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    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Diablo I have found some pretty cool presumably original Diablo 2 renders and concept arts

    Diablo I have found some pretty cool presumably original Diablo 2 renders and concept arts

    I have found some pretty cool presumably original Diablo 2 renders and concept arts

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    I have found some pretty cool presumably original Diablo 2 renders and concept arts submitted by /u/Wdowiak
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    What have I been doing these last 5 years?!?!?!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    To start this off I'm such a donkey....

    I bought Diablo III on PS4 all the way back in 2015 as a suggestion from a friend, I played it for half an hour got bored and never picked it back up again! Until lockdown.......

    Now I have seen the light and realized what a fool I was, 4-ish weeks ago when the lockdown started and I got furloughed from work I picked the game off my shelf dusted it off and I haven't put it down since. I have completed the campaign, almost Platinumed it, completed the first 5 chapters of my season journey and I'm even getting my Mrs hooked on it with local Co-Op, I even brought the Necromancer pack.

    Diablo has earned a fan in me, might even go back and play the first 2 I'm sure my crappy laptop can handle it. Glad to be a part of this community, can't wait for Season 21 & bring on next week's challenge rift!!!

    P.S: I've already found 3 rainbow goblins, I don't care if it takes 1000 those Cosmic Wings are mine damnit!

    P.S.S: Diablo IV hype!!! Game looks amazing, can't wait.

    P.S.S.S: Necromancer seems very OP, just started him I mained a Barbarian & Crusader through campaign & Season. But Necro seems like he's going to wipe the floor with everything once he gets stronger....

    P.S.S.S.S: Does lockdown have to end? Gonna miss playing this when I'm back at work, probably just daydream about it all day 😅

    submitted by /u/UnchainedGoku
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    Does Diablo 2 show up in the bnet launcher?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    There's a couple ways to install the game so I'm just wondering if the blizz installer with my cd keys is the best way to do it.

    submitted by /u/Duke_Leto1
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    Why does this game seem so mindless?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Ok, let me explain, I'm a new player to this game, and I love games with depth that I can sink hours into. This game seems right up my alley, so I've been trying to get into it. I started a wizard and it seems SO easy? I'm even playing on hard, and it just seems like I really don't even have to try to kill anything; I just annihilate everything in my path. Whats the deal? If difficulty comes later on, what does it look like? Don't get me wrong, I like feeling powerful, but it just seems like I don't even have to try to kill anything, they're just like paper.

    (This is diablo 3 btw)

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/GameAttempts
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    Hey guys! Since Diablo 2 is my all time favorite game, my friends and I made a throwback video to recapture our childhood. D3 wishes it could be D2.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    I'll never forget the countless hours I spent in front of the computer as a kid, waiting for my parents to go to bed so i could sneak back downstairs to sneak in some extra hours... and then my mom would wake up for work and see me on the computer "Hey! You're up early!" "..yah mom!"

    Man...Those were the days!

    Anyways I just thought you guys might like to watch me and friends try and recapture those old moments.

    This ended up being a one-time thing! Though i hope my friends and I pick up where we left off one day :)

    Anyways I hope you guys enjoy! And if any of you have the same love for Diablo 2 I'd love to see your videos too!

    Here's the link: https://youtu.be/LWsTAMTHGag


    submitted by /u/pimpnswivel
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    Diablo 2 or Diablo 3?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to the Diablo scene, I play Borderlands a lot (all of them) and recently bought D3 in December. I hear a lot of people talk about D2 and i guess im just suspecting that it's a gem that D3 failed to replicate. I would appreciate if anyone could give me their opinions on the two games and the differences between them.

    submitted by /u/8988303682
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    S20: currently fastest build for farming bounties/ low gem lvls (~90gr)?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    I want to make a farm char for bounties/gr up to 90

    submitted by /u/xaky05
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    What I would add to Diablo III if I could

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    I originally shared this on my DA account, but felt I would share my ideas here as well: https://www.deviantart.com/talesofta1ls/journal/What-I-would-add-to-Diablo-III-839602449

    I've been playing through Diablo III more recently, and I think it's a shame the game has been left pretty much alone as the main Diablo team moved onto making Diablo IV and only a skeleton team was left to maintain the game. There is a lot of potential I feel is in the game that is left untapped, and I don't believe it will ever be tapped (although we have been getting a slow trickle of content with the new seasons). So these are some of the things that I would personally add if I was somehow in charge of the game's development and had the manpower for it.

    These are things that I would add to the game, not that I would change about it. So while I do have problems with how the main attributes are handled, I won't be talking about that. These are things that would fit within the game as it currently is.

    The first problem with the game is just a lack of content, as there's lots of build creation you can do but just not much to kill with it. Just bounties, rifts, greater rifts, and very late into the endgame you can do set dungeons, that's it. So what the game needs the most is some more content. As a solution, I would add "Artifact Defense" levels into the game. These can be entered like Rifts, and feature one artifact in the center of the map that has an HP bar while waves of enemies spawn from around you. Your goal is to defend the artifact for a duration of time without dying, and then you win if neither you or the artifact dies.

    This has simple rules (in fact, it functions like how some Bounty quests do) and acts like an opposite to Rifts in a couple ways. Rifts encourage high movement to clear them out, but as these focus on a centralized area it makes movement not be the focus. One of the biggest fundamental problems in Diablo III is the low penalties for dying, which makes it so you don't invest into defense and everyone plays glass cannon builds. But because dying results in immediate failure in this, defenses are now worth investing in. Since they are so different from Rifts, a class can have one build be the optimal build for rifts and another optimal build for Artifact defense, for more than one build simultaneously being the most viable.

    With how different this content is, there are many more dynamics involved. Players could consider bringing in two different defensive skills at once (of your allowed 6 equipped skills) in order to survive. Players will need to make momentary decisions on whether to allow their character or the artifact be what takes a hit, as if either runs out of HP the objective is failed. Skills that create a zone of some form (like Demon Hunter caltrops or Crusader consecrated ground) are more viable as well. There doesn't need to be the twelve different minigames and forms of content that Path of Exile has, this simple thing would be enough to breathe a lot more life into what you can do in the game.

    With Artifact Defense fixing the content you can do with your builds by itself, the next thing I would look at is fixing the builds. I already made a post about this on the Diablo III forums, but what I would do is add a series of enchantments that all items are able to roll for their stats, adding much more diversity in equipment and modifiers to consider (as well as potentially dead stats that you want to avoid rolling, making it much harder to get the perfect equipment in the game, which is one common criticism with the game). This is the forum post I made with the full list of enchantment ideas I had and my reasoning behind them, which I would suggest that you read: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/season-idea-season-of-enchantments/15353

    Now so far my suggestions have been pretty safe, but this one is a bit more extreme and game-changing. The Kanai's cube and the quest to obtain it are personally my favorite things in the game, so I want something similar in that vein. I propose a power the player can obtain that they can use to gain any singular skill from a different class to add to their list of skills they can use, with the only things being modified about the skill being what resource or costs/uses and what stats it scales off of (but not the required equipment for it).

    One of the things I've heard complained about with Diablo III is the lack of a skill tree, and I think this is a simple solution. There are over one hundred skills you could pick from with classes other than your own, and so much potential with what can be done with this. You could make a melee Demon Hunter build by taking a Barbarian attack, a Necromancer build who wants as much damage resistance as possible could take Iron Skin from the Crusader, a minion Witch Doctor build could also take one of the minions that the Necromancer uses, and so much more. You only get one skill from another class, so you have to pick carefully (and maybe a build is better with just six skills from your own class anyways).

    A problem with this idea is that you wouldn't have the same equipment/passives to scale up the power of this new skill, but that has easy resolutions. Give a name for skills obtained through this method, like calling it "Aspirant skills", and then equipment can have stats of "+% damage dealt by Aspirant skills" or "Aspirant skills have +% cooldown reduction". Another problem is that there are illogical skill/weapon combinations (like Sweep with a hand crossbow), but that can be resolved by adding new equipment requirements to all skills (which is honestly something I think the game should have already).

    I also don't think characters should just have immediate access to all skills of other classes. I think they should go on some quest across the eternal war grounds (much like getting the Kanai's cube) to obtain this, and then you should unlock the skills. To tie things together, perhaps a new resource is added to the game that is gained through Artifact Defense and is used to buy new skills to have available to you through this system. That way there's a new progression system added to that as well.

    And after that… I think the game will be good. As I've said, there doesn't need to be like twelve different minigames added to make it like Path of Exile. One or two more classes would be neat as well, but it's not absolutely necessary.

    submitted by /u/SMGB_NeonYoshi
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    Book of Cain vs Tyrael vs Adria?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Do you have a favourite and why?

    submitted by /u/tjoolder
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    Diablo 1 and where to buy (that's not GoG)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    That's pretty much it, oh plus Mac Catalina. I just seem to be able to find the Gog version but nothing more

    submitted by /u/Reed_Underwood
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    Dead Man's Legacy How to Choose

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Building Unhallowed Essense Multishot DH here, at this point I have 3 pieces of Dead Man's Legacy, none of which is perfect but I'm struggling with the maths to pick one:

    1. 934 dex / 892 vit / ias 16% / crit ch 10% / multishot 15% (enchanted) / +10 discipline / 193% ms dam
    2. 987 dex / 894 vit / ias 20% / crit ch 10% / useless skill 10% / +12 discipline (enchanted) / 188% ms dam
    3. 743 dex / ias 20% / crit ch 9.5% / cdr 8% / multishot 15% (enchanted) / +11 discipline / 190% ms dam

    I have +12 disc from both bow and chest armor and I have 15% multishot from both helm and boots.

    I'm currently using #1 as it appears to be somewhat "balanced". Any advice on helping to decide is much appreciated. How do you calculate the real/final output of multishot with so many elements in the equation?

    Also I did try reforege quite a few times but since there're so many variables the cost is heavy. Is this the only reasonable way towards anything close to a primal? (Kadala doesn't really get along with me well...)

    submitted by /u/wangdino
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    How do you acquire the Bone Ringer?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    This was answered and found! Thanks

    I've been farming for a while and I am missing one item and can't seem to acquire the Bone Ringer for my necromancer. Is this something you can only acquire a certain way or what's the scoop?

    submitted by /u/dbasolo84
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    Did anyone else really dislike diablo 3?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Its the only other diablo game I've played besides the first one so I don't dislike it just because it's not like diablo 2 or some shit like that. I just didn't like the gameplay in the slightest. It was painfully boring, and I mean painful. It was literally just spamming the attack button and not even having to roll out of the way because even on the harder difficulties the enemies did fucking nothing to me. The skills were mainly there just so they could be there, as I never had to actually use them and I didn't really feel like I needed them considering they did jack shit for extra damage. The loot was so boring, it was just the same 4 items with slightly bigger numbers. I was in some spider cave before I realized how little fun I was actually having and gave up. I wasn't giving the slightest shit about the story, I didn't care about the loot because the one single cool looking weapon I got was outclassed 5 seconds later by a dagger, I wasn't caring about the enemies who soaked up hits and dealt zero damage, I just wasn't caring. I wanna know if I'm alone on this or what.

    Note: I was playing a barbarian on whatever the hard mode was called, and played once or twice with my girlfriend having just as little fun.

    submitted by /u/Glossyplane542
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