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    Diablo Wiz Typhon's Veil Feedback

    Diablo Wiz Typhon's Veil Feedback

    Wiz Typhon's Veil Feedback

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:51 PM PST

    After another long testing session today I want to provide some feedback about the new Wizard set. Some points upfront:

    • Arcane Torrent is bugged and double dips on Deathwish and Etched Sigil multipliers, giving the build ~15 tiers too much damage. I avoided using the skill
    • 4pc Typhon is bugged and has no internal cooldown and also kills a hydra head when an enemy hits you while shielded, making certain monster types or elite affixes (ground effects especially) instaskip because they evaporate all your hydras
    • Blizz is aware of these issues and both will be fixed soon
    • The damage reduction is additive with itself, for a total of up to 80%
    • Mirror Images cast hydras but they don't interact with the set bonuses
    • Casting hydras with the set will display a little counter on top of your hydra skill, showing how many heads are active
    • Losing a head has a clearly visible animation so you are aware of it without checking the number on the bar
    • Since Mammoth is not usable with the set, Frost Hydra seems to be the way to go
    • I see this question a lot: pet bonuses (Hydra % on gear) are multiplicative and so it's easy to buff the damage in party since you get a total of 45% of that (shoulders, chest, offhand). Also, AD works and is totally worth stacking
    • Currently LoD is much stronger than Typhon and almost everyone is pushing with that instead, so I figured there is probably a need for feedback for the set and not just hydras in general

    I tried the regular channeling build and also some obviously inferior non-channeling builds to see what other potential playstyles could be explored with the set

    • Compared to LoD Mammoth hydra builds, the set currently seems a lot weaker even discounting the bugs above. Although the builds have relatively similar damage multipliers, Mammoth is simply vastly superior because of the ground effect and the set needs a straight up numbers buff to compete
    • It was a good choice to kill the Mammoth hydra rune for the set, everyone is lagging out like hell with it, so we can all be glad that we cannot use it
    • That being said, it seems pretty pointless to have a LoD build and a set with 95% same items, skills and playstyle. The big advantage of making a new set is to give it a special new playstyle that can't otherwise be produced with the tools we already have. Even after fixes and buffs, Hydra set will still be largely the same as current LoD
    • Through Deathwish + Etched Sigil we are forced into channeling builds, which are completely anti-synergistic with the set's idea of not getting hit (4pc bonus). I can't imagine that the intention here was "stack enough toughness until you can facetank everything and your shields won't break"
    • For non-channeling versions, I tried things like a tanky Explosive Blast + Spectral blade build, twister with Ranslor's Folly or just generic kiting playstyle with Black Hole. They offered great active gameplay but obviously were much weaker, especially twister was tons of fun when you set up the hydras and then pull dozens of mobs on top of them
    • Facetanking everything while channeling is not very engaging and has been very dominant in the Wizard builds of past seasons. I think it would be great to add another requirement to the set that forces us out of channeling playstyles since that can be done with LoD already for those who like it. I see lots of people suggesting to add Blizzard to the build, which is currently totally unused. After playing it I totally agree that this could make a great addition that goes with the idea of "place stuff down and don't get hit" if moving and dodging is encouraged more
    • Other than that, certain monster types and elites that move / teleport around a lot are quite frustrating to fight, as hydras typically attack what's closest to them. Perhaps it could be a good idea to give some more control over what they attack so we wouldn't feel as helpless when they shoot at the one wasp flying outside of the map instead of your prepared stack of 40 mobs
    • For high paragon solo clears, I estimate the build to max at around GR140 or so. It's hard to say when the 4pc is so dysfunctional. The set is not bad but it's simply weaker than LoD, so a slight nerf to the newly buffed hydra items (Serpent Sparker / Magistrate) and a buff to the set could close the gap
    • In high group GRs, Wiz is outclassed by Crus and Corpse Lance Necro (on season) for the RGK role, but it's not terrible. We estimate around 2.5min kill on GR150 at P5000. For rift clear, it's good but Mammoth is very laggy, don't know about Typhon's set right now. Spirit Barrage is a big competitor and most likely better, the old LoN SB WD was able to clear GR150 already and the new build is a ton stronger
    submitted by /u/wudijo22
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    I don't think it's possible to really slow down Diablo 4 or any other arpg unless Powerful attacks and spells are front-loaded, not back loaded.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    So as Diablo 4 sits on the horizon, one of the things that I personally hope for and that I see a lot of other people talking about here is the concern of the game being too fast. We all know that. In games like Diablo 3 and Path of Exile, by the end of game you are just running around and clearing screen the monsters with a couple of clicks. Some people have called it a god simulator.

    Now every game tries to slow the player down a little bit with things like cool Downs for certain abilities or heavy Mana cost four powerful spells or powerful enemies Who can one shot you And require you to play much more carefully. But personally I don't think any of this works because ultimately to use most of your abilities you simply press a button or make a single right click. You rinse and repeat that over and over however fast the system allows you to do it. Because that is the most efficient thing to do.

    I was asking myself. Why does this feel wrong? And I think it's because when you think about using powerful attacks in real life for in fantasy fiction, it comes down to charging up and summoning strength. In most fiction when someone is casting a very powerful spell they don't have a long cool down afterwards. What they have is a lot of time upfront channeling or summoning or speaking magical words and drawing in mystical energy before releasing a giant blast. When you think about fantasy sword attacks with ultimate power You think about people shouting magical incantation, raising the sword as high as they can, charging at the enemy, swinging back and then lunging in with maximum Force.

    Basically what I'm saying is that in order to slow down combat and make heavy attacks actually feel heavy, the delay needs to be up front before the attack lands, not after you perform the attack.

    Look at Diablo 2 and the spell meteor. You are summoning a literal meteor out of the sky. But your sorceress cast a spell and a tenth of a second with enough gear. And then you go through a cool down. It just doesn't feel the way that casting this kind of spell should feel.

    Imagine instead you have a skill called lightning blast. You can tap the Button to cast it as quick as you want, but if you do it will just be shooting out little Sparks of medium strength. If you hold it down for a second and then Release date, maybe it shoots out multiple lightning strikes. If you hold it down for 5 seconds and Release Oh, you can see your character drawing in energy from the sky and suddenly releasing chain lightning that covers the entire screen.

    You can imagine the same thing for melee attacks or for bow attacks. Your tags are pulling back the weapon or Arrow and charging it up. Then finally releasing a devastating strike.

    And now think about how that affects combat. Against trash mobs you kind of have the option. Peppering them with small light attacks. Or with the heavy strike that clears the whole screen but the heavy strike. Requires time upfront and vulnerability in order to unleash. It forces you to take risks and evaluate the situation at hand and slow down a name whenever you are going to really want to do something impressive. You can still balance This by making the heavier version of skills take up more energy or have more of a cool down afterwards. But it really changes the flow of combat.

    submitted by /u/wingspantt
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    Can not use skills in Diablo 2

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:52 PM PST

    I can not use skills, no matter which key I bind to the skill. idk what to do

    submitted by /u/Furrystomper420
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    The death of blizzard and the current Reforged has me scared for my Diablo future

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:03 PM PST

    I'm going to call D4 dead in the water - They've hired Rod Fergusson, a known 'fixer' of games, but the future of Blizzard(Now Activison) looks bleak.

    To get to the point, I'm worried that my lack of a physical copy of Diablo is going to be my detriment. In 20 years, I would very likely still -love- D2, & would probably want to get together with friends & play again, but I can't see Activison supporting that platform any more in the future. Piracy is the obvious answer, but that likely leaves out multiplayer.

    submitted by /u/Anonymo_Stranger
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    Is the hellfire amulet/ring better than set rings?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:24 PM PST

    Should I finish farming them on my necro or use set rings

    submitted by /u/icommitisekai
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    diablo 1+hellfire gog multiplayer/ translation

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:04 AM PST

    Hi, we are looking for a way to play hellfire multi with the last gog version which is 1.09 V2 for HELLFIRE.

    The issue here is all results for this question bring to a solution for older versions of hellfire (not d1 classic, i mean the hellfire version). Since we have no idea how to go back to an older version, we can't really use the solutions we find.

    We would also like to translate the game the french if possible.

    submitted by /u/epsonscan
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    Best supporting class for a D2 summonmancer?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:18 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I have a few hundred hours into this game and I love it, but I have a friend that got it for the first time and he really wants to run summonmancer. That's fine by me, I'm just curious what class would support him the best. I generally play support in literally any game I can, so what do you guys suggest?

    submitted by /u/Shamrock1423
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    Need Advice To Break Through My Plateau.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Apologies for bad formating, I don't post a lot and I'm on mobile so I'll try my best.

    I've never played Diablo 3, just started last week but I did a little research beforehand and I've managed to get the full season set for Barbarian, Bu-Kathos' Oath set for fury, Lamentation, and the Royal Ring of Grandeur so I can rock another supporting item instead of all 6 pieces.

    I cubed Ambo's Pride, Morticks Brace and Ring of the Zodiac to minimize the downtime on my Wrath of the Berserker, basically I've put together the GR push build that every Barbarian has been running this season.

    Despite all that, I've hit a stoping point early on and I am in desperate need of advice on how to improve my survivability and just overall how to stay alive. I'm pretty sure from what I've heard from veterans that anything Torment 13 or higher is pretty much one shot territory no matter what you set-up but I've hit my stopping point on Torment 7-8 and GR45, I can't seem to push past it but I've seen other Barbarians stomping through T16 and clearing GR90+ no problem.

    Because of all this I think that my problem is that I don't have my gear optimized enough but I wanted to clear GR70 before I start min/maxing my gear because IIRC you can't get Primal Ancients to drop until you clear GR70, so what can I do to increase my survivability now that will allow me to push higher, thanks for any information you guys can give me.

    submitted by /u/-dylxn-
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    US player (d3) LF guild

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:16 PM PST

    I bought d3 when it first launched and RoS when it first launched, I got the necro dlc just recently and it made me come back, been doing GRs etc. Anyone wanna let me join their guild? I'm sitting at like 350 paragon

    submitted by /u/icommitisekai
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    Why Diablo 4 and Blizzard Need Someone Like Rod Fergusson?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Speed Runners in the Silver Spire (OC)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Hey everyone! I wrote a short story about D3 this morning over on r/WritingPrompts and thought I would share it over here too. Enjoy!


    submitted by /u/Promethia
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    Guys lets be Real!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:14 PM PST

    Ok look I see it like this, I'll try and be short and simple. Blizzard used to be a Trend setter and this genre needs a whole uplift just making it dark won't cut it. I'll let you know what I want and I hope it helps Blizzard with some ideas first and formost all new mechanics. Without new and intriguing things it will be the same regurgitated mess it has been plus with new idea like PoE's Metamorph it could change the whole landscape. BLIZZARD can not pull a Pokemon S and S sure it sold well at the end of the day but there was no inivation and the next one they release I expect to fail misarablly now that people know nothing will change. Blizzard should give Diablo 4 cool quick time events or something while running around slaying demons with Alot more new Verticality, give us some levels that have ways to get away from big sworms of enemys by leaping off cliffs or even a train that runs across the map that you could get lucky and catch passing by. New Classes or even Sub Classes plus different types of races hell what if you let us play as bad guys like demons and such that could give a different view and path to the story. I LOVE DIABLO and hope and pray they read this and seriously think about taking some ideas like most of us don't care to wait another 3 years take your time and make a truly amazing Blizzard Trend Setting game.

    submitted by /u/mikelbledsoe
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    Im probably in the minority but, I much rather see a D3 expansion inspired by PoE instead of D4

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:57 PM PST

    I really like the combat and the flow of D3. I think they did that exceptionally well. I would much rather see them expand on current features and loot like PoE rather than an entirely new system.

    I just really want this to be good, cause I do love PoE, but Diablo is almost like going home (if they can get it right).

    submitted by /u/HighGuyTim
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    Blizzard SHAKEUP: ALL Diablo Under NEW Management! “Fixer” Takes Over! Nvidia WRECKS Stadia & MORE!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Any thoughts on this? I don't know much about Rod Fergusson and I've only played one GoW game back when I owned an Xbox. The Diablo 4 development team might've needed a new fresh perspective on things, so I for one hope Fergusson can help out with this.

    Link to video

    submitted by /u/WatcherOfFadingLight
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    Diablo3 clan recruiting. We need you��

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    D 3 original, tradeable sojs - value of some sort still?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Considering the legacy stats and the also, legacy low main roll stats, are any of these worthwhile to keep holding onto?

    I've a character with many on him, but I'm also cleaning through my old inventories and deleting characters, so just wondering if finally getting rid of these would be a mistake or not.


    submitted by /u/godfeast
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    Is haedrig's gift good for the game?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:43 AM PST

    I am one of those players who only play for a week or so with every new season and I keep thinking what would be like if we went back to not having haedrig's gift again? I feel like it accelerates the game too much and I end up quitting as soon as I feel like I have reached a "completed" set. I am sure I am not the only one who does this.


    submitted by /u/Lollipop132002
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