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    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    Diablo Season 19 LFG Megathread

    Diablo Season 19 LFG Megathread

    Season 19 LFG Megathread

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:19 PM PST

    Season 19: The Season of Eternal Conflict is starting soon! If you're looking for someone to play with, please use this thread!

    Things to include:

    * Battletag: * Region: * Console?: * Hardcore?: * Class: * Time: * Goals: 


    Season start times:

    • Friday, November 22 at ...
      • 5:00 p.m. PST in North America
      • 5:00 p.m. CET in Europe
      • 5:00 p.m. KST in Asia

    Haedrig's Gift this season:

    • Barbarian – Wrath of the Wastes
    • Crusader – Roland's Legacy
    • Demon Hunter – Unhallowed Essence
    • Monk – Raiment of a Thousand Storms
    • Necromancer – Bones of Rathma
    • Witch Doctor – Helltooth Harness
    • Wizard – Tal Rasha's Elements


    What is the Seasonal Buff?

    For the duration of Season 19, all players will benefit from the Pandemonium buff. For each stack of this buff, you'll receive a small boost to movement speed and bonus damage, ultimately capping out at 50% movement speed and 100% damage at 1000 stacks. In addition, reaching certain killstreak goals will trigger a special effect and cause even more mayhem on the battlefield:

    • 15 Kills: Exploding Chickens seek and destroy
    • 30 Kills: A wide Frost Nova freezes enemies
    • 50 Kills: Corpses rain from the sky
    • 100 Kills: Five massive Energy Twisters are unleashed
    • 150 Kills: Dark Geysers form beneath enemies
    • 200 Kills: Treasure chests fall from the sky
    • 300 Kills: A ring of fire engulfs everything
    • 400 Kills: Meteors hail from above
    • 500 Kills: Angels descend upon the battlefield to fight for your cause
    • 1000 Kills: ?????

    When does the Season start on consoles?

    Seasons go live for all console players globally Friday, November 22 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, regardless of which regional version of the game you may have.

    When does Season 19 end?

    Blizzard is no longer providing anticipated end dates for Seasons. However, you can expect Seasons to last roughly three months in length, with a minimum of two weeks advance notice for when the Season will be ending.

    Don't just post your info, actually look at other people and initiate contact!!

    submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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    Duriel defeating Tyrael while the Dark Wanderer (Diablo) leads Tal Rasha (Baal) in Tal Rasha's Tomb by minjun Kim

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST

    Diablo 2 Devs Recount Almost Losing The Game, Explain Why Remaster Is Unlikely

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:36 AM PST

    Diablo 2 Cinematic Trailer - E3 1998 4K (Remastered with Machine Learning AI)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:52 PM PST

    Lilith fanart

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Bring back the Hell Knights and Mages from Diablo 1

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:30 PM PST



    These enemies where unique in the way that they feel very powerful - the sound design and visuals when they are killed are both satisfying and scary. Diablo 4 needs powerful enemies that make you shiver like the Hell Knights and Mages.

    (actually the entire Hell level is a good base to use for inspiration)

    submitted by /u/amentjenafan
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    With blood being added to your character during combat, they should add one simple mechanic.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:13 AM PST

    Certain monster families should be attracted to the scent of your blood and will immediately start hunting you down as your are, presumably, injured.

    I think it could add some nice horror vibes into the world. Just imagine you're just walking away from a fight and you took considerable damage. Then you hear a shriek from the distance and a strong enemy starts hunting you down.

    Personally I think it could add a nice element of survival and new danger to exploring the world.

    submitted by /u/EquinoxReaper
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    S19 Speed META

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:58 AM PST

    First of all I wanna mention that the 2.6.7a patch is not live just yet (hopefully next tuesday). Everything here is still subject to change when we can play test the new changes.I will keep this post updated but let me assure you we went into in depth testing of the different builds and played all of them on the PTR and on the current NS live server. With the recent update to patch 2.6.7a we will get some very nice META defining changes.


    I think this was one of the best outcomes of how the diablo 3 dev team could have handled the the sitation after 2.6.7 release. I will explain this in more detail in the following setups.Overall this means that we have now 3 possible Speed META's to run on somewhat the same efficiency lvl:

    1. Rats Run or LoD Necromancer (2x LoD DD Nec, zNec, zBarb)

    This is the most figured out meta and has been around since necromancer release. I won't go into more detail here.

    Gameplay Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bonravOJK6g

    2. Triple Support with Holy Shotgun Sader (Shotgun Sader, zMonk, zBarb, zNec)

    The new AoV set brings a very powerful crusader build to the table once again: the Holy Shotgun Sader. This build is powerful enough to be played with 3 supporters once again just like we used to play Wizard Energy twisters back in Season 6.

    We will be able to play 120-130 speeds in decent times with this build very comfortable even with the recent nerf to the shield of fury.

    This was a very smart way of nerfing the set in higher greater rift while leaving its speed potential almost untouched. You can see in the following footage that is almost never takes us more than 1 coe rotation to kill the elite packs & the boss.

    On average you can say the shield caps out after ~10 seconds assuming you attack around 2 time per second (we use slow but hard hitting fate of the fell & furnace for speed runs). The area damage interaction with shield of fury is currently not working properly. It is in line with bane of the stricken ad% mechanics but I still consider this a bug and I think it should be fixed, especially with the recent cap on the shield. You can read more about it on the official bug report forums (thanks to WorkWorkWork & cratic): https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/area-damage-from-heavens-fury-not-benefit-from-shield-of-fury/7502

    The reasons we choose a zmonk over a 2nd sader:

    1. Monk is the only way to provide shields for the sader who can use squirts. That already makes up for a 2nd sader.
    2. On top of that you get all the amazing damage buff from the monk: Strongarm Bracers, Unity, Poison Gem, Mantra of Conviction)
    3. Furthermore the monk provides the best toughness buffs in the game: Inna's Sanctuary, Mantras of Salvation & Healing, Resolve

    zNec is in to curse, crit cap monsters and produce globes for the sader Reaper's Wraps.

    zBarb picks with globes, create the pulls while providing crazy offensive & defensive buff.

    Overall it is very important to not apply unnecessary crowd control impairing effects to the monsters. For each supporter that means:

    1. The zmonk should only blind & cast piercing trident for strongarm when the crusaders holy coe rotation is about to start.
    2. The zNec should only pixel & apply strongarm when the crusaders holy coe rotation is about to start.
    3. The zBarb should try to rage flip elites & trash in very early but then limit his furious charging and flipping to the crusaders holy coe rotation for strongarm.

    We wanna have the full uptime on the saders bracers of fury during his holy rotation as this will result in a 3 (coe) x5 (bracers of fury) = 15 times more damage each rotation + the additives buffs from all 3 strongarm bracers! That is the reason why this builds requires some very good group synergy & communication.

    Ofc all this needs and will be retest once we have the changes on the live server. This following footage shows the uncapped shield but watch the times it take to kill things and how much overkill it usually is.


    Sader: https://www.d3planner.com/528070189

    zBarb: https://www.d3planner.com/119518453

    zNec: https://www.d3planner.com/544153670

    zMonk: https://www.d3planner.com/425196933

    Gameplay Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cofDslZ4bg

    3. Rend Barb with either an Impale DH or a Shotgun Crusader (rBarb, zBarb, zMonk, DH or rBarb, zBarb, zMonk, Sader)

    YES bois the rend barb is back! After all those forums posts, proposals, warcrys, tears, efforts & ofc memes barb is finally relevant again as a dps class! Personally I am so happy about this and wanna thank all the awesome fellow barbarians and players in general fighting for this. Barb really needed this change!

    I already created a post about this back when PTR was live but a few things have changed since then and I have updated most of the builds. Here is the link to my "old" reddit post with loads of in depth analysis if you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/dmfkii/267_rend_barb_4_man_exp_meta/ I went into explaining the full tought procces of the group synergy, in particular with the dh setup, the seasonal theme impact and the 2h vs 1h weapon choice on barb in there.

    The barb build in 2.6.7a is not touched much, in fact only the lamentation went from 200% to 150% now but that is less than 2 greater rift tiers of dmg loss. On the other hand we gained another buff: the Shotgun Sader from 2.!

    While you can still play impale dh the new sader seems like a stronger choice! It just got more power and hits harder than the dh. The Sader setup will be a bit harder to perform due to the bracer of fury mechanics and the precautions supporters have to take with cc% as explained in 2.

    This setup will be a real gamechanger and will be loads of fun to play! Barb demolishes the trash while the sader deals with the elites and bosses within seconds!


    rBarb 2H High Paragon: https://www.d3planner.com/443373716

    rBarb 2h low Paragon: https://www.d3planner.com/787713615

    rBarb DW High Paragon: https://www.d3planner.com/435815120

    rBarb DW Low Paragon: https://www.d3planner.com/261993026

    Impale DH F&R: https://www.d3planner.com/773984296

    Impale DH Aughild's: https://www.d3planner.com/959037272

    zMonk (DH Version): https://www.d3planner.com/575284917

    zMonk (Sader Version): https://www.d3planner.com/894010640

    zBarb: https://www.d3planner.com/892325395

    Shotgun Sader: https://www.d3planner.com/817153466

    Gameplay Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daS2Prp0Wms

    All in all I think we are in for a great season where we finally have a few choices for farming while staying within 10-15% efficiency range between the different setups.

    If you have any question, suggestion or your own experiences to share I am always happy to hear them in the comments. Enjoy Season 19 and have a good time!

    submitted by /u/Rob2628
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    Trading and World events should be enabled after a player finishes the campaign on normal level.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:59 PM PST

    As the title says I think trading and world level events should be enabled only after a player either finishes the campaign on normal level or maybe reach a certain level cap. I believe this will help filter out people who wants to just play through the campaign alone and not see people running through their game, also if you are serious or in it for the long run then you won't be bothered by low level players and loot while trading or playing. Trading between party members can be enabled by default but for open trading and world events, I think adding those requirements might help with better gameplay experience.

    submitted by /u/elder_thong
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    Please give the Druid Rabies from D2

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:21 PM PST

    So far the Druid in Diablo 4 has:

    • 5 Werebear skills
    • 2 Werewolf skills
    • 4 Unrevealed skills

    My hope is that one of those unrevealed skills is rabies. They added Poison Creeper so it's not like they are opposed to the Druid having poison skills.

    As an aside. There are only 2 lightening based skills. So I'm hoping for more of those too.

    Druid Skills: Click Here

    submitted by /u/Cosmic_Lich
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    What is your headcanon about the fates of the d2 heroes?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:16 PM PST

    We know what happend to the sorceress and the necromancer and amazon are in hots, but what about the rest?

    submitted by /u/Dr_Gram2
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    Just got into top-down RPGs, is Diablo 3 a good game to introduce me properly to this genre?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:18 AM PST

    Hi there. I've been playing games for as long as I can remember and always avoided top down RPGs as much as I possibly could, but recently I decided to get into the genre and I'm looking for a good game to get me introduced. I have heard that Diablo 3 focuses too much on the combat, and I wanted your opinion as well. I played the intro through the trial and I'm honestly quite addicted to it, but I am wondering if it's actually worth money as a full game?

    submitted by /u/FUGNGNOT
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    A small request and I guess your own thoughts on the matter

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:53 PM PST

    I don't think it's too much to ask for Diablo IV to allow for offline play. I'm curious to hear what others think, but I think just being able to play without being bothered by all the pms, pings, etc would be nice, or if you're the type of person who travels and is stuck somewhere without any internet to speak of (personal experience there, was not fun watching D3 tell me how I was SOL when I tried hopping on in such a situation). I don't think online exclusivity really does much for a game that can be played in single player, but I'm curious about other's thoughts on the matter as well.

    submitted by /u/Ayy_Frank
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    DIABLO IV FEEDBACK - Evolving the ARPG genre - Milestones and Affinity

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:36 PM PST

    Return of the Diablo podcast

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:29 PM PST

    Hey all with the announcement of Diablo IV it's hard not to get into the hype and speculation mode as a result. What better pairing for the long wait until release than the podcast? Now that being said, I know I'm not Flux. We'll have some hiccups until we hit his level but I'm ready for the challenge and I hope you'll stay awhile and listen.

    This week I am joined by Thunderclaww, a long-time Diablo player and Reddit Diablo moderator. We dig into his reaction to Diablo IV, Blizzcon, and how playing it felt as well. We also begin to speculate on and solve the itemization problem. In the weeks to come, we hope to focus on small ideas to help guide discussion and are looking for more people to join us.

    So come join us for episode #222 and more to follow!

    submitted by /u/Hcxanth
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    Auriel tattoo by Laky Tattoo

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:21 AM PST

    What is the strongest enemy in Diablo series?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:52 AM PST

    Looking for good quality pictures of Lilith

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:47 PM PST


    Does anyone have, or know of anywhere I can get decent quality pictures of Lilith from The Art of Diablo?

    I have bought the book, but shipping will take a month and I want to use the picture of her for things.

    Thanks in advance. :)

    submitted by /u/DurbanPoizyn
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    What do you guys do between seasons?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:18 PM PST

    I started playing a new character and got to level 20 something but then realised the season ended so my poor level 20 crusader is stuck in limbo since I didn't play the story mode again (and I really can't be bothered).

    What do you guys do when waiting for the new season? Or do you just not play?

    submitted by /u/Derekcheung88
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    Player Looking to Get Into the Genre

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:14 PM PST

    I'm looking to get into ARPGs. i played a bit of poe, but forgot about it due to the release of other games. If i were to start getting into diablo, what game should i start with? or should i wait for D4?

    submitted by /u/Korosus1
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    Slain enemies! Corpses disappearing?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:37 AM PST

    Revives should work how they did in d2, not d3. Where the bodies of your enemies wouldn't disappear, they would stay where they died and could be used as revives whenever, even 10 minutes later as long as you don't leave the zone. In d3 when a monster dies they just drop a pile of meat that is essentially an item you cast on to summon. Not cool! The bodies laying all over add to the enviroment! Blood and gore!

    Watch the videos of D4.. it seems right now the bodies are vanishing rather quickly.. it's not as visually appealing.. the bags of meat.. I want to be able to revel in my throne of blood! I want to see the results of my masacre on the fallen hordes.

    submitted by /u/Malefic_Mike
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    Can someone help a moron/noob out? I want the immortal king set but I dont know how to get it?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:32 PM PST

    so ive got my level 70 barbarian, which is badass, and I really like the ability "call of the ancients" I love having the squad with me, and I thought to myself "I wish these guys lasted forever" well there is a set that can do that of course! (you guys already knew that though).

    the immortal king set. however the wiki just says "it only drops on torment or higher" what does that mean? ive got the difficulty on torment 3 so thats fine. but like do I have to do something specific? like kill a certain boss to get it to drop or....im not sure haha can anyone help?

    my experience with diablo 3 is that I beat season 18 and got the set reward.....and thats it haha. this'll be my second season on the 22nd (im completely addicted to the game its awesome)

    submitted by /u/Normacont
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    There is only one "Crate" in Diablo 2.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    TL;DR: There is only one Crate in D2. Close to the Countess, prove me wrong :)

    So, I have had a resurgence of D2 nostalgia wash over me the last month and gotten back into playing some. When running around I came across a crate and remembered that a much younger me had made the observation that there seems to only exist one destructible object called "Crate" in Diablo 2.

    There are hundreds upon hundreds of chests, barrels, urns, guard corpses and loose rocks, but only one crate.

    Now, I have not confirmed this outrageous claim despite bumping into it many years ago, but I thought I would bring it to the attention of the high council of Reddit and see about cracking this case after all this time.

    So hence I claimeth thusly: There are no other destructible items named "Crate" in Diablo 2 except the one in the Forgotten Tower level 5, in the bottom left room.

    I have not yet scoured the game pixel by pixel to confirm this, and hence I turn to the omniscient crowd sourcing powers of the interwebz.


    submitted by /u/LordTord
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    Dark summoner class?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:31 PM PST

    Essentially a warlock from wow but with Diablo flare. Dark magic, summon demon armies, and blood magic.

    Does it have a place in Diablo 4 or will it not work lore wise.

    submitted by /u/EquinoxReaper
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