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    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Diablo Fellow Barbs, please help!

    Diablo Fellow Barbs, please help!

    Fellow Barbs, please help!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Hey Folks,

    Looking for some help! I just hit GR117 but feel like I should be higher, appreciate your help or suggestions.



    submitted by /u/FizzyModo to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Yet another Vyr question, regarding survivability

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Hi all, trying out the Wizard Vyr Season 20 set (this build) and it just feels very squishy. I can't build chantando stacks fast enough (like 10-15) before dying. Also, even if I do get to 15-20 stacks, Archon form kills things slowly. Maxed out at like GR 75. Having a few questions.

    1. Is feeling squishy normal?
    2. After the first round of building stacks, do I have to restart the building of stacks of Chantando whenever Archon drops?
    3. Do I use the explosion from going into Archon to kill mobs, or do I do it away from mobs and then approach them in Archon form?

    I tried Typhon's as well and it seems to be way stronger. Could go to GR 95 before slowing down.

    Also, this is my current equipment here, if it helps.

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/thunderfbolt to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    Cubing RORG vs ROE

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    I see that most of the players in the leader board choose to cube RORG and wield ROE. Is there a benefits or reason for doing it this way? It makes more sense to me to do the opposite and get the max % of ROE in cube.

    Asking because I got a priority(with a rolled stat) primal RORG and am just not sure if I will be losing out by doing it the reverse.

    submitted by /u/xScraf to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    First Time Monk

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Im running GR 100 with this over 14 mins and i want to go faster and run higher GR's solo.

    Any suggestions?


    Forgot to add the link

    submitted by /u/leolalusin to r/Diablo3Monks
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    Which weapon is better? AoV gear question.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Hi. I wanted to know which weapon is better for the AoV HF build. I recently got a decently rolled pig sticker but was using a primal monster hunter before. I plugged both into d3planner and I couldn't figure out why I wouldn't use the MH as my dps was higher pretty much everywhere. I know the build calls for the PS but does it really increase my damage? Or am I looking at d3planner wrong?

    https://www.d3planner.com/650489211 vs https://www.d3planner.com/343496631


    submitted by /u/Throwawayayay8372711 to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    UE Build Advice Wanted

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT


    I've just gotten my build in a pretty good place, IMHO.

    I am missing a RoRG in my Cube and I need better equipment. I also need a socketed Dead Man's. Other than that any advice would be great. I barely solo GR 55. I'm also pretty weak. I tried to use Diamonds instead of emeralds with no luck. Help!


    submitted by /u/justbrowsing555555 to r/Diablo3DemonHunters
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    Fun and solid necro trash clearing/team build

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    I recently came back to diablo 3 and haven't played seasons at all. I am not claiming to be an expert or anything, but I believe I made a solid and very fun trash clearing build after trying some of the top tier builds and not liking them. My build is mostly close to this one so I wanted to give credit where it's due:


    The build I am using is this one. Note I didn't take time to change stat percentages:


    My crit percent is 52%, critical hit damage is pushing 500%. I have a gold/health pickup radius of 6 total between my arms, legs, and wrists. You want to have 5-6 pick up radius for your auras to have good use. You will be moving around very fast with Steuart's greaves and a 2 charge blood rush. You will also automatically curse enemies Fraility(aura of fraility) and you will automatically consume corpse with devour(aura of devour), which will in turn be dropping health globes for you and your team members. You will essentially have a never ending pool of essence because of your devour skill constantly recharging it max and keeping your life up. I went with bone armor(dislocate) because you can blood rush into a massive group and stun them all and throw a few death novas down to clear the entire group. Dislocate will also cause your Krysbin's sentence to proc triple damage when enemies are stunned. You will be looking to be in big groups to get your damage bonus from your cubed bloodtide blade.

    3 legendary gems:

    Legacy of Dreams - this will be a massive boost to your damage. *Early progression you can use Litany of the Undaunted and The Wailing Host instead if you'd like.

    Bane of the Trapped - this will be another big source of damage while keeping enemies in range slowed, though you will burning through big groups fast with this build.

    Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard - I like to use this because it will keep my health topped off between the auto devour aura, but mainly to get the shield generated before jumping into a big group. I have been looking at using Zei's Stone of Vengeance as an alternative to have more damage and stunning effect but I have not tested it.

    3 cubed items:

    Bloodtide Blade - 400% more death nova damage for every enemy within 25 yards. This is massive for your death nova clearing.

    Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang - Cursed enemies will take 200% more damage, note that you are auto cursing in a fairly big radius with your frailty(aura of frailty) and the curses remain on forever with your Eternal Torment trait if you want to run by enemies and group them up for more damage with more enemies.

    Nayr's Black Death - Each poison skill you use increases damage 100%. You can pair this with bone spikes(bone pillar) as well.

    Defensive survivability:

    Aquila Curiass: This will reduce your damage taken 50% above 90% resources which will always be up with your auto devour aura.

    Dayntee's binding: This will reduce damage taken 50% when an enemy with a curse attacks you. You will have everything auto cursed around you with your aura of frailty already.

    You will be getting a shield from Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard that will absorb damage based on your life regen %.

    Your life regen and devour will keep your health topped off well and using smart bone armors with dislocate should keep the damage you take to a minimal. You will also be dropping a large amount of health globes from Life from Death trait that you have access to.

    If you are having trouble taking damage you can also swap out some diamonds in your armor slots for more resistance though I prefer to keep intelligence as high as possible for the fastest kills.

    I'm currently paragon 858 and have my maxed 25% movement speed then the rest of my points in intelligence, 0 vitality. All my other paragon trees are maxed.

    Stats you're looking for:

    Intelligence is obviously your main stat.

    Crit % and Crit damage % where you can. You want to be at least 40/400, but the higher the better.

    Poison damage % on pieces where you can get/afford it.

    Lastly you'll want at least 4 gold/health globe pick up radius for your auras to work well. 6 is best case scenario.


    This build has been extremely fun to use, you will not see a necromancer moving as fast as this with the double blood rush and Steuart's Greaves. You will want to challenge large groups and use your bone armor/dislocate wisely. You can easily take down elites if they are grouped up with other trash mobs with your Bloodblade damage increase activating. You can run past smaller groups and get your curse on them and when you have enough enemies together from multiple groups you can then take them out with a few death novas. The main struggle to this build is if you are playing solo and pushing GR you are not going to do massive damage/sustain vs the rift guardian at the end. Clearing to the rift guardian will be no problem but this build is more team oriented where you can have someone who does high burst damage to single target rift guardians, elites, etc.

    Disclaimer: Like I said I've never played seasons in diablo 3 and haven't played for a long time. I wanted to share this build and see what some seasoned players thought of it. I am open to constructive comments and feedback. I hope if you have the gear, leveled up legendary gems and paragon levels that you give this build a try because it is a blast!


    submitted by /u/Nerdlife87 to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    insta death Valor set

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Just switched to this build. I tried a rift on T15, the damage was pretty good but i would die if i got hit once.
    Looking for advise on how to use this build and what to re-roll.


    I haven't found pig sticker yet.

    submitted by /u/MurderCrow77 to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Help with Skeleton Mage Singularity Build

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    What should I focus on improving next?

    Link: https://www.d3planner.com/865206540

    Note: Reilena's Shadowhook and Messershmidts Reaver are currently in the cube (Season 20 bonus)

    My current priorities are:

    • Rolling better shoulders/phylactery from Bloodshards
    • Upgrading level 70 crafted scythes for a better Scythe of the Cycle
    • Re-rolling swampland waders


    submitted by /u/SaddestCatEver to r/Diablo3Necromancers
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    When change Istvan's 10% damage for Area Damage?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:07 AM PDT


    Season. 958 Paragon. No augments. Done 114 GR (1st try) with 3k Istvans (10% damage, Str, CDR) and 9400 Str. Finally, got a decent (non ancient) FoT with 18% lighting, so no physical with 3 rings in cube :-(

    When is it better to change from 10%+10% damage to 24+24 Area Damage? I only have 50 AD from Paragon.

    Sorry for my English and thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/drizzt76_ to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    How to increase toughness for Tal Rasha Meteor?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I am a casual player and has found Tal Rasha playstyle to be the easiest and most fun compared to the other sets.

    My current build is this: https://www.d3planner.com/680601575

    I currently am able to clear GR 75 with around 4-5 mins remaining. The problem is that I tend to die around 5-6 times each time I run a GR 75.

    Is there any way to increase my toughness/not die as much and possibly go on to higher greater rifts? Also, for my set, should i be using karini or arlyse?

    submitted by /u/Tinotyz to r/Diablo3Wizards
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    How to improve my DPS? AoV with Pig dagger

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:38 AM PDT


    Currently stuck at clearing 129. The best I can do is 15 minutes 21 seconds with a decent map, power, and conduit pylon. Feel like very squishy so I allocated some paragon level onto the Vit so I can make sure I won't die in the Holy cycle. A better amulet would be nice to upgrade or my bracers? (The skill percentage was a little low also).

    Thanks guys! Just came back to Diablo this season.

    submitted by /u/g1y5x3 to r/Diablo3Crusaders
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    Should I have Rend on my hotbar with Wrath of the Wastes and Ambo's Pride?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    The topic basically. I just rolled a seasonal barbarian, haven't played D3 in some time.

    Do I need Rend on my hotbar for Ambo's to work? Does it get the benefit of the currently selected rune?

    submitted by /u/hutsujakutsuja to r/Diablo3Barbarians
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    Stuck at GR97

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT


    What do besides grind more gem upgrades, ancient augments, and more optimal weapon (which I don't want to do at this point). I can kill trash relatively easily, but elites/RG are now taking way to long to kill, and plenty are killing me in one shot now.

    submitted by /u/onePunch_dev to r/Diablo3witchdoctors
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    D3 planner

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Do I have to go through and tediously add every stat line on every item through this? Or is there a way to import my character from ps4?

    submitted by /u/Dirty_three_30 to r/Diablo3Monks
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    I have 4.3 mil sheet damage. What GRs should I be doing as RGK?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:00 AM PDT

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