• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 9, 2019

    Diablo Infinite Replayability Emerges from Hand-Crafted Items and Systems Interacting, Not from Infinitely Scaling Items and Levels

    Diablo Infinite Replayability Emerges from Hand-Crafted Items and Systems Interacting, Not from Infinitely Scaling Items and Levels

    Infinite Replayability Emerges from Hand-Crafted Items and Systems Interacting, Not from Infinitely Scaling Items and Levels

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

    To the Diablo 4 team; here is a compilation of the community feedbacks you asked for

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:40 PM PST

    Im pretty sure everyone agrees that we loved the direction of the art style, combat and the overall feel of Diablo 4. Nobody wants Diablo 4 to be Diablo 2, Diablo 3 or Path of Exile, we want it to be its own beast. But we love the franchise and really care about the future of it, and all of these feedback come from people who wants the game to succeed as much as you do.

    Lets start with a very educating video from Noxious tackling all the major points that makes a good ARPG

    A very nice thread from u/MrGoatlord basicaly telling Blizzard we should get our ass kicked and learn the game

    u/Jcorb right here proposing a Move only button, this is a life saver in ARPGs and i would recommend it .

    Our beloved MrLlamaSC giving his take on itemization ,resource management , and End-game content. very good stuff.

    Here is Zizarian, a very famous speedrunner from PoE talking with MrLlamaSC live from Blizzcon talking about Xp. GOOD STUFF, thanks to u/Deventh for linking the specific time in his thread

    I would not ignore Quin69 takes on all that stuff, very experienced ARPG player and I actualy enjoyed this video alot

    u/ProfessorNox edited the Mythic amulet "The Obsidian Heart" to give an exemple why these stats (Attack/Defence) arent necessary to make an item appealing


    Added u/Blizter loot generator from the stats we have so far according to the D4 Demo (Just hit refresh to reroll items)

    Sorry if I forgot anything really important in the thread, I will edit it if you link me the stuff i missed.

    submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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    Quin69 - FEEDBACK on DIABLO 4

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:19 AM PST

    One thing Diablo 4 needs that has diminished every game: great, atmospheric music.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:27 PM PST

    In my opinion, Diablo 1 had the moodiest and most memorable OST. Diablo 2 had great music, but a little more forgettable, I think. Diablo 3's music was largely generic and forgettable (I usually turned it off). Part of what is fun to me about returning to a game like Diablo 1 (which was also more roguelike) is the atmosphere the music creates. The graphics might be dated, but the music keeps me immersed. Diablo 1 was back when the game was still a mysterious horror-adventure rather than a high-stakes fantasy epic, and I think the music reflected that.

    I hope Diablo 4 considers this aspect of the game meaningful.

    submitted by /u/MotherHolle
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    Diablo lore and story. Literary Chronology.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:54 AM PST

    For those who want to know 'moar' about Diablo lore and story, here you have the literary chronology...


    3000 years ago: (-1800 aprox before Akarat)

    • The Sin War: Birthright
    • The Sin War: Scales of the Serpent
    • The Sin War: The Veiled Prophet

    Year 302

    • Demonsbane

    Diablo I (year 1263-1264)

    • The Black Road (Novel)
    • Tales of Sanctuary (Comic)

    Diablo II (1264-1265)

    • Legacy of Blood (Novel)
    • The Kingdom of Shadows (Novel)
    • Moon of the Spider (Novel)

    Prelude to Diablo III (1266-1283)

    Diablo III: (1284) & Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (1284-1285)

    Other publications:

    • The Book of Cain (historical compendium)
    • Book of Tyrael (historical compendium)
    • The Book of Adria (bestiary)
    • The Art of Diablo (art book)
    submitted by /u/Deathspeaker_Jurdann
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    Keep the story of Diablo IV a secret until launch

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

    Just what the title says!

    I think it would be really awesome if the Diablo dev team held back the story elements from all future updates, demos, and betas and instead leave it all to unwind on launch day (whenever that may be). I think the mystery of the story would be far more memorable if done that way.

    submitted by /u/aufdie87
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    Thank You

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:41 PM PST

    I've been going through severe depression and anxiety. My life is pretty much in shambles due to my father's health, my own physical and mental health, finances, losing friends and people I had strong feelings for, etc.

    I'm walking a thin line where I just feel there is nothing worth living for.

    All I have is video games.

    The recent Diablo IV news has me really excited, especially the lore and story. I really enjoy talking to you all about potential plots and mysteries, etc.

    Without gaming and all this Diablo news, I probably would not be here. It's all I have left and all I love. Even if I can't play, I enjoy reading about the lore or watching Let's Play videos on Youtube.

    Video games are pretty much keeping me alive and giving some kind of reason to live. I don't know what I'd do without them.

    Thank you to everyone who's being cool and tolerating my dumb questions and theorycrafting. I really appreciate it and look forward to more news and talkin' with y'all.

    submitted by /u/WailingHost
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    Hidden messages in Diablo 4's gameplay trailer' transcript

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:20 AM PST

    Bring back Jewels: Blue, Rare and Legendary Jewels as means to better customize gear.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:13 PM PST

    I would love for D4 to bring back Jewels. Jewels could roll Blue, Rare or Legendary and they would roll affixes that you wouldnt generally find in common items.

    Blue jewels would roll max 2 affixes. Rare jewels would roll max 3 affixes. And Legendary Jewels would roll one build enabling general affix that can not roll anywhere else, and that is not class specific like "Projectiles fire an extra missile", things like that.

    Blue Jewels could roll the maximum values possible for an affix, so you end making choices, "Do i want this Blue Jewel with 20% Atk Speed increase, or do i take this Rare Jewel with 10% Atk Speed and 5% Fire Res". If you wanted to absolutly max an specific affix you would go for Blues, if you wanted more variety you would go for Rares and if you want to amplify some niche build you would go with the required Legendary Jewel.

    They could even move some of the original D2 Rune affixes to Jewels like Indestructible, Chance to Bleed, Can not be Frozen etc

    What do you guys think? Do you want Jewels back or nah?

    submitted by /u/sachos345
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    Appreciation post - thank you to all feedbackers ��

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:38 AM PST


    I just wanted to say thanks to Quinn69, MrLlamaSC and all you guys that are taking the time give blizzard feedback - this old diablonerd is getting emotional when the whole community comes together to help create an awesome game!

    So, THANKS 🤗

    submitted by /u/fredricthorn
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    D4: Add Cosmetic Side-grades!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:18 AM PST

    Make end game drops have a very tiny chance to have "Purple Text". "Purple Text" doesn't modify the functionality of the "Orange Text" but modifies things like spell color or adds new visuals.

    That endgame staff that makes your Fireballs split and chase foes? What if there was a small chance that when the same staff drops it will match the stats you have currently but now your fireballs are void themed and trail smoke?

    You could spend tons of time hunting down, say, the blood themed versions of all your favorite orange text! This cosmetic end game could add tons of meaningful differentiation in a game where public spaces are meant to be a thing. Not to mention incentive to hunt gear for reasons OTHER than scaling. I'd love to show off my Dragon themed barbarian who gets dragon wing animation every time he leaps.

    Add a "Purple Text" kanai cube as well. Make these drops SUPER rare. Pretty Pretty Please.

    submitted by /u/amawizard
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    Things I think is important for the developers to include in the quarterly update posts

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    Since the Diablo IV team has promised quarterly updates starting next year, I've compiled a list of things that I think is important to touch on, in that kind of update.

    These are just my ideas, and what I'd like to see, and I would love to hear other people's ideas and wishes for that kind of post!

    Focused feedback

    I think it is very important for you to communicate what kind of feedback you are looking for in the current stage of development. If you are currently working on the AI, and people on the subreddit are only talking about itemization and end game activities, I think it would be a lot more effective feedback if we knew what you want feedback on at that point in time.


    I also think you should touch on what you have chosen to go with, concerning different systems and mechanics, and WHY you have chosen the path that you have. I'd imagine this would enlighten some people as to why their ideas were not considered and in the end, you could possibly avoid a lot of disappointed fans.

    The road so far

    I'd also like to hear in very broad strokes what you've been working on for the previous three months, and what your plans are going forward for the next three to nine months. Maybe even some screenshots and vids of the development, as long as it doesn't spoil anything of course!

    submitted by /u/ShadowWolf92
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    [SPECULATION] Hints of the possible two remaining classes might have already been given

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:11 PM PST

    Having scoured through hours of demo gameplay videos and all the press material released since a couple weeks ago, I think Blizzard may have laid some clues/easter eggs that say something about who the remaining two classes might be.

    Bear with me.

    The first easter egg might be contained in a legendary amulet that dropped during the demo, one which had a very peculiar and suggestive name, "Esadora's Overflowing Cameo" (seen here https://youtu.be/6ZtmNAMxwMM?t=2813). The amulet had the following affix: "Lightning Traps periodically appear around you dealing x damage after 2 seconds to nearby enemies".

    If you pay close attention to how the affix was spelled out, you'll notice that "Lightning Traps" was written in capital letters. What's the relevance of this? ALL the other legendary affixes that involved a % chance of casting a certain skill were written in the same way, as seen in the following:

    "Fireball launches 3 projectiles that deal x% of normal damage";

    "Cast Nova at your Teleport location";

    " Hit Effect: Your attacks have up to x% chance to spawn a Hydra that will aid you in combat".

    What this means is that there might exist a skill named "Lightning Trap" in the game and we know that it's not currently listed under the Sorc's skills (https://www.wowhead.com/news=296018/diablo-iv-talent-trees-and-skills).

    There wasn't any Esadora character that I could find in previous Diablo lore, but considering it's a female name and that we already had one class that had this specific skill in Diablo 2, I think one of the other two classes might be the ASSASSIN.

    Now to the second hint.

    Pay attention to this picture: https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/885924.jpg.

    It's just a generic armored horse mount, isn't it? Not in my opinion.

    I think this particular piece of concept art may have been designed with a specific class in mind, as two accessories stand out: a quiver full of arrows and a spear/javelin. These doesn't look like Barbarian weapons. This might in fact be a concept art for an AMAZON class mount. The class might not be named as in D2, especially considering we'll have male/female characters, but it's quite possible we'll get a ranged class that wields bows and spears/javelins inspired in D2's AMAZON.

    What do you think? Of course this is all pure speculation, but knowing Blizzard as we do, it's quite possible they have already laid some easter eggs right under our noses.

    submitted by /u/RafaelSam89
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    Everyone's comparing and contrasting D4's itemisation/character customisation to D2, D3, and PoE. Noxious mentioned Grim Dawn as being a good balance; what does Grim Dawn's systems bring to the discussion?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:49 AM PST

    As the title said, Noxious in his video says that as much as he loves PoE's character/item complexity, he doesn't think it's a good choice for Diablo 4, and that he thinks something like Grim Dawn shows a nice middleground of complexity and intuitiveness.

    I haven't played Grim Dawn, and even if I did, it'd probably be hundreds of hours before I gain a proper understanding of its systems and how they affect overall character customisation and power.

    So, for players with a lot of Grim Dawn experience, what is your take?

    submitted by /u/Augustby
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    Will Diablo 4 will have the Nemesis system like the consoles had in D3? I haven't seen it mentioned

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Anyone else miss playing D2 1.09?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PST

    I feel like it was the best diablo game/version to date, I hope D4 is much more like this.

    Until then, there's a cool free to play realm that is patched with 1.09. All the old stuff, rolling ccb's with chipped gems, no enigma and other op runewords, COWING! Even some of the stuff that was broken in 1.09 (Chance to cast) has been patched! It is also possible for 1.08 versions of items to drop (but rare). Other than stuff like the map being revealed, bigger stash, small things, it's vanilla 1.09. No crazy cube recipes that didn't exist.

    If you're interested give it a look, everyone I've met on it is very friendly and willing to help get you started in game(install is simple and fast).

    We have a reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo09/ but most people are on our discord channel - https://discordapp.com/channels/522041834231562260/529017678552236032

    Check the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af9IKevZTow

    If you're interested, here's the install guide (with video insturctions!) but like I said it's very easy.

    submitted by /u/joeburgess22
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    Now that D4 has been revealed, is it worth purchasing D3?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    I'm sure this has been asked a plethora of times before, but the title says it all.

    submitted by /u/tsbarney09
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    Covetous Shen Again?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Ok really unpopular opinion here but I loved Covetous Shen. He reminds me of Lo Pan from Big Trouble In Little China and was pretty stoked when I found out Shen's voice actor IS the actor who played Lo Pan.

    Anyone else hoping he might return or would he seem too "off" in the more grimdark Diablo IV setting?

    submitted by /u/WailingHost
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    The two extremes of skill points distribution and limits, character identity and respec allowance

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    My personal opinion on the approach to the whole matter of no limits on skill point allocation and allowing of respec is that there should be a limit on skill points distribution. You shouldn't be allowed to max out everything. But they should allow you to respec but put a cost on it and not a low easy cost obviously. Extremes in life are almost always bad. Both extremes of a given situation come with a lot of problems. Balanced approach is the best. The extremes here are permanence and impermanence.

    Allowing you to freely switch between all skills without limitations in D3 and D4 is the impermanence extreme. Your character has no identity in the world. The only difference between my Druid and someone else's druid is nothing. Although, how one plays the game shouldn't bother me. The option to freely respec is an option and not forced upon me. I don't have to do it if i don't want to. But i do understand the people who say that it is too free and character identities don't matter. It also doesn't let one properly experience and appreciate the skills and builds.

    Permanence, however, is the other end of the pendulum. Making skill point allocation permanent and limited with no respec option is another extreme. And it's prohibitive. If your goal is to to make character identities matter, then this is not the way as almost nobody truly knows what they want to specialise in by just reading the skills. They have to actually play to understand because items and the types of dungeon and experiences in the game can change your mind very quickly. If your goal is to make people experience and appreciate skills then once again, permanence is not the way to go.

    Permanence will achieve the opposite of your above two intended goals. People will be afraid to specialise and will go to forums to ask what is the best build and specialisation and therefore, they will not even touch the other skills, builds, systems etc. and will not experience and appreciate the game and will even be done with your game quickly.

    Because very few have the time and patience, or even if they have the time, they don't necessarily have the patience. Decisions, wants and needs change very quickly in a massive game as what D4 is aiming for. Especially since blizzard plans to bring in seasons and expansions. Also, people make mistakes. And having the fear that once you spend a point it will be locked in will increase the chance of making a mistake. I remember this was the case for me in Elder Scrolls Online. Every RPG's approach to builds and skills and what they do and their looks is different. So, on page, i had no idea what i wanted so i wanted to try it out. But i had a fear that if i can't respec, i will have to recreate and replay the base content over and over and over and before i even reach the endgame i would have burned myself out and i would be reluctant to touch anything else after that. Thankfully, i was at ease because there is a respec option in ESO. It's a feeling, just as how character identity matters is also a feeling, but it's an important feeling and one that is more practically backed up than character identity.

    Diablo4 does try to shoot for a balance. But it takes the wrong points from permanence and impermanence and ends up with impermanence in the end. D4 takes no limit on skill point allocation from the impermanence extreme and from the permanence extreme it takes the inability to respec no matter what. The final result is still impermanence. What they should have done is to take limited skill point allocation from permanence side and allowance of respec, but at a cost from the impermanence side. This would achieve the goals that you want and not alienate the hardcore and casual player base.

    submitted by /u/AlienNinja9
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    An anecdote with subtextual feedback regarding infinite progression

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:43 PM PST

    Greetings Nephalem,


    with the glorious news about the return of our creator, I would like to chime in with a little anecdote which could be seen as some form of subtextual feedback regarding infinite progression.


    Quick summary without details or quintessence: It's a story about one of the most memorable moments of my Diablo II:LoD "career" in terms of leveling, progression and player interaction.


    So here we are, somewhere around 2003, not sure whether Patch 1.10 (Enigma) has hit yet or not. Anyways - I was in the midst of my teenage years and spent a good part of my spare time to participate in public Baalrun-001 games.

    The thrill of grabbing the juicy uniqs from tentacle daddy as well as trying not to die (did I mention that I was playing HC? Well, I somehow got into HC and long story short, I was playing HC) was just so satisfying at that time. One evening, it was around 1:00 AM, I had a once in a (diablo player-)lifetime opportunity. One guy who followed the same baalrun series as me invited me to join a special, private baalrun group for the rest of the night. I was excited and afraid at the same time. Was he a PK? Was he luring me into a perfectly set up trap? No, he wasnt. He was a genuinely nice fellow whom I followed. I was level 92 at the time and little did I know what group I was joining.

      It was RussBarbs group.  

    I was petrified. Could this happen? Well it did happen. It was going so smooth, we were doing run after run after run, no pauses, just plain smooth grinding. RussBarb always chillin in the corner with his Ondal's Wisdom. Everyone in the group was so nice and we had a blast. Then came one of my most memorable moments. It was 5 AM when I hit level 93. It was an exhausting journey, but I was so satisfied after chasing down baal for 10 hours straight. And then RussBarb hit me with this statement when I tried to say goodbye: "Why are you leaving? Now we do 94, cmon". It was hilarious in my situation. Sitting in front of the computer like a zombie, getting offered another 6 hour braindead baal farm for reaching level 94. I was really really interested, but gratefully declined the offer.

      Now here comes my quintessence:


    After level 90, every level up meant sooo much to me. It was like every level after 90 was so precious. I loved the grind, the feeling of having gotten closer and closer to an unreachable target (lvl 99). This wouldnt be able with infinite progression. If I was sitting at Paragon 2938 I would have stopped playing at 1:00 AM and maybe even 1938paragon levels or month before that. We need a target - something to aquire, even if its "Out of reach". Something with reasonable numbers.


    Fun fact: RussBarb got PK'ed a few weeks later at level 98 by a level 94 javazon if I remember correctly. It was a planned assassination with the javazon's only goal was to kill RussBarb by infiltrating his baal group.

    submitted by /u/SeriousPostIt
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    Fastest overall t16 Nephalem Rift farmer?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PST

    I started S18 with a WD, and the t16 farming on Carnevil builds isn't very fun to me. I know Chicken has some power in DB farming specifically and can clear fairly quickly, but it's still not enough. I've also tried speedset whirlwind and UE Multishot, and UE is definitely my prefered for speed. It just feels the fastest of those 3.

    I know WW is getting a huge buff in S19, and I've never tried t16 on Crusader, Monk, Necro, or Wizard. What's the "overall" fastest? I'm mostly looking for key farming (so if it can speed farm with the set, that's a bonus), but also DB farming never hurts early (so if it can alternatively use the other set, also a bonus). Pure speed in the 'best' speed gear, not looking for set bonuses, also matters (because that's generally the gear you work with early on, before everything else is ancient and you can use the sets more freely).

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/xTraxis
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    A Question About The Desirable Endgame Options

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:54 PM PST

    I have seen a number of threads talking about endgame and discussing the merits of the D2 system of having a near unreachable lvl 99 max level, the limitless paragon grind of modern D3, or the middle ground of the 100 max paragon system of earlier D3. I also watched some of MrLlama's videos about itemization and resource management and it all got me thinking and a little confused as to what people want.

    So here are a couple of things I am confused about and I am not sure if its because its a personal bias thing and some people just find things I dont enjoy enjoyable, or if I am missing a bigger picture.

    1. What is the difference between a max level system and a ongoing leveling system when it comes to core gameplay? After you beat the story and unlock whatever level or rank that unlocks the ability for the most desirable items to drop, in either system, are you not just grinding for the sake of grinding, whether that be for better gear or for better items? Itsn't the endgame the same at its core, you are just grinding to be faster at grinding?

    2. This leads to my next question. Why do you want to be faster at grinding? To find more items right? No matter the system, you want to find more items for potential upgrades for you or trade fodder. So my confusion is why did people hate the AH in D3 (not the Real Money AH, I get that), and why do some people want restricted trade in the game? I get the whole anti pay to win aspect, but at the same time, if everything is bound to you, after you can grind decently fast, what is the point of grinding more? When the AH was around, I enjoyed those once in a blue moon chances where something dropped that I didnt need but I knew would fetch 1,000,000+ on the AH. To me, raising the overall value of my account through bettering my gear and selling extras to others is the actual end game. Maybe this differs for some?

    So those are my 2 main confusions. When I hear people talk about endgame, I just feel like the things that are brought up all lead to the same core point, people are just picky about how they want to get there. Are we okay with this core endgame as just being the archetypal ARPG endgame, or do we want D4 to actually change from this at its core, and not just how you get there?

    submitted by /u/NudePenguin69
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    Am I crazy, or was there a gameplay video for D3 showing classic Diablo?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:16 AM PST

    I vaguely recall seeing some kind of gameplay video (possibly for Switch) showing a character going through multiple rifts and even fighting D2-version of Diablo.

    Does anyone know if there is such a video out there?

    I know for sure it's not the darkening of Tristram event

    EDIT: I found it > https://youtu.be/jOkLdWgFrxk?t=328

    submitted by /u/Eriflee
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