.
    • Tomahawk has 1.10 attack speed and it also gives you 10 % more bleed dmg.
    • Viking Axe has 1.30 Attack speed and it also gives the ability to spread your bleed to nearby enemies.
    • Double axe has 1.05 attack speed and it gives you the deadly strike affix.

    This gives players more choices if each sub-weapon type has a static affix. This also gives the game more depth and complexity. but also more customization because you have more options to choose from depending on what build you are pursuing. The more depth and complexity the better the game stays relevant and fresh because it gives you as a player more things to consider into your build.

    Armor bases

    For Armor, you could have something similar to how Path of Exile is doing with their armors, where armor could have:

    • Armor
    • Armor + Elevation Rating
    • Armor + Energy Shield
    • Elevation Rating
    • Elevation Rating + Energy Shield
    • Elevation Rating + Armor
    • Energy Shield
    • Energy Shield + Elevation Rating
    • Energy Shield + Armor

    I think that Diablo 4 could do something similar to their armors and give these armor affixes some specific meaning. This also gives the player more choices on what items you would like to get.

    Affixes Feedback

    Something that I also would like to see is that weapons have dmg ranges, like 30 - 78 dmg, where you could modify your dmg with these affix:

    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Fire Damage]."
    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Cold Damage]."
    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Lightning Damage].
    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Physical Damage]."
    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Poison Damage]."
    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Storm Damage]."
    • Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Earth Damage]."

    This also means that your weapon ranges could different elemental damages. so if you have normal dmg (physical dmg) and an affix that says Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Poison Damage]. then you also have poison dmg on that weapon. Give affixes more of a flat range and not only percentages.

    Also, I think attack speed is important to different weapons so it divides weapons to weapons. Because it is kinda weird if a 2hand mace is a fast as a Dagger.


    Resist capping is also important in ARPG, it gives you that puzzle to solve. Swapping your gear around to hit these certain thresholds.

    Affixes that ruined Diablo 3 were Critical hit damage, Critical hit Chance, and cooldown reduction I would like to see that Diablo 4 does not fall into the same trap as what D3 did. I am not a fan of the high numbers that Diablo 4 legendaries have, where a 2handed mace have 2300 weapon attack. it makes the game more difficult to balance and it also incentives power creep if you increase the max level to 50 in a future expansion.

    1. talent trees

    Next up are the talent trees. Diablo 4 current talent trees are very shallow where you only can go down one path. I would like to see that every class talent tree is as big as the wolcen tree. In practice does that mean that every class has its own wolcen tree. The reason for a big tree is that it gives the players more ways to spec their characters and it also gives the characters more customization. It also increases the depth and complexity of the game if you have more options to choose from when your building your character. Something I would like to see is game-changing nodes so your character does something unique, an example of that is that you use life instead of mana/fury/spirit.

    1. Skills


    I think that Diablo 4 should stay away from long cooldowns because that is a problem with Diablo 3. The reason why it is a problem because you are being forced to get cooldown reduction on every single piece of gear because these long cooldown abilities are often very powerful and to compensate for that you need to give them a cooldown.


    I think we can expand the skill customization that D4 has presented so far. A game that seems to have the most exciting skill system is Last epoch where every skill in the game has its own skill tree where you can customize the outcome of your skill by choosing nodes in the skill tree and that is super interesting. I also think that Diablo 4 could do something similar to their skill system.

    Skill Decisions

    I don't like that you could potentially max out every single skill in D4, I love it when you have to make decisions, of course, you can have a respec system where it cost a lot of materials or other rare resources to respec your skills. The reason why I love that you cannot max out every single skill in Diablo 2, is that it makes your character unique and it also gives you that identity that my Barbarian is different from other barbarians. It also makes the game more replayable because you can play as the same class but another spec. It also makes it so that you can different characters for different types of content (Endgame).

    1. Endgame

    In my opinion, it needs to be a variety of endgame activities.

    The key dungeon sound really cool and fun. But I feel that you can also add Uber bosses, bosses that are really hard and difficult who drop specific items that you only can find by killing them.

    Another Endgame system could be something similar to Delve from Path of Exile, but instead of going deeper into the mine you are going deeper into hell, so you start at the surface and then you are going deeper into the depth below, where you at some point reach Hell.

    1. Leveling

    From Level 1 to max level

    Leveling needs to meaningful, in Diablo 3 Leveling from 1-70 is basically pointless because the gear that you have found along the way to level 70 is obsolete when you reach level 70, so I hope that Diablo 4 copies Diablo 2:s approach to the early game where you can find a very good item early on that you can hold on to.


    I do not like paragons if they go to infinity, but do like the fact of a finite system, but something that I have thought about is that you can have paragon levels as some sort of ascendancy, so when you get to max level you can ascend into a subclass to that class you are playing, and that ascendancy has its own talent tree, so you get even more customization. For example, if you are playing a barbarian and then when you get to max level you can ascend into a subclass of your choice and that ascendency have its own talent tree that you can level up by getting more *"paragon"* levels to a finite max paragon level.

    1. Other thoughts that other games are doing.

    Something that Path of Exile is doing well that Diablo 4 can learn from is that they are implementing things for everybody in a new league/season. So, for example, they are implementing new:

    • Crafting system
    • Endgame boss that only 10 % of the player base can reach.
    • Lore
    • items
    • Skills
    • talent changes
    • nerfs/buffs
    • endgame content

    That is it for me I hope you enjoyed my thoughts, feel free to add something you want to see changed or other feedback that I have missed.

    submitted by /u/SpearoftheOdin
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    Putting more thorns to the Thorns Crusader... can't get better angle XD

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    It's been 20 years since Diablo 2 was released. My oh my, what an adventure :)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    Diablo 3 - Challenge Rift Week 158 - LOD Wizard - Season 21 - NA

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Creator Of Diablo Plays Diablo II on Diablo II's Anniversary!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    looks like there is a new community manager

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT


    Just found out on twitter, didn't see anything in the forums or reddit though.

    submitted by /u/formosan1986
    [link] [comments]

    If the cap is supposed to be GR150 then what's with all the YouTube videos labeled as like GR158?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Correct me if I'm wrong the cap is supposed to be 150. I read some where that they couldn't get the hp/damage numbers to go higher due to how processors work which is why the cap was 150. How are people getting past the cap?

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
    [link] [comments]

    Diablo 3 - Masquerade of Burning Carnival Necromancer Build Guide - Patch 2.6.9 Season 21

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Celebrate 20 years of Diablo II with this [sick] Diablo 10-inch bust

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Switch from Switch?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Got a question: Should I buy D3 for PC when I'm Paragon600 on the Switch?

    Context (If you are interested):

    I have fallen in love with Diablo 3 once again. I own it on PS4 and Switch. Pumped most of my hours into the switch version because it's mobile and easy to play when I'm "working" from home. But because my friends have signed-off on the game, I'm looking for an active community and I imagine the PC crowd is a far better place to find one. Also, I do like the idea of better graphics (my pc can handle it). Any input would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/ChangsWife
    [link] [comments]

    I just bought D3 but had already played the free intro, it seems like I start over the quest but with the level I had and items, why didn't it kept my progress?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Just wondering what I'm supposed to do, new to D3. Been playing D2 for over 15 years though

    submitted by /u/Nrymh
    [link] [comments]

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