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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Diablo Deadset's Thoughts on the Season 21 Buff, New Sets and Items, Skill Changes and More

    Diablo Deadset's Thoughts on the Season 21 Buff, New Sets and Items, Skill Changes and More

    Deadset's Thoughts on the Season 21 Buff, New Sets and Items, Skill Changes and More

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Some screenshots you might have missed

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    My Blind Diablo II Experience Day 4

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Before I continue to Act II, here's the quick list of skills that I was investing points into as I forgot to mention it for the past few posts:

    Defensive Auras:

    Prayer Level: 1

    Defiance Level: 1

    Resist Fire Level: 2

    Resist Cold Level: 1

    Resist Lightning Level: 3

    Offensive Auras:

    Might Level: 2

    Holy Fire Level: 2 (I find myself using this one the most)

    Thorns Level: 2

    Combat Skills:

    Holy Bolt Level: 1

    Smite Level: 1

    Day 4:

    Hitching a ride on Warriv's caravan, we arrive at Lut Gholein. Upon arrive, I am greeted by Jerhyn, the lord of Lut Gholein, who gives me some new information about the Wanderer. According to him, apparently there is a great evil that has spread through the city. He said that it all started when the Dark Wanderer passed through, searching for the Tomb of Tal Rasha, keeper of Baal, of which the location is unknown except that it's somewhere deep within the desert. Once the Dark Wanderer had passed through, strange happenings occurred, such as the dead rising from the graves and what not. He, then, tells me that Atma, the tavernkeeper, has a mission for me.

    Heading to the other side of town, I head to Atma's tavern to receive her mission. She tells me of a foul creature that stalks the city's sewers, hungry for human flesh. Her son and her husband were both killed by the beast. I'm tasked with slaying the creature before it takes anymore lives.

    Before heading to the sewers, I explore the town a bit. I meet various people, such as Fara, the local blacksmith, Drognan, a trader who deals in magic items as well as a few shields, Geglash, the local drunk, Greiz, a mercenary captain hired by Jerhyn, Elzix, the local innkeeper who also has some wares for trade, and Lysander, an apothecary. The palace, where Jerhyn lives, is currently guarded and is allowing no visitors until the mess the city is in gets cleaned up. After I was finished exploring Lut Gholein, making sure I'm all set, I make my way down to the sewer.

    Down in the sewers, I notice that there are tons of tight corridors and not a whole lot of open space, which can be used for my advantage if I plan my moves carefully. The normal enemies here definitely feel stronger than the ones I encountered in the first act, but they don't feel too much stronger though. After making it to the third level, I find the monster I was tasked to slay, Radament. He's a bit of a tricky one to beat as he has a poisonous attack as well as the ability to raise fallen foes. Eventually, I defeat Radament, who drops a rare Scimitar called the Scimitar of Slaying. Before heading back I explore a bit more making sure I don't miss anything.

    While looking around the area where I fought Radament, I find a chest contain a bit of gold as well as a Horadric Scroll, of which I should show to Cain back when I return. I also find a Book of Skill, which allows me to learn a skill for free. I choose to hold on to the book until I reach level 18. Once I was finished exploring, I return to Lut Gholein. Upon returning, I speak with Atma, who expresses her gratitude for me avenging her son and husband and tells me she had spoken to the other merchants to have them sell their wares to me at lower rates. She also tells me that Jerhyn wants to speak to me in front of the palace. Before meeting with Lut Gholein, I speak with Deckard Cain about the scroll I obtained. The scroll's contents state that the Horadric mages sealed off Tal Rasha's tomb and create staves that can be used to break the seal on the tomb. Apparently after an incident involving a rogue sorcerer, the staves were broken down into two separate parts, a wooden shaft and a metal headpiece, and both parts were hidden in separate areas and will only reveal themselves to heroes such as myself. In order to enter Tal Rasha's tomb, I must find each separate part and assemble them using the Horadric Cube.

    After speaking with Cain, I meet with Jerhyn in front of the palace. He tells me that him and Drognan have concluded that the Dark Wanderer was Diablo himself and that I must put a stop to him, which of course at this point I already knew all of that. According to him, Drognan might have some useful information that will help me find the tomb, which, according to him, will take a long time to find. Speaking with Drognan about Tal Rasha's tomb, he tells me that his tomb is hidden deep in the desert among seven others and that Tal Rasha's symbol marks the true tomb. In order for me to discover his symbol, I can find it within the legendary Arcane Sanctuary. With no other information to be found, I begin my search for the parts for the Horadric Staff.

    I head out into the Rocky Waste, clearing out monsters while mapping out the area during my search. Along the way, I find the entrance to a Stony Cave. Since my first objective, the Halls of the Dead is located under the Dry Hills, I head there shortly after. While exploring the Dry Hills, I find the waypoint to the area as well as the entrance to the Hall of the Dead.

    Entering the Hall of the Dead which is said to contain the Horadric Cube, I, unsurprisingly, encounter many undead class enemies as well as Hollow Ones, which I would compare to the shamans for the fallen or similar enemies, as they are able to raise undead. After spending the time to search thoroughly, I eventually find the room with the Horadric Cube, guarded by many foes. After clearing out the room of enemies, I obtain the cube from within a chest. Along the way, I also found a unique crystal sword named the Doom Impaler that deals up to 21 melee damage and up to 2 cold damage and it provides 5% poison resist.

    After finishing up my search for the cube, I return to Lut Gholein using the waypoint on level 2. When I get there, I speak with Deckard Cain, informing him about the Horadric Cube I have obtained, who tells me about how to use the Cube to transmute items and that it can be used to transmute many different items. Afterwards, I clear up my inventory and head to the inn for some much needed rest.

    End of Session Stats:

    Zuldylm Level: 18

    Strength: 60

    Dexterity: 48

    Vitality: 60

    Energy: 17

    Skill List Update:

    Holy Fire Level 2 -> 3

    Resist Cold Level 1 -> 2

    Learned Holy Freeze

    End of Day 4:

    Well that was an eventful start to Act II. So I'm going to assume each Act has you complete 6 different quests in order to move on to the next act. I guess I won't be able to do any of the other quests until I complete the one to obtain the Horadric Staff. I likely will play this again tomorrow and maybe Thursday as well if I don't have anything going on that day. Well anyways, I appreciate the support I have been given on this and I'd like to wish you all well. Also, feel free to tell me if I missed anything or if I should work towards a specific skill or whatnot.

    submitted by /u/jmfindorff
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    People that run 4 mans- how did you meet those people?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Hey hey!

    I've been playing diablo 3 a lot this season, and I really enjoy it but I'm starting to get really burned out from just playing by myself all the time. Every time I look at other games I just come back full circle to Diablo again, so I figure I at least make a second attempt at finding a group.

    When I googled this same question, I found results of people kind of angrily telling others to use the in game channels so I tried that. I found that all of the clans I joined I was either just some faceless number, or that even though they had 140+ members the clan was in fact dead.

    So I tried to use the in game channels. I made a rat necro but was basically ignored because I don't have a huge amount of paragon (I'm at 1300 atm) and my gear wasn't completely perfect, and I found that the pugs were extremely rude. I kind of wrote that off because I figured they were mostly people no one wanted to play with regularly, but it still left me without a group of friendly people to actually play with.

    I tried the Diablo discord a few times but the LFG channel kind of didn't lead me anywhere unfortunately, and I applied to both of the reddit clans but never got invited.

    I tried to find friends in public matches, but for the most part they'd either eventually quit when I had them on my friends list, or they'd never actually talk when you tried talking to them. Like they just weren't super interested in anything but just clearing this pub GR, rift or bounty as fast as they could.

    So I don't really know what's left, I'm not sure why I'm having such a rough go at it. I think it's because I'm for the most part alone just playing in private games, but I just find that they go so much faster since we don't have people just diddling themselves in town for 2 minutes after every run, but it's hurting my chances of finding people to actually play with. Do you guys have any tips on how to fix this? I don't really want to just burn out and move on yet, I'm still enjoying the game.

    submitted by /u/Arkontas
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    How to switch to Adventure Mode after completing Campaign

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Hi all, sorry for the newbie question, I have looked at the FAQ and also Googled but could not get a definitive answer.

    I have completed the Campaign Mode (I have a non-seasonal character) in Normal difficulty and now I'm stuck at level 57 with the only possibility, apparently, to replay Act V. I have increased the difficulty to Hard but it's still sort of slow and boring.

    I would like to switch to Adventure mode but cannot find any place on the menu to do so.

    I have heard discording theories, some say you have to reach level 70 before you will ever be allowed to play Adventure, others say you can do it as soon as you finish the first 4 acts, still others say you can do it immediately but only for the acts you have so far finished in Campaign.

    If anybody has a definitive answer, please let me know and in case I have to go through a few menus, please consider I'm playing on Xbox


    submitted by /u/adriantoomes
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    Diablo 3 is just too easy...

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game! I bought it when it first came out and revisit the game every now and then. I enjoy the game for its fun and interesting play style, but its just too damn easy. I don't find much of a challenge at all.

    I just started a new character, which is the witch doctor, and set his mode on hard. I thought since this was going to be my first playthrough using this character, putting it on hard mode would give me atleast some kind of challenge. Well I was wrong. My character is only level 25 and he is absolutely annihilating any enemy that steps in his way. Any of the extremely strong characters or bosses are ripped apart within a matter of seconds. Doesn't even feel like a boss fight. He feels like 20 levels above the enemies he's actually fighting.

    My character is honestly way too powerful to even enjoy the game lol. How can I actually play the game and have some kind of a challenge? Any advice would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/yeeyeesuckinteets
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    Do people still use MODS in PVP?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    Last time I played, 50% of the people in duel games were using mods/autotp/autoaim etc.

    Is that still the case?

    submitted by /u/Lifeisasong22
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    Diablo 2 Virgin Play through Ep 6 | Apprentice Corner

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    One thing i really wish for Diablo 4 is active dodging/aiming rather than unavoidable locked attacks

    Posted: 19 May 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    It so boring offensively and defensively when games have unavoidable attacks

    there isnt much Skill to have in a ARPG like Diablo since most power come from gears and skill/spell/talents. Having that room to improve your build with your own skills would be awesome

    Don't leave this to RNG with boring « miss » messages

    submitted by /u/Legion_Of_Truth
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    Question about D2 Ressurected/remake etc

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Is this going to be a whole new game? Where we have to buy it and our old account/items will not be associated with it?

    Like our current D2 is not going to transfer into the new game.

    Also, will it have the same pvp?

    submitted by /u/Lifeisasong22
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    First Diablo Game

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Thinking about playing my first Diablo, should I play 2 or 3? Which one is better?

    submitted by /u/Unknown_Drunk_69
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    WEEKLY RAGE THREAD - 05/19/20

    Posted: 19 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT




    submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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    What it sounds like when you're about to lose 20 hours of progress

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    Diablo in first person

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Don't hate me for this, but I've always wanted a first person Diablo. Remember the terrifying and creepy feel/look/environment of the original Diablo? Well imagine if you were seeing that all up close through the eyes of your character and not a safe isometric distance. The part with the butcher would be even more scary, because at least in the original version, you can see the butcher in his room before he comes out to get you, giving you a couple seconds of a head start to get your distance. But in first person, you'd be face to face with him right away, plus seeing that abomination come after you and start hacking you up would definitely make someone's heart race. Plus the Diablo trilogy (I guess "franchise" now that Diablo 4 is coming out) had always had really cool/interesting characters/enemies/environments/ etc, so imagine just getting a closer and better view at all the eye candy. Like imagine seeing the grittiness of Tristram, or seeing Baal being covered in the glow of the world stone, or the pristineness and divinity of the High Heavens at a better view. That's the thing that bothers me about isometric games; because the camera is so far away, you can't really get a good look at all the detail of the enemies and environment around you. Don't get me wrong, Diablo is one of my all time favorite franchises, but I think it'd be a lot cooler in first person, but that's just my opinion

    submitted by /u/Dr_Edward_McKickass
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