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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Diablo Is there any benefit to playing the D3 campaign as a new (very very old returning) player?

    Diablo Is there any benefit to playing the D3 campaign as a new (very very old returning) player?

    Is there any benefit to playing the D3 campaign as a new (very very old returning) player?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    Hey, I just picked up D3 on the PC. I've played D3 before but it was back when it first launched on PS4. So long ago I have never even played a single season.

    I'm just wondering whether there is any benefit to levelling the first character through the campaign or whether you may as well jump straight into adventure mode?

    Having played through it already I'm not too concerned about seeing the story, I'm just wondering if you miss out on anything important if you don't clear the campaign on at least 1 character?


    submitted by /u/9Mast
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    Diablo 3 and 5700XT - Lowish fps.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:56 PM PST

    So ive recently acquired myself a new graphic card. And im seeing some really low dips, and overall fps in the game, than id otherwise would have thought i would get.

    Its the same fps on either low graphic settings, or highest gfx settings.

    FPS in the town, zoomed in 120ish, when shit hits the fan in a GR i can get as low as 60fps.

    Info on HW:

    32" 144hz 1440p monitor 5700XT Ryzen 1700 16gb of rams SSD drive

    Anyone with experience with the 5700xt card and diablo? Does my CPU bottleneck? Its utilizing 1 core, at 96% mostly. The GPU usage is usually not higher than 50-60%.

    submitted by /u/prolongedpain
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    Diablo 2 Open battlenet

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:35 PM PST

    Hi, I am new to the multiplayer aspect of Diablo 2, my highest level character is a single player non ladder character and I want to bring him to open battlenet, but is open battlenet experience...authentic? Or is it like custom maps in WC3 and SC? Because I want to keep him as pure as possible with no extra advantages.

    submitted by /u/Screwbreaker
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    Game seems to be memory leaking

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:13 PM PST

    Hi. I've recently picked the game back up after not playing for a few seasons. My game seems to be memory leaking as it's taking up tons of ram to the point of the game locking up. Has anyone else dealt with this? Are there any fixes? I did a search here and only found threads from a few years ago.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/Mortiss45
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    In your opinion, what class has the best flow/smoothest gameplay?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:06 PM PST

    I just recently picked up the game last week, and have been enjoying it immensely during WoW downtime! I'm just about to hit 70 on my first seasonal, a necro, with a 39 barb right behind (struggling to get to permanent WW). For the most part, I love necro, but every once in awhile I desperately wish the class flowed just a little bit more. Once things get rolling, I feel like an absolute beast Blood Rushing around with my mages and skeles blowing up screens, but sometimes I feel a little bogged down with casts, or starved of essence. Of course this changes with better gear and end game prog, and I'm very excited to work towards a Blood and Essence Corpse Lance set, but what classes come to mind for you as smooth, speedy gameplay?

    submitted by /u/jpg14
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    Poll collection for Diablo 4

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:08 PM PST

    I am really interested in the actual numbers of, what ppl would like to see in the game :)
    So i wanna create some polls. I will update this post with all polls that im going to make and maybe update the results once in a while. If you have suggestions for poll questions, just send them in the comments? :)
    So we can make this a poll collection thread for all important and most controverse topics.


    Level system

    No paragon:

    Finite paragon:

    Infinite paragon:



    No trade:

    Limited trade:

    Unlimited trade:

    submitted by /u/Lolli42
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    Corpse Raisers

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:37 PM PST

    Hey, is there anywhere where I could find the concept art for Corpse Raisers from Diablo III? I'm thinking of doing some fan art but I'm having trouble finding decent images online, they are all either blurry or too zoomed out to see any details. Send through links or just tell me where I can find good quality concept art or final images please, thank you.

    submitted by /u/HolyWaffleDragon
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    What are seasons/Any tips for a new player? (D3)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:47 PM PST

    I love dungeon crawler games and after watching a 5 minute video about Diablo 3 I had to buy it on my switch. I'm new to the Diablo series and somewhat(?) have an understanding on what seasons are, but i was wondering if someone could give me a good explanation of what seasons are and maybe a class best suited for solo play? I dont have any friends so unless theres online matchmaking ill be playing on my own.

    submitted by /u/itshxpnotic
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    Custom games with preferences

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    I think it would add a lot to community feeling and overall satisfied players if you could create and join custom games that can be manipulated to a certain extend. F.e. if you really want your 100% isolated lone wolf gameplay, u should be able to do that and also without seeing some players running around, in your way. Also you could be able to create special games for pvp and non pvp. So a non PvP game disables the possibility to attack other players, so you can just peacefully play next to each other, even interacting in the open world but not killing each other (except for requested duels). And in PvP mode, you can actually go out in the world and hunt down other players. I think it's also important to let ppl, give their games a name so you can really create trading servers for ppl who just want to trade. This way, you really get what you are looking for and don't have so search for ages, to PvP someone, trade with someone etc. You can also have servers for "raidboss", " key dungeon", you name it. Let the community interact with each other and boost their experience in the game. The devs just have to enable that. The rest will be done by the players. Streamers could gather with their followers, oh all the things that can be done with such a system. Some servers could be really crowded (if its not too hard, to host that) while others are a full open sanctuary just for 5 friends, playing together. I think, that's not too hard to implement and would do a lot for longevity of the game.

    submitted by /u/Lolli42
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    What class has can move the fastest? Really want to make a speedy one never tried any crazy builds.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:40 PM PST

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/OsirisAvoidTheLight
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    How do I get Grace of Inarius set?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST

    I found an article that said it's in a specific dungeon, but I thought it was all randomized?

    submitted by /u/AutocratOfScrolls
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    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Reroll advice on BK weapon

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:12 AM PST

    Finally got an ancient Solemn Vow ( https://imgur.com/a/TyOFCKo ) after 825 paragon, it dropped with a socket so i am re-rolling that (and will add separate socket with the R-Gift). So what to roll there? Does life per fury spent help more with survival?. Have life per hit on the other BK weapon.

    submitted by /u/neo2ox
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