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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Diablo Lilith Fanart Author: Seok Jeon

    Diablo Lilith Fanart Author: Seok Jeon

    Lilith Fanart Author: Seok Jeon

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:52 AM PST

    Launch with stat squish from the beginning.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:12 PM PST

    There is no reason to even have attack and defense modifiers of 200 at level 10 or 20. Forget about the 6000+ attack and defense on that mythic amulet. I know it is just a demo but seriously all the high numbers is what got Diablo 3 in a bad spot. Example 20000% damage modifiers. I think the game will be much easier to balance if you keep that in check.

    submitted by /u/Draethar
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    Regarding Finite vs Infinite Progression

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:56 AM PST

    A race without a finish line

    A Mountain without a peak

    becomes boring and meaningless after a certain point. There needs to be an end for people to aim for, even if it's beyond reach to most. Chasing and reaching goals like that feels better and is more memorable.

    submitted by /u/DegenBaka
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    Patch 2.6.7a Now Live

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:08 PM PST

    After all these years why is M1 force move STILL not an option?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST

    It seems like everyday I see someone talking about this and yet nothing has happened. Does anyone know why its just been ignored for years?

    submitted by /u/HercTv
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    MrLlamaSC's response to the David Kim update. Great feedback here!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:01 AM PST

    According to a community moderator the cute pale guy is indeed Rathma

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:11 PM PST

    Forgot to add, this post is for the Diablo 4 trailer
    german link:

    Found the link through this post. I am not sure if that CM is reliable, I just thought I share the info.

    submitted by /u/PiZZaPatriZZa
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    i think half of my drawing belongs here, also hope you like system shock

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:50 AM PST

    Rolling for reduced level requirements - Lvl 70 items

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    After being away from the game for a few years (I skipped season 7 through 16), I've been playing again for the last few seasons, and looking forward to the new season 19 on Friday. I've been watching some streamers' videos on twitch and youtube about tips for leveling from 1-70 on a new seasonal character. They always mention that at a certain level, you should craft a level 70 yellow weapon and roll it at the mystic to get reduced level requirements, thereby giving you a large damage spike around level 40 or so (lvl 70 item - 30 reduced level = character level 40).

    Well, I did this on a test demon hunter that I was messing around with before the season starts and I tried the reduced level trick with a crafted yellow bow. I never did get any reduced level requirement affix even after 15 tries or so. This seemed unlikely, so I checked with google and came across this:

    Don't craft bows or crossbows, because they have an additional affix "+x Discipline" which apparently has very high priority and that means that it will almost always roll upon crafting/modifying a weapon.

    source: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20759251724

    Upon further research and off-season testing, I have a good feeling that this doesn't just apply to demon hunters and their bows, but to all class items that can have the "+x Resource" affix, including:

    bow, ceremonial knife, crossbow, daibo, fist weapon, 1hand flail, hand crossbow, 1hand mighty weap, mojo, phylactery, quiver, 1hand scythe, source, 2hand flail, 2hand mighty weap, and wand.

    Just something I stumbled across. Maybe it will help someone to not screw up their season in the first week (since the challenge rift bag only has enough resources for a few tries at the mystic).

    submitted by /u/austmeliamne
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    What I miss from de older titles (even 3)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    I that's nothing new, but well...

    First, Diablo:

    The simplicity of the setting, a more slow paced gameplay... The sense of surprise every corner or when opening a door. It was mesterious and simply felt like an adventure!

    Diablo 2:

    Them systems... Off course we know it's flawed and lack diversity, but even though I like to sometimes log in and try something different, a holy shock pally, a rabies druid... If the game was still updating I'm sure we'll have a lot more diversity. I love how whites have utility, it's awesome to find that good base for a runeword. I even like the trading, I think it allows items to be more rare and that's a good thing. I loved the fact that I could use an item find barbarian (just for fun) and eventually find items for my other chars... And I miss the possibility to find a viable item even when in low level (maybe a soj on nm, or many others).

    Diablo 3:

    I liked the combat, the fluidity... The concept of diversity on the spells (not the execution so much though). Random events. I really like the game, but to me not as near as memorable as the 2 before.

    submitted by /u/bvgross
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    D4's solution for open trading/AH is much simpler than everyone thinks

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:09 PM PST

    MMOs already do the same thing for open-PvP, since many players hate getting PK'd. MMO devs solved it by creating separate servers for open-PVP. The same can be done for open trading & AH.

    submitted by /u/Majin-Boob
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    A proposal for Runes/Runewords and socketed items in general

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:42 PM PST

    So I've noticed a lot of criticism of what we saw from the D4 team regarding runes/runewords. While it's very early on, I definitely understand the criticisms, but I also see a ton of potential with what the devs showed. If you don't know what their plan was, it was basically runes would have a cause/effect, so the first rune would be the cause, and the 2nd rune would be effect. For example, (Cause) When drinking a potion, (effect) you cast a frost nova. I've been thinking about this a lot and think this is pretty interesting because it is a pretty new idea for the Diablo franchise. However, having a maximum of two sockets and "Runewords" only being 2 runes seems to leave a lot desired for any D2 fans.

    I have an idea that Sockets could scale with item qualities, and their "runewords" could be developed to more than 2 sockets. They could also develop "Unique Runewords", similar to what D2 had with runewords.

    So for different item types:

    • Mythic: 0 Sockets
    • Legendary/Set: 1 Socket max
    • Rare (Yellow): 2 Sockets max
    • Magic (Blue): 3 Sockets max
    • White/Grey: 4 Sockets max

    Since a basic runeword requires 2 sockets, Mythics and Legendary items couldn't get a rune socket. Legendary items could add a gem, or jewel, but mythics have enough powers on them to avoid needing a socket.

    Rare Items can have a basic cause/effect runeword. So yellows can roll some solid stats, but also have the potential to roll 2 sockets, which could really make some yellows compete with legendary items.

    Blues with 3 sockets will have a couple of affixes, but the potential for 3 runes. These 3 runes could be either 2 Cause, 1 Effect, or 1 Cause 2 effect. For example:

    • 2 cause, 1 effect: When consuming a potion, or opening a town portal: a Frost Nova freezes nearby enemies
    • 1 cause, 2 effect: When using a missile weapon, targets get knocked back, and frozen

    White Items are barebone, but can roll with the most sockets and create the actual runewords, like we know from D2. So combinations of 2-4 runes (or maybe more) can create a "Unique Runeword" similar to the runewords we know from D2. So the items with the unique runewords would gain the properties of the runes, but plus additional unique bonuses to that particular runeword. However, whites could also be used for basic rune effects as well, but with the potential to have 3 causes/1 effect or 2 causes/2 effect or even a 1 cause/3 effect bonus.

    I feel like the most important aspect of all of this is that the item tiers have less sockets as they go higher tier. This gives every single tier of items a chance to be good. So instead of White/Blue/Yellow being all salvage fodder, they can actually be developed into end game items via runes/gems/jewels. Obviously it would take some balance to get these runes to work well, and they would really have to avoid some of the insanely overpowered runewords in D2. I also hope they have very interesting forms of cause and effect. I'm not sure what kind of affixes they are going for in runes, but I hope they realize that sockets/runes/jewels/gem give them a big chance to diversify the itemization beyond just BiS Legendary items.

    EDIT: Thank you for the silver, kind strangers :)

    submitted by /u/OnSugarHill
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    Which action RPGs have a nice even difficulty?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:18 PM PST

    One thing I love about Diablo I is the fact that even ordinary monsters are a challenge and can kill you if you let them swarm you. Boss packs are a significant step harder, but not a giant step.

    Conversely, one thing I hate about Diablo III is the very uneven difficulty. Boss packs are orders of magnitude tougher than regular monsters. If I select a difficulty where bosses are reasonably challenging, then I plow through ordinary monsters as if they're not even there. If I select a difficulty where individual monsters are as hard as in Diablo I, then the average boss pack splatters me like a bug.

    Can you recommend me an action RPG, an alternative to Diablo III, where the challenge is more even, where regular monsters are dangerous? Preferably something with a slower pace like Diablo I rather than the frantic pace of Diablo III.

    Thanks a lot! :)

    submitted by /u/SpectrumDT
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    Diablo 2 Ladder Reset Winter 2019

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:10 PM PST

    Hello everybody. Is the next Ladder reset to be expected somewhere around Dec 14 2019 or earlier? That would be 6 months after this years summer ladder reset.

    Also im curious if any rumors are around of a new patch, possibly even fixing frickin bot issue. With the announcement of Diablo IV plenty of people will return to D2s Ladder one might say and we could expect something?

    submitted by /u/RunewordGrief
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    Class Specific Traits. Revolving around Social Interactions and Trading. What are your thoughts?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:00 PM PST

    The trading system has been having a big question mark on how exactly it can be implemented. I have an idea over here that can promote social interactions as well as trading. This will look more like a trade system that is based on need rather than greed.

    On another thread by u/Wispmage, locked chests were being discussed and I thought it would be one nice addition to the game. Where locked chests would contain more meaningful loot compared to regular unlocked chests. This can definitely apply better to chests like the Resplendent Chests we see in D3.

    Now, needing keys is one amazing idea that I would really love to have should this be implemented. This thread is my thanks to u/Wispmage , for this idea actually sparked into other little tiny ideas for me! His idea brought raise to one my curious ideas: Having class specific skill traits!

    For this locked chest instance, Rogues (when and if available on D4) can have the ability to lock pick and craft keys whereby other classes cannot. This would further implement the use of social interactions to happen in the game. Keys may still drop from mobs at a certain drop rate but if you wanna craft one, you gotta be a rogue. If you need help getting a key or just wanting a locked chest to be opened for you, get help from a Rogue who will be able to craft these or join your party to unlock the chest for you, eventually making the contents of the chest available for you as well as the rogue since he/she opened it for you.

    If you wanna craft something like the Ramaladni's Gift, you gotta be a barbarian who know their way around the arts of weaponry to create sockets in them. Barbarians will be able to craft these Ramaladni's Gift using special items they can find on their travels by fighting mobs and bosses. if you need a Ramaladni's Gift, you gotta find a barbarian to make it for you or you can make it yourself if you are one. Ramaladni's Gift can also be received via Boss loots / drops.

    Necromancers (if and when available in D4), work in the art of necromany and their knowledge go way back since they speak to the dead. They will be able to identify items at will and needn't use any identification scrolls, they can simply right click on an item to identify them without any cost. Necromancers however can craft identification scrolls to supply to other classes where they will not be able to craft it on their own. Necromancers can also cast bone enchants on armor equipments to increase durability of an item & buff added armor, this buff will deplete after 24 hours where you will need to find a Necromancer to give you the buff again.

    Wizards have the ability to randomly change the Rune you have to another Rune, this may need a Rune Scroll so you'll need to find one and find a wizard to do this service for you. Wizards may also be able to craft Rune scrolls (but not the Rune itself) where other classes wouldn't be able to. Wizards will also be able to enchant your weapons with added damage buff. This buff will deplete after 24 hours where you will need to find a wizard to give you the buff again.

    Druids can use the power of nature to enchant your weapons and equipments for added bonuses with the help of specific scrolls. So if you want to add some dexterity to your chest armor, you gotta find the Scroll of Dexterity to enchant your chest piece via a Druid's help. The rarity of the scroll would determine what level of enchant you will get. Druids can also craft scrolls which other classes can't.

    submitted by /u/ohitszie
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    Infinite levels + Bots = stupid

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:27 PM PST

    Sure people will run bots to grind gear if trading is a thing. However, at least that is limited to gear anyone could find.

    Running bots to grind infinite levels regardless how small the power increase isn't something any sane person can compete with.

    That means those characters will automatically have an advantage in end game activities and dominate PVP and PvEvP.

    Let's get real Blizzard it's impossible to stop bots right now. Why even consider infinite levels?

    There are other issues also:

    1) with an infinite system how do I ever play with a new friend if they join a year after the game is out? They will never be able to catch up. Are seasons the only way we can play together and be on a similar level?

    2) for many infinite system are an endless carrot and stick that provide no tangible sense of accomplishment. It's a way developers drag content out while frustrating players.

    3) PvP and PvPvE will be dominated by characters that run bots to grind XP for power 24/7

    Yes, there could be a infinite system that is not link to character power. That could work but it's inferior to systems that target accomplishments, milestones, challenges and character titles.

    I will concede that Seasons can make a good argument for infinite systems as Blizzard can flick a switch and reset everything for next season. However, infinite systems are a blight on the normal game mode as all it does is eventually create an insurmountable object for anyone joining the game.

    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    To the one guy who wanted D2 lobbies back

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST

    What about the direction Blizzard is going with multiplayer? Diablo 4 seems a lot like an MMO. David, you did it with Marvel Heroes, Max, you're doing it Torchlight Frontiers. Is MMO-fying action RPGs the future of the genre?

    DB: That was the original design for Diablo 2. We were going to have a Battle.net town, it was part of the Battle.net thing. You never left the world, you were never in a chat room. It was one of the things we were trying to do and we ended up running out of time.

    So that's where the Battle.net chat system had to fill in?

    DB: Right, we just had Battle.net channels and things like that. But we were going to basically make those in the game, so you're still kind of in a chat channel but it was in the world you were in with, like, 25 other people in an instanced to town. That was the original design that we wanted to do but never got around to it. So then with Diablo 3 we were like, we're going to go full MMO-style ARPG and that was originally what we started working on. And then we left and [Blizzard] redid the whole design.

    Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/diablos-creators-talk-about-blizzards-past-and-present-china-and-diablo-4s-reveal

    submitted by /u/innadril
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    Players for FINITE endgame leveling system

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:52 AM PST

    I'm pretty sure that Blizzard will not implement a leveling system similar to D2. We need to focus on feedback of system that will meet the criteria of both sides. There is compromise, different leveling system after reaching soft cap but with it's own hardcap. Just like first iteration of the Paragon.

    Main goal of my post is that every system, including itemization, that provides character power MUST have a reasonable and reachable cap. It shouldn't be easy but nevertheless achievable for long term. The cap might be raised or changed from expansion to expansion or with major patches.

    submitted by /u/LordKonus
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    Chest & Key Mechanic for Diablo 4

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    What if we went back to locked chests and keys? Hear me out.

    In each zone or dungeon there could be a few locked chests. They'd be unique in that they would all require unique keys. These keys would be randomly assigned to specific elite monsters in the area. Kill the elite, grab the key, get the loot. Maybe there could be lots of crafting mats from that region in the chest. Whatever the incentive is, it would need to be good enough to hunt down the key.

    submitted by /u/Wispmage
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    One of the most fun things in D2 for me was running through the campaign with randos. Will campaign be solo/invite only?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    I really like going through the story of Diablo games, especially with newer people who haven't experienced it before. It's fun to teach them mechanics, give them tips on building their character, helping them with items and watching them progress.

    Is this going to be a thing in D4, or will campaign be solo or invite friends only?

    How about specific chat channels for people who want help running through the story? Will we be able to party up with random people?

    submitted by /u/HilltopHood
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    What kind of micro transactions are you guys comfortable with?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    As we heard from the developers micro transactions are a thing in Diablo 4. For me I don't mind having to pay for expansions, dlc, extra stash tabs or for extra character slots if that's gonna mean better support for the game. I still have my reservations for cosmetic micro transactions though as I feel like the ability for a lvl 10-20 character to looks like a lvl 50 character is out of place in a game like Diablo 4. Are there any micro transactions that you guys are comfortable with?

    submitted by /u/elder_thong
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    Diablo 4 - Ideas from someone who has played nearly every ARPG

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST

    This is a large pool of Ideas.

    Diversity - Diverse equipment and Items, Talent/Skill trees that include both skills and passives. If you need examples of games to look at for this simple idea you can go to Classic World of Warcraft, Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn.

    A large variety of magic affixes, both suffixes, and prefixes that are relative and useful that appear on a variety of blue and rare items. With special prefixes and suffixes that may be build defining on certain uniques or even chase base items.

    Charms - The random blue and Yellow ones, they were a great way to enhance and further improve a character in Diablo 2 endgame, while at the same time not being mandatory. They also allowed people to fix faults in their gear/build by supplementing certain attributes, resistances, health or even mana. I know to have a limited inventory space due to carrying a bunch of charms was annoying, however to many people that trade-off was worth it and it was great. A Separate limited inventory or bag for charms could be implemented, to expand on this further you can limit the initial size of the inventory and increase the charm bag through gold and possible challenge completions, aka creating possible more end-game features.

    Skill Charms - Unique charms that when stored for use, slightly modify or alter skills or abilities or even add special non-class exclusive skills much like Runewords. You can add a rarity of rarities and levels to the schools to enhance bonuses or improve ranks. for example, a Skill Charm can have the ability (Summon Bound Fallen I) with (II, III, IV, V... X) being possible future ranks that can be found. The skill can be exactly what many would believe it to be, a skill that would summon a fallen as a pet for either a duration or for as long as it lives. The Skills should be affected by passives in the talent trees creating a variety of choices for players, for example a player that chose to build a minion or summoning character will attempt to collect the Summoning Skill Charms to further enhance his arsenal, whereas buffs, auras, movement skills, and many other possibly generic skills could be added as Skill charms that could also be used. Now for Modifying skills you could create a variety of prefixes for skills and add them to skills for example (Cloning Frozen Orb +2) which would be a +2 to the skill level of Frozen Orb with the additional bonus effect of Cloning, the cloning effect could be a duplicating effect with a reduced damage % on the secondary casts effect, for example with said charm your sorcerer would cast 2 frozen orbs rather then 1 with every cast however the second one would only be at 30% effectiveness. These charms should also have a limit on how many can be had or in use.

    Rare Spawns - I don't know why, but you don't often find or see rare bosses or rare spawns often in ARPG's, Having Special Unique bosses that are challenging and difficult randomly appear in various locations across the world in various playthroughs or travels. These said creatures could have not only unique legendary items but also unique base items that have special prefixes that become certain chase items that people would try to farm to get "Godly Rolls".

    Skills being Locked and costing points and Tied to a Skill/Talent Tree

    Talent/Skill Trees - Large Branching Talent/Skill tree. This is the bread and butter to character customization and growth, There need to be choices and actual decision making, this is an RPG by heart, not a shooter game that has no thought process required. (Even Borderlands 3 Has a Talent/Skill Tree). Every level doesn't have to be completely meaningful when it comes to your skill tree, however with items, and an actual attribute point system it will all come together to be meaningful. Skills should require actual investments to become stronger and possible. A Respec Function should be allowed and be possible, but the worry that players may mess up their characters with too much choice being a reason not to allow choices is completely wrong.

    Cooldowns should be limited and few - Cooldowns are a way to slow down the gameplay or limit it and are by no means fun. If an ability needs a Cooldown in an ARPG, then should that ability really exist? A High Resource cost or possible cast time or requirement is better not a cooldown that is unable to be gotten around. If Cooldowns are a must make them into talents/possible passives that improve the ability further making it stronger.

    Free Trade - Besides Quest or Story Items, everything else should be tradeable, Do not limit or break the community. Why make an Open Multiplayer World Diablo game and then limit trade so it feels like a singleplayer game when it comes to player interaction.

    Make People Think About Items and Their Character - Hoarding IS Good!

    Account Stash - A Shared Stash is Required.

    Crafting - Crafting should be Diverse and random, to further enhance it you can create a cursed or blessed feature that uses certain rare ingredients that are completely optional in crafting that would have a unique random effect. These Random effects could be both build defining or enhancing, it is also possible for these effects too simply be fun or cool that benefit a character.

    (Cursed - Stronger Unique Effect with a possible Unique Negative Effect) (Blessed - Average Random unique effect with no negative that takes a modifier slot)

    Best Items - 8 out of 10 times Should be Random .01% chance to appear Rare Items..... Not Uniques or legendaries. However, Uniques or Legendaries should be best in certain slots and never the same to help support or define a certain character build, but full set items or legendaries should not be the best choice if that is the case everyone, in the end, will be the same. I'd even argue that Set items are a trap and shouldn't even exist outside of flavor text and lore. The idea that set items have to give bonuses and become stronger as they come together makes no sense to me. Why would a sword suddenly become stronger when you put on a new pair of shoes, by that logic the same or stronger magical effect could happen if you put on anything that is more powerful.

    Remove Time Attack Feature from Endless Dungeon, but limit portals and revives.

    Attributes - Should be very simple and feature simple bonuses, they should exist to help define a character or build or to help decide what items a character can use as requirements, this can be seen in Path of Exile, Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn and almost every other ARPG to date. Attributes should grow based on class and be improved with player's choice through levels so a player can further define themselves.

    What to Avoid - Taking away character customization and choices and becoming D&D 4th Edition. No one likes D&D 4th Edition.

    submitted by /u/Rathar21
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